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Chapter 254: what is freedom

Professor Ding continued: "...My best time is around 30-40 years old. I have enough experience, I know how much I weigh, and I have the patience to complete some complicated and boring tasks."

"At that time, I was very satisfied with my state. The accumulation of small things would turn into fruitful fruits."

His voice suddenly dropped: "But at the age of 56, with the continuous decline of energy, I suddenly realized that my life seems to be frozen in the present. Human cognition is always limited and impossible. Complete insight into the world."

"I don't know when it started, I became easily irritable and anxious. I used to be able to program for ten hours in front of the computer screen, and then study for a few hours. But after the age of 56, I started to learn new things. content, my desire to explore is slowly fading away.”

"I realized that there are really no two identical leaves in the world, but most leaves wither without value..."

"Until one day, I found out that one of my talented students, a young man in his 20s, had come up with a very interesting idea, which shocked me. My first thought was not to congratulate him, but to possess Interesting idea! That's when I had deep doubts about myself... Do I really need to plagiarize students' ideas to prove my worth?"

"This suspicion made me start to feel less confident, which further affected my work."

His voice became high-pitched, even a little louder, with a faint smile on his face: "It continued until the use of a brain chip changed my way of thinking. Now, I feel that I am in my twenties. Status, I am different, there are no two identical leaves in the world, this unique leaf has to leave something to the world! Plagiarizing students' ideas is an insult to myself! Why did I do this before? It's completely incredible, inexplicable."

"I can obviously create more with my own strength! Look, this is the change, the change to my whole life."

There was a lot of laughter in the venue, but many people fell into contemplation for this simple little story.

Even the big cows in the scientific world have emotions and desires, and it is normal to have some thoughts of taking shortcuts... Everyone has more or less a dark side in their hearts, but they just haven't put them into training.

Ding Yiwei said this, but instead narrowed the distance and seemed more reliable.

And in the past two short years, Ding Yiwei's mental state has indeed changed. According to the follow-up investigation, in the past two years, his voice has increased by 4.2 decibels, and the frequency of arguments with his peers has increased by 102%! Working hours increased by 21%, and the happiness index increased by more than 50%.

He now considers himself highly happy and very satisfied with this state.

"However, is the present you still the past you? Even your thoughts have changed, and you haven't answered this question yet." Natasha pursued it and raised a philosophical question again.

Ding Yiwei thought for a moment and smiled: "Human thoughts are changing all the time. The 20-year-old me and the 60-year-old me are completely different, whether it is patience, experience, or creativity. Same."

"It's like saying the ship of Theseus. If the wood on Theseus' ship is gradually replaced until all the wood is not the original wood, is this ship still the original ship?"

"If it is, but it doesn't have any of the original wood; if not, when was it not? Can anyone answer that?"

Natasha froze for a moment and raised her eyebrows.

"The same is true of human thinking. When I wake up today, I am a little different from yesterday. The me tomorrow is a little different from today. How do you define whether I have been replaced?"

"My memory is exactly the same as that of me in the past. What's wrong with choosing to be a better me?" Ding Yiwei laughed, "What's more, humans have now become a long-lived species, but culture is a short-lived species. culture, it's a mismatch."

"The institution of marriage is the product of a short-lived species because it doesn't fit modern life and is disintegrating. Even if we still wish young people to end up in love, we don't urge marriage now, do we? No one is asking you to get married and have children at 30. , the government just asks you to donate your own germ cells when you're 30."

"Many young people choose robot companions, and the Kunlun Mountains government does not object."

"But there are some things that don't break down quickly, such as certain thoughts deep in your genes that affect every aspect of your life. For example, is sexual freedom a good thing, and does it need to be banned? We don't know yet."

"I am now 66 years old. According to the view of long-lived species, I am still in the growth stage, and I have great potential in the future; but in the mind of short-lived species in the past, I was already old and frail, so I became anxious and wanted to get out as soon as possible. As a result, it’s a subtle way of thinking.”

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"The will of man alone cannot suppress this innate instinct."

"But now, we can use the power of technology to forcibly hold down our genetic instincts. This is the future. The infinite future brought about by customized personalities will make our society even better!"

Natasha asked again: "Professor Ding, some people think that the brain chip is essentially a Les chip, it just regulates people's happiness mechanism to achieve a certain personality they want, such as feeling happy when studying, cooking What do you think of this idea? Man-made regulation of pleasure seems to be contrary to the creation of nature.”

Professor Ding was silent for a moment and said, "The creation of nature has its limits, and the creation of nature is not a perfect creature. If human beings want to be perfect, they must take a brave step forward through their own minds."

"At present, we really can only regulate people's happiness mechanism, and some more complex emotions, such as pain, sadness, etc., cannot be adjusted for the time being. But I believe that with the gradual maturity of technology, we will complete the 'human philosophical behavior paradigm'. , if you want to experience what depression feels like, maybe in the not too distant future you can."

"Here, I need to state that this is not the same as drug use. All hormone regulation is based on the 'human philosophical behavior paradigm' and will not exceed the threshold that humans can tolerate."

"And the behavioral patterns that can be changed at the moment are fairly limited, and we're still figuring out how to fill that framework."

"At present, there is a view that the pursuit of happiness is only a relatively elementary mode of behavior regulation."

"If in the future, we want to break through this framework, we must think about something else. We have only taken a small first step in climbing the philosophy tree. We know, we exist."

The host Natasha asked again: "In the future, can we directly enter the virtual world through the brain chip? A virtual world that is completely free and can be entered by imagination?"

"It is theoretically possible...but the current government will not provide the technology. We are not confident about our ability to control ourselves. This technology is mainly used for scientific research purposes, especially to improve the concentration of the brain, and alertness is related to the thalamus. , Orientation is related to the eye movement area of ​​the prefrontal cortex, and control is related to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. After a series of adjustments, the attention can be raised."

"Yes, it is suitable for everyone to study hard and make progress every day."

After saying this, the audience burst into laughter again.

Seeing that it was not too early, Natasha asked the last question: "I probably understand what you mean, the 'human philosophical behavior paradigm' is the most popular research direction in the recent stage, and more human sample cases are needed. And brain chips can slightly change human behavior patterns through hedonic modulation."

"For example, concentration produces a series of pleasures, and there are subtle pleasures when seeing a partner, which leads to some lifelong partners."

"What do you think of ethical changes, do we really have the ability to control our own behavior? Is this full of freedom for all human beings, or is it extreme unfreedom? It motivates all of us to become the same moral character, thinking creatures in exactly the same way?"

"Many of our scholars believe that this path is a shortcut to a perfect society." Professor Ding Yiwei on the TV was silent for a moment, "About freedom and unfreedom. I think that I am highly free at present."

"I have returned to a certain mentality in the past. It is not that the government forced me to work overtime. I chose the current life myself and am very satisfied with the current state."

"As for all human beings, will their personalities be I don't think so. Because in the future, with the improvement of the frame structure, we will have more personalities to choose freely. Whether it is Whether you like studying, cooking, or fishing, you can choose freely, and the Kunlun Mountains government cannot force you to choose what kind of character traits you want.”

"In this case, there is no possibility of homogenization at the level of personality."

"I personally agree with this modification, as long as it does not exceed the boundaries of human beings. In this way, we will have sufficient error correction capabilities."

The TV show ends here, but the storm of public opinion in the Kunlun Mountains is far from dissipating. Some people with relatively new ideas have already signed up to accept the experiment, but most of them are still in a wait-and-see state.

The Kunlun Mountains government also solemnly announced: "The installation of brain chips is only based on individual free choice. The government will not force everyone to install it, not only today, but also in the future."

The debate on "human freedom" officially started at this moment, and "corrective mechanism" and "spiritual freedom" have become the main keywords, which will not dissipate for a long time in the next few decades.


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