“Sir, although you are very confident, I still want to remind you to pay attention to His Royal Highness the Second Prince, he has been moving a little a bit lately, and he doesn’t seem to be very friendly to you.”

After collecting the data, Eren was about to leave with the Minotaur and the centaur, when Arman whispered beside Allen.

Eren paused slightly for two seconds, then strode away without replying.

The second prince?

Eren didn’t pay attention to it at all, and soon after, in the entire Duchy of Lane, even a marquis would not be enough to become his enemy.

Once Grand Duke Lane leaves the Principality of Lane, who is unfavorable to whom, it is not certain.

Eren thought calmly.

“Master, what are we going to do next?”

A low voice of a minotaur sounded.

Eren patted his body: “Go back and do the original thing, when the armor weapon arrives, I will have someone send it to you.” ”

Sending a few orcs away, Eren returned to Fort Sirius.

“Allen Allen!”

As soon as he entered the door, Allen was directly thrown to the ground by Lucy’s tiger pounce.

“Lucy, you’re getting heavy.”

Eren touched Lucy’s head, and then stood up holding the Spirit of Nature girl.

“What’s wrong, Lucy?”

Eren asked with a smile at Lucy.

“Hmph, Alan, I have a baby!!”

Lucy said triumphantly.

When she said this, Allen was so shocked that the whole person was stunned.


Eren was a little confused in his heart, and then there was anger, and in an instant, the fighting spirit of the ninth-level knight surged out, and he almost didn’t overturn the entire castle.

In an instant, everyone in the entire Celestial Wolf City felt a feeling of heart palpitations.

Especially the knights, all the knights who were originally training changed their faces in an instant, if ordinary people only felt palpitations and panic.

Then they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts, as if a mountain had instantly pressed on their bodies, and it became extremely difficult for them to breathe.

“This is … Level 9 Knight?! ”

Marko exclaimed, no one felt the horror and power of this breath more clearly than he did.

“It’s my lord! Oh my God, the adult has broken through to the ninth level?! ”

Thomas and the others also changed their faces, but then they showed a look of joy.

The stronger Allen is, the more good it is for them.

“Shhh! Is it the direction of the Sky Wolf Castle, is it the Sky Wolf Count?! ”

The corners of Arman’s whole mouth twitched: “No wonder this Lord Count has such strong self-confidence…”

And when everyone was amazed, inside the Celestial Wolf Castle.

“Who! That bastard did it to you, damn it! ”

Alan’s eyes were about to breathe fire.

“Hmm… Am I my own? Alan, you seem unhappy? ”

Lucy said a little cautiously.

Alan is speechless, can I be happy?!

“Look, it’s her! My first child! ”

Lucy said, pointing to a lovely spirit of nature lying on her stomach overhead.


Eren was confused again, he looked at the spirit of nature above Lucy’s head, and then looked at Lucy, and he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, feeling that what Lucy said was a little different from what he thought.

“Wait a minute, let me take care of it.”

Eren took a deep breath and collected the breath on his body.

As his breath converged, the servants who had just felt frightened and shocked came back to their senses.

“Lucy, is she the child you are talking about?”

Eren stared at the spirit of nature above Lucy’s head, this little guy was very quiet, she also had green hair, and she looked very beautiful.

“Yes, Alan, her name is Sally, and she is the first child I raised.”

Lucy said proudly.

Eren was silent for a while, and he was relieved in his heart, if it is the spirit of nature, then he really thinks too much, the spirit of nature itself is a plant, it cannot be born, and can only watch the power of nature nurtured.

If Eren is not mistaken, Sally should be a natural spirit cultivated by Lucy with special powers.

This made Eren slightly startled in his heart, and then a trace of joy rose.

Although he does not lack the spirit of nature for the time being, this does not mean that he does not need the spirit of nature.

If you rely solely on mission rewards or war merits, there is some slowness and uncertainty.

If you can cultivate the spirit of nature yourself.

Eren couldn’t think that this was a miracle for himself.

“It took me a lot of energy.”

Lucy took Sally off her head and showed it to Eren in the palm of her hand.

Eren flashed a smile.

“Lucy, you’re great, how long did it take you to cultivate Sally?”

Eren asked a question, and he wanted to get closer, but found that Sally was very resistant to her.

He doesn’t seem to like being close to himself.


Sally ran along Lucy’s arm with her calves and sat on Lucy’s shoulder, looking at Eren warily.

Eren was stunned at first, what happened? I’ve never been in this situation myself.

But then he reacted that Sally was not a natural spirit who did her own tasks, she was not produced by the system, and she did not have a natural affection for herself.

This is the original character of the spirit of nature, which is extremely wary of human beings.

“Ahhh… Sally says you’re not a good person, Alan. ”

Lucy listened to Sally’s words, then translated to Alan.

Eren was speechless, how could he not be a good person, if it weren’t for the fact that you are Lucy’s child, I would have caught you to sign a contract for you!

“As for how much time Sally has been cultivating… I want to think, two months, right? ”

Lucy wrenched her fingers and counted: “Since moving over, I have been idle and have nothing to do, and I wonder if I can raise a little guy as cute as Amy and them.” ”

“Then I picked a green orchid, watered it every day, and then injected some natural power into it, and today she was born!”

Lucy said proudly.

Allen touched his chin when he heard this, two months, it seems that it is not particularly long, in the future, he can let Lucy raise more natural spirits, thinking about the natural spirits that are all over the mountains in his territory in the future, Allen feels that he wakes up jokingly in his dreams.

“Nice job, Lucy, sure enough, you’re the best.”

Eren encouraged Lucy, then pulled out a crystal containing the power of a dragon and handed it to Sally.

Sally was first vigilant, and then her small nose twitched, as if she smelled an extreme delicacy, and suddenly showed the expression she wanted.

But she was still wary of Alan.

Alan had to hand the crystal to Lucy, and when Lucy handed it to Sally, Sally cheered very happily, and then kissed Lucy, holding the crystal and eating it.

Allen pouted, typical double standard scene!

“Lucy, you can cultivate more little ones in the future, how about we raise them together?”

Eren turned to Lucy, “Won’t you be tired?” ”

Lucy shook her head: “No, I’m happy, I like to raise children!” But I can’t raise too much at once, so I’ll try to raise ten children first. ”

Allen suddenly showed a smile, ten, ten in two months, this is still continuous, this is already quite a lot!

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