Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 200: : Middle 2 Junior

The young man stood in the middle opposite the mirror, staring dully at himself in the mirror, blocking Claire's path.

Claire walked over and said softly, "Sir, please let me go."

"I'm sorry." The young man froze for a moment, then turned slightly to let Claire walk over.

A few minutes later, Claire washed her hands in front of the mirror after finishing her small talk, tidied up her appearance a little, and then walked towards the door.

When he put his hand on the doorknob, the young man behind him suddenly called out to Claire.

"Wait a minute, can you help me see how I look now?"

Claire stopped and looked back at the other party. Compared to when he first came in, the other party had already sorted out his messy clothes. Except for some wrinkles in some parts of the clothes, everything else looked fine. Still very good.

"It's good, but the clothes are a little wet." Claire pointed to the other side's chest, which seemed to have been soaked with wine.

Saying that, Claire flicked his fingers, and a hot wind burst out from between his fingers, blowing towards the other party, and in a few seconds, the wet part was coaxed dry.

"It's much better now, oh yes, remember to get your hair done before you go out." Claire stroked her hair with her hand. The hot air just now not only dried the other's clothes, but also dried the other's hairstyle. To blow mess.

The young man didn't care, and after scratching his hair casually, he said gratefully, "Thank you, what's your name?"

"Claire." Claire replied, seeing the sad look on the other's face, and said, "I think you should sleep better than tidy your clothes."

The other party heard what Claire meant, and rubbed his face with both hands, barely regaining his energy.

"What's the use of sleeping? This world is a cruel and unjust place. The only eternity is pain. When you wake up, you will only face the suffering that awaits you."

Speaking of this, the other party looked up into Claire's eyes and asked, "What do you mean by people coming to this world? People?"

Claire blinked and thought to herself: Co-authoring met a middle-2 boy.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that if a person's life is unsatisfactory, he will often think about such unanswered philosophical questions."

The other party smiled a few times, "You are right, but what if you encountered hardships in your life? What would you do?"

"Get over it." Claire said lightly.

"Can't get over it?"

When the other party said this, Claire thought of what had just happened and smiled, "How can you not overcome it? It mainly depends on whether you are willing to pay the price. In my opinion, some things, such as dignity, offend everyone. No."

"Thank you." The other party thanked weakly.

Claire also nodded, and did not continue to say anything. Without personnel, don't persuade people to be kind. Anyone can say anything and understand the truth, but there are a few things that can be done.

"Goodbye by fate." Claire waved her hand, twisted the doorknob and was about to go out.

The other party suddenly stopped him again, "Wait a minute!"

"Huh?" Claire turned around suspiciously, "Is there anything else?"

I saw the other party asked with a puzzled look: "Do you really not know me?"

Claire smiled, "Then do you know me?"

Hearing Claire's answer, the other party also burst out laughing, "That's true, see you later, I'll try to follow your opinion."


As soon as Claire came out, she saw Shane surrounded by a group of girls, and she didn't know which lady they were.

And when Shane saw Claire, he ran away from the girls.

"What's the matter, it took so long?"

"I met an interesting person." After Claire finished speaking, she pointed at the girls who had just surrounded Shane and said, "It's you, I just got out for a few minutes and hooked up with so many girls?"

Shane tapped Claire's shoulder with his fist, and said with a vicious look: "I'm hooking up with me, that's all to ask me for your contact information!"

Claire's expression was a little stunned, "Huh?"

Before the surprise was over, a tall and slender girl of 16 or 17 walked up to the two of them, looking at Claire with a rosy face, and said, "Hello, Viscount, I'm Ya of the Genn family. Na, can I have a chance to communicate with you?"

Claire's eyes swept across the other side quickly, and she touched her nose in embarrassment.

Western girls develop very early. At the age of 16 or 17, their figure has been completely highlighted, and this Yana's appearance is also very outstanding, which can leave a deep impression on people at a glance.

Shane put his head next to Claire's ear and whispered: "The Genn family controls more than half of the country's weapons manufacturing and sales channels. The current owner is an earl, and this is his second daughter."

Claire nodded, thinking inwardly: Arms dealer, it's not bad for him to have more contacts.

Then smiled and replied, "Of course you can."

After Yana became the first person to eat crabs, the girls who were still watching also swarmed over.

"Hello, Viscount, I'm from the Cape family..."

"Lord Viscount..."


After a while, Claire was surrounded by a group of girls, but fortunately, Claire's social skills were not weak, and she could chat with the girls very freely.

The most important thing is to instill in them the concept of how good Nafu City is and how charming the scenery is, and trick them to travel in Nafu City when they are free to generate income for themselves.

While Claire was amusing the group of girls, a crisp voice came.

"Brother Claire!"

Before Claire could react, Erin wrapped her arm around her.

Irene clasped Claire's arms tightly with both hands, trying her best to show how close she and Claire were. At the same time, there was a hint of fierceness on her little face. She looked really cute, and glanced at the girls who surrounded Claire. , like a sworn lion protecting its prey.

When the girls saw Irene, there was an unpleasant look on their faces. Some of them felt that they were "poor families" and had already retired. Although there were a few who were not as good as Irene, the families behind them were also Not weak is still standing in place, his eyes are a little flickering, and he doesn't know what he is thinking. Among them is Yana, the second young lady of the Genn family.

Xia En also smelled the smell of gunpowder in the air at this time, and quickly stood up to ease the atmosphere and said: "The wedding banquet is about to start, let's all prepare first, and we will give gifts later."

After these words were said, the girls who stayed in place retreated one by one. Yana winked mischievously at Claire before leaving, "Brother Claire, come and play with me when you have time."

Irene, who was so angry, almost didn't stomp in It wasn't until Yana left that the tip of her nose let out a cold snort and said to Claire, "This second lady of the Genn family is not a good person. , don't be deceived!"

Claire felt a little interesting, smiled and replied: "Okay, I am the best until Princess Irene."

As soon as these words were said, Irene's face turned red with a swipe, and she quickly shook off the arm that hugged Claire, covered her hot face with her hands, and said shyly, "What are you talking about!"

Claire pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Isn't that so?"

Irene was speechless in shame, staring at the toes of her shoes, and whispering something Claire couldn't hear.

Xia En said: "Okay, okay, don't show in front of me anymore, there are a lot of people gathered in the hall, let's go."

Claire only reacted after being called by Shane. Why did she habitually tease other girls? If one day the king ordered him to marry Irene, what would he do? Wouldn't he be the second one? A Duke Charles?

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