Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 232: : Can kill the Archmage

"Master, what about these adventurers' weapons?" Regan asked.

Claire also turned her gaze back to the opposite Fei Rui and asked, "Are your weapons in a hurry to repair?"

Fei Rui smiled and shook his head, "I'm not in a hurry, I just thought that there are blacksmiths here. If I can fix it here, I don't have to go all the way to the big city."

"Just don't worry, are you interested in following me to see?"

"Huh?" Ferry made a puzzled voice.

Claire then added: "Go and see what Master Taiklin, who repaired the weapons for you, is doing. After he has done it, it is convenient for you to be there to help you repair it directly."

Only then did Fei Rui understand, and turned around to ask the opinions of those companions.

While Ferry and the others were talking, Claire turned around and said to Regan, "This kind of thing can be fixed after Teklin is done. There's no need to panic."

Reagan came to his senses after calming down, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Master, I was in a hurry just now."

Reagan was really worried just now. He took Nafu City's face and Claire's face too seriously, for fear of losing Nafu City's face in front of these adventurers. If you do normal things, you won't make this mistake at all.

After Fei Rui and several others reached the same opinion, Fei Rui, the captain, opened his mouth and said, "It's an honor!"

"Let's go then." Claire took the lead and took a few steps forward, followed by Ferry and the others.

Along the way, Claire, Ferry and the others chatted about some things about adventurers. He was also somewhat interested in this aspect. Ferry is an experienced adventurer, and with Claire's chatting skills, we talked along the way. Very harmonious.

The Academy of Sciences is located in the North District, and it is not too far from Blacksmith Street. Within minutes, Claire and the others saw the facade of the Academy of Sciences.

When Claire and the others were still walking towards the Academy, a thunderous explosion sounded from the Academy, and the walls of the Academy were trembling with dust, and Claire's feet felt the ground tremble. Shake a few times.


As soon as the explosion sounded, a flash of strangeness and panic flashed in Claire's eyes. Before she could tell the others, she put a flying technique on herself and rushed towards the Academy of Sciences, returning it to herself on the way. Put on several layers of magic protection.

"Isaac! Why don't you kill yourself!"

Ferry and other adventurers reacted quickly when they saw it, and rushed behind Claire. He had just picked up the healing potion from others, and accepted their love. Now that something happened, he naturally had to help him.

When Fei Rui rushed up, he looked at the male mage in the team and asked, "Ford, can you do that set of moves he just did?"

The mage called Ford shook his head and replied: "The speed is too fast, the third-level flying skills are almost instant, and the switching between the protection spells in the back does not feel stuck at all, I do it. not."

After listening to the words of his teammates, Fei Rui nodded thoughtfully.

After Claire rushed into the Academy of Sciences at a very fast speed, seeing the scene in front of her, she suddenly braked, and the broken wind blade in her hand that was used to break the door was also scattered.

As soon as he came in, he saw Isaac, who also performed the flying technique, flying out. After seeing him, Isaac greeted himself with excitement: "Claire! You came just in time, I I was just about to find you!"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the other party, Claire's heart was relieved, and slowly fell from the air to the ground, and Isaac also fell.

Claire said in a normal tone: "What happened to that loud noise just now?"

"That's my newly developed weapon!" Isaac looked excited. The last time this excitement appeared was when he and Claire made the magic pistol together.

"I tell you, what I have researched this time is absolutely useful!"

Looking at the excited Isaac, Claire couldn't help pouring cold water: "You also know that the things you researched before are useless?"

"Ah... I can't say that." Isaac quibble: "Without the foreshadowing of those failures, how could today's success be!"

At this time, Fei Rui and the others also rushed in. After seeing Claire's calm face, they also knew that there might have been an oolong just now, and they relaxed.

Isaac glanced at the other party with interest, but soon turned his attention to Claire again, stretched out his hand and pulled Claire into the house, "Don't say it, come and see my big baby! "

Halfway through, he stopped and said to himself, "No, no! You can do it outside. I'll go in and push it out. It's better to use it outside. I almost blew the house down just now."

Hearing Isaac say this, Claire became a lot of curiosity, pushed it out? That should be a big guy.

Claire waited outside with Ferry and the others for a long time before Isaac walked out with Tecklin pushing a long cylindrical metal object.

The rest of the people were puzzled when they saw it, except for Claire, who was familiar, but couldn't remember it for the time being.

After pushing the thing to the vast field, Isaac ran over excitedly, pointed at the long-barrel metal object and said, "This is my new thing, it's amazing!"

"What is this?" Claire asked.

When I mentioned this, Isaac's excitement took a new level, "I got the inspiration for this thing from your magic pistol!"

"Look, such a small magic bullet can kill a high-level mage, then I will make more ammunition and a bigger bullet, will the power be even higher! I just experimented it out. I don't think it's a problem to kill an archmage with that power!"

Claire patted his head, and finally remembered what this thing looks like, artillery! The magic version of the artillery, but Isaac engraved some magic inscriptions, and used some magic alchemy configurations to form, the appearance has changed a lot, and it was not recognized for a while.

Claire did think about making a cannon before, but after thinking about it, there are still many limitations, so she didn't do it, but Isaac thought it out.

Ferry and other adventurers were shocked when they heard it. What did that person just say? Killing an archmage isn't a problem? There are no mages at the archmage level in their team. The most powerful one is Captain Ferry, but he is only at the level of the great knight. If you really want to face the archmage, you are not the opponent of the mages at this stage.

Fei Rui looked at the mage Ford in the team with doubts. As a teammate, Ford also understood what his captain wanted to ask, and immediately shook his head, he didn't know either.

After the introduction, UU Reading Isaac looked at Claire expectantly, and said, "Is it! Is it! I came up with something useful!"

Claire frowned and thought for a moment, "This power can indeed kill an archmage, but it is so cumbersome and conspicuous, are you sure you can lock down an archmage-level magician?"

"Uh..." Isaac scratched his head, "This is a problem!"

"Crack!" Claire jumped up and hit Isaac's head fiercely, shouting, "You didn't even think about this problem when you did it, right!"

Isaac covered his head and took a few steps back, afraid that Claire would give him another blow.

After dodging, he muttered with a look of grievance: "Even if you can't kill the archmage, it is a good choice to use it to siege the city and kill the enemy in a large area."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Fei Rui, who was beside him, was startled again. What did Claire just say? Can you really kill the Archmage?

Are all archmages so cheap now? Vulnerable to kill at will?

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