Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 252: : Martin's ambition

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Claire's side was busy fighting with the master, and Martin's side kept beating the big ball of light in his hand, and he was even willing to use life-consuming sorcery to break the big ball of light.

But just like what he laughed at Claire before, this kind of magic weapon that can travel between planes cannot be easily damaged by external force.

Strong destruction is not enough. Martin has no choice but to study the runes inside the big ball of light. He guarantees that this is the fastest time he has been thinking since he came into contact with sorcery. Countless thoughts flashed in his mind constantly.

But the light ball in front of him came from the ancient ruins, and the runes parsed are also those ancient witchcraft runes that are obscure and difficult to understand. Martin had to bite his teeth and bite his head to study slowly, trying to find a way to stop the light. ball method.

Martin now regrets it a lot. After he first obtained the training method that Claire traded and conducted research and trial training, Martin found that the training method could make up for their incomplete inheritance system to a certain extent.

After he practiced that cultivation method, he found that he had used sorcery, and the loss of life force was significantly less. Although there was still a little loss, compared to the previous loss of life force, it was already considered Great progress.

So Martin wanted to find more ancient legendary witchcraft that Claire was interested in to exchange for more perfect cultivation methods. He believed that with the complete cultivation methods of those other worlds, he would be able to deduce the world suitable for them. The brand new witchcraft practice method.

At that time, he, Martin, will definitely be able to make a name for himself in the world and become the recognized wizard king in the new generation!

So he relied on the basic training method Claire gave him to make up for the loopholes in his own witchcraft training method. After greatly reducing the loss of vitality, Martin's strength has made a qualitative leap. Originally, his strength was not weak. Without worrying about the loss of vitality, he was able to use more than ten times as many witches as other wizards of the same level. There were hardly many wizards of the same level who were his opponents.

As a result, Martin began a journey to search for ancient wizard ruins, but a little accident happened in the process, that is, he found these two sets of ancient wizard tools that could travel between planes in the ruins of a legendary wizard.

This time, Martin's mentality began to change, and a thought appeared in his mind.

He's going to travel to Claire's world! Go and plunder more cultivation methods by yourself, instead of begging Claire to trade with him like he is now, he doesn't like this kind of unequal status, and he is not always well received by Martin wherever he goes after he becomes a wizard. Respected! How can you be so humble as to beg others like this!

And he also knew that although the cultivation method that Claire traded was very useful to him, it was definitely not a good thing in their world. You still have to go to the other world by yourself, and then plunder it at will!

As soon as this thought appeared, it continued to grow wildly in Martin's heart, and finally Martin, who had been tortured by this thought for half a month, finally made up his mind.

At worst, Claire found out that he lost a very important trader. But if it is successful, his income will definitely be more than that, and the complete system of the entire world will be his own! You will become the greatest king of the wizarding world since ancient times! His fame will live on through the ages!

As soon as he thought of it, Martin began to make preparations, consulted the knowledge about plane shuttle, built a magic power transport machine, and ensured that the big light ball could have enough magic power to establish a space channel with the opponent's world.

Luckily for him, Claire didn't notice anything unusual about the small ball of light, and after the small ball of light was traded, although the connection with the big ball of light was a little weak due to the distance, it was still able to establish a space channel.

But at the same time, he was also unlucky, Martin never thought that he would be unable to beat Claire. In his opinion, his strength was already strong in the wizarding world, and he was no longer afraid of losing his vitality, which was almost the same as that of the ancient wizards.

The opposite Claire is only ten years old. If you add more than ten years to his beautiful appearance, then he is thirty years old. How long has Martin practiced? Exactly three hundred years! And his talent is not weak, how could he not be able to beat a half-sized child!

But the reality gave him a slap in the face. Martin was dumbfounded when he saw the fight between Claire and the sorcerer. His strength was on a par with the epic-level wizards on his side, and he was far from the epic. There is still a long way to go for a wizard of the highest level. If they pass by, wouldn't they be killed by the opponent properly?


Martin is frantically trying to find a way to close the space channel, and the battle between Claire and the ** division is still fierce.

Gradually, Claire lost a little bit of a disadvantage. As the other party said, there are a number of magic scrolls in Claire's hands. After more than half of the use, the frequency of Claire's use of magic scrolls has gradually decreased.

Escaping from the opponent's freezing technique, Claire carefully stared at the opponent's movements, gasping for breath.

Claire is now a little fortunate that she has taken the path of the magic swordsman, otherwise, she would have been exhausted long ago.

As a senior mage, he is one level weaker than the opponent. Many times, the counter-boom spells can't block the opponent's attack, and Claire can only rely on her own skills to take advantage of the gap between her own spells to block the opponent's spells to dodge.

After seeing that Claire did not take the initiative to attack, the master in the air also stopped and rested for a while, and the continuous release of spells was also a consumption for him.

Looking at the goal in front of him who had been fighting with him for so long, the **master was very surprised. He could clearly feel that Claire's strength was only that of a high-level mage. Although he had many magic scrolls, he could fight against him so much. The wind has not fallen for a long time, and it has been very powerful. If someone else was holding the same magic scroll, he would be smashed to pieces within 20 The gap between the master and the senior mage cannot be made up by a few magic scrolls. of.

Claire reached out and wiped her cheek, which was just hit by the opponent's ice blade gun, opening a few centimeters wide wound, and sticky and bright blood continued to pour out of it, not only the wound on the face, The rest of Claire's body was injured by the opponent's spell, and there was a tingling pain from time to time.

The opponent is good at ice spells, and Claire's movements will become slower every time he is injured.

"If this goes on, my advantage will become weaker and weaker!" Claire secretly said in his heart, he himself has avoided many spell attacks of the opponent by relying on his physical fitness. Once he is injured and cannot move, his advantage will be gone. live.

The ** teacher saw that Claire had stopped moving, and chuckled: "Is this tired?"

Hearing the other party's words, Claire laughed too, rubbed the blood on her face with her fingers on her nose, sniffed the rust-like **** smell on it, moved her body, rushed The ** division in the air hooked.

"Come on? I can hold on for ten minutes if I go on like this. Although we are not close to the inner city, ten minutes is enough for the city guards to come here, right? It's you who is anxious."

Although he said that, Claire was actually more anxious than the other party. There was Martin at the other end of the space passage! If the city guards came before he could solve the problem, the situation would be uncontrollable.

However, the master on the other side didn't know about this incident, so Claire could use this incident to force the other party to reveal his tricks, and take the opportunity to kill the other party!

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