Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 270: : But what does that have to do with me killing you?

After seeing the death of the wizard who was chasing her, Kelly let out a long sigh of relief. She was not the opponent's opponent. If she hadn't happened to meet Claire, she would definitely have been killed.

Claire took back the magic wand she used to pretend, and pointed to the rectangular box in Kelly's hand and asked, "What did you steal from others? Let them hunt you down for so long."

"I don't know, I happened to see him cracking a treasure chest when I was looking for the way, and then I took the lead in grabbing the box inside when he wasn't paying attention. Anyway, there must be good things in it." Kelly said this. There is no sense of guilt at times, isn't it a matter of course to steal other people's things? If you want to blame him, you can only blame him for not protecting him well, and if he grabs it, it is his own. This Antonio won't say anything about his things.

"Open it and have a look." Claire rubbed her hands together and looked at the rectangular box expectantly, as if she had opened a blind box in a previous life.

Kelly didn't think much about it, she directly put the box on the dead wizard, moved her head close to the past and carefully flipped the chain switch on it. There was no seal on the box, just some mechanical The lock, and after a while Kelly broke the lock on the outside of the box.

Kelly forcefully opened the top half of the box and made a "banging" sound.

Claire also leaned her head up and asked, "What is this?"

In the rectangular box, there are only four rolled up scroll-like objects made of special paper.

At the same time as Claire asked, she was still observing Kelly's facial expressions from the corner of her eye. A lot of things could be seen from a person's expression, and Kelly had no intention of hiding her emotions at all. Everyone can see it.

"You don't know?" Kelly looked at Claire suspiciously, "Anyone with a bit of seniority can know this kind of thing, witchcraft scrolls! This kind of craftsmanship has been lost for a long time, and the existing witchcraft The scrolls are all from the ruins."

"Witchcraft scrolls that store witchcraft!" Kelly introduced excitedly.

"Oh!" Claire nodded suddenly, thinking inwardly: Isn't this the same as the magic scroll in the wizard world? What's so exciting about getting this stuff.

Kelly's eyes showed obsession, and her fingers rubbed repeatedly on the scrolls, "And looking at the material and production process, at least it is a magic scroll that stores epic wizard magic!"

Claire continued to nod. The epic wizards in this world are almost the same level as the archmages in the previous world. The magic scrolls at the archmage level cost around 10,000 gold coins. There are still a few attack cards in Claire's space ring. Type four scrolls.

However, Claire can also understand Kelly's reaction. There is a problem with the wizard system in this world. When casting sorcery, life will be lost, so she will be especially cautious when casting spells. An epic sorcery scroll can indeed be used as a killer.

"Then how do we divide it? It's just four volumes, let's each have two volumes."

Kelly ignored Claire's words and kept rubbing her fingers on the scrolls of witchcraft. The obsession in her eyes gradually turned into greed. Finally, her fingers unconsciously grasped the scrolls of witchcraft and glanced at Claire beside her. .

Claire's battle just now, Kelly saw it in her eyes. Although the sorcery she used was high-level sorcery, it was just as clumsy as those first- and second-level wizards.

I don't know where Moore got the news that he killed Martin. Just his strength can kill Martin?

"He's weak anyway, I can kill him and take all these scrolls!"

"Yes, that's it..." Kelly nodded in response, and then her eyes widened, "?!!!" Although the words just flashed in her mind, they were not what she said!

Kelly suddenly turned her head and looked over, and saw Claire, who was smiling and kind. The words just came out of his mouth. Then she panicked, feeling that her whole person was seen through by Claire. .

However, her reaction was very quick, she stretched her hand into the box, firmly grasped the four scrolls of sorcery, and leaned back to condense a recoil sorcery that was about to exit violently.


A white light flashed in Kelly's eyes, but she still stepped back and walked out about ten meters.

A morbid smile appeared on Kelly's face, who had withdrawn a distance, and laughed wildly: "I'm not dead!"

At this time, Kelly saw something in Claire's hand opposite her and greeted her, "You forgot to order something."

Kelly looked intently, Scroll of Witchcraft! And the palm of my hand holding the scroll of witchcraft...

After the epinephrine had faded, Kelly felt the pain from her wrist. Looking down, a neat incision appeared on her wrist and palm, and the blood was spurting down like she didn't want money.

A scream rang out randomly in this empty space, "Ah!!!"

Claire held the upper end of the scrolls with her right hand, and then used her other hand to break apart the fingers of the palm that Kelly "left" one by one. It must be said that Kelly was holding it quite hard. , it took Claire five or six seconds to separate her fingers and discarded the palm at will on the ground.

Although these fourth-level witchcraft scrolls did not have an obvious effect on Claire, Claire didn't want to take it away from the other party to use it for the other party, and simply increased the workload for herself.

The opposite Kelly quickly adjusted after a scream, took out her own healing potion, and brought the injury under control.

Claire picked up the four scrolls and patted them on his palm, and the scrolls slapped on the palm of his hand with a heavy sound.


Claire patted as she walked towards Kelly, and saw a trace of fear arose in Claire Kelly who was walking towards her. She kept stepping back. She no longer thought that Claire was weak at first. She didn't think about the four witchcraft scrolls anymore, she was thinking about how to survive from Claire's hands.

Claire stopped six or seven meters away from Kelly and said with a smile, "Wizard Kelly doesn't seem to be very satisfied with my distribution method."

"I didn't want to shoot at you, I was just a little greedy... Can anyone who sees such a thing guarantee that he will not become greedy? And I just thought about it and didn't plan to do it at all, but you... …”

Claire stopped the other party's tirade and continued to laugh: "Don't say anything if you are arguing for yourself, for me, even thinking about it is a crime that should be cut by a thousand Seeing Claire turn to him again Taking a step closer here, Kelly took a few steps back uncontrollably, reached out to stop Claire, "Don't! don't kill me! I have troubles! "

Hearing the other party's words, Claire stopped in interest and asked, "Oh? What's the trouble?"

"You're a man, you don't even know how miserable witches are in the wizarding world. You also saw Moore's attitude towards me before..."

"Because of the strong prey between wizards, and the number of witches and wizards is less than the number of male wizards, so the resources of witches and wizards like me are very scarce... If I didn't be cruel, I would have died in someone else's. in hand!"

"Under this kind of environment, I will develop such a character. If I have a choice, I also hope that I can become a good person..." Kelly looked at Claire while wiping her tears, trying to wake up Claire's Empathy.

Claire nodded, "That makes sense, but what does this have to do with me killing you?"

"You!" Kelly almost didn't swear, but thinking that she was in a weak position, she swallowed the swear words in her mouth.

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