Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 272: : If hard work is useful, what do geniuses do?

"Who?!" Nicole quickly looked in the direction where the voice came from, and at the same time, she quickly touched her arms with her right hand, and touched the pen-shaped witchcraft tool.

But before he turned his head, his neck felt a hint of coolness, and then a close-range voice came from behind him, "Don't move, if you move your head, it will fall off."

Nicole's body froze, and she subconsciously wanted to push the utensil in her hand to the ground. The next second, she felt a sticky touch on her neck, and a blood flowed down her neck along with gravity.

At this time, Claire slowly walked out from behind Nicole, put her hand into her arms, and said softly, "I said, don't move. Or if you think the speed of the teleportation is comparable to my movements ,You can try."

While speaking, Claire touched the pen holder witchcraft tool along Nicole's right hand with her outstretched hand. With a little force, she grabbed the "pen holder" into her own hand. Nicole wanted to resist a little in the process. , Unfortunately, the strength is not as strong as Claire.

After getting the "pen holder", Claire took back the dagger that was resting on Nicole's neck. Without the "pen holder", Nicole was just a toy that he could handle at will.

The moment she retracted the dagger, Nicole seized the opportunity to resist, but just after she had the intention to shoot, Claire grabbed her wrist with her backhand and twisted her skillfully, But the whole person was pressed to the ground, and the beautiful face was piled directly on the stone brick.

"Ugh! Let me go!"

Claire ignored the other party, but picked up the pen holder in his hand and looked at it carefully. It looked like a pen holder when viewed from a distance, but more information can be obtained when viewed from a distance. This is a bone product. It seems to be a bone of some kind of giant beast, polished into the style of a pen holder, and the ability to affect the structure of space is attached to the bone.

"Phew!" Claire blew a breath toward it, and then put the bone into her space ring.

Nicole was pressed to the ground and asked, "How did you find me?"

After appreciating the bones, Claire finally had time to reply to her this time. She looked at Nicole with an idiot expression and said, "Didn't I tell you before, you guys are organized and organized. The goal is clear, and your purpose is very clear from the beginning, that is, you came to this building. After thinking about it a little bit, you will know what you want is here. ?"

Nicole: "..." It makes sense, and I can't refute it at all.

But Nicole doesn't think it's because of her stupidity. You don't think about other wizards. If you want to blame this kid for being too smart...

Continuing to press Nicole to the ground, Claire took out a witchcraft chain from the space ring, which was picked from Martin's body, which could suppress the energy in the bound wizard's body and prevent him from using witchcraft.

After tying Nicole with witchcraft chains, Claire picked up the heavy ancient book that fell on the ground, and after patting the dust on it a little, Claire flipped through it.

Looking at the book and walking towards Nicole's side, he stared at the contents of the book and asked, "What is this?"

Nicole pursed her lips and put her head aside, with a generous look of sacrifice: Even if you kill me, I will never tell you!

Seeing that the other party didn't make a sound, Claire raised her eyelids slightly to look over, and said flatly, "Are you sure you don't say so?"

Hearing Claire's plain words, Nicole's body felt like an electric current passed through her body, and the scene of Claire killing the fat wizard rang out. She gritted her teeth unconsciously, and her heart trembled.

After a while, he muttered: "I didn't say I didn't say it..."

Only then did Claire's expression become friendly again, and she sat close to Nicole's side, spread the ancient book in front of her, and asked softly, "What's in it?"

Nicole said hesitantly: "The method to open this door is recorded, but I have tried it and it seems that there are some problems, and I can't open it at all..."

Listening to Nicole's words, Claire nodded, her fingers swiped on the page that Nicole had opened before, and occasionally looked up at the mural on the stone wall.

Claire nodded while looking at it. It was quite simple. Just like cryptography, he could see the special information content marked on the mural, and then refer to the corresponding characters on the book. After a certain calculation, he could get the door opening The secret key.

Seeing that Claire actually studied that book, Nicole's eyes showed a hint of disdain. She had studied this thing for more than half a year before she had the confidence to come here. Now let me show you that you can spot a ghost!

Although Nicole was disdainful in her heart, she was only in her heart. She was still in a weak position. She was afraid of being beaten when she said this.

Then Claire seemed to be fully immersed in the ancient book, her expression became more and more serious, and the frequency of looking up at the murals on the stone wall became more and more frequent.

Nicole still kept disdain in her heart: just look at it, you can see a flower.

This thought should have flashed, and Claire closed the ancient book in her hand and made a deep sound.

The corners of Nicole's mouth were slightly upturned, hum, I'll just say, how can I understand, it's a bit wise to give up now.

Nicole's thoughts just flashed, and the next second, her jaw was about to dislocate. That kid actually condensed the symbol to unlock the door? !

You must know that in order to practice this unique energy operation method, she has practiced for ten days and a half months to make energy gathering into symbols. How could this guy master the skills so quickly? !

"It's okay, it's okay, he just mastered the skills of condensing symbols, right or not." Nicole comforted herself, didn't she condense it herself? But the difficulty of unlocking the portal is not here at all, but to calculate the correct key to open the portal. She made a mistake here, otherwise the portal would have been opened long ago.

Claire slowly but firmly wrote all the symbols he derived in mid-air, and then the symbols that had gathered energy disappeared into the stone wall in front of them one by one.

During this process, Nicole's mental journey was comparable to riding a roller coaster. On the one hand, she wanted to see the door open, but on the other hand, she didn't want Claire to be able to open it.

After five or six seconds, the stone wall still hadn't changed at all, and the boulder in Nicole's heart finally fell to the ground.

Relax, Nicole said slightly proudly: "It seems that you are no different from me."

Claire glanced at Nicole suspiciously. He had never experienced Nicole's complicated mental process just now, but he still said, "The difference is huge, let the bullets fly for a while."

At the moment when Claire's voice fell, the stone wall in front of began to change, from the physical reality to the illusion, and after a few seconds of change, it finally became like a water mirror. There are waves from time to time.

"Huh?" Nicole was dumbfounded, her open mouth couldn't close, this... this... how is this possible!

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!" Nicole said absentmindedly, "I haven't been able to solve it after practicing for more than half a year, and you just watched it for a few minutes, how could it be solved!"

Claire has hit her too hard. Nicole has begun to doubt life now. She has never praised her talent since she was a child. How could she be defeated by others in witchcraft? Still in a crushing stance.

"Why is it impossible?" Claire gave Nicole a condescending glance, "If hard work is useful, what would a genius do?"

"Genius?" Nicole repeated, looking up.

Claire smiled slightly, "What? I don't look like it?"

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