Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Chapter 303: : Bloodline of Alien Beast

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"Okay, then let's get straight to the point." Claire said.

The other party shrugged, and the sling on the left drooped down, revealing a large piece of white snow, but she didn't care much and put it back again, looking at Claire's reaction and smiled, "You're a decent gentleman, you don't have eyes. Blind glance."

Claire smiled and responded politely, "It's mainly because there's nothing to see."

Claire is telling the truth, the other person's figure is indeed not that good compared to those he knows.

After hearing Claire's reply, the girl's face darkened, she jumped off the table where she was sitting, and gave Claire a dissatisfied look.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say it directly, I need some bloodlines of alien beasts, do you have it there?"

"If not, just hang up. I'm not interested in other things."

"The bloodline of alien beasts?" Claire repeated what the other party said, but all kinds of monsters flashed in his mind. Could the monsters be the alien beasts the other party said?

"Yes!" The girl explained: "Alien beasts are creatures whose individual strength or power is far stronger than our human beings. Most of the alien beasts also have various strange abilities..."

After hearing the other party's explanation, Claire was even more certain that the alien beast mentioned by the other party should be the same thing as the monster in his own world. Although Claire kills monsters of the same level like slaughtering dogs, in terms of individual strength, monsters are indeed far superior to other humans of the same level. Generally, monsters of the same level need a team of the same level to hunt successfully. The higher the level , The higher the wisdom of Warcraft, the more people needed.

The girl opposite explained the characteristics of the alien beasts in her world, and then she asked, "That's about it, do you have them in your world?"

Claire nodded, yes, there are more, he just killed a lot of monsters a few days ago, and the bodies of some monsters are still piled up in his space ring. Originally, I wanted to use it for research in the future, but I didn't expect it to work just now.

"Yes, but why do you need the blood of those alien beasts?"

The girl subconsciously wanted to answer, but before she could say the words, she came back to her senses and looked at Claire with a wary expression, and said in a slightly annoyed tone, "You want to lie to me?"

"Miss, I just said straight to the point. We are not from the same world. I don't care what you do with it."

"I just want to know the purpose so that I can find a more suitable trade item for you. Isn't a win-win trade bad?"

The **** the other side thought about it, and it seemed like the same thing. But what's the matter with the name Miss? Sounds weird.

"I don't know what kind of world is on your side, but our world is derived from the blood of alien beasts to obtain power. By combining the blood of different alien beasts, the original characteristics and power of those alien beasts can be obtained."

"So you can find as much alien beast bloodline as you can find for me. This young lady wants to become stronger! Kill all those alien beasts who have crossed the realm of sin!" As she spoke, the girl's eyes flashed. With a hint of killing intent, Claire didn't doubt that the other party had actually been on the battlefield.

"I have a few questions to ask."

"Fuck away!"

"The first is what is the bloodline of the alien beast you asked for? Is it just the blood of the alien beast? Or should it be purified?"

"How can it be just pure blood! If you go to hunt those big alien beasts, wouldn't you be able to supply many warriors to use them together?"

Claire nodded, as if the same is true. Some monster races are indeed quite large. If it is just ordinary blood, it is too easy to obtain.

"It's not bad that a bloodline refined by a foreign beast can be used by two or three people." The girl muttered, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with this situation.

"But you don't need to bother to refine it, just give me the corpse of the alien beast."

"The deal hasn't been reached yet, so why worry." Claire said casually.

"last question."

"Quick~Ask~" The girl lay on the table and shouted with her head held high, with a long tail after each word, looking impatient.

"How many foreign beast bloodlines have you integrated into your body now?"

The girl raised her head slightly, frowned and thought: "emmm, there are thirteen kinds, but most of them are bloodlines that play a supporting role, such as the bloodline of the red-eyed gecko, which can ensure that she can break her arm to survive at critical moments, this is a lot. Standard for combatants. There is also the blood of the basilisk, which has little effect and can only be thermally imaged, but it works very well at night."

"There are only three of my thirteen bloodlines that can form combat power, the flame ability of the flame lizard, and the power of the strange ant, which can triple my strength, and the bloodline of the shadow monster..."

Not every alien beast's bloodline can be very effective on the human body. On the contrary, after the fusion of the flame lizard into the body, there are very few alien beast bloodlines that can form combat power.

Claire was also lost in thought, ants... do they also have such things as blood? I didn't observe it carefully when I was pressed to death before. Those splashed juices were bodily fluids, right?

"Boom!" Claire reached out and tapped his head. Is this the time to think about it?

"Fusing so many bloodlines, how do you balance them?"

The girl is also a ghost, so she closed her mouth and smiled slightly: "What you just just now is the last question."

She could already see that Claire was inquiring about the situation on their side. Although according to what Claire said before, the two of them are not in the same world at all, and it is not a big problem to say it, but as the privacy of her own world, she does not I plan to say so.

Seeing the other party's defensive heart, Claire also smiled slightly, raised her right hand, and then the space ring on her index finger flashed, behind Claire appeared a huge monster corpse seven or eight meters long, when the corpse fell on the ground, The whole room trembled slightly.

The girl opposite also trembled in her heart. Judging from the vicious eyes she had acquired from hunting and killing alien beasts for many years, the corpse of that alien beast was extraordinary! It is even higher than all the alien beasts she hunted before.

This experience is like an ordinary person seeing the difference between a cat and a tiger. Although both are felines, it can be seen from the size of the muscles and body which is stronger.

Claire also stood up slowly, walked to the Frost Snow Spider behind him, and aimed the camera at its corpse.

When the girl saw it, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, "Hey, the luster of the spider spear, the red eyes, and the pair of fangs..."

After seeing the other party's reaction, Claire felt low in her heart. She walked around the Frost Snow Spider and introduced: "Have you seen this white spider? It's a monster, but I think the two are just different names, and they're essentially the same thing..."

In the wizarding world on Claire's side, many wizards also follow the path of blood wizards, integrating the blood of beasts into themselves, so that they may have higher magical talent or external power, so the two are similar.

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