Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 417 Violent Salamander and Fire Dinosaur (4000)

After taking a photo of the slate, Ye Chuan sent it directly to La Lulas.

"It's weird, it came out of nowhere." La Lulas muttered, and then seemed to remember something:

"You let your flying mantis try to cut it off."

Cut it off?

Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, wouldn't this thing be broken?

"That's right, I can't tell the authenticity of this thing right now. Of course, it's probably fake." Lalulas said.


Ye Chuan thought for a while, and finally took out the elf ball, and the white light flashed - the flying mantis stood beside him, slowly raised his sharp sickle, and then turned his attention to the stone slab.

"Flying Mantis, cut it off." Ye Chuan said.

Hearing the words, the Flying Mantis nodded slightly, and then the scythe struck the stone slab with a sound of breaking through the air.

Unlike Ye Chuan's imagination, the stone slab was not split into two. Instead, it was able to withstand the Flying Mantis' sickle without any damage.

"It's okay?" Ye Chuan was a little surprised.

Is this slate so hard?

He is still very clear about how sharp the flying mantis's sickle is. Not to mention such a large stone slab, if it is such a large diamond, it is not difficult for the flying mantis to cut it off, but it cannot cut off this piece of stone. An ordinary slate.

"It didn't break?" La Lulas naturally saw this scene from the other end of the video.

"Well, it's not broken." Ye Chuan said.

"Where are you now?" La Lulas suddenly asked.

"Uh... around the Buried Dragon Valley, I plan to go home through the Buried Dragon Valley." Ye Chuan replied.

They had just solved the problem of the poisonous river in the village and planned to enter the Buried Dragon Valley today.

"Then when you get home, take this thing back with you. Don't lose it." La Lulas said in a rare serious tone.

Hearing Lalulas' serious tone, Ye Chuan had no choice but to nod his head and agree. After all, this was the first time he saw Lalulas looking so serious.

At this time, An Shiyu had almost finished processing the ingredients. After she saw Ye Chuan making a video call, she walked over curiously:

"Aye, who are you chatting with?"

"La Lulas, let's talk about something." Ye Chuan said and turned off the video.

"What to talk about?"

"It's Lalulas who said that he misses me and wants me to stop by his grandpa's house to stay with him when I get home." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"Then go." An Shiyu smiled:

"I thought you were talking about something very important and didn't tell me."

Ye Chuan couldn't help but coughed dryly: "Ahem...hmm."

In fact, it's not that Ye Chuan doesn't want to tell An Shiyu, it's just that he doesn't want Shiyu to be involved in too many things. In this darker side of the world, Ye Chuan is not willing to let An Shiyu touch it.

After enjoying a delicious meal, Ye Chuan and the others took a short rest and planned to enter the Buried Dragon Valley.

"Aye, do you think there will be dragon elves in the Buried Dragon Valley?" An Shiyu followed Ye Chuan, her little face full of curiosity.

"It's hard to say, after all, the Buried Dragon Valley does have traces of the life of dragon elves." Ye Chuan smiled.

Although Dragon Burial Valley is not a dangerous place, ordinary people will not go in casually. Although it is developed by humans, there are still many wild elves living in it, and many of them are aggressive.

To be on the safe side, Ye Chuan also summoned the fire dinosaur.

"Quack." The fire dinosaur moved its claws and made a quacking sound.

After Ye Chuan rubbed its head, he and An Shiyu walked forward.

After probably walking for several hours, the Buried Dragon Valley finally appeared in front of Ye Chuan and the others.

This is a desolate canyon with no grass growing. The various earthy valleys are like upturned scales on the earth, scattered and scattered. Perhaps because of the direct sunlight, there is a heat on the ground.

In the air, there was only the sound of wind blowing dead branches and sand. Ye Chuan and An Shiyu walked forward, planning to go home through this road.

"I always feel that there is a sense of sadness here." An Shiyu raised his head and looked at the steep cliffs on the hillside, and couldn't help but murmured softly.

"Really?" Ye Chuan smiled.

Suddenly, at this moment, the surrounding air suddenly began to vibrate. On the distant mountain peaks, a deafening dragon roar suddenly came through:


"What?!" Ye Chuan opened the waveguide and scanned over, and found an extremely astonishing aura coming from him!

The strong wind surged, and a giant blue dragon with wings of blood slowly flapped its wings and flew into the distance.

"Bad Salamander?!" Ye Chuan was naturally familiar with this elf, and he showed a surprised expression when he saw that it was actually a quasi-god-level elf called Salamander.

And this aura far surpassed all the opponents Ye Chuan had encountered!

"Is this a king-level elf?" Ye Chuan couldn't help but murmured.

No, I'm afraid it's higher than this.

This is the first time Ye Chuan has seen such a powerful wild elf. Judging from the aura, it is probably slightly lower than his father's ones.

But the violent salamander didn't seem to realize that Ye Chuan and the others existed, or in other words, it didn't care at all.

It flapped its wings and left, and after a while, only a small black shadow remained in the distant sky.

"Aye." An Shiyu glanced at Ye Chuan and asked worriedly, "That violent salamander looks very scary."

"Well, indeed, but it's not interesting to us." Ye Chuan smiled.

But at this time, in his waveguide perception, he suddenly noticed a strange emotion coming from the side. He turned his head and found that the fire dinosaur was clenching his fist, with veins bulging on it, staring at the far away one. The violent salamander:



As if he sensed that something was wrong with the fire dinosaur's mood, Ye Chuan quickly said, "Fire dinosaur, what's going on?!"

The fire dinosaur suddenly roared and ran in the direction where the violent salamander left!

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu looked at each other, and then quickly chased after them.

"A-Aye, what's wrong with the fire dinosaur?" An Shiyu was not running fast and soon became out of breath.

"I don't know... violent salamander... huh?" Ye Chuan seemed to have thought of something, he murmured, and then took out a poke ball.

There was a flash of white light, and the steel-armored crow appeared, spreading its huge wings.


"Come up." Ye Chuan climbed up behind the steel-armored crow and pulled An Shiyu up with him.

"Steel-armored crow, catch up with the fire dinosaur!"

Upon hearing this, the steel-armored crow flapped its huge wings and chased after the orange-red figure.

"Roar!" At this time, the fire dinosaur was running like crazy, its eyes were blood red.

After some elves along the way sensed the amazing evil aura of the fire dinosaur, they began to avoid it and did not dare to provoke it.

And some other elves who seemed to think that the fire dinosaurs were invading their territory were directly knocked away by the fire dinosaurs when they stepped forward!

"Aye, did you think of something?" An Shiyu held down her long flowing hair and asked.

Ye Chuan said: "Fire dinosaurs are not pure-blooded, did you know?"

"I know, fire dinosaurs are not the offspring of violent salamanders and fire-breathing dragons..." An Shiyu said, suddenly seemed to understand something, and looked at Ye Chuan in disbelief:

"That violent salamander that flew away just now is the father of the fire dinosaur?"

"This is just my guess." Ye Chuan said:

"Ever since the fire dinosaur learned to control its dragon bloodline, it has been a long time since it went berserk like today. Besides, except for the violent salamander, we didn't see anything else."

"If you put it this way, this is the only explanation."

From the first day he got the Fire Dinosaur, Ye Chuan learned about its origins from the staff at the Elf Center. The Fire Dinosaur's mother was a Charizard from the breeding center, but its father was a wild Salamander.

But Ye Chuan didn't understand the relevant information.

"Is he really the father of the fire dinosaur?" Ye Chuan muttered as he lowered his head and looked at the fire dinosaur running wildly below.

"Aye, look at that!" At this moment, An Shiyu seemed to have discovered something and stretched out his hand to point.

The steel-armored crow also suddenly stopped. Ye Chuan looked up and found several silver bird elves in front of him, glowing with metallic light!

"Armored bird?" After seeing that silver bird elf, Ye Chuan immediately recognized it. It was the same steel-type bird elf as the steel-armored crow, but in terms of size, the armored bird was smaller than the steel-armored crow. It's much smaller, especially the giant steel-armored crow across from it.

"Why did you stop us?"

"Maybe this part of the sky is their territory."

Ye Chuan said that wild elves have a sense of territory, especially elves that live in groups. The giant needle bee we encountered before is a typical example. Once the territory is violated, the giant needle bee will let the intruders go, even if it costs their lives. The person paid a heavy price.

These armored birds don't seem to live in groups, but they gather together to drive away outsiders.

"Aye, the fire dinosaur is going far away!" An Shiyu said suddenly.

Ye Chuan lowered his head and found that it was indeed the case. The fire dinosaur had run away, but they were stopped here.

"I didn't mean to invade your territory, but I'm sorry." Ye Chuan took out the elf ball, white light flashed, and faintly appeared.


Youyou's figure flashed and appeared next to the armored birds, and then released pink light——

The armored birds began to sway, and their wings that were flapping in mid-air began to slow down.

"Go to sleep, go to bed early and get up early." Seeing these armored birds still struggling, Youyou waved her little hand:

"Sleep, go to sleep quickly."

Finally, the armored birds fell down and landed on a mountain peak.

Naturally, this kind of fall would not have any impact on the armored bird. When the steel-armored crow saw that there was no armored bird stopping him, his wings trembled and he led Ye Chuan and the others to continue chasing in the direction of the fire dinosaur!

A mountain peak in the Buried Dragon Valley is full of cliffs and cliffs. It seems that climbing is extremely difficult.

A giant blue dragon folded its wings and slowly moved its steps into a cave in the mountain peak, which was its lair.

And it is also the true overlord of this Dragon Burial Valley!

The overlord of the sky - the blood-winged dragon Salamander!

"Roar..." The violent salamander let out a low roar, and finally lay down on the ground of the cave.

The floor here is very cold, which can soothe its restless dragon blood.

Gradually, a feeling of sleepiness came over him, and the violent salamander seemed to be planning to take a rest——

But right now.

A roar came from outside the cave.

The violent salamander slowly opened his eyes and found that outside the cave, an orange fire dragon was glaring at him, and the flames on his tail shot into the sky.

Seeing nothing more than a lizard, the Salamander seemed not to be interested at all and closed his eyes again.

But at this time, there was a burst of heat on the face. The violent salamander opened its eyes again and found a ball of flames rushing over and hitting it directly in the face!

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

The bloodline that had finally calmed down suddenly began to agitate violently.

The violent salamander's eyes turned blood red, and then it slowly walked out of the cave with heavy steps.

The fire dinosaur stood at the entrance of the cave. When he saw the violent salamander walking out step by step, his fists made a clicking sound.

That's right.

This is it, this same breath!

Looking at the short fire dinosaur, the violent salamander roared, and the terrifying pressure made the surrounding air feel depressed!

"Roar!" Not to be outdone, the fire dinosaur also roared.

Its bloodline contains dragon power, and this dragon roar is naturally coercive.

The violent newt slowly lowered his head, seemingly surprised by the little lizard in front of him.

The smell feels inexplicably familiar?

Just when the violent salamander could hold back its boiling blood and began to look at the fire dinosaur, the opponent suddenly jumped up and its claws ignited with blue light!

A claw!

The dragon's claw hit the violent salamander's face!

After the violent salamander looked at the close fire dinosaur and the burning pain on its face, finally, the brutal power of its blood began to be released, causing the violent salamander's eyes to be completely occupied by blood red!

"Roar!!!!" The violent salamander also released its dragon claws and blasted directly towards the fire dinosaur!

Because it was a blind spot, the fire dinosaur raised its arm to eat the dragon's claws, but found that the power contained in the dragon's claws was too powerful. At the moment of contact, the fire dinosaur flew out and hit the back. On the mountain wall!


The fire dinosaur almost couldn't recover after being hit, and at this moment, the violent salamander was like a ferocious beast, with its wings spread out, and its blood wings covered the sky and rushed towards the fire dinosaur!

"Roar!" The rock shattered, and the fire dinosaur's body was wildly bombarded by the violent salamander.



With the extremely terrifying aura, the flying elves passing by in the sky fled for their lives and seemed to leave the place.

The fire dinosaur also roared crazily at this time. Although its body was covered with fatal injuries, it still opened its mouth and bit the violent salamander in front of it.

At the same time, the aura of Dragon Dance burst out, causing the fire dinosaur's combat power to begin to increase.

But how could the fire dinosaur be the opponent of the violent salamander? In just a few seconds, it was like a kite with its string cut off. It was slapped away by the violent salamander and fell heavily to the ground!

"Buzz buzz buzz." The violent salamander opened its mouth, and the destructive dark golden energy gathered -

It’s the light of destruction and death!

The fire dinosaur lay on the ground, looking at the terrifying energy that the violent salamander was constantly gathering, and his consciousness gradually collapsed.

"Youyou, shadow ball!!" At this time, a voice pierced the sky.

The violent salamander raised his head and found a dark black energy ball that emitted terrifying fluctuations and fell like a meteor with a tail of flames!

"Boom!" The energy ball fell.

With a deafening loud noise, the mountain collapsed!

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