"Okay, let's try to see if the power of the Star Cup can play the role I want."

Bloli took out the Star Cup and said, in order to prevent any accidents during the process, she also deliberately transferred herself to such a remote planet.

"The first problem is that you will lose control because of anger."

As she spoke, Broly held the Star Cup and began to recite in her mind.

‘Let me not lose my mind under any circumstances. '

As Broly thought in her heart, the Star Cup emitted a burst of light, sweeping across Broly's body

"Is it effective?"

After the light, Broly didn't feel any changes.

"Let's give it a try."

As she said this, Broly put away the Star Cup and burst into a burst of arrogance.


Broly shouted angrily, and her aura suddenly turned green. The color of her hair began to change between black and gold. At the same time, Broly's rationality began to disappear and was gradually replaced by anger. The whole planet began to tremble.


Broly closed her eyes, dissipated the arrogance on her body, took a few deep breaths, and barely suppressed the anger in her heart.

"It seems to have no effect. What happened to the Star Cup's absolute dominance in this world?"

Bloli took out the Star Cup and frowned.

"Wait, absolute dominance... Could it be that the influence of the Star Grail is also counted as an abnormal state and is directly immune to it?"

Broly guessed. After all, using the Star Grail to prevent oneself from losing reason is actually equivalent to influencing one's mind through the power of the Star Grail, which may also be counted as an abnormal state.

"So even if there are beneficial things like optimization and gain, as long as they affect oneself, they have no effect on me now."

Bloli thought, although it was a pity, she was not dissatisfied with it. After all, compared with this problem, the ability to be immune to abnormal conditions is obviously more important.

"What if I learn the moves that I could have learned anyway?"

Broly said silently in her heart.

‘Let me learn Kamehameha and Qiyuanzan. '

As Broly spoke, the Star Cup lit up again, but after the light, she still didn't feel any changes.


Broly tried to raise one arm and opened her palm above her head, but no Ki-en-slash was condensed in her hand, only an ordinary energy bullet was released.

"Is that not okay? Then can you give me the secret manuals for these two moves?"

Broli said as she dispersed the energy bomb in her hand. As she spoke, two booklets appeared in front of Broli, with Kamehameha and Kien Slash written on the cover.

"It seems that this can be done, but can the content above really help people learn these two moves?"

Bloli took the two booklets and flipped through them. The previous two attempts made her feel that the Star Cup was not so omnipotent. After all, these two moves did not belong to this world. Could the Star Cup really tell how to use these two moves?

"You'll know after you give it a try."

Broli carefully read through the contents of the two booklets several times, wrote down the energy usage methods and precautions required when using the two moves, then put the two booklets away, raised one hand above her head, and began to try.

""Qi Yuan Zhan."

As Broly spoke, a green disc-shaped light saw slowly condensed in her hand, and then she gently threw it forward. The Qi Yuan Zhan flew out and split the mountain in front of her into two halves.

"It seems that there is no problem, but since the Star Grail can even give instructions for the use of moves from another world, can it also give the cultivation methods of other worlds?"

Broli had a bold idea

‘Give me the detailed cultivation manuals of Heaven Devouring Magic and Transformation of Others. '

As Broly thought, the Star Cup emitted a burst of light, but nothing new appeared after the light.

"It seems that I thought too much. I can't make a star cup that is too exaggerated."

Bloli said with some regret, but it was also expected.

"What about all the magic books on Kamar-Taj? Bring translations, and make all the magic that can be made."

Broly tried again, but it didn't work either.

"Isn't this possible? Those magics may not be as strong as the two moves just now, right? Why can't I perform any magic at all?"

Broly scratched her head and said

"Then give me a book on the secrets of the Magic Light Cannon and Instant Teleportation."

Broly tried again, and as she spoke, after a flash of light, two new booklets appeared in front of her, with the words Magic Light Cannon and Instant Teleportation on the Yadrat Star written on the cover.

"The moves in the Dragon Ball world can be given to me. Could it be because it is bound to me?"

Broly had a guess.

"Give me another secret book of Flash Time Kung Fu and the Book of Sealing in Naruto."

Bloli tried again. As soon as she finished speaking, a new booklet appeared in front of her with a flash of light. The cover said Flash Time Kung Fu, but the Book of Sealing was nowhere to be seen.

"It seems to be true. Although it is a pity that I can't use the Star Cup to unlock several new transformation forms, and I can't get any skills and tricks from other worlds, but it gives me the opportunity to learn many tricks from the Dragon Ball world, which is also a great gain."

Broli said, and began to try to use the Star Cup to conjure up all the tricks from the Dragon Ball world that she could think of.

Although she might not be able to use some tricks, it's better to waste them, such as the Ultimate Flash, the Galick Cannon, the Mafuba, the Spirit Bomb, the Sun Fist, the Manipulation Bomb, the Spirit Bomb...

There are so many tricks in it.

���There are always a few that can be used, and the ones that are not used can be given to others, such as Xiaoji.

Broly believes that she will like them, and maybe she can even sell them to the chat group.

"It seems that reaching the level of Ultra Self-Definition and Ultra Self-Definition is useless."

Broli said with some regret. When she tried to conjure the secret manuals of Ultra Self-Definition and Ultra Self-Definition, she could not conjure any useful content. The two booklets that she managed to conjure up at most had some introductions that would appear on a browser, which could not help her at all. As for the cultivation secret manual of destruction, she could not conjure it at all.

‘But let's not talk about how to put these booklets away first? Although the Star Cup can be taken back at any time according to my thoughts, it is such a special thing after all. What if it is discovered by Ves? '

Bloli looked at the small pile of booklets in front of her that recorded various tricks, and then looked at the Star Cup in her hand. Suddenly, she remembered this problem that she had ignored before. Even if the Star Cup has no effect in other worlds, such a special thing is likely to attract the attention of Ves or Bilus. She doesn't have much storage space. What if the Star Cup is discovered?

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