Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1078

"Wait! Before I start ceremony, I have one very important thing I need to ask you.

With that, Coulson took the wrapping from Fitz. The Zanpakutō, who got up, asked with a solemn expression, "This weapon has already developed an independent consciousness and thinking as you said before, and it is trying to snatch control of my body from me. Is there any way you can get it back to the way it was? "

"Oh? Has the solution been completed? ”

Alan’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise that was not easily noticed, and he picked up the Zanpakutō and felt the indifferent soul full of killing intent.

Normally speaking, Zanpakuta Pakuto should all be an extension of the soul of Death God, and the truest portrayal of the heart.

Theoretically, no Zanpakutō will truly rebel against his master, and at best it will only set up some obstacles to make it better to communicate with himself, and finally master the legendary Swastika.

That is to completely release the potential in the depth of one's soul.

But this handle comes from Devouring Soul through Devouring Soul The Zanpakutō that I awakened is quite special, not entirely by Coulson's Soul Power.

Instead, it slowly accumulates power by killing and devouring the souls of other creatures until it reaches the required awakening. The minimum spiritual pressure of the zanpakutō.

However, in the process of use, Coulson's thoughts and will inevitably have a certain influence on the Zanpakutō.

So when After the two are combined, there are changes that even Alan did not expect.

For example, Coulson desires great power, so this Zanpakutō has the ability to let the holder include the body Including the quality and soul, the ability to strengthen in all directions.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to use flash steps and other skills in battle, and his feet will be safe.

If it was replaced by an ordinary person, both legs and feet would have been broken by the explosive force generated by the spiritual pressure.

As for the peculiar shield shape after the initial solution, it took into account both attack and Defense.

Especially when the shield is swung and hit, the front end will violently spray spiritual pressure on the target, squashing and smashing the opponent forcibly.

And the farther the impact distance , the stronger the destructive power generated by the jet of spiritual pressure.

Through the Zanpakutō itself, Alan could easily see the man standing on the battlefield, covered with metal armor and a face full of rebelliousness. The male figure with an inferior expression immediately said with a smile: "You are lucky. "

"Any luck? "

Coulson, who was almost completely controlled by Blade Intent's ambition, was subconsciously frowned, and didn't understand how such a dangerous situation could be related to good luck.

Especially It was the killing intent of hiding the sky and covering the earth during the battle, as well as the strong desire during Devouring Soul, which made him feel as if he was possessed by a demon.

Alan slightly disbanded : "That's right! This Zanpakutō was successfully dyed your own color, and it did not completely run out of control and turned into a terrifying magic sword or a demon sword. If you are willing to calm down to communicate with it and pass the test it sets, then you can gain its approval to become a true master. At the same time, your spiritual pressure will continue to intensify under the influence of Zanpakutō until you become a powerful Death God. "

"What? Death God! ”

Densely packed sweat appeared on Coulson’s forehead instantly, obviously frightened by this word that symbolized death and misfortune.

After all, in Western society, Death God generally doesn't have a great reputation, and Myths and Legends tend to be portrayed in a negative light.

"I think you're misunderstanding something. The Death God I am referring to here is not the Death God wearing a black robe and holding a sickle in your mind, but another superpower who uses Soul Power. The Zanpakutō you use is actually a weapon forged by the Death Gods with their own souls. It's just that your spiritual pressure was too low to give birth to your own Zanpakutō, so you used this evil way. "

Alan handed the Zanpakuto back to Coulson, and explained it casually.

Coulson showed a half-understood expression, cautiously probed:" So what does it mean to be a Death God? "

"First of all, being a Death God means that even if your body ages, decays and dies, your soul can stay in this world for hundreds or even thousands of years. Secondly, you can control the power of the soul to fight, and the ordinary person can't see or perceive your presence at all. Finally, and most importantly, you can deeply develop the power of Zanpakutō through cultivation. Not just the initial solution, but a more powerful solution afterward..."

Alan listed the benefits of being a Death God in great detail.

Like Keke It's not a bad thing for a dutiful person like Ersen to gain the power of Death God.

On the contrary, he can cooperate with the mages of Kama Taj to greatly deter those from other dimensions. Demon God.

After all, a direct attack on the soul is quite threatening to any creature with a soul.

"What about the potential danger? What happens if I fail? "

Colson is worthy of being a proven high-level agent, not at all confused by the series of benefits, but more concerned about the damage that may be caused.

Alan meaningful replied: "If you fail, then the self-consciousness will become weaker and weaker in this tug-of-war, and even end up being swallowed up by Zanpakutō's will and become a part of it. If you want to gain power, you have to pay the corresponding price. There is no free lunch in the world, you should know this. "

"I...I think I need to think about it." "Colson was obviously hesitant.

Because he has personally felt the power and purity of Zanpo Blade Intent ambition, he doesn't know if he can pass the test.

even more how, He is also the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and is accountable to the International Security Council and his agents.

"Well, as you wish, I've already told you everything I need to tell you. "

Alan didn't force it, he shrugged his shoulders, took the box from Melinda's hand, opened it to take out the obelisk.


Bright golden lines appeared on the surface of the obelisk again, and the reaction was more violent than the last time, obviously affected by the table in the temple.

“What should we do next? "Skye came up at some point.

I don't know why, but her heartbeat was terrifyingly fast at this time, as if she already felt that she was standing at the crossroads of fate.

"It's easy! See that plinth on the table? The next thing to do is to put this thing on it and activate it completely. Oh, I almost forgot, other people had better step back immediately and keep a distance of at least 30 meters. Because in the Cree records, ceremony releases something that has the potential to kill all lifeforms that don't carry alien genes. "Alan solemnly issued a warning to the curious babies around him.

There are several eyeliners placed by the International Security Council inside SHIELD, and they are about to put their faces on the platform in the center of the temple. .

"Everyone but Skye step back immediately! move a bit faster! Fitz, Simmons, you set up the instruments and cameras, and make sure to film the whole process. ”

Coulson stepped into his role and gave orders to his agents loudly.

Because of the experience and lessons he has learned so many times, he has no doubts about Alan I never dared to hesitate.

Most importantly, it has been proven that obelisks do indeed kill ordinary people, turning them into black carbide like stone.

About five minutes or so, most of the agents retreated outside the circular ceremony field, leaving only three drones controlled by Fitz for filming.

Just in Alan The moment the mechanism was activated, the two silhouettes suddenly rushed out of the darkness, leaping deep and deep at a lightning-fast speed, tumbling to the vicinity of the platform in the center of the temple.

Colson undoubtedly saw At this point, subconsciously wanted to order his men to fire, but it was too late.

Before he could make a sound, the stone wall slowly separated the inside and the outside completely.

Not to mention that the thick walls are bullets, even energy weapons may not be able to penetrate in a short time.

Of course, there is another reason that Coulson believes that Alan is there, so there is no need to worry about Sri Lanka. What danger will Kay face.

On the contrary!

He should be worried about the two intruders.

After all, in front of Alan, sometimes A neat and tidy death is also a kind of luck and luxury.

With the rumbling sound, the stone wall used to cover the inside and outside of the temple was finally completely closed. The sun is shining down from above.

"Is that you? ! ”

Skye undoubtedly recognized Lena, and immediately drew the pistol from her waist and pointed it at the other party.

She had fought against the other party as early as when she was investigating the centipede plan Deal with it, knowing that this woman works for the Nine Headed Snake.

"Relax, don't be so nervous. I am not here today to fight against you, but to embrace my destiny. "Rena stared at the obelisk with her eyes fixed on the obelisk, full of naked and undisguised longing.

Evidently, she believed that she was special, the Heaven's Chosen Son favored by God, Destined to embark on a different path.

In contrast, Carl stared at his daughter, who had been separated for twenty years, shaking with excitement and tears in his eyes. Rotating in and out.

He tried to recognize each other several times, but at the last moment he was choked up and couldn't say a word.

It took a full minute before he finally recovered. It was easy to suppress his uncontrollable emotions, and slowly opened his mouth and called out a name.


"Daisy? "

The Shockwave Girl obviously didn't realize that the middle-aged man standing in front of her was the biological father she longed to see yearn for something even in dreams, with a puzzled look on her face.


Because at this moment, there are only four people standing in this small circle, two men and two women.

She knows Alan's name and the woman in the floral dress is called Lei Na.

And Daisy is obviously a girl's name, so it's unlikely a middle-aged man's name.

This also means...

Daisy is referring to me!

My real name is Daisy?!

After getting this answer, Skye also became excited and asked sharply: " How did you know my name is Daisy? Say it! Who are you! What does it have to do with the Nine Headed Snake who attacked my biological parents! "

"I am your father - Carl Johnson." Skye is not your real name at all! Your real name is Daisy Johnson! Your mother is Jia Ying! It's S.H.I.E.L.D.! They took you from me and hid you again. Over the years, I have been searching for your whereabouts. "Karl waved his hands and roared furiously.

After his wife was kidnapped, she had a broken stomach and almost died of violent death.

Daughter was unfathomable mystery by S.H.I.E.L.D. He was taken away, his identity was erased, and he was sent to an orphanage. He disappeared for more than 20 years.

It can be said that his originally happy and happy family was forcibly destroyed and dismantled. I can't stand it.

The reason why he didn't have a mental breakdown or was completely insane was entirely supported by his strong will to find his daughter.

"Father...father? "

The Shock Girl obviously couldn't believe it was all true, and subconsciously turned to Alan for help.

"He didn't lie." "

Alan blunt answered in the affirmative, and placed the obelisk on the central circular platform.

Soon, accompanied by slight noises and vibrations

The metal wrapped on the outside of the obelisk slowly opened, revealing the hidden Terrigan crystal inside.

Judging from the color and purity, this root should be made of The Kree refined pure crystals that do not contain any impurities.

In fact, there are two types of Terrigan crystals.

One is pure crystals that do not contain any impurities, Just like the one in front of you.

The other is the crystal containing impurities used by those aliens in the "afterlife".

In addition to the metal wrapped on the outside, the crystal itself It will not cause any harm to the ordinary person.

But because the latter failed to extract the metal impurities from the crystal, even if the ordinary person touches it, it will immediately cause serious and irreversible effects. .

Colson later broke his hand because he touched the "afterlife" to make Terrigan crystals containing metallic impurities.

Of course, it is not ruled out that they did this on purpose. , in order to prevent the ordinary person from stealing or studying the mysterious substances contained in the crystal.

As the entire Terrigan crystal becomes more and more active under the sunlight, and rapidly approaches the critical point, Alan realizes that this thing is about to explode, turning into countless tiny powders that naked eyes can't tell.

In order to avoid unnecessary accidental injury, he removed the metal under the crystal.

Just as this action was just completed, the dazzling Terrigan crystal suddenly exploded without warning.


The dust in the sky was refracted by the sun. It emits colorful rays of light.

Following the infiltration of crystal powder into blood vessels from the respiratory tract and skin, it begins to activate those hidden alien genes.

Including Alan, Skye, Reina, and Verna Lazas disguised as a badge all spewed out a large amount of black viscous material from their pores, wrapping themselves from head to toe.

Only Carl, the ordinary person, stood He was in a daze, and seemed a little confused about the situation.

After all, this was the first time he had seen this primordial alien awakening method, so he had no idea what was going on.

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