Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1082

"Damn it! Why hasn't this guy Alan arrived yet? He probably won't forget the time I made?"

Looking at the dark grocery store in front of him, he waited for almost half an hour Tony Stark subconsciously pulled out his phone and tried to dial one of the emergency numbers.

His patience has never been very good.

And it was always someone else who was waiting for him. This was the first time he had put his own pigeons.

Just as the finger was about to be pressed down, the grocery store suddenly brightly lit, and the closed door also opened.

"Sorry, I went to Kama Taj just now, and accidentally had a little more communication with Master Supreme."

Although Alan said "sorry", his face His expression was unapologetic, and he just stood at the door casually.

In fact, he deliberately made Iron Man stand for half an hour longer, while he hid in the dark with great interest to observe the other party's frantic appearance.

Fortunately, Tony Stark didn't notice the flash of mischief in Alan's eyes, and asked very curiously: "Looking for Supreme Master? What did you talk about?"

"A little talk about time." Alan shrugged replied.


Tony was stunned when he heard the word.

Because he didn't understand at all, the two might be the most powerful mages among human beings, and they were not talking about mystery and magic, but talking about the extremely complicated and hopelessly muddled topic of time. .

Alan nods with a smile: "Yes, it is time. In this exchange, I have gained a lot of inspiration and have a new understanding of the relationship between time and the universe. Okay. , you're not interested in this topic anyway, so hurry in and pick what you want. I believe I've been away for so long, the magic metal reserves you have on hand should have been exhausted long ago. Even more how, I can I don't want to be photographed by those pesky reporters and media, and when the time comes one by one to clean their memories."

"That's right."

Tony happily nodded , took Little Hot Pepper's hand and walked in.

Although he enjoyed standing in the spotlight a few years ago, being interviewed by various media, and making headlines every now and then.

But with the intervention of capital forces in the past two years, as well as their systematic suppression and smearing of the American Captain, Iron Man has seen the essence of the other party clearly, leaving only endless disgust and disgust.

Even though most of the major capital media have been touting him recently, he just doesn't accept any form of interview, and he doesn't even appear in public.

"long time no see. I heard Tony say, you went to the universe?" Pepper Potts took the initiative to greet him in a polite tone.

As Iron Man's close girlfriend and business partner, she has seen the terrifying thunderstorms that gather when Alan is angry, and she knows very well how amazing and terrifying power is hidden in that small body.

"Yes. I teamed up with an alien lifeform that looked exactly like a raccoon and called himself a rocket, and a tree man named Groot, who teamed up with the Bounty Hunter for a while. Later I also participated in the operation to destroy the Kree Empire by the way. This is a very interesting experience. If there is a chance in the future, I will introduce them to you. You must know that the rocket is a master of mechanical manufacturing. He can use a few A battery and metal junk can easily create a bomb that can sink a battleship.”

Alan didn’t hide anything, and frankly explained what he had done in the universe and what he had met. people.

Of course, he deliberately left out the parts related to the Power Stone and Thanos.

"A raccoon? Are you serious?"

Tony Stark, who was raising upwards on the shelf and choosing to purchase magic metal, couldn't help but interject.

Alan asked back with a smile: "Do you think I'm joking?"

"Well, this universe is really crazy, there are intelligent creatures that look exactly like raccoons ." Tony muttered softly.

He has a very funny feeling when he thinks that cute creatures like raccoons walk upright on their feet, and can master various advanced technologies to create weapons and explosives.

In order to prove that what he said was true, Alan took out the personal terminal used during space travel and directly projected the shape of the rocket and Groot.


A furry and very short raccoon, as well as a tall and sturdy tree man, appeared out of thin air in the sight of the two.

Little Hot Pepper subconsciously covered her mouth and cry out in surprise when she saw the rocket for the first time: "Wow! My God! It's so cute! Who is your companion? A race born on a planet?"

Alan corrected meaningfully: "No, he is not a naturally born intelligent creature, but was created by extremely cruel biological experiments. In the universe of , there are many civilizations with very advanced biotechnology, and creating life is as easy for them as eating and drinking."

"It's like the Cree used on Earth. The group of aliens created by humans doing experiments?" Tony Stark asked rhetorically with a serious expression.

"Almost. You can understand that, in the eyes of the higher civilizations in the universe, Earth is a bit similar to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when Europe looked at the indigenous peoples of Africa, America and Southeast Asia. In their eyes, so The backward Earth people are not worthy of being called "people" at all, they are just animals similar to people. It is as if the "noble" white people were God's chosen people and deserved everything on Earth. Remember when Europeans were How do you treat the aborigines in these places?" Alan said with a hint of sarcasm.

"War, conquest, plunder, colonization, and genocidal massacre. Well, it seems we have no right to blame the Cree." Tony Stark sighed helplessly.

Compared to what the Europeans did in the age of great voyages until modern times, the Cree experimented with primordial humans on Earth to create a different Human Race. It's really not crazy.

At least they are far from causing tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of human deaths.

"So in my opinion, the essence of civilization and rule is violence, and all morals and laws are used to fool ordinary people. The violent encounter between the two, I am afraid that it will collapse if it can’t hold for even a second. Just imagine, is there any precedent in human history to overthrow violence through laws and morality? The answer is no! No! Violence can overthrow morals and laws, but Violence can only be overthrown by violence. If you really want to change this world, you have to start by mastering violence."

When he said this remark, Alan clearly "sees" Iron Man deep in one's restlessness and restlessness of the heart.

Don't ask to know, he's one of the few people in this world who really wants to push for the establishment of a human union.

The Ultron project is a test of the International Security Council.

If he succeeds, he will become the sixth person in addition to the five most powerful nations on Earth to have the power to change the world situation.

"I'll think about it."

Tony Stark pondered for a moment, and soon nodded seriously.

After a while, he took a lot of magic metals with different properties from the shelf, as well as some materials and gems necessary for enchanting.

The total amount is enough to create a magic steel Battle Armor of about one thousand.

Apart from this, the guy also picked out a ring for Little Hot Pepper with protection and teleportation.

With the paranormal happenings on Earth and the Nine Headed Snake lurking around the world, Iron Man is more concerned than ever with the safety of his girlfriend.

He even wanted to send Pepper Potts to live in Sky City if he could.

When I wanted to buy a piece of real estate, I also had this in mind.

After all, in this world, there is nowhere safer than Elion Tiyo.

But unfortunately, Alan has no plans to sell Sky City real estate, nor does he want to accept too many outsiders.

Even the mantis girl is only eligible for temporary residence right now.

After paying the money, Tony Stark obviously had one thing on his mind, and then continued to probe: "What did you think about what I told you last time?"

"You mean about Supreme Wisdom?" Alan faint smile stared into Iron Man's eyes.

The latter nodded without thinking: "Yes! That's it. I need this advanced super artificial intelligence with the ability to learn and update itself."

"You have to understand , Supreme Wisdom later emptied the Kree Supreme Council and made them worship themselves like gods. To put it bluntly, the so-called Kree Empire is a puppet regime under the control of Supreme Wisdom. All Kree people Just like the worker ants and worker bees in a bee colony or ant colony, they only know how to mechanically obey the decisions and orders made by the supreme wisdom. I don’t think that with the current technology and development level of human beings, they can control such a powerful The artificial intelligence. Your Jarvis is like a fertilized egg compared to the Supreme Intelligence, and it hasn't even started to hatch."

Alan bluntly pointed out the problem.

As the saying goes, the bigger the step, the easier it is to pull the egg.

The development of science and technology is never achieved overnight, and needs to be extended from basic science to practical application.

If there is any setback in the middle, there will be a situation where the technology tree is crooked.

even more how A super artificial intelligence with independent consciousness and thinking ability like Supreme Intelligence, even the Sky City dare not easily create and put it into use, let alone Earth, which is still relatively backward .

And even if there was no accident when Tony Stark made Ultron this time, Ultron did not have the idea of destroying human beings, but faithfully performed the original design duties.

Then the end result will be the same as the Kree Empire.

After all, laziness is human nature.

When an artificial intelligence that is absolutely rational and can ensure the rapid development of society and technology is put into use, then the biggest possibility is that humans leave more and more complex and heavy work to it, and they themselves Slowly lose the ability to think and manage.

Such a degenerate human society is not what Alan wants to see.

But Tony Stark obviously doesn't think so, and still insists: "I will not give artificial intelligence too much autonomy and decision-making power like the Kree. It's all just to help, not replace human decision-making. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"Are you sure?" Alan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Of course! Very, very sure!" Tony Stark blunt answered in the affirmative.

You don't need to ask to know that he is determined to develop a super artificial intelligence to defend Earth, and he won't turn back if he doesn't hit the southern wall.

"Very good! I hope you don't regret the decision you made. Here, this is the core information you want about the Supreme Wisdom, and it will be physically destroyed immediately after reading it. I don't want this thing It's all over the place."

Speaking, Alan, as the other party wished, gave a special memory of palm-size.

Tony took it over excitedly, glanced at the interface, and asked in an uncertain tone, "What storage medium and reading method does this thing use?"

Alan Casually replied: "Biotechnology! In fact, the Supreme Intelligence is not a Semiconductor, or a quantum computer, as you might think. On the contrary, it is a living biological computer. The Cree created it in the first place. When the time comes, they input all of their science, philosophy, military, thought, etc. into it. In short, they are running to create a god that is beyond themselves and omnipotent. I hope the same mistake does not happen to you Replay."

"Biocomputer? That sounds challenging! Thanks for the reminder, I'll keep an eye out."

Tony Stark gets Supreme Treasure, the whole person They were all in a state of extreme excitement, and they didn't listen to Alan's warning at all.

After all, that's his character, proud, arrogant and supercilious.

Unless you taste the bitter fruit you sowed, it is always impossible to self-examine and reflect.

"Just do it yourself. If something goes wrong this time, I won't wipe your ass for you."

After saying this, Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Teleport Iron Man and Little Hot Pepper straight from the grocery store back to their new home.

Looking at the familiar arrangement around, Pepper Potts widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief: "I... we went home directly from New York? Is this magic teleportation?"

"I don't know. I don't feel the fluctuations of magical energy, maybe some other special ability. Damn, this guy is getting more and more invisible."

Tony obviously long ago Getting used to it, he immediately took the memory in his hand and went straight to the underground private laboratory.

He couldn't wait to see what the core technology of Supreme Intelligence was.

In contrast, Little Hot Pepper is very interested in the protection ring that he just got, and constantly performs defensive power tests and short-distance teleportation, just like a child who has obtained a new toy.

As the so-called not a family, do not enter a family.

In terms of life, the two share many similarities.

It's just that they didn't notice each other.

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