Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1084

"Very good! From now on, you don't make any more agreements with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council, and don't make any kind of prophecy. I'll help you escape from this place later."


As the last line of small characters appeared again, the note suddenly burned in his hand without warning.

At first, Reina was taken aback and subconsciously wanted to throw it away.

But she soon discovered that these flames did not have any temperature, but were simply burning and decomposing paper strips.

About a few seconds, the "appear out of thin air" note disappeared out of thin air, leaving no dust or residue behind.

If it weren't for the faint smell of burnt smell still lingering in the air, she would even think that she was so stressed that she had hallucinations.

But in the blink of an eye, this mysterious person was able to pass through layers of blockade and use a certain location method to deliver the news to himself. Lotter is so similar.


It should be said that it is exactly the same!

In addition to the means more subtle, and full of mysterious color.

In Reina's inference, this guy who is most likely a member of the Nine Headed Snake should be lurking at the headquarters of the International Security Council, and his position is quite high.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the average bureaucrat to know any information about her.

Just when Reina was thinking about how to cooperate with the other party to escape this secret prison, the newly established magic department on the upper floor, a black-haired girl who looked like she was in her twenties finally eyes slowly opened, Said to the companion waiting by: "It's done! I have sent the news to the woman. If she is as smart and capable as the rumors say, she should know very well what to do."

"Very good! Well done!" Another twenty four-five year old had a satisfied look on his face. "Remember! Although we have lost contact with our superiors, once we become Nine Headed Snakes, we will be Nine Headed Snakes for life. I will lead you to once again take root at the top of human society, and disintegrate them little by little from within. This time, we have unfathomable magic."

"But... but Sura, Tony Stark said, at our current level, we don't deserve to be called a wizard at all, just It's just a group of apprentices with a certain foundation." Another youngster cautiously reminded.

The shrugged shoulder of the young man called Sulla said: "I know this better than you all person. But don't forget that Tony Stark cheated. It is not the same as those of us who have direct contact with the source of magic. Although his ability is more comprehensive, it is far less malleable than us. So don't be discouraged, just keep going down this path, Sooner or later we will surpass him. Even more how, we are now an independent body recognized by the International Security Council and can apply for a budget to buy some potions, books, equipment, props and spell scrolls from that lord.”

"Got it! I'll make a request to the representatives of the Security Council at an opportunity, believing those idiots who know nothing about magic It shouldn't be rejected. After all the power of the Avengers, especially Tony Stark It's already a little out of control, and they must be eager to support a force to check and balance. And we are the best candidate." The girl who sent the note to Reina analyzed carefully.

If the reorganized S.H.I.E.L.D. was raised by a stepmother, then they are the real sons through and through.

From the moment of independence, everyone has enjoyed extremely high preferential treatment.

Especially when conducting magical research and experiments, no matter how much budget is applied for, it will be approved within three days.

In the International Security Council, which has always been extremely inefficient, it simply makes other departments sad and tearful.

You must know that S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Coulson wanted to apply for millions of dollars to appease the injured and even dead agents and their families. It took half a year for the review alone, and only half was given in the end. about.

But what about these guys?

After they became independent, their consumption reached a staggering $3 billion in just six or seven months.

On average, each person's share of the figure is frighteningly high.

But even so, the International Security Council has shown unprecedented support.

The reason is simple!

They couldn't fully trust Iron Man Tony Stark.

In addition, Supreme Master Gu Yi and Kama Taj have always refused to contact the secular regime, so they can only rely on these half-baked youngsters, hoping that they can grow from seeds to towering giants one day Tree.

At least when there is a dimensional Demon God invasion, or some other magical crisis, the International Security Council can know immediately, rather than being kept in the dark.

Looking at the young faces surrounding her, Sulla was filled with inexplicable excitement.

Because he has a feeling that at this rate, it won't be long before a whole new branch of Nine Headed Snake is born.

Just when the young man wanted to say something to boost his morale, the boy with glasses who was hiding in the corner and kept silent suddenly said, "Don't forget, not only us in this department, but also the others. A guy who is loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D., loyal to Coulson."

"Your consciousness is..." Sulla narrowed her eyes and probed.

"I mean, we can't do the same thing as Alexander Pierce. He didn't clean up the dissidents inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Think that since we are going to do it, why not create some accidents and clean up these guys who are loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.? In that case, all recruits will automatically become Nine Headed Snake.”

The boy wearing glasses raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a chilling smile.

Obviously, for them, it is quite normal for some unexpected situations to occur in magic research and experiments.

It's just that most of the time, because it will control the total amount of magic power, it won't cause too serious consequences.

But if someone hides in the dark and does something sneaky, or moves when the other party draws energy, it can completely create a murder.

"Good idea! I think that's what we should do."

"Yeah! Get the S.H.I.E.L.D. people out of the entire department so we don't have to do it all day. I'm worried, even if you make a small action, you have to worry about exposure."

"I remember that a few of them seemed to intend to conduct a large-scale magic experiment in a week. Why don't you take this opportunity to do it, when The time comes pushes the blame directly onto them and a dead men tell no tales."

"I'm afraid Tony Stark wouldn't find out if he came in person."


For a while, these young Nine Headed Snakes were eager to speak and make suggestions.

Different from the older Nine Headed Snakes who are good at concealment and patience, they are more energetic and energetic, and they are extraordinarily daring.

Soon, a conspiracy against the apprentice magician of S.H.I.E.L.D. soon began to brew, led by Sulla.

The poor representative of the International Security Council, completely unaware that the history of S.H.I.E.L.D. being infiltrated and controlled by Nine Headed Snake, is repeating itself, and is still arguing over Reina's prophetic powers.

In contrast, Daisy Johnson, another Inhuman shock girl, is in a much better situation.

Colson not only gave her a long vacation, but also won an amnesty for her biological father, Carl Johnson, and did not pursue her previous actions against S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, when Nick Fury was in power, he secretly took his daughter and hid it, which was indeed quite problematic.

Ask yourself, if it were him who encountered such a situation, Coulson felt that he would collapse directly, or even go completely crazy, and become a complete inhuman, anti-social terrorist.

Looking at the father and daughter sitting in the restaurant in the distance talking and laughing very harmoniously, the old man's face showed a relieved expression, and he asked without looking back: "The long-lost relatives Reunion, is there anything more touching in the world than this?"

"If I were you, it would not be too early to be happy. Don't forget, the psychiatrist gave Daisy's father The assessment is that the mental state is extremely unstable, and it is very easy to be provoked. I doubt whether he can play the role of a father." Melinda poured a basin of cold water expressionlessly.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. We have bigger troubles to deal with than Daisy's father." Coulson said meaningfully.

"Yeah! We've got bigger troubles to deal with. The first one is you, and the soul weapon you've been using called Zanpakutō." Melinda was annoyed rolled the eyes.

You must know that this time it was just the mission report, she wrote a whole dozen pages of A4 paper, which was more tiring than fighting the enemy.

And at the request of the International Security Council, Colson conducted a full-scale three-dimensional examination, including double physical and psychological tests.

While it turned out to be all right, it was disturbing to think of the ruthless, cruel and bloodthirsty look he had in battle.

"Don't worry, I've made an appointment with Alan and he'll teach me how to control the Zanpakutō and be its true master, rather than being controlled by Zanpakutō." Coulson casually said comforted.

"Oh? When?" Melinda's eyes flashed with rays of light of interest.

Colson smiled and shook the head: "Sorry, this matter needs to be kept secret, I can't tell you the specific time and place. In addition, I have to disappear for about three days recently, and the affairs in the bureau are Excuse me. Remember, if you spot the Nine Headed Snake, don't act in a hurry and get in touch with Maria Hill."

"Got it. You go early and come back early, I I don't want to hear any bad news in the end."

After saying that, Melinda turned around and got into the car, started the engine and drove away.

Colson stood there for another five or six minutes before pulling a magic scroll from his pocket and shredding it without the slightest hesitation.

The next second...

A Transmission Gate opened out of thin air and completely engulfed it on the spot.

Before the ordinary person around could notice the difference, everything returned to its original state.


At the same time, in the underground space of the Sky City of Azeroth, Coulson fell out of thin air from a height of two or three meters.

The dizziness and confusion of passing through the space made him lose his balance in an instant, and directly came into intimate contact with the ground.


After a muffled sound, the ground smashed into a pit.

Fortunately, this is a soft lawn, otherwise, even if there is no stun, it is estimated that a slight concussion must be indispensable.

Just when he was struggling to get up, he suddenly saw Alan standing less than a meter away from him, and asked with a faint smile: "You really made up your mind to do this. Dangerous trials?"

"Of course! I've been on countless dangerous missions, seen threats from outer space, and seen magic and the horrors of the dimensional Demon God. You're right, If you want to protect something, you can't do it without strength."

After saying this remark, Coulson shook the dirt on his body and got up from the ground, his eyes full of seriousness and peace. firm.

There is no doubt that he has achieved some kind of awareness, understand what he is doing, not an impulsive decision.

After realizing this, Alan nodded with satisfaction, followed by raising his hand without any sign and hitting the opponent's abdomen with a palm.

Colson flew out.

Only in the process of flying backwards, he was surprised to find that his soul was separated from the flesh, and the soul floated directly in midair as if it had no weight.

"Since you have become enlightened, let's take the first lesson, that is to re-know yourself, or re-know your soul."

Alan Picked up Coulson's body and sent it to another safer place for safekeeping.


Looking at his translucent Spirit Physique state, Coulson's face showed a look of shock and fear.

"That's right! Soul!"

Alan nods with a smile.

"Perhaps in your cognition, the soul is a carrier of thought and will, something abstract and incomprehensible to the world.

But in fact, all these All are wrong.

The real soul should be closer to the self in the philosophical category, and it is the embodiment of human beings' self-awareness.

Generally speaking, the stronger the self is Humans tend to have more powerful souls.

For example, Tony Stark, his soul is dozens of times that of an ordinary person.

And the standard to measure this strength , known as spiritual pressure, the pressure of the soul.

spiritual pressure is energy that can be shaped into entities and various forms.

Death God is a special group that uses spiritual pressure to fight.

They abandon their bodies and walk the world as pure souls.

The first thing you need to learn , which is to sense my spiritual pressure and stimulate it completely.

Of course, in order to save time as much as possible, I intend to skip the theoretical part.

Next, you can slowly comprehend it in the battle..."

With the last word blurted out, Alan raised his hand and used the power of the Soul Soul Fruit to create two relatively low-level ones out of thin air. virtual.

Seeing this, Coulson's pupils suddenly dilated, and an inexplicable fear surged from the bottom of his heart.

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