Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1088

"Straker Baron! Our defense line can't hold up! The battle strength of those Avengers is completely different from that of ordinary soldiers. In another ten minutes, they will be able to approach the castle and attack directly here. "Liszt rushed in from the outside with a nervous expression and warned loudly.

At this moment, the Nine Headed Snake high level cadre who is keen on superpower research no longer looks like aloof and remote in normally, and the whole person looks extremely flustered.

Because he knew that according to the experiments he had conducted, once caught, he would be sentenced to death 100%.

Not even a private deal.

The reason is very simple. In his experiments, at least hundreds of children under the age of twelve died.

This kind of crime does not even dare to grant a pardon to it by the International Security Council, otherwise it will be exposed in the future, and all relevant personnel will be unlucky along with it.

"They're here for the scepter!" Straker Baron made his judgment with a serious expression.

Because apart from Loki's psychic scepter, he really couldn't think of anything else in himself that was worthy of the Avengers to dispatch all of them to make such an exaggerated battle.

To know that the last time the Avengers were dispatched, it also dates back to the entire starfleet invasion of New York by the Chitauri.

Even for the insight plan to deal with Alexander Pierce, only about half of the people were dispatched, and the main combatant was only Iron Man - Tony Stark.

But now, except for Alesia, who promised not to take part in infighting between humans, everyone else is here.

After figuring out the enemy he was facing right now, Strucker Baron immediately took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then asked his subordinates without looking back: "Our people can still withstand it. Are you?"

"Sorry, I'd love to say yes, but they're the Avengers. See for yourself, it's just Tony Stark's steel Legion that combines magic and technology. We are smashed. Many bunkers, which are designed to withstand at least one battalion attack, are now torn to shreds if they can't hold it for even a second."

Speaking, the seemingly thirty The man around the age of 2 turned on the monitor and played the footage captured by the camera repeatedly.

I saw a robot sprayed with gold red, surrounded by a strong airflow similar to a tornado, falling directly from the sky, hitting the ground with a bang with a radius of more than fifteen meters and a depth of more than three meters. the big pit.

Under such an impact, let alone going to a bunker, even an air-raid shelter would be difficult to hold.

apart from this, other steel Legion robots, some can shoot high-temperature flames up to thousands of degrees Celsius, some can release biting cold, or wrap themselves in a hard layer of ice, Rampage across the battlefield like a frost giant.

It can be said that in the field of combining magic and technology, Iron Man has taken an unprecedented path.

Even Alan, who was standing tall and condescending to observe the situation on the battlefield, couldn't help but give this genius a thumbs up.

The most important thing is that the magic technology used by all these steel Legion robots is not very high, and it can even be said to be very low-level and cheap.

But under the integration of Tony, it has exerted 300% formidable power.

Especially the mutual cooperation between elemental magic has obviously been calculated and adjusted countless times. There are almost four robots in a group.

Straker Baron saw this scene, with naked and undisguised jealousy in his eyes, and loudly instructed without looking back: "Pass my order! Let all the reserve tanks and drones be dispatched. , focus on attacking the weak point of the enemy. Attacking can boost the morale of the army!"


"Long live the Nine Headed Snake!"

" Don't stand stupidly! Get me moving! Didn't you hear that Baron was killed?"


For a while, many people who were originally depressed Guys, like a chicken blood, they took up their weapons and charged ahead, ready to fight with the fully armed Avengers.

Although Nine Headed Snake has done a lot of crazy things, they are indeed a group of people with ideals and pursuits, and they will not collapse immediately after setbacks and failures like mob.

On the contrary, many Nine Headed Snakes have fanatical spiritual beliefs, and are even willing to sacrifice their precious lives for the organization.

Looking at this group of idiots who were fooled and lame, Strucker Baron was satisfied, and immediately pulled Liszt aside and said in a low voice: "We have everything ready, and we are about to achieve the best results. A great breakthrough. It must not be at this time..."

Before he finished speaking, Liszt couldn't help but interrupted: "Then let's test the research results. twin, and see how they fare against the Avengers."

"No! No! It's too early." Straker Baron immediately refused without thinking.

Because the Maximov brothers and sisters were the only two people who survived the psychic scepter test.

He always felt that there was some kind of undiscovered secret hidden in the twins.

Once it is cracked, Nine Headed Snake can create thousands of super-powered armies in minutes and directly overthrow existing countries and regimes.

even more how, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are just two children who have never participated in any battles. No one can guarantee that they can play as stable as they normally train when they enter the battlefield.

Especially against Earth's most powerful superhero group, the Avengers.

"Now is the time to hire people. If this base is destroyed and we get caught, what's the point of all this research?" asked Lister's gnashing teeth.

But Strucker Baron still insisted: "My people can handle it. At least I don't want to risk them until the end of the mountain."

After saying this, he He turned around and shouted at his subordinates: "We must be unyielding! The Americans sent those clowns to test us! And I want them to go back and forth! Never surrender! Never retreat! Fight to the death!"

"Never surrender!"

"Never retreat!"

"Fight to the death!"

With the thundering slogan, some researchers and professionals also took up weapons, or put on those giant steel Battle Armors that were transformed, and launched a counterattack against the steel Legion that was constantly flying in the sky for bombing.

Because the castle has an Energy Shield relationship, they don't need to worry about their own safety, so the firepower is very fierce.

Several low-flying magic robots were forcibly pierced through their shields and fell from the sky to pieces.

Seeing that the situation has stabilized a little, Strucker Baron lowered his voice again and said to Liszt: "Delete all documents and materials, I am ready to surrender. If the Avengers get those data and weapons, they will We'll find out about our research soon."

"But twin..."

Lister pointed to the place where the Maximov siblings were standing not far away. Location.

Straker Baron obviously hasn't figured out what the other party wants to express, and he emphasizes impatiently: "I said it! They're not quite ready!"

Liszt hurriedly hooked the head and explained: "No, no, no, I mean... where are they?"

At this time, Strucker Baron finally found out that Wanda and Pietro has disappeared.

"Damn it! This is going to be troublesome."

He couldn't help being cursed by his gnashing teeth.


At the same time, the two brothers and sisters who just left the castle are planning to go to the battlefield to wrestle with these self-righteous Avengers.

But before the two could run a few steps, they found a short silhouette blocking their way.

Wanda, especially, couldn't help crying out in surprise: "It's you?!"

"en! That's right! It's me." Alan nods with a smile .

"Who is he?" Pietro asked in an uncertain tone.

"Remember when I mentioned to you last time that there was a boy who sneaked into Baron's room and tried to steal the Psychic Scepter? That's him!"

Wanda hurried to his compatriots Brother made an explanation.

When Pietro heard it, he immediately showed a looked thoughtful expression: "so that's how it is. Since it is a superpower, let us compare and see whose speed and reaction are faster."


The voice is still alive!

His whole body turned into a silver electric light and rushed over.

According to the calculation of the instantaneous explosive force, the speed of this guy has almost exceeded the sound by dozens of times, and the whole body is hardly affected by any air resistance.

But just as Quicksilver was confidently preparing to take a detour to pick up this "boy" who looked harmless to humans and animals, he suddenly found that Alan's neck suddenly had a 180-degree angle. Turning around, there was a weird smile on his face.

Next second...


His fist hit Pietro directly in the stomach at a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell.

No surprises!

The speed person in the Marvel Cinematic Universe immediately flew backward uncontrollably, like a cannonball slamming off the trunk of a digging tree.

It is not until a fall occurs that the nerves transmit the pain sensation to the brain.

Afterwards, he lay on the ground and couldn't stop vomiting stomach acid, bile, and some undigested food, and the expression on his face was even more distorted in pain.

And Alan stood there as if he was nothing, and warned meaningfully: "Remember, don't approach me from behind casually, it will make me subconsciously stress. It was just a small Warning, if there is another time, I won't hit you in the stomach, but between your legs."

"'re a devil!"

Kuaiyin only felt the cold in his crotch, and subconsciously clamped his legs.

He couldn't imagine what would happen if his lifeblood collided with the opponent's fist at such a terrifying speed.

It is estimated that the biggest possibility is that there is no way to be a sister and brother with Wanda in the future, but a sister instead.

"Pietro, are you okay?" Wanda asked nervously.

Kuiyin wiped the corners of his mouth and quickly stood up from the ground: "Don't worry, I'm fine, he should be show mercy. Otherwise, what you see now should be my body."


"Good vision, I appreciate you more and more now."

Alan stared at the opponent's eyes and slowly approached, not taking the attack just now.

Because before reaching the speed of light, Quicksilver's threat to him infinitely approaches zero.

On the contrary, Scarlet Wanda's Primal Chaos Demon method, even if it only stays at the most primary level, also has quite terrifying destructive power.

"Who the hell are you? Did you come to us for something?" Pietro cautiously probed.

After suffering a loss, he gave up his original plan and held Wanda's hand tightly. As soon as he noticed something was wrong, he would immediately turn around and run away with the elder sister.

After all, they are not Nine Headed Snake, nor will they devote themselves to the so-called "lofty ideal" of Nine Headed Snake.

When encountering an enemy that cannot be beaten, there is no burden in running away at all.

"My name is Alan. As for my identity, it is not convenient to disclose it temporarily. You just need to know that I am not an enemy." Alan introduced himself with a smile.

"Alan? How come I've never heard of it..." Quicksilver subconsciously turned his attention to his elder sister.

Wanda also followed and gently shook the head: "Don't look at me, I've never heard of it. But you're not an enemy, why are you blocking our way?"

" There is no other purpose, just want to say hello in person and get to know each other. Because in the near future, my fate with yours will be intertwined. Also, as a gift, I can give you a promise, a resurrection from the dead The promise. If any of you die in an accident, you can bring the body to me for resurrection. Well, that's all for today, and you can now do what you want."

After saying this, Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, instantly creating a space channel out of thin air to engulf himself.

It wasn't until he left for more than five minutes that Pietro put his guard down and asked without looking back: "What does he mean? A promise to come back from the dead? Does anyone of us know that? Did he die in an accident?"

"I don't know. But I can feel the unimaginable energy in his body, which is brighter and more dazzling than the sun." A hint of panic.

Compared to Quicksilver, she who has already mastered the Primal Chaos Demon method, can "see" Alan's essence hidden under the appearance of mortals better.

"If that's the case, then don't think too much. Didn't this guy say it just now? He's not our enemy. And from the tone and tone of his speech, he doesn't seem to be around ten years old. Boy. Forget it, let's get to those Avengers first. Especially Tony Stark! I can't wait for him to pay for what he did!"

Having said that, Pietro took a deep breath, and the whole person once again turned into a silver lightning and disappeared into the forest.

And the scarlet witch Wanda quietly hides in the dark corner of the castle, waiting for the avengers to enter, invades their spirits through the power of magic, affects their sanity, and makes them look To the most regrettable, most fearful and most desperate scene in deep in one's heart...

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