Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1096

"This is the city in the sky? Oh my God! It's really floating in the sky!"

Banna Academician stared at the edge of Elion Tiyu, looking down to the endless stream of The sea and the big vortex looked up, with expressions of disbelief all over their faces.

He originally thought that the so-called "city in the sky" should be built on a very high mountaintop, so he got such a name.

After all, "City of God" and "City of Angels" on Earth usually come from this way.

But who would have thought that this city in the sky was actually playing for real, floating above the sea.

Whether it is seen from a distance or from a close distance, it gives people a kind of shock from the heart.

Especially for first-time visitors, there is often a strong sense of unreality.

Because Eleontio doesn't look like something that can be built by humans, but should belong to the creation of the gods.

Of course, to a certain extent, this view is not wrong.

In the world of virtual games, designers and programmers are indeed equivalent to gods and can create everything according to their own imagination and wishes.

It was they who created this city in the sky.

Later, after the players captured it, they transformed it into the guild's base camp, which was planned and rebuilt by thousands of members, and finally it gradually became what it looks like.

After Alan took over, he carried out a second round transformation, using some magical techniques obtained from the other world.

So now Elephantine seems to be the perfect fusion of fantasy, classic, modern and futuristic.

In the sky above the city, you can even see countless space battleships of different sizes.

Most of them are products of technology, but some are born from the combination of magic and technology.

Because Alan normally adopts a laissez-faire management method, Guardians can do whatever they want without breaking the rules.

If it weren't for the fact that he used the power of space gems to establish countless independent subspaces within the city, it is estimated that the weapons, equipment and various gadgets created by the Guardians could not be placed in the warehouse.

"It's incredible, right? It's like a perfect reenactment of a childhood fairy tale. If that Alan agrees to open up, I bet there are countless people around the world willing to pay a high price to come and see for themselves. Witnessing all this." Tony Stark also sighed slightly.

You must know that he has tried to become a permanent resident here more than once, but has been ruthlessly rejected in the end.

Although Iron Man is an out-and-out genius, and not bad as a friend, he's too flamboyant and has a personality that doesn't fit the introverted temperament of Mysterious City in the Sky.

By contrast, if Bruce Banner applied to join, Alan would seriously consider it.

Just as the two were talking, a Guardian who was on duty appeared directly in the open space more than ten meters away by teleportation, and asked in a very puzzled voice: "Do you suddenly apply to visit the Sky City? Something important?"

"There is something very important indeed. You should know the truth about the disaster that happened in Vienna not long ago?"

Colson immediately Stand up and make representations on behalf of the International Security Council.

According to the signed agreement, as long as it is related to Earth security, both parties will share as much as possible.

"Vienna? Oh, you mean the little disturbance caused by the aftermath of the energy. Don't worry, Master Supreme and Lord Artoria have already dealt with it."

This The race is set to be a muscular brawny man with a shrugged shoulder with an indifferent face.

"Energy aftermath?"

Tony Stark sharply picked out a key word.

Guardian nodded without thinking: "en! That's right! It is said that it should be the movement made by Lord Alan on another planet, and accidentally spread to Earth through the Transmission Gate. As for what happened What, we don't know very well. If you want to know what happened, just wait patiently for him to come back."

"Wait! You mean, there was a tower in that castle. The Transmission Gate to somewhere else?" Coulson's mouth widened in surprise.

As the person with whom Nine Headed Snake interacts the most, he already smells something unusual.

Because not long ago, he received news that a freighter belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D. carrying dangerous items suddenly lost contact.

According to the information sent back by the agents who rushed to the incident site, the ship has completely sunk into the sea, and the influence of the underwater camera can prove that the reason for the sinking is the violent explosion of the fuel tank due to the violent attack .

As for the people above, not even one survived.

And this cargo ship just happened to have an unknown Transmission Gate that was sealed away.

“en! As far as I know, Gideon Malik, the supreme leader of Nine Headed Snake in Europe, is holding a meeting in that castle. What’s more interesting is that he has a meeting with Crossbones Bullock. Rumlow teamed up and kidnapped the wives, lovers and descendants of these people," said the Guardian half true half false.

"What? Gideon Malik is a Nine Headed Snake!" Steve Rogers' voice jumped up an octave.

Because Gideon Malik was the only one in the International Security Council at the previous time to retreat after the Battle of New York, and was not removed from the The SHIELD headquarters building was thrown down.

Many people used to laugh at him for being cowardly and scared of taking this important and dangerous position by alien invaders.

It's no wonder that before dying, Alexander Pierce would say that the top brass at Nine Headed Snake were people SHIELD would never have imagined.

Not only S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated into a sieve, but even the political, business and news broadcast media of various countries have a silhouette of Nine Headed Snake.

Such shocking news immediately made the faces of everyone present look ugly.

Especially Coulson, who is in a confused stage, doesn't know who else he can trust.

Is there no Nine Headed Snake in the current International Security Council?

The extreme trend of thought suddenly set off in American society, is Nine Headed Snake deliberately instigating it?

How many of these terrorist attacks and regional conflicts were instructed and controlled by Nine Headed Snake?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a problem!

The more I think about it, the more I feel scared!

After all, trusting this thing has never been a luxury for someone who has experienced a betrayal.

The joy of destroying the secret base of Strucker Baron was tempered by this intense concern.

You must know that they once thought that this was the last important stronghold of Nine Headed Snake on the world.

But now, things don't seem so optimistic.

As the Nine Headed Snake dictum, cut off one head and grow two.

These guys are like shadows and can't kill to the last one no matter what.

As early as 70 years ago, Legion, a strategic science, had tried it, but it was parasitized internally by the opponent, and then little by little revived and developed.

Now, they see through and destroy Alexander Pierce's Insight project, and hunt the leader of the Nine Headed Snake around the world, with little success.

No matter how many bosses it kills, this organization is still secretly active, and it can even live well in another identity.

The incomparable frustration instantly made everyone present feel helpless.

Guardian obviously expected the other party's reaction, and nodded casually: "Yes! In fact, the Malik family is the founder of the Nine Headed Snake organization and holds many secrets that others don't know. Generally speaking, I shouldn't say anything like this that involves fighting between you humans. But considering he's supposed to be dead by now, it doesn't matter if he says it."

"Dead? When? Who killed it?" Coulson clearly felt that he was about to have a heart attack.

Because these messages are more explosive than one.

He can guarantee that if he takes it back, the International Security Council will follow this clue and conduct a thorough investigation of the dignitaries in the entire European region.

"No, I mean since the Transmission Gate is torn apart by the aftermath of the energy, it means that they will be trapped on a desolate planet at the far end of the universe, and it will be impossible for them to return to Earth in this life. . Given the desolation of the planet, it is estimated that it will not take long for all of them to starve, freeze, and thirst." Guardian explained patiently.

Hearing this, Coulson was visibly sighed in relief: "Well, thank you for the information, I think I know the general situation. Thank you very much for your efforts to protect Earth and humanity. We will never forget this kindness."

"You're welcome, we Guardians are just obeying the orders of the three adults. If nothing else, you can go back now. ”

After saying that, the Guardian took the gesture of seeing off the guests, and did not intend to let everyone stay in the Sky City.

Actually, most Guardians are quite xenophobic and don't like outsiders at all near the place they see as writers.

In their eyes, these outsiders always hold various purposes, or for wealth, or for power, or for all kinds of powerful weapons, equipment, potions and props.

It's just for Alan's sake and will not refuse those who are granted temporary residency.

"Go back? Now? Won't we get a drink or something to eat?" Tony Stark tried to slip through.

But the Guardian ruthless refused: "I'm very sorry, Lord Alan is not in Sky City right now, so in principle we don't accept outsiders. If you want to visit, please come back at another time."


"Damn it! I hate all kinds of weird rules here."

Seeing that his little tricks didn't work, Tony Stark could only helplessly shrugged his shoulders and rushed to others The man gestured, then turned and prepared to return to Earth through the edge entrance.

But the moment they stepped on the steps again, a teleportation suddenly opened out of thin air.

The silhouette of Alan's adult state follows in front of everyone.

Although it is somewhat different from the little child in normally, the silver short hair and violet pupils are very recognizable.

Steve Rogers couldn't help but cry out in surprise: "My Heavens! Is that person really Alan? He... how did he suddenly grow up?"


"no! Captain! It's not growing up, it's me getting back to my normal height."

Alan, apparently hearing Captain America's voice, landed directly from in midair, face There was an undisguised smile of joy.

Because he knew that from now on, the height spell would no longer cause any trouble to him.

"Normal height?!" Natasha raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but interject.

"Yes! Because I have suffered some unknown curse, whenever my strength increases, my height will decrease. You can understand that this is the price that must be paid for gaining strength. But now, I finally got rid of it. Oh, yes, Israel." Alan suddenly turned his eyes to the demon Guardian beside him.

The latter hurriedly bent down and bowed deeply: "Please tell me!"

"Go and notify everyone scattered in every corner to come back. The Sky City will Temporarily transfer out after half an hour, nothing is allowed to stay." Alan instructed without thinking.

It was clear that he had finally made up his mind to start creating his own universe.

Being a novice on the road for the first time, he didn't know exactly what would happen in the whole process.

So for the sake of safety, it is better to transfer the Sky City first.

The demon known as Israel was clearly aware of what was going to happen next, and immediately assured him excitedly: "I will immediately activate a tight summoning order in the district. Please rest assured, at most fifteen minutes. After that, everyone gathered in the city in the sky."

After that, he quickly spread his huge wings and flew directly to the top of the central tower, ringing the golden bell.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by a low and melodious voice, countless teleporters began to open one by one near the central square, and thousands of various humanoids rushed back from the other side. .

Although they didn't know what happened, they quickly went straight to their respective posts in accordance with the principles of emergency handling.

It didn't take a while for the city in the sky to enter a state of total war.

An incomparable gigantic protective cover directly wraps the city from top to bottom, so that not even a mosquito can fly in.

Not only that!

The space battleships overhead also started their engines.

If he hadn't heard Alan talk about a temporary transfer, Coulson would have thought it was a full-scale invasion of Earth.

But before he had time to ask what was going on, a dazzling blue rays of light appeared out of thin air, and the Tearing Space opened a space tunnel large enough to accommodate this huge city. .

And the other side is obviously Earth.

The only thing that makes Coulson happy is that it is not a densely populated metropolis like New York, but an endless sea.

Although there is also the risk of being spotted by passing ships, it is much better than appearing over the city...

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