Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1098

With the six Infinity Stones at full power, various forms of life were soon born on those planets.

As the creator, Alan did not deliberately control most forms of life, but just let them evolve freely.

But in order to be able to recreate the real Azeroth universe, he infused a handful of planets with the power of mind and soul, and a massive core full of energy.

That's right!

These selected planets will slowly become the first awakened Titans, and then bring order to the chaotic universe.

Apart from this, he also prepared enemies for these titans, that is, the void creatures bred at the source of the twisted void, and the demon race from the source of chaos.

In the end, all energy forms are divided into six completely different parts.

Arcane representing order, nature of life, holy light, fel energy of chaos, undead representing death, and shadow representing dark void...

Yes, in order to save trouble, Alan directly uses the ready-made rules that exist in the space.

Not only that, but he also created a series of subspaces to ensure that the system can function perfectly.

Unlike the normal world universe, this is a Magic Universe through and through.

All powers, techniques and systems must revolve around the six Great Demon energies.

The so-called physical rules of the outside world are all replaced by new rules here.

And those beings that are being conceived are also more or less affected by magical energy, and eventually produce different evolution directions.

Of course, among the hundreds of millions of planets, Alan specially selected one and named it Azeroth, and designed the shape of the land and ocean according to the original appearance in his memory.

Not only that, he also activated the Titans of the Pantheon of Titans in the game, one by one.

After finishing all this, the exhausted Alan finally stopped and silently looked at this world completely controlled by his own will.

Now, although he has lost his body, his soul has been bound to the entire universe.

As long as this universe exists and is not completely destroyed, it will never really die.

Not only that, Alan can also draw energy from this universe without limit and do whatever he wants.

Even a single thought can change the rules of time, space and power.

Even an awakened Titan, in his eyes, is just a small insect that can be crushed to death at will.


Verna Razas stretched out his claws and grabbed the six Infinity Stones floating around, asking with interest.

Although she had known for a long time about the powerful power possessed by the Infinity Stones, she was really shocked when she saw it with her own eyes.

After all, this is the creation of a single universe, or a special dimension.

Alan, who was maintaining his soul state, nodded lightly: "Yes, it's done. Now this universe is my body, and I can even "see" the dreams of those nurturing star souls, "Seeing" the thoughts of countless lives. This feeling is clearer than holding the Spirit Treasure stone in the past. And some of the remaining rules of the original game world are also well integrated."

"Also That is to say, you have realized the virtual world with the help of infinite gems and residual rules? This universe will slowly evolve five-color guardian giant dragons, as well as humans, elves, trolls, Dwarfs, dwarves and other races?"

Verna Razas touched the chin with an interested expression.

"Almost. It's a bit difficult to explain. You'd better feel it yourself." Dragon to share.


A huge amount of information is transmitted through the connection.

About two or three minutes, Verna Lazas's pupils quickly focused, and she opened her mouth slightly and exclaimed: "so that's how it is! You are not simply creating, but borrowing some cleverly. The power that was already in me."

"That's right! It's interesting, isn't it? It turned out that there was a power hidden in my body until I started trying to wipe it all away. When I started to create a new universe, I discovered that it was not erased by the Infinity Stones, but was integrated in another form. Now, to a certain extent, I should also be a dimensional Demon God. , and it can also provide a stable source of magical energy for any world that maintains contact with this dimension."

After that, Alan raised his hand and suddenly created Arcane, nature, holy light, Six energies of Fel, Shadow and Necromancy.

This is one of the abilities he acquired after fuse with the entire universe.

He doesn't even need to rely on Infinity Stones, he can now control time and space to a certain extent, reverse everything in the world, release almost infinite energy, directly create and annihilate souls, and awaken a certain The amount of spiritual power of the mind, giving any living or non-living independent thinking.

Of course, all these powers can only be used indefinitely within this universe.

If he leaves, then he can only control it in a limited range by creating connection points.

It is as if Hisoka En, Dormammu these dimensions of Demon God must have believers on Earth, or a clear connection point, otherwise they can't get close.

However, the biggest difference between Alan's dimension gods and demons is that his dimension is not fixed in a certain place, but will continue to travel with himself.

Every time you arrive at a place, you will be closely connected with the universe in which the world is located.

For example, he will now teleport to Earth from here, and he will not be hindered by the Three Great Saint Halls at all.

"Do you need me to help you reshape your body?" Verna Razas asked in an uncertain tone.

Alan smiled and shook the head: "No, there's no need for that, I can do it myself."

tone barely fell!

His soul suddenly spewed out a large number of unknown white cells from the inside out.

In just a few seconds, he reshaped a body from head to toe, and it was even more powerful than before.

After all this was done, Alan raised his arm, pressed his right hand on the huge head of the red dragon, and said meaningfully: "It's time for you to go beyond the limits of the individual, come and share the whole with me. The power of the universe."

As the last word blurted out, infinite magical energy poured into Vernarasas' body and soul.

The violent fluctuations ripped apart her strong body directly, and deeply strengthened and transformed her soul.

The whole process lasted for more than fifty hours. When the final transformation was completed, flesh and blood was born again out of thin air and covered the entire soul at an incredible speed.

When she opened her eyes again, Verna Lazas finally showed naked and unabashed joy on her face: "It's great! It's a powerful feeling! I think we've had enough. The trump card, go to wrestle with the Demon Gods of those dimensions. Dormammu is a good target, how about we kill him directly?"

"It can be considered. And through Dormammu, we also You can roughly estimate the strength of Hisoka En and the value of dark magic."

Alan touched the chin and began to seriously consider the feasibility of this proposal.

After all, according to the principles of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the more powerful the characters in the comics, the more weakened they will be.

According to the setting of the comics, the only dark dimension in the multiverse, Sovereign Dormammu, should be Eternal and Undying.

As long as there is a believer in countless worlds, he can break free from the bondage of death and return from the world of the dead, and he can also control the time axis to a certain extent, with the power of the time gem. confrontation.

But it's not hard to see from the finale of "Strange Academician" that in the movie universe, Dormammu didn't control Power of Time.

Forget about manipulating time, he didn't even show a series of powerful abilities such as distorting reality, crossing dimensions, creating different-dimensional spaces, telepathy, controlling elements, and resurrecting the dead.

So Alan thinks it shouldn't be as difficult as he originally imagined to kill Demon God.

Maybe in the movie universe, they even got rid of the Eternal and Undying feature...

"That's it. Calculate the time, the one called Stephen Strange's surgeon should be in a car accident soon." Verna Lazas said, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Obviously, she didn't like the Supreme Master who was going to take over in the future.

Because before learning magic, this guy was a complete asshole, more than Tony Stark did before he became Iron Man.

Because of his preeminent position in the medical world, Stephen Strange tends to follow a set of unwritten rules when operating on people.

To sum up, there are a total of the following.

The poor who have no money die and go home to die, which fully reflects the superiority of the capitalist medical system; How much will the surgery cost, and how many expensive instruments and cutting-edge medicines will be used;

The inability to cure the disease will ruin Dr. Stephen Strange's good reputation for rejuvenation;

Anyway, there are too many similar dark histories to this future bizarre Academician.

It's hard to imagine that such a jerk with no compassion, no medical ethics, or even humanity, could end up being an Earth Guardian Jane superhero.

Just thinking about it is full of irony and black humor.

"Don't worry, after he breaks his hand, let's go to teach Stephen Strange a lesson, and let him also have a good taste of the people who were refused treatment and went home and waited to die. What kind of mood." Alan's eyes flashed with undisguised wickedness.

Verna Lazas' eyes lit up instantly: "Oh? Do you have any new plans?"

"Of course! I always have a plan in place when I do things. But Until then, I need your help to get all the Infinity Stones to where they should go."

There was no nostalgia or reluctance on Alan's face when he said this remark.

Because he knew that these gems would eventually be replied into his own hands.

It's being sent out now, so that Thanos can snap his fingers and eliminate half of the lives in the Exterminating Universe, and also ensure that the timeline doesn't fluctuate too much.

In fact, this is the meaning of Supreme Master Ancient One.

"Return it all? Are you sure!"

Verna Lazas, who inherited the greedy character of giant dragon, was obviously rather reluctant.

In her opinion, what is in her hands is her own, and it is a pipe dream to return it to its original owner.

Alan smiled and reassured: "Return or for now to be able to recycle better in the future. Don't forget, we have reached an agreement with Supreme Master Gu Yi, and I don't want to make a promise that I don't believe. Dude. Even more how, I'm looking forward to playing Thanos with six Infinity Stones and gloves."

"Damn! You've been influenced so much by that lunatic and perverted Hisoka that you're about to change. I've become a complete fighting maniac."

Verna Lazas couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, but still brought six Infinity Gems and disappeared without a trace.

Watching the red dragon leave, Alan sighed slightly: "This is also impossible. As an eternal life, I always have to find some interest and hobby for myself, otherwise I will soon be Tired of "Life", and even eager to kill himself."


At the same time, the Supreme Master Gu Yi, who was far away in Kama Taj, seemed to notice it. What, slowly walked out of his room, lifts the head and looked in the direction of the city in the sky.

Before she could figure out what happened, Verna Lazas appeared out of thin air in front of her, put the green time gem directly on the table, and said expressionlessly: "According to the agreement, I came to return it."

"You succeeded?" Gu Yi's eyes widened in surprise.

Verna Lazas replied without thinking: "Yes, it worked. From now on, we will provide Earth with enough magical energy until that source is fully mature."


"many thanks! It seems that we mages can finally get rid of the control of the dimension Demon God and become an independent force to guard Earth."

Gu Yi picked up the time gem on the table , put it back inside the Eye of Agamotto, his face full of relaxation and joy.

Because from now on, no matter which dimension Demon God wants to invade Earth, it must do a good job of colliding head-on with Alan who is the same, or even has a stronger power.

In addition to the Supreme Master, you don't need much, as long as you join forces to hit Dormammu once or twice, then the Demon God of other dimensions will stay away from Earth and will no longer dare to approach easily.

"Sorry, I'm going to send a few more Infinity Stones where they're supposed to go, so I won't chat with you. Goodbye!"

Verna Lazas apparently didn't Don't plan to stay here, immediately borrow the ability of the space gem, the whole dragon is disappeared without a trace in an instant.

In less than ten minutes, she threw the Space Stone to Loki, the Reality Stone to the Cosmic Collector, and the Power Stone to Legion, the nova of Xandar, Re-inserting the Spirit Treasure Stone will give you the Spirit Scepter.

As for the last soul gem, it was relocated back to the weird soul container on Vormir.

Everything seems to be back to where it started...

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