Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1105

"Holy light corresponds to shadow, Arcane corresponds to evil energy, and nature corresponds to death. Are you trying to create a kind of opposition and balance?"

After visiting the general situation of the entire universe, Supreme Master Gu Yi immediately I came to a conclusion that surprised me.

Although, strictly speaking, energy itself does not have any tendency, it is just a kind of energy that can be used.

But it was the first time that she had given it some kind of rule attribute like this.

In other words, the establishment of the six energy systems is equivalent to the bottom rule of the universe, and no one can change it.

Alan nods with a smile: "On the contrary. I never want to be a god, and I don't want to arbitrarily control and play with other people's fate. Just, I like to establish a relatively fair environment, Then let everything take its course. Whether it's the Titans or the mortals on the planet, they have the right to make choices and write history in their own way. So in this universe, time and future are not static , the self-proclaimed god Titan will also be defeated and killed by mortals."

As soon as Gu heard this remark, a look of thoughtful expression appeared on his face: "So you always maintain the Absolutely neutral and will not interfere rudely?"

"no! I will interfere, but not as a creator, but as a mortal to get involved. Do you know? I think The most interesting thing in this world is to join the rolling torrent like a grain of sand and feel the progress of the whole era." Alan blunt stated his rules of conduct.

Especially on the planet Azeroth, those Bronze Dragons, given the power of time by the Titans, will soon deprive them of the ability to see and change time.

Because in the five-color guardian giant dragon, these mysterious and secretive guys are the most annoying, and even affect the experience of "large-scale daoist games".

According to the report of the Guardian of Sky City, every once in a while, many "players" will be caught by the Bronze Dragon, and then attacked by the breath of time, and eventually the whole body is destroyed, and the consciousness is also destroyed. expelled.

Although the number is not large, this move by Nozdormu and his heir undoubtedly made Alan, who had a bad sense of Bronze Dragon, kill him.

"As a mortal?" Gu Yi's eyes flashed with a strange look.

"That's right! As a mortal. By creating a body and coming to consciousness, together with countless ordinary persons, I will face various disasters, wars and powerful enemies. This is why I am here The reason why so much Arcane energy is injected into the star soul of the planet Azeroth. And this star soul will never wake up, and only the mortals who live on this planet will decide its fate."

Speaking, Alan opened his arms to reveal the primordial natural Demi-God on the ground, as well as a large number of night elves, giant Demon Emperor kingdoms, insect empires, and Ox Head Man tribes.

The war between night elves and trolls and insects was the beginning of the history of mortals on this planet.

With the power of the strong demon magic obtained from the Well of Eternity, these tall "children of the stars" with purple skin and with no difficulty disintegrated the two most powerful races on the continent.

The ancient empire of trolls fell apart under the attack of the elves, gradually losing the power to determine the direction of history, from a powerful Overlord level civilization to a synonym for primordial, brutal and bloodthirsty.

On the other side, the Titan creatures who were cursed with flesh and blood also began to change.

Tall and strong vrykul gave birth to short, deformed, and feeble offspring, and these people fled to settle in the south, slowly establishing their own villages and towns.

And these deformed vrykul people are the source of one of the most important races of the future alliance-human beings.

Apart from this, the earth spirits will also gradually evolve into dwarves and cavemans in the upcoming explosion of the Well of Eternity.

Mechanical gnomes can also turn into happy gnomes.

With the participation of tens of thousands of "players" in the city of the sky, the development of this universe Azeroth is much faster than expected.

Especially those who joined the night elves, trying to develop and utilize the Arcane energy from the Star Soul in various ways.

As a direct result, it attracted the attention of Burning Legion.

After all, the titans were born from the powerful Arcane energy, even more how there are several sealed ancient gods in Azeroth.

The purpose of burning Legion is to completely purify the forwards sent by these Twisting Voids.

"I saw war, courage and sacrifice. Obviously, this will be a troubled world." Gu Yi gave his evaluation.

To know that bringing so much Arcane energy together is like a child walking down the street with precious jewels.

No matter who finds it, they can't help but want to rush up to snatch it.

"But it's also going to be a wonderful world. If you don't mind, can I ask why you chose Stephen Strange to inherit the title of Supreme Master? According to me And then, he's a complete asshole. Is it just because of innate talent? Or is it the choice of Weisandi? Or is it something you see from the future?"

Alan touched the chin asks the question that has always bothered him.

Gu Yi replied with a smile: "There are many specific reasons, the most important of which is that although he is arrogant, ruthless and stubborn, he can always resist the temptation at critical moments. You have to understand, Supreme The most important duty of the mage is to resist the invasion from the dimension Demon God, and the dimension Demon God has each one, and they are very good at luring mortals into their carefully arranged traps. In fact, for the mage, the temptation in this world is really Too much. Casillas just fell into Dormammu's arms because he couldn't resist the temptation. What, do you have any dissatisfaction with Stephen Strange being the next Supreme mage?"

"No, I just don't like Stephen Strange a little bit, just like I always hate Tony Stark's arrogant character." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"As long as it's human, there are all kinds of flaws. You can't expect everyone to be perfect and without blemish. And of all Supreme mages, Stephen Strange will undoubtedly be It is the best, you should be clear about this." Gu Yi patiently persuaded.

She doesn't want her front foot to die, and her back foot to have a conflict with her chosen successor.

"Don't worry, I won't trouble that guy after he becomes a Supreme Master." Alan assured without hesitation.

"What about before becoming a Supreme Master?"

Gu Yi was obviously not a fool, and keenly grasped the subtext of the words.

Alan responded meaningfully: "I think as a future Supreme mage, Mr. Stephen Strange should be very generous and won't mind some innocuous jokes and pranks?"

"So you want to tease him?" Gu Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

You must know that in the dimension Demon God she has seen, there are people who are crazy about power like Dormammu, some people who respect a certain idea like Weishandi, and some are full of destruction and destruction. Desire to destroy.

But it's the first time I've encountered someone as unflattering and nasty as Alan.

"You guessed it right." Alan admitted it without any disguise. "As a doctor, Stephen Strange has let countless patients die in despair, and I want him to experience that deep despair. deal with a man as he deals with you. Fair enough, no Is it?"

Supreme Master Gu Yi lowered his head for a moment in thought, then immediately nodded: "It's really fair. Well, I agree."

"Thank you very much! I promise , will give him an unforgettable experience."

When he said this remark, the corners of Alan's mouth were slightly upturned, and a chilling devil smile appeared.

At this moment, the future Supreme Mage has been arranged perfectly clear in his mind.


At the same time, in the abandoned Nine Headed Snake base in Sokovia, Eastern Europe, Ultron has completely occupied the place and let those machines that have been shut down. Start running again.

It has to be said that the negligence of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. gave him a crucial opportunity for development.

Hundreds of robots and supporting weapons were created in just a few hours with the help of industrial raw materials left in the warehouse.

As for the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who stayed here to watch, they were immediately controlled by the mind scepter.

Not only that, but the Ultron, who knows how amazing the energy of the Spirit Treasure stone, also has a new idea, that is, to accommodate himself by creating a vibrating body that is not easily destroyed. thought and consciousness.

Of course, the soul gem must be inlaid at the end.

By that time, let alone destroy the Avengers and all the humans on Earth, he can even directly change the thinking and consciousness of all creatures on Earth to make them act according to their own ideas.

But Ultron knows that in addition to the Avengers, his real enemies have some forces that need special attention, that is, Alan and the Sky City recorded in the Tony Stark database, There are also Kama Taj and Supreme Master Gu Yi.

Compared to the former, which has been tested, the latter two really alarmed him.

Because of this, Ultron was impatient to create a new body and completely transform the Spirit Treasure stone in the infinite gem into its own power.

Looking at the continuously manufactured robots on the assembly line, a red light flashed in his eyes, he suddenly turned around and greeted with a smile: "Ah! You are finally here."


tone barely fell!

Scarlet Wanda Wanda and Quicksilver slowly walked out of the dark corner.

Although they still don't know what happened, they are full of shock and curiosity that the Nine Headed Snake base is suddenly operating again.

After all, the biggest wish of this pair of siblings is to take revenge on Iron Man.

Whoever is willing to give them the opportunity, then they don't mind playing for each other.

"What the hell are you? A robot made by Tony Stark?" Wanda squinted cautiously probed.

But this sentence instantly aroused Ultron's anger, and immediately stood up and roared: "No! Don't mention me and that guy on equal terms!"

This move , instantly startled the two siblings.

Quicksilver almost activated his super speed to escape this dangerous place with his elder sister.

Fortunately, Ultron never made any threatening actions other than roaring. Instead, he began to impassively count the crimes of Iron Man and others in the Avengers.

Because he has broken into Tony Stark's database, he knows the dark history of everyone in the Avengers very well.

American Captain Steve Rogers was described as a tool man who was brainwashed by the U.S. government and only knew how to continuously complete various tasks.

Hawkeye is depicted as a cold-blooded killer specializing in assassinations.

Black Widow Natasha has quite a lot of black history, so there is no need to add oil and vinegar at all, just a few examples can make people feel her terrifying.

As for Banner Academician and Thor, each appearance will be accompanied by fierce battles and extensive destruction.

Perhaps the only one without black spots is the cat-eared loli Alesia.

After all, this little fellow is mainly engaged in some medical treatment, rescue and protection of rare animals and plants, which is somewhat similar to the "goodwill ambassador" sent by the city in the sky.

And with the Battle of New York over, she began to fade out of sight.

You must know that Alan and Nick Fury agreed to borrow only, so with the formation of the Avengers, there is no need for Alesia to stay in it.

"So, you are the enemy of those Avengers?"

After listening to Ultron's speech, a surprise flashed in Quicksilver's eyes.

The two brothers and sisters have been looking for traces of Nine Headed Snake all this time.

It is a pity that the Nine Headed Snakes in the world are already in a state of being scattered, and they are too busy to avoid the pursuit of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council. Have the time to take care of others.

But now, the appearance of Ultron has rekindled the hope of revenge for the two.

"Yes! The Avengers are the source of war and turmoil in this world, and they must be eliminated. How are you, are you interested in joining?" Ultron offered an olive branch.

He obviously knows what amazing superpowers the twins have under the development of the Spirit Treasure stone, and he wants to use them under his command to fight against possible future enemies.

"Okay! Let's join!"

Wanda narrowed his eyes and hesitated for a moment, then immediately gave a positive answer.

"hahahaha! That's great! Now, let's discuss the specific plan together. Know that Tony Stark doesn't give us much time, so you have to play well. It's just your own strengths."

Speaking, Ultron raised his hand and gently patted the twin's shoulder to show his closeness.

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