Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1110

Fairness has always been a controversial word.

Because this term was created until now, it has never been realized in a real sense.

It is precisely because of this that Alan is full of curiosity about Thanos who proposed "absolutely fairness", and wants to know what kind of person the other party is.



Or the ruthless butcher?

Why is he so persistent, even if he has to pay a huge price, he has to eliminate half of his life in the Exterminating Universe.

Obviously, Thanos is not for wealth, power, or power.

Otherwise, after reaching the goal, he will finally choose to destroy all the Infinity Stones, and stay alone on an unknown planet as a farmer who works at sunrise and rests at sunset.

Similarly, he never expects anyone to understand him, or appreciate and praise him for everything he has done.

On the contrary, this guy is a loner from beginning to end, and would rather carry all the infamy and practice his own ideas.

No one knew what was going on in his head.

Maybe after witnessing his homeworld's final destruction due to population expansion, Thanos has gone completely crazy, or rather stunned.

It's like those who have almost starved to death will cherish food for the rest of their lives.

He also became terrified of the ever-expanding number of life in the entire universe, and the fear breeds madness, and finally the idea of permanently eradicating half of the population of the Exterminating Universe.

"Hahahaha! It's unbelievable! I can't believe that the person who knows me best in this universe is actually you." Thanos suddenly laughed without warning.

I can't help but laugh!

You must know that even the five obsidian generals and two adopted daughters under his command did not try to understand his thoughts.

Just out of awe and obedience to the powerhouse, subconsciously execute every command he gives.

Gamora is even more blunt's choice to betray, trying to prevent the six Infinity Stones from falling into the hands of her "adoptive father".

But now, an enemy who has defeated himself has shown an understanding and recognition of his plan.

Among them, the relationship between population expansion, resources and war is simply in his heart.

Thanos has always believed that if the life in the universe is cut in half, then the rest of the people must be better off than they are now.

Especially those low-level civilizations that have not yet mastered leaving their own planet, no longer have to worry about exhausting resources due to population expansion and eventually have to die.

And his way of eliminating the population will not cause even the slightest pain, and at the same time guarantee 100% absolute fairness.

In the eyes of Thanos, he is actually undertaking a sacred mission and responsibility to save the entire universe.

Admiring the undisguised joy of the villain BOSS, Alan responded meaningfully: "It's normal. There's a very classic quote on Earth. It's never those who know you best. Your best and closest person is your enemy."

An expression of approval appeared on Thanos' face: "It's very philosophical. You're visiting today, isn't it just for the sake of it? Discuss this with me?"

"No, of course not. I just want to come to you to make an agreement that is beneficial to both of us." Alan deliberately added the word "both" accent.

"Oh? Could it be... Are you going to change your stance to support me?" Thanos probed with great interest.

Alan without the slightest hesitation's shock the head: "Sorry, although I understand your point of view and position, but it is difficult to support such a radical and crazy move. My relationship with you is an enemy, this It will never change at all. I mean, if you are willing to agree to some of my conditions, I will tell you the locations of the six Infinity Stones and let you collect them without interfering with them."

"Please speak, I'm listening."

Thanos was clearly interested in the deal.

"You must promise me two conditions. First, you must collect the Infinity Stones after two years. Second, you must ensure that after you snap your fingers, find a place face-to-face with me. A duel. If you win, you can destroy all the Infinity Stones as originally planned. But if I win, then you must give me the Infinity Stones and tell me your revenge at some point in the future You guys, the Infinity Stones have all been destroyed by you."

Alan made his request unhurriedly.

Obviously, he is taking advantage of what will happen in the future and taking the six Infinity Stones of this universe for himself.

Thanos was clearly aware of this, touching the chin with a playful smile.

After about two 3 minutes, he blunt responded: "Okay! I agree. But at the same time, I also ask you to promise me a condition. That is, you must not use any form of use. The power of the Infinity Stones restores that part of the population that disappeared."

"No problem! I promise, I will never use the Infinity Stones to resurrect those who have disappeared, and I will never lend the Infinity Stones in my hand. Others." Alan solemnly promised.

Because of this time, he will never give the Infinity Stones in his hands to anyone, but will fuse them with the universe of Azeroth he created.

In this way, no matter what world you travel to in the future, these gems will still have incredible power.

With the agreement reached, both Thanos and Alan quickly put down their last guard.

They knew very well that there was no conflict between the two sides until half the life in the universe was wiped out by the snap of their fingers.

Also, Thanos didn't think he would lose to Alan again with six Infinity Stones and gloves.

In this way, an unknown transaction was completed in secret on this barren planet.

After getting the whereabouts of all the Infinity Stones, Thanos couldn't wait to order his subordinates to verify by one by one, and it didn't take long before he got the answer he was looking for.

And in the next few days, he also had some more in-depth exchanges with Alan.

Including technology, knowledge, philosophy, magic, fighting skills and tactics...

At the end of the conversation, the two seem to have a little sympathy for each other.

At least in Alan's cognition, Thanos has gradually evolved from a lunatic to a genius with forward thinking and the courage to take responsibility.

It's a pity that this unusually strong sense of responsibility has made him the most terrifying existence in the entire universe.

apart from this, Thanos also reminds Alan of another person.

He is the famous first "filial son" of Lordaeron in the history of Azeroth, the rumored ex-boyfriend of Jaina Proudmoore, the rival of Kael'thas Sunstrider, who defeated Yuri Death Knight of Dan Stormrage, Arthas Menai Hill who eventually merged with Lich King Ner'zhul.

When Arthas faced the plague of Stratholme residents, he resolutely ignored the objections of Uther and Jaina, and bravely stood up to take on the heavy responsibility that did not belong to him. .

In the end, he was completely overwhelmed by the tragic results and completely embarked on a road of no return.

In a way, Arthas and Thanos are the same kind of person.

They are stubborn, paranoid, and destined never to be understood by those around them.

Alan doesn't dislike these types of people, and even admires their courage to step up and take responsibility at critical moments.

If he had to choose between Arthas, Jaina and Uther in Stratholme, he supported Arthas 100%.

It's just not the crazy act of "the first dutiful son of Lordaeron" to massacre the city, but the bravery and perseverance of Prince who did not abandon his responsibility and escape at the critical moment.

As for Uther and Jaina, although countless players later cleaned them up, their unwillingness to take responsibility for escaping from the battle alone is a shame that these two people can't wash away in their entire lives.

even more how, Jaina later made the same indirect father-killing act as Arthas.

"Maybe I should try to change this history and Prince's fate..." Alan squinted and muttered.

“en? What are you talking about?”

Artoria, who was eating snacks, blinked her eyes in confusion.

Since the "large-scale daoist game" opened in Sky City, her greatest pleasure every day is to use the monitor to see how the "players" who descended to the ground passed all kinds of strange things, Tried to push the entire world forward, but ended up making all kinds of jokes.

I have to say that with the performances of these "living treasures", the Dumb King everyday all can happily eat more bowls of rice.

"No, it's nothing." Alan smiled and looked the head. "By the way, why didn't you create characters to join this fun game like everyone else?"

Artoria replied without thinking: "Dragon Clan, Night Elf, Ox Head Man, troll, orc, draenei, these races are not suitable for me. Maybe and the others are on the stage of history, I will choose to join them."

"Then you can Some wait. At least seven thousand years after the first Burning Legion invasion is over, those human tribes will slowly grow and become a force capable of affecting the world."

Alan thought for a while. One click, and the exact time will be given shortly.

If Azeroth's modern history was started with the massive orc invasion, then the War of the Ancients should have happened 10,000 years ago, and the rise of mankind about 2,800 years ago.

In the absence of Time Acceleration, it would take at least several hundred years to fast-forward to the outside world at ten times the speed.

"It's okay." Artoria shrugged her shoulders in disbelief. "Anyway, I'm here to watch other people play, it's actually quite interesting. And those night elves who call themselves high elves have already begun to be bewitched by demons, and are preparing to build a giant Transmission Gate relying on the Well of Eternity. I believe it won't be long before the war. It will explode in full force."

"So, the ancient battle is about to begin."

Alan extend the hand slightly sensed the situation on the ground, and immediately noticed it To three uninvited guests sent from the future by the Bronze Dragon.

They are the human mage Ronin, the orc warrior Broxgar Saurfang, and the red dragon Korestrasz.

"Are you going to join this war? As a mortal?" Artoria asked curiously.

In her eyes, the strength of Burning Legion is too powerful, and the two sides are not on the same level in terms of quantity and quality.

If there is no accident, even with the protection set up by the Titans, it is only a matter of time before the eventual fall.

"This war belongs to the night elves and the forest Demi-God. They are the key to determining the future direction of this world. As for us, it is more to observe. Even more how, about the Avengers and I will continue to pay attention to the war between Ultron. After all, it involves the Spirit Treasure stone, and a little carelessness will create a terrifying monster that is enough to destroy Earth.”

After that , Alan turned on another monitor connected to the outside world, watching the scene of chasing and fighting on the street.

There is no doubt that Ultron has successfully helped Zhao Hailun Academician to create a body composed of infinite gems and vibration gold through coercion and inducement.

Not only that, but he also input his underlying consciousness, intending to complete an unprecedented evolution and rebirth, and then artificially create a terrifying disaster, forcing all humans on Earth to evolve.

And those old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot evolve will be cruelly eliminated.

It's a pity that this plan was only halfway through when it was discovered by the vigilant scarlet witch Wanda.

The result was not unexpected, and a fierce conflict broke out immediately between the two sides.

Although twin hopes to solve the Avengers, it does not want to see the destruction of all mankind.

At the same time, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain of the United States and other avengers also came to the door, and a road chase started instantly.

Because Ultron has improved its weapon system, many robots are equipped with amazingly powerful energy cannons.

Usually a single blow can cause unimaginable damage and destruction.

In just a few minutes of firefight, a large area of houses and buildings on both sides collapsed, and the casualties were countless.

Several fighter jets and armed helicopters taking off from US military bases were bombarded from in midair on the spot before they could react, turning into giant Fireballs.

The poor pilot didn't even have time to skydive, and the whole person was swallowed up under the high temperature and flames.

Whether it is the Avengers, twin siblings, or Legion, the robot controlled by Ultron, there is only one goal, which is to snatch the Spirit Treasure stone and the body of vibration gold sealed in the iron coffin.

"What do you think you will eventually hatch from that cradle?" Arturia asked in an uncertain tone.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the vision from the original timeline, maybe another Ultron, or maybe rebuilding a new personality with the help of the Spirit Treasure Stone. I bet , Supreme Master Gu Yi, is also paying attention to this matter right now. If any accident happens, she should come forward in time to stop it." Alan explained quite playfully.

Because he noticed that on the electronic screen of the iron coffin, the transmission rate representing Ultron consciousness had exceeded 70%, which was much higher than in the original plot.

This also means that there will be great differences and changes in the character of Vision...

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