Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1118

There is no doubt that in the short life of Ultron, it caused a great threat to Earth and human society.

And this threat and panic eventually turned into distrust of the Avengers.

Especially the Iron Man responsible for all of this, Tony Stark, who went from being a beloved superhero to a target of censure and attack almost overnight.

In just a few days, the International Security Council has held several public hearings and initiated corresponding accountability procedures.

Of course, all this is just for the public to see.

They didn't plan to do anything to these Avengers with advanced technology and terrifying capabilities at all, they were just diverting the media's attention, and they didn't want the matter of launching a super nuclear warhead to destroy a city to be turned out.

Similarly, these guys are trying to force the de facto independent Avengers back into their custody.

After all, as a consortium of the five most powerful countries on Earth, they don't like to have a superpower organization that is powerful enough but completely out of their control, all day long in the world. tube activities.

What if accidentally found out about some secret experiments you were conducting?

In short, the newly born Vision, as well as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, soon saw the darkest and dirtiest aspect of human nature, which is politics.

Especially at the hearing, some people tried to portray the Vision as Ultron II, and the twins as dangerous men with unsound minds and extreme personalities.

As for the purpose, of course, it is to get the three of them out of Tony Stark's shelter and directly transfer them to the International Security Council or the control of the US government agency.

It's a pity that this kind of trick is not even a scratch for Stark Industries, which has the ability to call the wind and summon the rain in the capital world.

With the huge and incomparably powerful division, Tony Stark sprayed the guys who represented the military and the government at the hearing and couldn't even find it.

In the end, all proposals fell through.

In addition to some media with harboring malicious intentions, the public sentiment was slightly moved, and the pictures of the Hulk fighting with Iron Man in the center of the city were broadcast, and a large number of surrounding buildings were destroyed, and countless people were injured and even die.

It is clear that the International Security Council has not given up on restraining the Avengers.

This time, they intend to use the power of the people and public opinion.

Just like the way the U.S. government destroyed Steve Rogers at the beginning, it first kept creating and broadcasting negative news, and then transformed the deeply rooted superhero shape into one that would cause social damage. A group of superpowers with great harm.

Over time, people's attitudes towards the Avengers will naturally change.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Tony Stark.

Because he had already handed over these matters of public opinion warfare to Maria Hill, and he took the twin sisters and visions directly through the Transmission Gate to Azeroth. City in the sky on planet.

As for Natasha, she was confirmed to be pregnant under the examination of the hospital, and she returned to the country house with Hawkeye, and went to raise a baby with his equally pregnant girlfriend.

I have to say that this is definitely one of the few good news for the avengers who have suffered greatly.

Almost all members sent gifts and blessings to Black Widow and her soon-to-be child.

And Thor returned to Asgard, ready to talk to his father Odin about the dark elves, and the gem of reality - ether particles.

Only Captain of the United States has no intention of resting, and embarks on a journey to find "good friend" Bucky again.

For a while, the Avengers who finally gathered went their separate ways again.


At the same time, standing on the edge of the Sky City, the scarlet witch Wanda was stunned and looked at everything around her. Asking nonchalantly: "This is the place you used to talk about? It's incredible! How was it built?"

"It's spectacular, isn't it?" Tony Stark Lifts the head looking up at the silver waterfall that flows straight down from the sky, with a touch of emotion in his tone. "Believe me, this city is actually the most unremarkable of all things you can see. Alan even created the entire universe, with billions of planets and stars."

"The whole Universe? You mean..."

Quickyin opened his mouth wide in surprise, looking up at the stars in the sky.

Tony Stark nodded thoughtlessly: "That's right! Literally. That's why I emphasize that Alan is in a way a god. He can create life. , can create universes, can bring back the dead. All the abilities you can find in Myths and Legends are reflected in him. And he also knows countless secrets and has a vast knowledge beyond words... ..."

But before Iron Man could finish speaking, Vision suddenly interrupted: "Wait! I feel an unusual aura. Look, what's going on down there? "

Following the direction of his fingers, the other three clearly saw an incomparable gigantic Transmission Gate suddenly opened on a lake exuding violet rays of light.

Following thousands of flaming Legion demons of all shapes and sizes, they swarmed from the other side like a tidal wave, beginning the thrilling history of Azeroth.

Under the influence of fel energy and shadow magic, a large number of night elves were slaughtered by demons before they could even react.

Of course, some of the Highborne who had already taken refuge in the Burning Legion were pardoned by Sargeras.

Watching the demon army covering the mountains and plains, Tony Stark subconsciously put on his Battle Armor and was ready to dive straight down to help those pointed-eared elves who looked more pleasing to the eye.

But before he could put it into action, Alan suddenly appeared to stop him: "Stop it. This is their war, a part of the planet's history, and it has nothing to do with you."

"What do you mean? Aren't you the creator and administrator of this universe?" Tony Stark asked subconsciously frowned.

Alan explained with a smile: "I said that I have never been a god, not in the past, not now, and not in the future. So I will not control and change anything in a godly way, even if To interfere will also interfere in a mortal way. If you really want to participate in this war, then I welcome you to join in another way."

"Another way? "Quicksilver sharply grasped the point.

"Yes! I offer a daoist game called Advent here. You can choose a race, then create your own character, and perform a Legendary experience from the perspective of the indigenous people of this world."

Speaking, Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, showing the "players" on the ground who were struggling to resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

Whenever a player-controlled character dies, the residents of the Sky City lying in the Birth Barn will suddenly wake up.

Some of the bad-tempered guys even foul-mouthed to express their inner anger and dissatisfaction.

Because the physical quality of those ordinary night elves is too weak, if they are replaced by the main body, they can guarantee that they can kill this demon army in an instant.

But unfortunately, Alan has already made a series of rules.

Let's not say that it comes with the main body, that is, "spoiler" to the indigenous people, or secretly training, imparting domineering, life energy and other skills are all prohibited.

The only thing they can bring is the fighting skills, will and understanding and use of magical energy of thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

Under this restriction, although the residents of Sky City perform much better than most of the natives, they can be digitized according to the game, and at best they are only an elite template.

In addition, the arrival time is relatively short, and there is not much time to exercise. Naturally, there is no way to stop the onslaught of the burning Legion demon.

There is no doubt that this unique daoist experience game immediately refreshed the cognition of everyone present.

After all, the game industry on Earth is still in the primary stage of virtual reality. It is impossible to imagine in a real world, creating a body out of thin air and injecting and manipulating it.

And once a game character dies, it really dies.

Including the body, equipment, wealth, interpersonal relationships, and the power to master, all will be instantly cleared.

There is no such thing as "running the corpse to resurrect", which is almost cheating for the indigenous people.

"Interfering with history and making history in a mortal way... Your idea is really eye-opening." Tony Stark exclaimed, licking his dry lips.

If he hadn't shouldered the responsibility of defending Earth and human beings, he would have wanted to create a character and start an exotic life journey.

After all, man is a very contradictory creature.

On the one hand, she is extremely eager to get rid of a stable life, to take risks and explore the unknown.

On the other hand, I am extremely afraid of unexpected changes in my life, especially the risks hidden in the changes.

Usually, most modern people satisfy their inner desires through news, novels, film and television works and games.

But now, there are clearly better options.

"How about it, are you interested in giving it a try? Don't worry, according to the data we have, players who come for the first time usually don't live long. Not just Stark, you all person Anyone can come." Alan extended the invitation with a smile.

"Can I... too?" Vision was obviously moved.

Because in the strict sense, it is the structure of a robot, and it cannot well understand some of the emotions and feelings of living things, especially human beings.

If there is a chance to experience the feeling of flesh and blood, that would be a great thing.

Alan nodded without thinking: "Of course. Come on, I'll take you to the birthplace."

With tension, anxiety and curiosity, the group of four quickly Was taken to the subspace under the city.

At a glance, densely packed filled with countless white cabins.

Some of them are residents of the city in the sky, while others have just experienced the death of a game character and are sitting next to them and exchanging information with others.

After all, the original Azeroth was just a condensed game world.

Now that it is suddenly magnified by an unknown number of times, whether it is mountains, rivers, oceans, or some other topographical features, there has been a huge change in unimaginable.

Some players even get lost just after leaving the village, and they can't find a way back. They can only keep wandering in the wilderness, struggling to survive.

In the end, they are either starved to death, thirst to death, or hunted by a ferocious wild beast.

In fact, surviving in a world that is relatively primordial and dangerous lurks on every side is far more troublesome and dangerous than most people are quite capable of.

even more how These players still went to the power they were proud of. When they were first born, they only had the average attributes of the night elf race, and they didn't even have a job template.

"It's here, you just need to lie down." Alan said, pointing to the four empty incarnation chambers.

"Any precautions?" Wanda asked in an uncertain tone.

" thing to pay attention to, that is, try not to create a role that is not in line with your own gender. Because the body you control is real, it will secrete various male and female hormones, so as to impress To your brain and thinking. This means that if you play the opposite sex role for too long, it is likely to affect your hobby and sexual orientation." Alan warned meaningfully.

Wanda shivered with fright when she heard this remark, and hurriedly lay down.

After all four of them lay flat, the hatch closed quickly and some strange green smoke began to spew out at the same time.

About two 3 minutes was enough, and they all closed their eyes and fell asleep without exception.

Of course, this kind of deep sleep is actually the consciousness that leaves the body and is building its own game character.

After several selections, they finally chose the night elves, the closest race to humans, without exception.

As for the orcs, ogre, Ox Head Man, trolls, draenei, they all looked a little too weird and were quickly eliminated.

even more how, Tony Stark still holds the idea of helping the night elves resist the burning Legion.

So fifteen minutes later, a tall and fit night elf youth with short green hair was born out of nowhere in a small village.

Before he could get used to the change in his height and strength, he suddenly heard a voice shouting at him: "Hey! Boy! Don't be dazed! Come with us! Those demons are coming soon. Here we come!"

"What? Demon?"

Tony Stark was stunned for a moment, but immediately saw a green light flickering in the sky in the distance.

The next second...

A huge flaming Fireball suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the ground with a bang, directly destroying all those artistic tree houses.

At the same time, the stone puppet also stood up slowly and let out an inexplicable roar.

You don't have to ask, it's a Legion-burning war machine - a hellfire golem.

The fel flames burning all over it turned this peaceful little village into a sea of fire in less than a few seconds.

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