Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1121

Ten minutes later, Tony Stark, who entered "Sage Time", was shirtless, sitting alone by the river more than two hundred meters away from the refugee camp in a daze.

Although he is a veteran of Huacong, he never thinks of himself as a "fast guy", but he obviously forgets the body he controls at the moment, and is still a complete rookie to some extent.

As a result, in the "fierce battle", she was quickly defeated by a night elf female commander with rich experience and experience, and an extraordinarily strong body.

More importantly, he eventually cheated on Pepper Potts with Little Hot Pepper before he could resist the temptation.

Of course, Tony Stark doesn't know whether his actions just now count as cheating.

After all, he is now in a real game, and he is not controlling his original body.

But it is undeniable that the primordial and wild charm of the night elf female gives him great spiritual and physical satisfaction.

Openness, independence, pride, self-confidence...

They are brave warriors, fearless warriors, nature-loving De Wangs, and deadly hunters hidden in the shadows.

This group of real feminists in the foreign world are those women who live in the metropolis and shout feminism, but are actually chasing fame, fortune and wealth, an existence that can never be reached.

Perhaps like a few sayings, the more time you spend with people, the more you like dogs.

With more contact with women who are chasing wealth and fame, Tony Stark inevitably likes the simple and straightforward style of night elf women who dare to love and hate.

Especially those female warriors who were holding bows and arrows, moon blades and the flaming Legion demon army desperately, often riddled with scars all over their bodies, before he could not even imagine that such women existed.

But now, he is beginning to understand why women have such a high status in this group.

The reason is simple!

While night elf women enjoy rights, they also undertake more obligations than men.

One of the most direct manifestations is the high service ratio in the army.

Know that violence is the foundation of all domination!

Whether men or women, whoever occupies the highest proportion in this institution will have an overwhelming advantage in political power and social status.

On this point, look at the major racial social makeup of Azeroth in the future to get a glimpse.

Orcs are a typical male-dominated society, ranging from sorcerer shamans, warlocks, down to warriors and hard labor, all of which are borne by men, so the status of women in the group is very low, and they are basically not at home Bringing children is doing some housework.

Trolls and Ox Head Man perfectly replicate the tribal structure of the Orcs, so they are also dominated by men in society.

Dwarves are similar to humans. Men have an absolute advantage in violent institutions such as the army, so even if there is a powerful sorcerer like Jaina, the status of women is still not high, but they are better than tribal orcs, Ox Head Man and troll are stronger.

At least there are a certain number of female warriors and sorcerers in the army.

In contrast, the equality of men and women is truly achieved, and even women dominate, only the night elves and the forgotten.

Because of these two groups, women make up the highest proportion of the military, and their performance is not much worse than that of men.

Just as Iron Man was admiring the beautiful night scene in the forest and thinking about the various things he had done after his arrival, a familiar voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Alan? Why are you here?"

Tony Stark looked shocked With an expression on his face, he hurriedly turned to look at the sentinels who were protecting him.

As a result, the Sentinels acted as if they had found nothing, each minding their own business hiding behind the woods to keep watch.

Alan no doubt noticed this, smiling comforted: "Don't worry, unless I show up voluntarily, it's impossible for anyone in this world to notice my presence. By the way, you have a A lot of bruises and scratches, it's better to wear a piece of clothing, otherwise it will be very conspicuous."

"Damn! You came all the way to laugh at me, right? "The rolled the eyes of Tony Stark flying into a rage out of humiliation.

"No, of course not. I'm just curious, why do you work so hard. Especially to make that gun, you secretly used a lot of knowledge of magic circuits, right?" Alan Rao He stared into each other's eyes with interest.

Obviously, the magic circuit is derived from the power of the moon world, and belongs to the knowledge and technology that is forbidden to be revealed to the natives of Azeroth.

But Iron Man drilled a hole here, that is, he didn't teach this technique to other night elves, but only applied it to the technique of magic artillery.

Because the night elves will expel all the high elves who master the power of Arcane after the war of the ancients, thus completely cutting off their magical inheritance.

As a result, no one can understand the lines and symbols on the surface of the gun barrels, and naturally there is no way to copy them on a large scale, and eventually they will gradually disappear in the long river of history because of the use of lifespan.

"Are you spying on me?" Tony Stark asked warily.

"You're thinking too much. I just sensed a drastic change in the future timeline, so I came to check on the situation. You should thank me. Because if I hadn't stopped the Guardian of those times , then you should have been erased by Bronze Dragon's breath of time by now." Alan sneered and gave the answer.

According to the original history of Azeroth world, engineering and bombs should be brought by gnomes and goblins.

But now, it appeared in the War of the Ancients thousands of years in advance. If the Bronze Dragon doesn't act again, what qualifications does it have to call itself the Guardian of Time.

It's a pity that before the Bronze Dragon was dispatched, Alan had blocked their perception of the future, making everything chaotic again.

In this state, even the King of Bronze Dragon did not dare to act rashly, and immediately stopped all actions.

"Bronze Dragon? The Guardian of Time?" Tony Stark keenly grasped two key words.

Because these words reminded him of the timeline mentioned by Supreme Master Gu Yi before.

Alan's meaningful nodded: "That's right! In order to ensure the smooth awakening of the powerful star soul of this heart ball, the Titans of the Pantheon put countless insurances on it. The five-color guardian giant dragon is one of them. One. The power obtained by the Red Dragon is to guard life, the power obtained by the Green Dragon is to guard the nature, spirit and soul, the power obtained by the Black Dragon is to guard the earth, the power obtained by the Blue Dragon is to guard the magic, and the power obtained by the Bronze Dragon is Guard time. Any attempt to disrupt and destroy important nodes on the timeline will be detected by them, and they will quickly go to the location of the incident to deal with it."

"That is to say, those of us who have come, As long as it has a huge impact on the original history, it will immediately attract the attention of Bronze Dragon?"

Tony Stark seemed to understand something, with strange rays of light flashing in his eyes.

He felt like he was getting closer and closer to the truth hidden beneath the surface.

"Yes. Since all players come as mortals, it is almost difficult to live to the extent that they can affect history, and they often die in various accidents. In fact, this is also a big The misunderstanding of most people's thinking, they always think that in a world full of magic and supernatural power, strong personal strength is the most important. It is completely ignored that as a mortal, if you want to pursue strong personal strength, you must risk it. There is a risk of death at any time. But you are different. You decisively choose to use the knowledge and technology in your head. If nothing else, thousands of years later, your name will still be remembered by everyone, as the founder of engineering identity."

When talking about this remark, Alan didn't hide his admiration for Iron Man's flexible thinking at all.

Because in this regard, the performance of the residents of Sky City is a bit unsatisfactory.

Except for a few Guardians who are engaged in invention and research, as well as tactical masters who are good at playing crafty plots and machinations, most of them have been influenced by their original thinking patterns and are still trying tirelessly to fight and kill. Elevate yourself.

What they don't realize is that in the absence of higher social status and resources, this form of exercise is not much different from suicide.

No matter how many times you succeed, if you fail once, you will lose everything and start all over again.

In contrast, this is the smartest way to first improve your social status and importance, and then slowly think of ways to improve your personal strength.

"What do you mean...I have unintentionally successfully influenced and changed the historical process of this world, and left my own achievements and legends?" Tony Stark stared wide in amazement -eyed.

You must know that he just wanted to make some weapons that could kill demons, help those night elf civilians who fled together survive, avoid being found by the burning Legion and kill to the last one.

"Yes. Not only that, but you also left behind your own offspring, a girl who will play an important role in some future major events." With that, Alan turned to look Towards the residence of the night elf female commander.

"What? I...I'll have a child! I'm going to get into the soul? Just kidding!" Iron Man was instantly stunned.

There is no way to be stupid!

Not long ago, he discussed having a child with Little Hot Pepper.

But who would have thought that in just a few days, he would have a relationship with another female elf, and he even won the grand prize.

Alan teased with interest: "Sorry, I'm not joking, but stating a fact. But don't worry, from a genetic point of view, the fetus that is being conceived is at best only It can be regarded as the heir of your body, and Bu Nen is your own. Remember what I told you before? This is a real world, and what you will experience is a real life experience."

"Fake! Stop talking nonsense! What should I do now?"

Tony Stark was obviously panicked, and he was sweating nervously.

Although he also knew that his body would not have any blood relationship with that child, but his strong sense of responsibility prevented him from watching this little life, and was abandoned in a world where danger lurks on every side inside.

"You have three options. The first is for me to nip her in the bud, similar to an abortion. The second is to take her away and bring her up to Earth to raise .I can give you some help, such as giving this child the same appearance as a human, and the same growth rate. But the problem is, she is still a night elf in essence, will have a terrifying lifespan, and never age and forever If she doesn't get sick, she will inevitably lead to all kinds of troubles in the future. As for the last one, she will naturally be left behind and grow up with the blessing of the World Tree like other night elf children."

Alan unhurriedly offered three solutions.

He dared to swear that he never did anything in private. It was really Iron Man who was so lucky that he won the grand prize once.

With the ultra-low conception success rate of night elves, this probability is almost enough to buy lottery tickets.

Of course, with the speed at which Stark Industries is now creating wealth, the lottery winnings may not be enough for this guy's pocket money.

"If I'm going to take her away, what about her mother?"

After being silent for a long time, Tony Stark finally lifts the head and asks a crucial question. question.

Although the two of them only enjoyed a love affair with each other and had no feelings for each other, he still didn't want to hurt the wild female commander.

Alan blunt replied: "She doesn't even know she's pregnant. When the fetus develops a little, I will take it out and put it in an artificial petri dish. All you need is to think about how to follow Ms. Pepper Potts explained. Also, I can give you a free message that you two will have a daughter in the future."

"Two beautiful and lovely daughters?" Tony Stark A surprise flashed in his eyes. "Sounds good! But I have another question. Does Earth, like this world, have someone guarding the so-called correct timeline?"

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows. At least the Supreme Master Gu Yi, did not deliberately pursue the so-called correct timeline. Her only purpose is to make Earth, which is full of crises, always survive every disaster. If anyone destroys this, then she will choose to come forward to carry out Correction. Otherwise, why do you think I am so restrained?" Alan asked back with a faint smile.

"So you showed up when Vision first woke up and killed me. Which means, I'm very important to the future?" Tony Stark continued cautiously probed.

"You do matter, even more than you think. But remember, the future is never set in stone. Now, enjoy the real game, the rest of you Time is running out." After that, Alan didn't give the other party a chance to ask questions again, and directly cast teleportation and disappeared in place.

After all, the Demon Lords who burned Legion are not fools. After so many bombings, they have already heard about Tony Stark's key role in it.

Next, the "big smart" will face the assassination of the elite assassin.

With the current garrison strength of the refugee camp, even if it is defended once, it is impossible to defend it a second time.

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