Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1133

Decadence, depression, despair...

For a long time to come, Stephen Strange lived like a walking corpse and lost hope for life.

Every day I either sit at home in a daze, or wander aimlessly in the streets and alleys of the city.

The kind of sudden loss of all the pain overnight, even made him think of suicide for a while.

But in the end, when Stephen Strange took a gun to his head, he suddenly felt that if he just died like this, wouldn't he be a failure and a coward?


Even if he dies, he will die on the road of fighting against his destiny.

Instead of being the object of ridicule or pity.

With this in mind, the bizarre future Academician sold all of his fortune, as well as his expensive watches, and several millions of dollars worth of houses in New York.

With the money, he embarked on the first adventure of his life.

Since it's impossible to get the help of Sky City, then look for other people with magic and super powers.

Since the recent Inhumans' village "afterlife" has sparked heated discussions, Stephen Strange decided to make this his first stop.

After all, there are tens of thousands of aliens with superpowers living in the "afterlife", so it is impossible for this Qi to help him restore his damaged fingers.

I have to say that although this guy is a little whimsical, the plan is still a bit reliable.

Because in the "afterlife" inhumans, there are indeed some superpowers that possess similar healing and recovery abilities.

In order to obtain permission to enter, the strange Academician first donated a large sum of money to the "Inhuman Protection Foundation".

That's right!

In just two months after the full-scale public opinion offensive was launched, some groups of worshipers of aliens sponsored by the "Stark Gene Society" actually established a special group to protect the rights of aliens. A non-profit organization that is not persecuted by the government.

Some of these people are Bai Zuo Holy Mother, some are very interested in superpowers, some are sympathetic to the experience of aliens, and some even think that they are potential aliens...

In short, when they were united together, they formed a fairly socially influential organization.

Not long ago, a demonstration at the entrance of the United Nations Headquarters building in New York was organized by more than 50,000 people, which shocked the US government.

Since then, no politicians or bureaucrats have dared to mention the annihilation of those aliens.

Just the opposite!

Whether it is the International Security Council or the S.H.I.E.L.D., which had a conflict with Inhumans before, they all offered olive branches for cooperation.

The shock girl Daisy has privately negotiated with the other party on behalf of the "afterlife" for several rounds, and promised to do her best to capture all the awakened alien criminals for education.

Those who commit serious crimes will also be tried according to the laws of each country.

In this way, with the attitude of suspicion and distrust on both sides, they began to stumble and carry out limited cooperation.

After all, Inhumans are aboriginal people living on Earth and belong to a branch of humanity.

It is fundamentally different from those aliens and dimension Demon God.

Since the Avengers can pull in the crown prince of Asgard's Divine Domain, why can't the International Security Council take the Inhumans for its own use?

As long as it is human, it will be selfish!

even more how, the inside of the aliens is not monolithic.

At least those aliens who have just awakened are obviously more inclined to integrate into modern society and enjoy the convenience brought by technology and business prosperity, rather than stay in the "afterlife" as an isolated hermit.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Stephen Strange.

Because as a volunteer, the first difficulty he has to face is how to talk to the real aliens.

The problem is, after he has been working as a volunteer for a period of time, he suddenly discovered that among the guys who donated a lot of money to the "Foundation", at least six out of ten are selfish, and Or want to use the superpowers of aliens to achieve some ulterior motives.

Some of them have already achieved their goals and reached a cooperation intention with "the afterlife".

Other companies are eyeing the commercial value of aliens, and plan to package some of them as stars and idols to show their strength in the film and television entertainment industry.

After all, with the rapid development of Internet technology, many traditional stars have gradually lost their attractiveness.

Audiences now demand characters that are fresher, more exciting, and more relaxing and enjoyable for the senses.

And the Inhumans with powerful superpowers can just satisfy all of this.

There's even a TV station investing a billion dollars to do a draft in the "afterlife".

The theme is to let the aliens use their superpowers to compete and select a "strongest king".

In an era where everything can be entertained, and even something as serious as a presidential campaign can be messed up, it's not worth making a fuss about nothing that the capital behind the media can do such a thing.

Daisy also roughly read the script, deleted the parts that might cause injury, and agreed to the other party's plan.

No way!

Who made the "afterlife" most in need of exposure now to eliminate the public's fear of aliens.

And TV entertainment programs are just the easiest way to get closer to each other.

Similarly, those newly awakened aliens who were forcibly brought back to the "afterlife" could participate in the TV show, and the winner could get a prize of 10 million US dollars, and immediately gave up the idea of running away, They are gearing up to win the money.

"Well, I can only say that these guys are really business-minded." Stephen Strange couldn't help but whispered.

Trademarks, endorsements, naming rights, advertisements, TV shows, talent shows...

He couldn't believe how an ancient village with a long history and tradition could suddenly become So bottomless.

Don't these aliens understand that their power can be used in other more valuable and meaningful places?

However, to complain, Stephen Strange still follows the usual practice, sending these plans to the designated e-mail, and then waiting patiently for a reply.

I have to say that the people inside the Foundation saw that his fingers were injured, so they specially arranged a relatively easy job.

There is basically nothing else to do every day other than review and send and receive emails.

And only work a few hours a day.

Of course, except that there is also no salary, everything is perfect.

Sometimes Stephen Strange even thinks that maybe it's okay to let go of the unrealistic idea and just live like this for the rest of his life.

At least after giving up those bad habits in the past, he finally understood why the respected old doctor always looked down on him.

No compassion!

No medical ethics!

Never try to measure other people's difficulties!

My mind is full of only challenging my own limits and chasing after the worldly fame and fortune.

If he could go back in time, Stephen Strange would definitely give that arrogant self a big mouth without the slightest hesitation.

Now it's hard for him to imagine that he will not only get time gems in the future, but also be able to travel in time at will.

After another boring and mundane day like this, the future bizarre Academician put on his coat and walked straight out of the office building where the Foundation was located.

Because it was already winter, a heavy snowfall had just fallen in New York not long ago, and the streets were full of white scenery at a glance.

When he left the bustling area and passed through some relatively secluded alleys, he could even see groups of homeless people and beggars gathered together, standing in front of a huge iron bucket to burn things for warmth.

Although Alan has given countries an inexhaustible source of energy - controllable nuclear fusion technology, under the condition that capital blindly pursues monopoly and interests, the lives of the people at the bottom of society are actually Not much improvement.

Those who should use drugs continue to use drugs, those who should drink alcohol continue to drink alcohol, and those who should be begging continue to beg.

If it were the old days, Stephen Strange would never give these filthy tramps a second glance.

But since his hands were crippled, he gradually began to have compassion, or empathy.

So after hesitating for a while, he finally took a deep breath, took out his wallet from his pocket, walked over, took out all the cash of about five hundred dollars, and handed it to one of them. Person: "Here, take it. Buy some warm clothes to keep out the cold, and eat some steaming food."

When the homeless person headed by saw the hundred-yuan bills, both eyes immediately lit up , immediately took it and let out a white breath from his mouth, and said excitedly: "Thank you! Thank you, kind sir."

"You're welcome." Stephen Strange remained polite. Smiling, he tucked his almost empty wallet into his pocket.

Just as the homeless were discussing which second-hand store was selling winter clothes and which restaurant had cheap and delicious food, a few people dressed in very unusual clothes suddenly appeared out of thin air. on the street.

There is only one person on one side, wearing a pale-yellow robe like a monk, with a hood on his head, and he can't see his face at all.

There are many people on the other side, wearing dark red robes, only the leading guy wears a brown dress and an earth-yellow burqa.

It is unbelievable that the one person is chasing a group of people.

The latter's face was full of fear, and it seemed that he didn't dare to engage in a head-on battle with him, but just kept running away.

Seeing this group of guys dressed differently from ordinary people rushing through the streets, a homeless man couldn't help but complain: "Is there any film or TV show here recently? If not, they have terrible taste."

"The crew? I didn't see any cameras. Maybe just a bunch of cosplaying youngsters entertaining themselves." Another Homeless shrugged shoulders.

But just because these homeless people don't care, doesn't mean Stephen Strange doesn't care.

He didn't even hesitate, and immediately chased after him.

Finally, at the end of another unremarkable alley, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

The man in the pale-yellow monk's robe raised his hand and made a strange gesture, and then the entire surrounding space began to change dramatically.

The next second...

The gravity of the world suddenly reversed ninety degrees.

The original ground strengthened the walls, and the walls became the ground.

Everyone involuntarily came to a rollover, standing on top of the previous tall buildings.

There is no doubt that this is a mirror space in the magical inheritance of Kama Taj.

And the caster is none other than the Supreme Master Gu Yi.

As for the people on the other side, it was Casillas and his followers.

While Stephen Strange was bewildered and confused about the situation, the building under his feet suddenly began to rise and fall, just like the trap mechanism in the movie, and the building at the back was even more like a stone. Start rolling forward and accelerate.

The terrifying imposing manner of hiding the sky and covering the earth is absolutely enough to scare normal people into a nervous breakdown.

But for some reason, instead of a trace of fear, he stared wide-eyed at everything in front of him, full of curiosity and longing in his heart.

"Hand over the book you stole! Trust me, Dormammu is not as kind as you think." Gu Yi slowly opened his mouth and said to his former Disciple.

Although she knew that all these were nonsense, the future was doomed from the moment she made her choice.

Casillas sneered and sarcastically said, "Give it up? You're too hypocritical, Supreme Mage. Tell me, what's the secret of your immortality? It's not because you stole power from the dark dimension!"

"No! I'm not like you. All I stole is the energy itself, but your minds have been eroded by the dark dimension and become Dormammu's followers and slaves." The biggest difference between the two sides.

"In my opinion, there is no difference. Since it is from the dimension Demon God, why can't we do it more thoroughly. You have taught me that the acquisition of magical knowledge and power has never been It's all about paying the price." Casillas reasoned for himself.

"But I've never taught you that you can betray Earth's interests. Obediently surrender, maybe I'll leave a way out before you're in trouble."


Speaking, Gu Yi's hand began to flash a gorgeous magic halo.

"Speaking is useless! Let me see today whether the power bestowed by my master Dormammu is more powerful, or whether you, Earth Guardian, are better."

tone barely fell!

Casillas attacked with his men first.

Because he has sold his soul, his whole body is filled with huge dark energy, and he can create extremely terrifying destructive power with every gesture.

But unfortunately, this completely uncontrolled magical energy does not pose even the slightest threat to Gu Yi.

She came into contact with Dormammu earlier than Casillas, and drew power from the dark dimension earlier. She knew very well what the energy characteristics of the dark dimension were and how to resolve it.

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