Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1139

"You promised me! Tony Stark would sign this deal! But look what you've done now? You've let the Avengers dissolve!"

In the White House in Washington, D.C., the nation's titular leader, the supreme commander of the armed forces, is yelling at Secretary of State Ross, who has just returned from New York.

And the latter is also obviously somewhat guilty, bowing his head and not even daring to say a word of rebuttal and defense.

Because he knew that if the news was announced, there would be an uproar in public opinion.

After all, the governments of various countries simply want to limit the rights of the Avengers, not to disintegrate the organization of this human being and the last Guardian of Earth.

But now?

Not only did the other party not sign this agreement, but they simply chose to dissolve.

This undoubtedly makes Mr. President, who has been busy all the time, very embarrassed, annoyed, and angry from the bottom of his heart.

As a traditional politician, he is very aware of how the people on the Internet would be ironic, sarcastic, and mocking if the media knew about this in advance.

Based on this alone, it can be determined that the next re-election is basically in vain.

Although it will not be directly "death to the society" like the humiliated French president not long ago, it will also be labeled as an idiot and incompetent.

"Sir, I think it's best to contact Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers now, so that they don't rush to make a decision. Regarding the agreement, you can put it later. Let it go." Another counselor in his sixties reminded in a low voice.

"Sorry, it's too late. Let's see..."

Speaking, another person took out his mobile phone and played a video that had just been posted on the social media homepage a few minutes ago. video.

I saw Iron Man standing surrounded by countless reporters, solemnly announcing the heavy news of the dissolution of the Avengers.

At this moment, let alone the reporters down there are crazy, politicians and people all over the world are also crazy.

One of the female reporters who once had a one-night stand with Tony Stark even rushed to the front with the microphone held high, and asked loudly: "Mr. Stark! Will the Avengers be disbanded? Is it about the Sokovia deal that was so much talked about?"

"I don't want to answer that because it doesn't make any sense. It was not long ago that the current Secretary of State, Mr. Ross, personally delivered that agreement. As a criminal who personally created the Hulk and caused numerous civilian casualties and tragedies in the pursuit of What gets rid of all the charges and sits as secretary of state and we get blamed for doing one thing wrong? Is it something wrong with us, or is it something wrong with this world?"

Tony Shih Tucker unceremoniously turned on all his firepower, and sprayed wildly at Secretary of State Ross.

And his this remark caused an uproar in an instant.

Many media reporters controlled by capital showed embarrassed expressions on their faces, and some lowered their heads and pretended not to hear anything.

Because it was thanks to their help that the calamity caused by the Hulk and the Abomination was finally successfully treated coldly.

But right now, it is publicly mentioned on this occasion and compared with the treatment suffered by the Avengers, even a fool can feel unfair.

It's not fair!

There is clearly a force behind Ross who is secretly supporting him.

You must know that European and American capitalist societies were originally a place where conspiracy theories flourished.

Some people even believe that behind the current government, there is a shadow government built by capital oligarchs, hiding in secret and secretly controlling everything.

"Damn! We're in big trouble now!" The consultant's face showed shock and disbelief.

Because he couldn't believe that Iron Man, who belongs to the capitalist class, dared to speak out about such unwritten rules in front of everyone's eyes.

In contrast, the president looked much calmer, blunt said to Ross standing in front of him: "I'll give you four hours to submit your resignation! move a bit faster, it's better to be in time for those reporters Rush to the daily routine press conference."

"No! I will never resign! This is the position you promised me!" Ross refused loudly and excitedly.


What a joke!

He abandoned morality and reason, and did so many crazy and bottomless things. He finally got the position of under one person above ten thousand people. How could he give up if he just gave up.

even more how, if you submit your resignation now, doesn't it just show that you have a ghost in your heart?

"Sorry, I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm notifying you. If you submit your resignation now, I can make sure that you won't be held accountable afterwards. But if you insist on refusing to leave , I will let the FBI and the military reopen the investigation. Trust me, once you get to this point, you will spend the rest of your life in prison, and there is no way to bail."

There is no doubt that you can put The president, who Ross promoted to the position of secretary of state, is very aware of the character of this "old friend".

There is no way to persuade the other party to back off by good words alone.

The only thing that really held Ross back was a powerful threat.

As a person with a lot of dark history and criminal records, and even relying on black box operations and deals to escape prison, Ross is most afraid of standing in the courtroom and being tried by a jury and a judge.

Because the things he committed are no longer something that can be tried by ordinary military courts.

Maybe it will finally be appealed to the Federal Supreme Court, and the trial will be held under the watchful eyes of countless Americans.

By that time, all the brutal human experiments he did in the military would be exposed.

But there will literally be countless friends of the victim with guns to seek revenge on him and his family.

"Ross, resign, don't embarrass Mr. President. Now you have become our negative asset. Continuing to resist hard will inevitably damage the interests of everyone in the party." Another The executives followed suit.

"Assholes! I will remember you ungrateful guys!"

Seeing that his resignation has become a foregone conclusion, Ross immediately flustered and exasperated after he uttered a cruel word. Turn away.

Looking at his receding back, an old woman who was standing in the corner and never spoke suddenly asked, "Is it really okay to do this? Don't forget, he is one of those people. He was elected."

The president touched the chin and gently shook the head: "It doesn't matter! Ross is just a pawn, and it is logical to abandon him according to the current situation. Compared to this, I am a Worried about Tony Stark's next move. Don't you think he's been acting too weird lately?"

"You mean... someone is pointing him from behind?" the consultant's face A horrified expression appeared in an instant.

Because of Iron Man's financial resources and scientific research level, once he becomes interested in politics, it will be a complete disaster for everyone present.

"It's hard to say. But I think it's worth investigating."

"Got it! I'll make arrangements."

At the same time, Tony Stark, who had just finished his press conference, was bringing Steve Rogers into a simple casual suit, and then took a private car to New York's most famous sightseeing spots One, below the free girl Divine Idol.

Looking at this giant statue designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, Steve asked with a puzzled face, "Why brought me here? "

Iron Man smiled slightly and replied: "Because I think this is the best meeting place in New York and even in the United States. Let's go, don't make our guests wait too long."

However, Steve noticed that, for some unknown reason, the number of tourists who came to visit the Divine Idol of the Liberty Girl was very few today.

When he came to the top floor, he suddenly found a man standing in the place with the best view, looking down and looking into the distance, looking serious and focused.

"Hello, Mr. John Schmidt." Tony Stark took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello, Mr. Stark. I know your father Howard, who is a very good scientist. It seems that you have inherited his genes very well." The red skull turned with a magic mask. He turned around, smiled and shook hands with each other.

But soon, he turned his attention to Captain of the United States.

Steve noticed this, and thought the eyes were very familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he'd seen it, and asked in an uncertain tone, "Have we met before? "

"You forgot me? Heavens! It's so heartbreaking." Red Skull deliberately pretended to be heartbroken.

But in the next second, he took off the magic mask used to hide his terrifying face.

"John Schmidt? Red Skull! How could it be you! Aren't you already dead?"

Looking at the familiar face, Steve was surprised He opened his mouth wide, and at the same time the whole person quickly entered a fighting state.

As a super warrior who represented different camps during World War II, he was too aware of the danger of the Red Skull and took the initiative to keep Iron Man behind him.

"Dead? No, no, no, I'm not dead, but when the plane fell, I was transported to another planet by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and was imprisoned by some mysterious and great power, Became a guide. But with the power of Lord Alan, I returned to Earth and put the broken Nine Headed Snake back together again." Red Skull explained casually.

"What? You are the leader of Nine Headed Snake now!" Captain America was dumbfounded, turning around and staring at Iron Man who brought him. "Tony, I think you'd better explain what's going on."

"Let me explain."

Accompanied by a familiar voice, a Transmission Gate suddenly appeared out of thin air. Open.

Following Alan and Earth Inhumans' current supreme leader, Daisy Johnson, came over from the other side.

At this moment, in this small space, the Avengers, Nine Headed Snake and Inhumans are all gathered together, and it is only one Kama Taj that needs to be alive.

However, since Supreme Mage Gu is about to retire, the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange is still in training, so the mages don't have the energy to participate in this kind of thing now.

Tony Stark immediately sighed in relief when he saw the Lord appearing: "You are finally here. You know I don't know how to explain to Captain about our cooperation with Nine Headed Snake. ."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Alan glanced at the people present, and said in a tone of at a moderate pace: " First, let me explain why John Schmidt the Red Skull is here, and what role Nine Headed Snake plays in it."

"That's exactly what I wanted to know. "Steve's eyes are still full of vigilance.

In his opinion, whether it is the Red Skull or the Nine Headed Snake organization behind him, they should be completely pulled up by the roots from human society.

"Actually, the reason is very simple. I'm sure you are aware of the extreme conservative forces, racism and McCarthyist tendencies that have erupted across the United States. Obviously, there is an invisible hand behind these events. And the name of this invisible hand is called capital. What John Schmidt does is to deal with those fans who are on the surface in the simplest and fastest way, to prevent the intensification of contradictions and hinder human beings Build a single federal government."

Alan made no bones about it, and pointed out the role of the Nine Headed Snake.

Red Skull also echoed nodded: "That's right! Some time ago, the guys who were rumored to have a connection with Nine Headed Snake and finally violent death were all killed by me. I would believe it, but I am really working for the benefit of the whole of humanity right now."

"What's the purpose? "

Steve Rogers undoubtedly knew the character of John Schmidt very well, and knew that he was definitely the kind of person who can't afford to do nothing.

"Simple! If I did that, then Lord Alan agreed to give Nine Headed Snake the rule of that new empire built on Kree corpses before they left the universe. .Comparing a planet with a cosmic empire, what do you think I would choose?" Red Skull asked with a grin.

"Is what he said true?" Steve asked, dumbfounded.

Alan nodded without thinking: "It's true. Sakura has destroyed the Kree Empire and built a brand new empire within the sphere of influence of the original Kree Empire. And this new empire, completely It is relying on a strong martial power and military dictatorship to maintain order and an efficient administrative system. So there is no second organization on Earth that can take over except for the Nine Headed Snake. I think it is better to give the aliens instead of cheap Nine Headed Snake is an opportunity to prove themselves. If their ideas are correct, then they can naturally manage this huge empire in an orderly manner. And as a member of the human race, they will naturally not allow other alien civilizations to invade Earth easily. .But if their ideas are wrong, the entire empire will fall apart, and the Nine Headed Snake organization will perish as a result, and will no longer pose any threat to human society. Don't you think this is a good thing for everyone? ?"

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