Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1141



There are still empty memories!

With a murmur, winter warrior Bucky Barnes suddenly opened his eyes and regained consciousness, jumped up from the bed in an instant, subconsciously grabbed the pistol on the bedside table, and at great speed Aim for places including doors, windows, etc.

But as a result, nothing was seen.

Just when he pressed his forehead hard and recalled what happened before, he suddenly realized that the TV was actually on, and the latest news was being broadcast on it.

One of them is about his own global arrest warrant, and a close-up photo of his face that is not very clear, which should be a picture extracted from a monitoring device.

As for the charges, of course, terrorist attacks and murder.

Obviously, he doesn't remember this at all, not quite clear even who he is.

Under the powerful brainwashing ability of Nine Headed Snake, this poor man is like a marionette, being manipulated recklessly.

In a way, he is a tool.

Anyone who gets the codebook of that red can hypnotize and cleanse it.

"What happened? Why can't I remember anything..."

Bucky rubbed his eyebrows lightly, trying to recall the past hours and days. .

But unfortunately, whenever he felt that he was about to touch something, his head would inevitably have severe pain, and he had to give up in the end.

But he was certain that the whispers he had vaguely heard before were not hallucinations.

Because the TV was already on before waking up, it means someone turned on the switch.

For professionalism, Bucky cautiously tried to extract fingerprints from TV switches with simple tools.

But when he got close, he found that there were no fingerprints at all.

The other party obviously thought of this, so he put on gloves.

Similarly, not even a single shoe print was left on the ground, only a few fuzzy footprints.

apart from this , there is an unremarkable bag by the bedside in the room, which contains several local banknotes, as well as two changes of clothes, a peaked cap to cover the face.

There is also a note on the hat that reads: "Thank you for everything you have done for me, now you are free."

Combined with TV The news and arrest warrant, Bucky instantly realized something, an uncontrollable anger surged from the bottom of his heart, grabbed the chair and threw it out fiercely.


The legs of the chair were inserted precisely through the screen of the old TV, causing a slight explosion, accompanied by sizzling electric sparks.

While he was gasping for breath trying to regain his senses, he suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice behind him.

"You're angry?"


Bucky turned sharply and wheeled the robotic arm in a very skilled manner. The action completes a standard throat lock.

As an expert in melee combat, he is very confident that he can use this arm with a lot of advanced technology to break anyone's neck with no difficulty.

But this time, he clearly miscalculated.

When the robotic arm wraps around the opponent's neck and begins to exert force, the seemingly slender neck is completely motionless like a rock.

Not only that, but the arm is still being pulled with tremendous force, making a toothache creaking sound, as if it may break at any time.

"Give it up. If you want to break my neck, it is impossible to do it with your strength. If you continue to exert force, your arm will not be able to hold."

Obviously, the visitor was none other than Alan, who had been busy recently and was planning to watch the fun.

He has always been curious about how the Nine Headed Snake can make a person's brain conditioned to some meaningless words and numbers.

As soon as the numbers are read, Bucky Barnes instantly becomes the grim winter warrior.

The most important thing is whether this is some kind of coincidence or a systematic way of brainwashing.

If it's the latter, then why don't they continue to expand the scope of use and make more similar super soldiers and killers?

But now, when I see Bucky Barnes in person, all my doubts are solved.

First of all, this way of brainwashing takes a long time and a lot of time, just like human training a dog, it must first completely destroy a person's will, and then keep using rewards and punishments to let the brain remember how Do it to reduce the pain you suffer.

In this process, a little carelessness can lead to mental breakdown and death.

Bucky Barnes's ability to persevere is nothing short of a miracle.

Perhaps because of the injection of super soldier serum, his spirit is so stoic that no matter how many times it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt in a very short time.

"Who the hell are you?"

Bucky released his arm and released the chokehold, cautiously picking up the pistol on the nightstand with his other hand.

You must know that he has performed countless assassinations for Nine Headed Snake, and has also been in contact with many superpowers, so when Alan showed unusual skeleton, muscle and skin hardness, he immediately Start looking for possible weaknesses in the other person.

For example, eyes, mouth, nostrils, etc.

Alan also felt the aggressive gaze of the winter warrior, said with a faint smile: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I am here to inform you that a special force is rapidly approaching here. If I were you, I would immediately find a way to hide and escape from the pursuit."

"Special Forces?" Looking out of the gap, I saw a group of fully armed soldiers surrounded the house. "Damn! They're already here!"

"Oh? Well, it looks like they're moving a little faster than I expected. Maybe they were offended by your little move a while back. And threats."

As he said, Alan glanced at the old TV that had been smashed by the legs of the chair, and the meaning was self-evident.

"No! I didn't do that!" Bucky denied immediately.

"Are you sure? Or, do you have a memory from a few days ago?" Alan asked meaningfully.

And this question instantly made the winter warrior fall into an awkward silence.

Because he really doesn't remember anything that happened before waking up, not even what he ate for the last meal, whether he ate out or cooked at home.

Alan smiled and spread his hands: "Look, this is the problem. You can't even be sure if you did it yourself, so how can you convince others that you're innocent? Don't forget. , the code name of winter warrior, but it is directly related to the killing of dozens of politicians in the past several decades. Believe me, those in high positions now, as well as the families and friends of the victims in those days, do not care whether you are innocent or not , they just want to see you die. And those special forces outside with heavy firepower are the best proof. After all, ordinary anti-terrorist operations do not use energy weapons and bombs. The type of grenade called RK-32 can In an instant, a high temperature of more than 100,000 degrees Celsius was released, melting all items in the entire house."

"What are you trying to say?"

With the special forces After the deployment, Bucky was clearly starting to get nervous.

Although he was repeatedly brainwashed and reset, his survival instinct was still intact.

No matter who it is, as long as it shows the intention to kill it, then he will reflexively resist desperately, even if innocent civilians are dragged into it.

"No, it's nothing, I just want to give this to you." Alan smiled and handed over a badge in his hand. "Remember, this little thing represents your destiny, and you can only choose one of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to hand it over."

"Fate? ' Bucky subconsciously frowned.

For some reason, he hated hearing the word.

"Yeah! Destiny! Sorry, I'm leaving, I wish you a good time."

After saying this, Alan opened the Transmission Gate and directly dismissed without a trace .

Less than ten seconds after he left his forefoot, the countdown of the special forces came from outside the door.





The next second...

Several grenades broke through the window and tumbled onto the floor of the room.

Some of them release massive amounts of irritating fumes instantaneously, while others release harsh white flashes.

Fortunately, Bucky was well prepared and immediately put on the gas mask and goggles that were placed in the closet.

Although he is not quite clear, why is there such a thing in his cabinet.

But it's obviously too late to think about it now.

Following, there was a crashing sound with peng~ peng~ peng~ outside the door, it was the door-breaking hammer hitting the door lock.

Without any hesitation!

Bucky lifted the heavy bed against the door with the powerful strength of the robotic arm.

Before he had time to catch his breath, four members of the special forces smashed the windows of the bedroom, kitchen and other places and rushed in.

They didn't even say a word of nonsense, they raised their energy weapons and started shooting.


This apartment building, whose main structure is steel mixed with soil, was forcibly cut open on the spot, collapsing along with the wall, and plunging from the heights, taking over a dozen cars below. The roof was all smashed to smithereens.

A screeching burglar alarm echoed over the surrounding blocks.

Of course, neither the special forces ordered to come here nor Bucky Barnes have cared about whether the unlucky car owners can get compensation from the insurance company.

They fought fiercely in a small space.

Because the space in the apartment building is very limited, the number and firepower advantages of the special forces cannot be exerted at all.

One of the most unlucky ones was held by Bucky as a shield and a hostage, forcing the opponent to dare not easily use the huge energy weapon of formidable power.

However, the special forces are not without corresponding preparations.

Seeing that close-quarters combat can't get anything cheap, they quickly used a newly equipped electronic jamming weapon.

I saw a small dart-like thing fired from the pistol, bang hitting the winter warrior's robotic arm.


A dazzling electric current spews out of the dart, directly destroying the neural sensing device from the inside.

Not only that!

The powerful current also paralyzed half of Bucky's body, causing uncontrollable slight twitches.

"Come on! Catch him!"

A man who looked like a squad commander yelled.

The three of them immediately swarmed up, firmly securing the enemy's only arm and legs.

At this time, no matter how hard Bucky struggled, there was no way to get rid of the restraint.

After all, what he injected was only super soldier serum, not superhuman serum, still not out of the scope of physical body and mortal flesh.

And Commander Squad also seemed to have been instructed by his superiors, and he didn't want to bring people back at all, he raised his gun directly at Bucky Barnes's head.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a shield suddenly flew over from a distance and knocked him to the ground with a bang.

Following, a sexy buttocks in a deep blue uniform fell from the sky.

American Captain Steve Rogers is finally here.

He first efficiently knocked over those special forces members who had restrained Bucky, and then said in a slightly apologetic tone: "Sorry, I'm late."

"Why are you here?" Bucky asked, struggling to get up from the ground.

Obviously, he still remembers this "best friend" who grew up together, but he doesn't remember the experience of growing up and fighting side by side.

"Because I can't leave you alone. Come on, come with me, it's not a good place for you..."

Steve Rogers After finishing speaking, another shadow jumped in from the side wall, and launched an attack without saying a word.

The ends of his hands are inlaid with claw-like things, which can often leave large claw marks on the reinforced concrete walls with a single scratch.

The "Black Panther" T'Challa, who had a vengeance with the winter warrior for killing his father, finally arrived.

When it comes to Black Panther, I have to say that the most recent situation in Wakanda is really miserable.

First, high-level officials across the country were mind-controlled by Guardians sent by Sky City, and carried out destructive and frantic mining of the priceless Zhenjin mine.

After these people left and let go of their mind control, they discovered that the upper part of the Zhenjin Mine had been almost completely hollowed out, leaving only the bottom part that was the most difficult to mine and refine. .

This is a complete disaster for Wakanda, who built the country and built advanced technology on the basis of vibrating gold.

In order to prevent the hollowed out upper part of the mine from collapsing and bury the lower half of the vibranium mine, the royal family had to spend a lot of money to build a huge support and structure, and reduce the production of vibranium to 1. Only one-tenth of the original.

As a result, not only external sales have been severely restricted, but even the vibrating gold that they need to consume cannot be satisfied.

If it weren't for the fear of the mysterious force that quietly dug out half of the Zhenjin Mine, it is estimated that civil strife would have broken out in the country long ago.

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