Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1152

In the basement of a dilapidated old house, several Guardians of the Sky City have surrounded the place and are constantly building various magical defenses to completely isolate the entire basement from the outside world.

When all the preparations were done, Edna Bevan turned to Undead archmage and said, "Let's go!"

"As you wish, Master Chief ."

Undead archmage bent down and bowed deeply, then controlled a lowest skeleton, put on the shadow energy glove created by Alan himself, and slowly opened the box.


The dusty Book of Darkness appeared out of thin air in front of everyone.

Old, shabby, mysterious, full of indescribable Power of Darkness...

In the eyes of these magical Guardians, the knowledge and power of this book , has gone far beyond the scope of Divine Item, and is more like the subconscious incarnation of a certain dimension of Demon God.

What's more terrifying is that from the moment this book comes into view, it is constantly exuding a fatal temptation.

Almost all of the Guardians, including Edna Bevan, heard the muffled murmur in their ears, as if urging them to turn the pages.


The person holding this book at the moment is a low-level undead with no soul or mind, so it will not be affected in the slightest.

And that glove also perfectly shielded the Dark Book of God's perception of the outside world.

Undead archmage controls the skeleton soon to place it into a pre-prepared container.

At the same time, the Guardians also activated the seal at an extremely fast speed, completely isolating it from the outside world.

When the last Magic Talisman text of the seal lit up, everyone present was involuntarily sighed in relief.

No way!

This item, created by the god of the underworld, Hisoka En, put too much pressure on them.

Fortunately, there were no surprises from start to finish.

Edna Bevan didn't even plan to stay for a second, immediately opened the space rift and returned to the Sky City, and immediately sent the container to Alan.

Looking at the sealed container on the table, Alan's face suddenly showed a satisfied expression: "Good job! Now, there is no need to continue to monitor that broken house, and we are all hands. Get back."

"I've got everyone back." Edna Bevan responded hurriedly.

"I mean, from now on, get all of us back on Earth. Also, go and inform Sakura so she's ready too. Wait until Supreme Mage Koichi As soon as Odin, the father of the gods, dies, we will completely cut off contact with the outside world." Alan fiddled with the sealed container and gave the order without raising his head.

Because in the plan of the ancient one, the Infinity War launched by Thanos is actually one of the tests for the strange Academician - Stephen Strange.

Similarly, he also wants to know whether these superheroes can do better than the original plot under their own reinforcement.

In summary, finding an excuse to close the connection between the Azeroth universe and Earth has become a must.

"Even Alesia has to withdraw?" Edna Bevan asked in an uncertain tone.

As the image ambassador of Sky City, this cat-eared loli has done quite well in recent years.

Because she has never been involved in political matters, she is simply treating patients, promoting the moral sect concepts such as caring for the environment, caring for animals, and being close to nature, she has become a well-known environmental protection, children's Charity Ambassador with Women's Advocacy.

Social media platform accounts, and even have more than 500 million followers.

Combined with her petite and cute appearance and De Wang's powerful abilities, her appeal even surpasses that of the top leaders of many countries.

Even during the four-yearly U.S. presidential election, both parties will come to grab the heat, hoping that Alesia can come to give her a platform.

Because as long as she stands on one side with a clear-cut stand, the other side basically has no chance of winning.

No way!

In this age of entertainment to death, no one cares about the dull stuff of qualifications, experience, and governance ideas.

On the contrary, people tend to prefer candidates who are controversial and topical.

It's a pity that, so far, no politician can get Alesia on his side.

Alan is undoubtedly very aware of what the girl has done in recent years and her status in the public's mind, nodded without thinking: "That's right! Even her is included. In addition, I let you Are you ready?"

Edna Bevan hurriedly responded: "Not only is it ready, but it has also been delivered to the person you designated. At present, Steve Rogers has started to practice holy light energy, and it looks like he should have the potential to grow into a good Paladin. Natasha Romanoff, who signed a contract with you, uses shadow energy like a thief or assassin. Thor ex Soon the use of comprehended anger is getting used to and familiar with..."

"So, everything seems to be going according to plan?" Alan touched the chin with a looked thoughtful expression.

"no! I think they've just entered. It takes a long time to get stronger." Edna Bevan gave her opinion.

After all, this kind of guided learning is two different ways from the previous kind of directly giving career templates.

The advantage of the latter is that it is easy and quick, and basically you don't need to think too much, just follow the level.

But the problem is, it is often difficult to get rid of the shackles of one's own profession with the pseudo powerhouse manufactured in this way.

Those who can blaze new trails like Tony Stark are definitely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

As for the former, although it cannot become powerful quickly by upgrading, it has infinite probability.

After all, strength is this thing, and what suits you is the best.

In front of the highly malleable primordial energy, the user can shape them into any convenient form.

If the innate talent is high enough, it can even break the occupational restrictions and create a Sect that is unique to you.

Similarly, as a provider of energy, Alan can also get some unexpected inspiration from it.

In short, this is a win-win cooperation.

And he is far less greedy than Demon God in other dimensions, and will strictly follow the signed contract.

After the brief conversation, Edna Bevan quickly left the room to get busy with other things.

Alan opened the Transmission Gate directly and came to Tony Stark's house.

Because he promised "Little Hot Pepper" Pepper Potts that he would visit on the second day and talk about the situation and feelings of the first date in detail to satisfy the strong curiosity of the other party.

After all, they were custom-made handmade suits and leather shoes at the beginning, and they were also friendship-sponsored vehicles, which seemed to be more caring than he himself.

When passing through the space rift and appearing in the living room, Alan was surprised to find that the famous genius scientist and billionaire, the world-renowned superhero Iron Man - Tony Stark, was kneeling Something with a lattice, seems to be receiving some kind of punishment.

Tony Stark immediately jumped up from the ground when he saw him, and explained forcibly: "Listen to me, things are not what you think they are. I have a thing falling off. Can't find it on the ground. So..."

"No need to explain, I understand everything." Alan's eyes flashed with naked playfulness.

Although the last time he came, he already knew the other's family "brotherhood".

But what absolutely didn't expect was that Iron Man, who came to call himself a domineering president outside, was so humble at home.

This guy must have been trained by Pepper Potts to get some weird XP...

"Damn! Don't look at me like that! I said , things are not what you think." Tony Stark roared as he flew into a rage out of humiliation.

"Okay, okay, I got it."

Alan didn't care at all, and even picked up the uneven board on the ground and found it was a piece Splicing toys like plastic building blocks.

If nothing else, it should belong to Little Selene.

The raised dots on the top must have left a red mark on Iron Man's knee.

The voice of the two men obviously alarmed Pepper Potts, who was busy in the kitchen.

Seeing that she only took less than three seconds, she walked out and asked with joy: "How did you feel about your first date with Wanda yesterday?"

"Well ...I can't tell. I thought that movie was terrible anyway. But then, we went to have a meal together and chatted a bit about each other's past by the way, and the atmosphere was relatively good. I finally drove her back to the apartment."

Alan briefly introduced yesterday's experience.

"You forgot to mention, beat up the entire football team at the school gate and completely ruined their game this year. The guy who took the lead could even be disabled for life."

" p>

Tony Stark apparently had his own intelligence channel, directly speaking out what was withheld.

Alan spread his hands in disbelief: "That's something that can't be helped. You should know that it was them who moved first, and I was just forced to defend myself."

Tony Stark immediately couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Self-defense? hahahaha! You can really make excuses for yourself. I bet even if those players punched you, they would get hurt. It must not be you, but themselves. I can understand your distaste for these stupid, arrogant and arrogant youngsters and want to teach them an impressive lesson. It's not necessary to do this, after all? They're just a bunch of children."

"No, I think it's necessary. Because when they did it, they clearly shouted to break my leg. For such a group of thugs, I didn't crush them all Die, and then take out the soul and throw it into the furnace. It's not an adult's sake. After all, I always advocate killing those who offend me." Alan retorted meaningfully.


In his opinion, after the age of fourteen, you can't be considered a child, and you should start to bear the consequences of your own actions and words.

Since the other party wants to break his leg, he will return it in the same way.

As for those school football members who have broken their legs, will they become impoverished in the future because of this, and will not be able to participate in their yearn for something even in dreams professional league to make a lot of money, then it is not Alan Issues to be concerned about.

Especially those black people who are useless except for sports innate talent, but also like to racially discriminate against Asians, the trash can on the street is their best place to belong.

" got into a fight at the school gate yesterday? It was a group of rugby players?" Pepper Poze's mouth widened in surprise.

Because in her mind, Alan is not the kind of lunatic who likes to use violence casually.

On the contrary, Alan rarely uses violence.

As for fighting for rivalry for love like other men, maybe Tony Stark can do it, but Alan is definitely impossible.

"Those idiots who only have muscles and hormones in their minds feel that they can use their size and numbers to teach me a lesson as an outsider, and then defend their territory and mate choice. In my opinion , this is completely the behavior of wild animals. Since their skin color is generally a bit dark, I think it is more appropriate to describe them as chimpanzees that have not evolved."

Alan did not mean to conceal at all, directly Showing contempt for a special group, vividly and thoroughly showing one's poisonous tongue innate talent.

"Wow! You are a typical racist. If those people hear it, they will sue you." Tony Stark reminded.

"It doesn't matter! Let them sue. What do you think the political correctness of the United States can do to me? Even more how, these people are never against racism, but against racism White people discriminate against themselves. But never against themselves discriminating against others." Alan sneered as he tore off the veil of the black civil rights movement.

Perhaps when the scarlet wave swept the world several decades ago, the earliest leaders of the black civil rights movement really opposed racial discrimination from their hearts.

But now these are just a bunch of mobs.

They are just under the guise of anti-discrimination to pressure the government and ask for privileges, and by the way, they will engage in some attractive spectacle purchases for zero dollars.

"Forget it, this topic ends here. I suggest that it is best not to show similar emotions in front of Falcon and the Wakanda King." Tony Stark helplessly looked the head .

Alan replied nonchalantly: "Don't worry. It's never the skin color or looks that I hate, it's their behavior."

"By the way, you and Wanda had a relationship yesterday. No..."

When it comes to this aspect, Tony Stark's face suddenly becomes lewd, and he keeps blinking hints.

Before Alan could explain it, Pepper Potts fiercely slapped him on the back of the head from behind.


"Ouch! Why are you hitting me again?" Iron Man turned around with a look of grievance.

"Don't show your nasty thoughts. Alan is not you, thinking about pornography. Also, I found the latest issues of swimwear magazines in your drawer, don't you? Are you interested in those cover girls again?" Pepper Potts aggressively put on an inquiring gesture.

I don't know if it's because of "being a mother is strong". Since the adoption of little Selene, her character has become stronger day by day.

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