Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1157

"A dead soul who has lost all hope and only wants revenge? It seems to be a lot easier than we expected, doesn't it?"

Alan sat in the car, across the The window stared at the old soldier in the house with gray eyes and no breath of life.

Obviously, from the moment he decided to assassinate Ross, he had no intention of living.

If there were not too many protesters at the scene, he would even choose to use a rifle with a larger formidable power or throw a grenade.

But unfortunately, it's just too difficult to carry heavy firepower near the US Supreme Court in Washington.

even more how he was still crippled and so ugly and conspicuous.

"Yeah! That's a really simple answer. So simple that I don't know what to say or do." Tony Stark turned off the onboard projection equipment, his voice full of disbelief Covered anger and sadness.

The anger is directed at Ross, a politician and bureaucrat who holds a high position but does nothing at all.

And sadness is given to this veteran who used to serve the country but lost everything in the end, living like a walking corpse.

The gap between the two is so huge and disparity.

The most ironic thing is that the initiator Ross has not been tried until now, but was sent to the hospital.

After this assassination, he is very likely to be a blessing in disguise and escape from prison successfully.

"What are you going to do next? Call the police and ask them to arrest this disabled veteran, then detonate the entire media public opinion, and continue to block Ross lying in the hospital bed, expecting him to be arrested. Angry? After all, it's not common for an officer to assassinate his former general," suggests Alan taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

He has no sympathy for this soldier with a miserable background.

Because the other party is completely asking for it.

The U.S. military is not a good thing in essence, whether it is launching wars of foreign aggression again and again, or the military bases all over the world, it is essentially for its own financial hegemony and virtual capital expansion services.

And when Ross was in charge of chasing the Hulk, these people also knew very well who the green monster was.

But they chose to fire without the slightest hesitation, trying to smash or kill it.

Tony Stark undoubtedly noticed the disdain flashing in Alan's eyes, and some helpless sighed: "Alas - let's forget it. He's already like this, we don't want to go. Expose the scars in his heart. If the media know about this, they will analyze it from various angles, and then write one article after another that attracts people's attention. I hate this kind of unraveling other people's scars, And make a profit."

"Are you sympathizing with him?" Alan's face showed a playful look.

"Isn't he worthy of sympathy?" Iron Man frowned rhetorically.

"In the information you just checked, there should be no record that this veteran named Kirsten Butlin once killed more than 30 civilians while serving in the Middle East, raped women eight times, of which four Is it a child under the age of 12? There is no record that he sexually harassed female soldiers many times in the US military, and also organized and participated in the gang rape of female soldiers?" Alan sneered and solved the other party's old story.

As a powerful dimensional Demon God, reading the memory of an ordinary person is simply a matter of ease.

Don't look at Kirsten Butlin looking miserable now, as if life is better than death.

But actually?

Under the protection of the huge and violent organization of the US military, he has done many crazy things.

Not only Kirsten Butlin, but most of the American army soldiers who participated in the war have done some similar things.

After all, the essence of war is to turn people into wild beasts.

When the pressure and fear build up to a certain level, it's not worth making a fuss about nothing.

"What? Killing civilians? Rape children!"

Tony Stark's face changed instantly, staring straight at the veteran in the distant house, and his whole body instantly froze. in situ.

Seeing his reaction, Alan couldn't help laughing teased: "Is it weird? What kind of organization do you think the US military is? Maintain world peace and justice? Don't be stupid! They It is the capital power of this country that controls the tools including commodities and raw materials around the world, and it is also an important guarantee for the plunder of wealth through financial hegemony. Therefore, those politicians and senior officials do not care what the soldiers are thinking, as long as they can finally achieve their own purpose, even if they slaughter civilians, loot property, rape women and children, their internal law enforcement military police will turn a blind eye. People like Steve Rogers who joined the army for ideals, although it can not be said that there is no , but I'm sure it's definitely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns in today's U.S. military system."

"Damn! Why did this country become like this?" Tony Stark raised his fist fiercely smashed the steering wheel.

Once upon a time, he was also the most loyal partner of the US military, believing that the other side was maintaining justice and peace in the world.

But as he learned more and more, he finally realized that he was like a fool before, completely kept in the dark by the other party.

Especially the case of Obadiah Staney's arms smuggling, if there is no agreement between the US government, or the CIA and the military, it is impossible to spread so widely.

In other words, the two parties should have some kind of cooperative relationship.

"No, you've made a cognitive error. It's not when America got this way, it's from the very beginning. Whether it's the slaughter of Native Americans, or the The reversal of history, the crazy exploitation and oppression of black slaves, are all manifestations of the essence of this country. It’s just that in order to deal with the export of communist ideology from the Soviet Union, the United States and European countries had to put on a beautiful coat for themselves. The name of the coat was called Liberty, to cover their stinking bodies under their clothes. Later, with the fall of the Soviet Union, they stole the word democracy and made it part of themselves through propaganda. Don't forget, No. 1 Before and after World War II, the United States has always been the largest trading partner of Germany and Japan."

When he said this remark, Alan's tone was full of irony.

Although double standards have always been human nature, ordinary moral rules simply do not apply in the face of conflicting interests between nations.

But it is quite rare to be as shameless as the United States, and to be confident after the fact.

Tony Stark lightly rubbed his eyebrows, and it took a full minute before he lifted the head and asked, "What do you think about this situation? Call the police? Or Let's go talk to him first?"

Alan responded without thinking, "Of course we're talking first. Isn't that what we're driving for? Even more how, Ross isn't at all right now. Death, so this Kirsten Butlin should still be of some use."

After saying that, he directly pushed the car door and walked down from the co-pilot's seat.

Iron Man also quickly unbuckled his seat belt and followed behind.

The two of them, one after the other, came to the gate of the old house and knocked hard.

About ten seconds or so, Kirsten Butlin, who was hiding in the room, opened the door cautiously with a gun.

When the person who came was not the police, but the famous Tony Stark, he immediately put down his weapon, and his mouth widened in surprise: "Steel...Iron Man? Why are you here!"

"I'm so sorry to disturb you, Mr. Kirstin Butlin. But we want to talk to you about the assassination that took place on the doorstep of the Supreme Court not long ago." Tony Starr Ke rudely expressed his intentions.

Because after hearing what the old soldier in front of him had done, he no longer sympathized with the other party, but felt that it was the retribution of the causal cycle.

"Assassination? Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." Kirstin Butling's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to close the door.

But before he could take action, Alan grabbed his only arm, lifted him from the ground, grabbed the shotgun, and used it a little in front of him. Strength, to bend the barrel forcibly.

After all this was done, he said with a faint smile: "I think we can sit down and talk calmly now, right?"

Looking at being broken With the curved shotgun, Kirsten Butlin instantly realized that what he had met this time was by no means an ordinary person, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he lifted the head and asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"A lot! Say you slaughtered an innocent village in the Middle East, or you raped those eleven or twelve year old girls with a wild beast-like expression on your face. Oh, I almost forgot, And your most proud masterpiece, organized a gang rape in the army, locked three twenty-year-old girls who had just joined the army in a warehouse, and tortured them day and night for three days. Two of them committed suicide afterward, and one person Completely broken down and still in a psychiatric hospital for treatment. There's actually a lot we could talk about, don't you think?"

Alan stared at the other's cloudy eyes, a look on his face. Devilish smile.

"Sheet! How do you know this? Who are you?"

When these old accounts were turned over, Kirsten Butterling panicked. .

After all, these are his secrets hidden deep in his heart. With all the teammates killed, no one knows.

And all these years, he has always firmly believed that he is a victim.

But now, when those dark memories were awakened, Kirsten Butlin finally recalled that what Ross had done, he had done, and more than once.


The heart that originally only had the idea of revenge suddenly shook violently.

Unfortunately, Alan ignored this guy and turned to Iron Man meaningfully: "Look, like I said, this guy is like Ross. His Instead of being sympathetic, what happened should be seen as retribution. For a scum like this, it is unfair to those victims to let him die happily."


Tony Stark, apparently thoroughly enraged, slammed his fist into the face fiercely.

Fortunately, his fists are not heavy.

After being punched, Kirsten Butlin only lost two teeth and completely collapsed the bridge of his nose, but his consciousness remained awake.

Spit out a bloody spit, and the veteran couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha! You actually hit me? Do you know? In this world, there are indeed countless people who are qualified to beat me, scold me, and even kill me, but you are the only one who can't."

"Why can't I?" Tony Stark gnashing teeth asks.

"It's simple! You're the real butcher with blood on your hands compared to the few people I've killed and hurt. Those weapons you used to produce kill every year around the world. At least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. But what about you? You are still the darling of the media, the super rich with billions of dollars. You even made a superhero name to satisfy your sad conscience. Stop comforting yourself Now, Mr. Stark. You're a dealer in death, and no matter how you wash it, you smell like shit."

Kirstin Butlin obviously knows a lot about history The secret of smuggling weapons from Tucker Industries Group broke Iron Man's psychological defense in just a few words.

Because for Tony, in the past, Stark Industries sold weapons of mass destruction invented by himself, which has always been a troubled and tormented heart disease.

Every time this scar is opened, he will inevitably fall into remorse and self-blame, unable to extricate himself.

Alan undoubtedly noticed Iron Man's trembling hands, and immediately broke Kirstin Butlin's last intact arm with a ka-cha, taunted with a sneer:

"Since you like exposing other people's scars so much, why don't we talk about your beautiful wife, and how about your daughter who just turned twelve?

You know? In the first year of marriage, your wife couldn't stand the loneliness and cheated with Mr. Tom next door behind your back. The other party even lived in your home for a time and enjoyed your wife unscrupulously every day.

The sexy lingerie your wife wore in front of him and the bold poses you'd never seen in your life.

As for your lovely and beautiful daughter, when she was eleven years old , was drugged by a 40-year-old pedophile, and was threatened with nude photos afterward.

Because she was too scared, and her father was not at home all the year round, the poor girl could only endure it silently. All of this, so I also suffer from autism.

In short, all the animal behaviors you have done outside will eventually be retributed on your wife and daughter.

How about it, are you shocked to hear this, and even think that I am deliberately talking nonsense to irritate you?

Sorry, this is the truth.

I can even tell you, that Where does Mr. Tom live now.

How many great video clips of your wife in bed are kept on his computer hard drive.

Similarly, I can tell you that Pedophile name..."

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