Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1162

Beep beep...

With the busy tone coming from the phone, Reina's tense expression finally relaxed a little.

Clearly, she betrayed Grant Ward in order to be able to climb to a higher position Sovereign her own destiny instead of being dominated by others.

And once you become the highest Chief-In-Charge of Nine Headed Snake in North America, you can use the resources at hand, especially those apprentice magicians lurking in the International Security Council, to make you look like an alien. appearance returned to normal.

As for the guilt of betrayal...

Sorry, that doesn't exist in Reina.

Because she has been accustomed to joining various organizations like this since a long time ago, and constantly using the power of each other to achieve her ulterior motives.

Things like betraying an ally are as easy as breathing.

Without any hesitation!

After receiving the promise and authorization from the Red Skull, Reina quickly rushed out of the hospital with the suitcase that originally belonged to Grant Ward.

A Nine Headed Snake member waiting at the door saw her and immediately asked, "Why are you alone? Grant?"

"Grant is dead! Those two monsters were killed! Just now, I have called the European headquarters to report the situation, and Mr. John Schmidt appointed me to take his place temporarily. Don't talk nonsense, let us all retreat. It won't be long before this place becomes a battlefield." Reina explained, staring at those pale-yellow eyes like wild beast.

"What? Dead? How is that possible! Didn't you make a prediction?"

This high-level cadre of the Nine Headed Snake was obviously loyal to Grant Ward, at all Don't believe the other party's flawed rhetoric.

Not only him, but also some young Zhuang factions who were personally picked up by Grant Ward also expressed strong dissatisfaction with the results.

Looking at the group of guys around and those who were standing there watching, a naked and undisguised killing intent flashed in Reina's eyes.

The next second...

The spikes on her body shot out 360 degrees like darts.

The other party was shot into a hedgehog before he had time to react.

Especially those thorns that go deep into the eyes have damaged the brain, the most important organ of human beings.

So there is no accident, these opponents all fell to the ground on their backs without exception, and the dead can no longer die.

Looking at the bloody corpse under her feet, Reina lifts the head with a sharp look at the other Nine Headed Snake members, and asks in a dispassionate tone, "Who else has a crush on John Schmidt? Sir, do you have any opinion on appointing me to be the top leader of North America?"


The other guy who was almost killed hurriedly shook his head desperately, his voice mellow With a trembling.

Clearly, killing and dying are always the easiest and most effective means of deterrence.

Many times, as long as they are ruthless and willing to launch a massacre and purge, there is no objection that cannot be suppressed.

"Very good!" Rena nodded with satisfaction. "Retreat now! We..."

Before she could finish her words, there was a deafening loud noise from inside the hospital.

bang! ! ! ! !

On the roof above the intensive care unit, a large hole was directly smashed by some indescribable terrifying force.

Large pieces of reinforced concrete and some broken corpses flew into the air, and then smashed down again.

One of the thick and powerful tentacles fell right next to the Nine Headed Snake team.

"This...what the hell is this?!"

A white man in a combat suit subconsciously walked over, trying to poke the thing with a gun.

But at the moment of approaching, Reina suddenly shouted: "Idiot! Don't go there! Come back!"

But unfortunately, her reminder was too late.

I saw that tentacle jumped up suddenly, entangling the unlucky bastard in an instant, and the front end penetrated into the target's mouth at a lightning-fast speed.

No matter how much the man struggled and bit with his teeth, it didn't help.

In the end, everyone could only watch the entire broken tentacle burrow into his body.

In just a few seconds, the tentacles that are more than two meters long and the thickness of the thighs are all drilled into it.

"Fire! Fire! Kill him!"

Rena, who had seen the Elder God cell terrifying with her own eyes, immediately roared at the Nine Headed Snake members present.


"He's turned into a monster! Don't let him come near us!"

"Shit! What the hell just happened inside ?"


Out of fear of the unknown and mysterious things, these guys didn't hesitate at all, immediately raised the energy weapons in their hands and started shooting frantically.

After all, Nine Headed Snake is not a mutual love organization.

For a while, the streets in front of the hospital were filled with dazzling laser beams.

When the strafing ended and these people stopped shooting, they found that the unlucky bastard had been cut into countless small pieces by the beam, and most of the muscle tissue exuded a pungent smell. Burnt taste.

"It's over?" asked the commander in charge of the two tactical squads cautiously.

"I don't know! I don't need to know! Get in the car immediately, we have to leave before the US military feels it." Lena quickly stepped into one of the cars and waved everyone to come up.

Just when these fighting squad members were at a loss and couldn't understand what was going on, those charred corpses that had been cut into countless small pieces suddenly began to wriggle violently.

The next second...

These corpses began to change drastically, and the most pets turned into some weird flying worms only the size of the palm of an adult man.

But unlike the traditionally slow insects, they're so fast that they don't react at all.

In the blink of an eye, several Nine Headed Snake members were thrown in the face by these insects, and then drilled into their bodies along their mouths.

Before the others could react, these guys under the control of Insect immediately raised their weapons and fired at their companions.

In front of the powerful formidable power of the energy weapon, Nine Headed Snake immediately suffered heavy casualties.

"Leave them alone! Drive!"

Rena looked quite terrifying when she saw this scene, and directly gave orders to the driver sitting in the driving seat.

"If we drive now, those who don't get in the car will die." The driver reminded a little unbearably.


Rena directly took out the gun and aimed at the guy who didn't obey her orders, pulled the trigger, opened the door and kicked him down, then started the engine and drove away.

The whole process went smoothly without any hesitation at all.

Because no one knows better than her how terrifying the two monsters made by Alan in the hospital are.

However, just as Leina drove less than 200 meters away, the hospital building behind her collapsed.

In the ruins, Ross, who transformed into a red giant, and Kirstin Butlin, who fused with the cells of the ancient gods, had a fierce battle with each other.

Although the former possesses near-overwhelming power, every punch can inflict the same destructive power as a heavy artillery bombardment.

But the latter is not to be trifled with, and has abilities similar to Immortal Body. No matter how many times it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt at an extremely fast rate.


It is not just simple reorganization, but also phagocytosis and assimilation.

As long as there is one cell in the body that is not destroyed, rebirth can be completed in another person or animal.

This is where the Old Gods of Azeroth are most terrifying.

"Don't waste your time, General Ross. You should know that I cannot be killed." Kirsten Butlin said with a cold laugh.

He had obviously devoured his servants, and his entire body had become unusually large, like a giant octopus crawling ashore.


Ross has obviously lost his mind, all he knows is to growl like a wild beast, then waving his stout arms to take those from all directions The thick tentacles that surrounded it were torn apart.

Like Bruce Banner, he could not control his reason and emotions at all in his first transformation, but only subconsciously vented and destroyed.

The shadow energy attached to Kirstin Butlin's tentacles causes severe mental pain every time he slaps, making the transformed Ross even more mad and tyrannical.

Just as the two were fighting in a frenzy, the U.S. military plane finally arrived at the scene first.

It may be that they learned the lessons of dealing with superpowers in the past. They did not send helicopters that were very easily destroyed this time, but sent three fighter jets equipped with the latest energy bombs.

They pressed the launch button several kilometers away, with no intention of leaping from above.

Because the Hulk has taught these guys enough lessons.

Even if it is flying at supersonic speed at an altitude of several thousand meters, I dare not say that it is 100% safe.

But they obviously don't know that the biggest threat to the ordinary person in this battle is not losing his mind, but only knowing Ross who uses brute force.

On the contrary, Kirsten Butlin, fused with the cells of the ancient gods, is the most terrifying.

Just as the pilots were about to adjust their direction and return home, a murmur suddenly began to echo in their ears.

Following, the vision of several pilots began to appear different degrees of hallucinations, and finally flew out for a certain distance and all fell straight to the ground from a high altitude, causing a violent explosion.

"Damn! What happened to those pilots? Why did they suddenly hit the ground?" Tony Stark, who was watching all this from a distance, couldn't help but ask.

After all, in his eyes, these planes have not been attacked, nor have there been any traces of magical energy fluctuations.

"Because their spirits are affected," Alan explained, pointing to his head. "The power of the Old Gods comes from the Twisting Void, and mind control and corruption are what they are best at."

"so that's how it is! That's Kirsten Butlin in this state. , is it really impossible to be killed?" Tony Stark asked again in pursuit.

Alan smiled and shook the head: "no! Nothing can't be killed. Whether it's me or those dimensions Demon God, there is a theoretical upper limit. As long as the attacker If the power exceeds this theoretical upper limit, even gods will be killed. Take Kirsten Butlin as an example, as long as a small nuclear weapon with an equivalent of tens of thousands of tons is used, it can be killed with no difficulty. It's just that I'm not sure if the current president of the United States has the courage to make such a decision."

"So... the current situation is still under your control?" Iron Man said in a tone with strong uncertainty.

"Of course! Didn't you realize that until now, the combat range has been tightly controlled within a certain range?" Alan faint smile asked rhetorically.

"But what about the rack planes? They hit two buildings." Tony Stark glanced at the billowing smoke in the distance.

Alan's shrugged shoulders: "Don't worry. Those buildings are all political lobbying companies that serve capital groups. If there's a group of people on this land that's the most damnable, they're the ones who will bear the brunt. The more these guys die, the more obvious the hidden capital will be exposed."

Political lobbying has always been the most "characteristic" part of the American political system.

At the same time, it is also a kind of fair bribery and money-power transaction.

It is part of the "political and business revolving door" system.

In his view, all lobbying firms are the spokesperson of capital.

If these guys are all dead, the capital behind them will inevitably stand up.

When the time comes, Nine Headed Snake can find out the key nodes in the capital network one by one to kill or control them as long as they follow the clues.

Only by completely defeating the power of capital can human beings break free from the control of capital and enter a new era.

Just when Tony Stark wanted to ask something else, two media helicopters suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance.

These guys are working hard to get first-hand picture information!

Ignoring the danger of being shot down, he kept approaching with the camera, and even nearly got hit by the cement boards and blocks thrown by Ross several times.

But even so, the drivers, reporters and photographers still had no intention of retreating.

I don't know how much the high-level executives behind the media gave these guys a high bonus, so that they could not be afraid of losing their lives.

Through the live broadcast, all viewers can vaguely see Ross, who has become the Red Giant, and Kirsten Butlin, the Ancient God.

After all, their faces haven't changed much, and they can be identified with a little observation.

"Ah! The real drama finally begins. I'm curious how Americans will react when they see a former high-ranking government official turned into a monster. What about the one in the White House? Deal with the current crisis. Recruit the Avengers? Or use a super-powerful space-based energy cannon or a small nuclear warhead."

Alan sat on the rooftop of a building not far away with great interest, admiring the single-handedly result.

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