Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1172


Casillas struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes full of complexity and vigilance.

Because of the light spear magic of the blow just now, he felt the terrifying energy that was diametrically opposite to the dark dimension.

If the formidable power of the light spear increases several times or even a dozen times, it will completely destroy the body deeply eroded by the dark dimension in an instant.

"Look at what you look like now, Casillas. Do you think you can still be considered a human being?" Mordo said with a hint of disappointment.

After all, before Stephen Strange arrived, he and Casillas were both Disciples of the Ancient One, and normally they had a pretty good relationship.

Especially in terms of personality, both of them are a bit extreme, so they have the same point of view on many issues.

Mordo felt betrayed when he learned that Casillas had stolen the book and brought a group of fanatics into Dormammu's arms.

Today, he will use the knowledge and power gained from another magical system to defeat Casillas and prove the opponent's choice wrong.

"hmph! Are you still believing the lie of the hypocrite Gu Yi? Don't you realize that she is also drawing on the power of the dark dimension to maintain her never-aging and Death?" Casillas asked loudly with a sneer.

But unfortunately, Modu did not show strong disappointment with Gu Yi like the original plot, and even his own thoughts and consciousness were distorted, just a faceless rhetorical question. Said: "So what? Do you think Eternal and Undying, the ability to transcend time is rare? No! Dormammu is just one of the many dimensions of Demon God, it is far less powerful and omnipotent than you describe. "

There is no doubt that the direct contact with Alan has greatly broadened Mordo's horizons, making it no longer limited to Earth, but to the entire multiverse.

Because for mages, only by standing high enough and seeing far enough can they realize the true meaning of magical power.

Unconsciously, one of the most important villains in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has embarked on a completely different path.

"You've changed! I almost don't know you anymore." Casillas said with a hint of emotion in his tone.

If it was changed to the past, he would dare to guarantee that the other party would lose his mind in fright in front of the dark dimension Sovereign Dormammu.

Not even a nervous breakdown.

But now, Mordo is not only not intimidated, but is full of confidence in the magic he masters.

This kind of feeling, in the past, only Supreme Master Gu Yi could do the entire Kama Taj.

"no! It's not that I've changed! It's that I've been exposed to something greater, like you. In him, I see the way to a higher place. Got it? Really The mage of 's should never blindly worship any great power, but to find out why the other party has achieved greatness, and then make himself work to reach that height. But you, your performance is so disappointing. You gave up a The dignity of a mage, who pinned his soul and life on the lies of a dimensional Demon God."

Mordo ruthless pointed out the fatal mistake of Casillas and his followers.

His eyes gleamed with unabashed ambition as he said this remark.

Although Mordo did not take an extreme and crazy crooked path like the original plot.

But his overlooked "motivation" in the bones was still inspired.

A large number of step-level magic from low-level to high-level recorded in the "Book without Inscriptions" seems to have opened a new door for it in an instant.

That approach through strict control of energies and precise changes shows a magical path that is completely different from Kama Taj.

Although Mordo was unable to learn all the thousands of tier magics in such a short period of time, the principle has been thoroughly mastered.

The next thing to do is to combine itself and constantly improve this spell that combines the two magic systems.

His goal is very simple, that is, like Alan and Dormammu, to become a dimensional Demon God as a mortal.

Casillas undoubtedly sensed the fire of ambition burning in Mordo's eyes, and couldn't help taunted: "You want to be like the great Dormammu? What a crazy and ignorant lie! The present you, who have not even escaped the shackles of time, are still tormented by birth, aging, sickness and death."

"I can't do it now, it doesn't mean that I can do it in the future. No. Do you know? The so-called great Dormammu in your mouth was originally just a mortal mage. If you don't believe it, you can ask him in person." After that, Mordo raised his hands proudly and began to sing incantation.

Accompanied by a completely different incantation and spellcasting method from Kama Taj, a dazzling golden light like a little lady soon rose behind him.

In front of this terrifying high-level sacred magic, those mad believers who were filled with dark energy immediately covered their eyes and let out a scream of pain.

Because their eyes were badly burned by looking directly at this golden light.

Some even lost their sight on the spot and fell into permanent blindness.


Casillas cursed in a low voice, instantly controlling the mirror space and trying to interrupt the amazing magic of Mordo's formidable power.

But it is a pity that Modu was obviously prepared, and his whole body floated directly in midair, no matter how the space changed, it could not have even the slightest impact on it.

On the contrary, Stephen Strange, who was watching the play, was affected by Chiyu, and started jumping up and down again battered and exhausted.

He was full of curiosity, completely unable to comprehend the magic that "Senior Brother" Mordo was casting at this moment.

After just a few seconds, when the dazzling golden light rose to the highest point, it immediately turned into a meteor and slammed down.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the eyes of all people, except for the dazzling light, no image can be seen.

Stephen Strange even thought he was dead at one point, subconsciously closing his eyes to prepare for the scorching flames.

But in the end, apart from the warmth that cannot be expressed in words, there is no substantial harm.

Not only was there no damage, but the wounds from the previous battles also recovered quickly under the irradiation of these strong lights, leaving not even a single scar.

When the rays of light gradually dissipated, Strange Academician discovered that those few Dormammu fanatics now have skeletons that don't exist, and only a mass of soul-like things remain. .

Only Casillas, whose body was wrapped in a layer of dark energy, was not completely swallowed by the energy explosion.

But the price is that he lost his human body and turned into a lifeform entirely composed of dark energy.

"I...I'm still alive?"

Stephen Strange hurriedly touched his entire body, with strong uncertainty in his tone.

"Of course you're still alive! The spell I just cast was a divine energy spell that only deals damage to dark creatures and undead creatures. For the ordinary person, it's equivalent to a healing." Mo explained without thinking.

"What kind of magic did you cast? Why have I never seen it in the library?" Stephen Strange hurriedly asked.

"It does not belong to the magic system of Kama Taj, but comes from the generosity of Lord Alan. Well, I have no time to tell you this now. Step aside, and then Casili Yas is going to be serious."

Speaking, Mordo pushed the strange Academician away, squinting his eyes and staring at each other's every move.

As he expected, Casillas, who completely abandoned his body, has become the projection of the dark dimension Dormammu in this world, and can absorb energy without limit.

It didn't take long for her body to expand to a hundred times its original size, like a black giant, constantly exuding a terrifying aura all around.

This scene immediately made Stephen Strange feel numb in his scalp, and there was a tremor in his voice: "He... what kind of monster did he become?"

"monster ?" Mordo glanced at his Little Junior Brother. "You are wrong! This is not a monster, but his true posture after he sacrificed his soul to Dormammu. Remember, for the dimension Demon God, form and body are just a bond, only soul and energy It's the most precious thing."


Steven Strange swallowed subconsciously and felt his heart beating wildly: "Then we should now What to do? To fight Casillas, who is made of pure energy like this? I don't think he is something we can deal with now."

"Don't be afraid! Stephen! We are mages! Master Mage with powerful and mysterious power! We can shape energy according to our own will, change the form and nature of matter. As long as we find the right way, even the most powerful enemy can be defeated. Otherwise, you think Supreme Mage is the ancient one, these How did Nian resist those threats from other dimensions to protect Earth and humans?"

After that, Mordo bravely stood up, blessed himself with a lot of protection magic at a very fast speed, and The ruthless takes the souls of those fanatics and transforms them into undead creatures for their own use.

This evil behavior instantly aroused the vigilance of Stephen Strange.

He suddenly realized that Mordo was actually no different from Casillas.

And when Mordo casts spells, a W-shaped mark will appear on his forehead.


Casillas, who was about to be overwhelmed by the huge dark energy, sent out angry roar.

Following, the huge black giant suddenly raised his arm and smashed it down in an extremely rough way.

Because at this moment, he has no way to subtly manipulate energy like a mage, and can only attack in the simplest way.

After all, the essence of magic is the collision of energy and energy.

Whoever manipulates more energy has greater magical formidable power.


Mordo sneered and waved in circles, letting the other party's huge arm emitting thick black smoke pass through the Transmission Gate.

Following, he instantly cut off the transmission gate's energy supply.


The dark energy of Casillas' entire arm was cut off on the spot, fell into the large desert on the other side of the Transmission Gate, and dissipated at a very fast speed.

Just as Mordo was about to launch a counterattack when the opponent lost an arm, the place where Casillas' arm broke, suddenly opened a channel connecting with the dark dimension.

Before he could realize what had happened, several spikes made of unknown matter and energy flew out at a lightning-quick speed.

Fortunately, Mordo has mastered the principle of triggering magic in the tier magic system, and made some preparations in advance.

When one of the spikes was about to pass through the chest, two golden magic Talisman texts suddenly lit up in the air, successfully blocking the fatal blow.

However, rune also shattered at the moment of collision, and flew backward uncontrollably, fiercely hit the wall, wa'ed spurt a large mouthful of blood.

"More... Dormammu?!"

Mordo stared at the incomparably deep eyes at the other end of the passage, and a heaven overflowing giant wave was set off in his heart. .

You don't need to ask to know that this blow was personally shot by the Dark Dimension Sovereign.

"Go to hell! Insignificant small insect!"

In a very contemptuous tone, an indescribable terrifying magical flame spewed out of the black giant's mouth , directly covering the location of Mordo and Stephen Strange.



The two immediately put up their magical shields, trying to resist the erosion of these flames.

But with their little power, how could they possibly compete with a dimension Demon God, even the weakest dimension Demon God.

In just a few seconds, the magic shield has been weakened to the point that it may collapse at any time.

At the crucial moment, the Supreme Master Gu Yi finally appeared.

I saw a golden light flashing in the mirror space!

Afterwards, all magical flames were disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Ah! Gu Yi! You are finally willing to come to see me." Dormammu's voice contained a hint of mockery.

However, Gu Yi ignored the dark dimension Sovereign, but turned his attention to Mordo, who had performed quite well just now, and said with a complicated expression: "You finally walked out of this step, Mordo. Playing with the souls of the dead is not the right way for Kama Taj."

"Just as you choose to draw on the power of the dark dimension to maintain longevity, I think necromancy is just a means to an end , there is no difference in essence." Mordo defended his behavior.

"Then will you be on the side of Earth and humans?" Gu Yi continued to ask.

Mordu nodded without thinking: "Of course! I believe you have seen it, I am already a believer of Lord Alan, and I have signed an unbreakable contract with him. I have always admired his words very much. , that is, human affairs should be solved by human beings themselves. Therefore, the fate of Earth and human beings should be Sovereigned by ourselves! Instead of relying on the dimension Demon God, whether they have good intentions or malicious intentions."

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