Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1193

If Hela is likened to a ruthless tyrant who is very happy, then Loki is a typical debauched and indulged in pleasure.

Because of his personality flaws, this guy only likes to listen to his own words, so according to the characteristics of things like things and people being divided into groups, there will inevitably be a group of flattering and fawning "little people" around him.

And these "villains" will use his banner to do some deceitful deeds and take advantage of the opportunity to benefit themselves.

No, just a carnival, countless people saw the weakness of Loki's character and began to flip the pattern to shoot the new ruler's flattery.

Not only have all kinds of giant statues and signs been replaced with Loki himself, but even the original golden light decorations have been replaced with his favorite forgiveness color.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Alan.

Because since giving the planet to Loki, Alan has no plans to recycle it, whether it is directly destroyed by Thanos, or whether Loki kills himself and is overthrown by his subordinates, all of them. It doesn't matter.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved, just wait patiently.

In this way, Alan came to the palace hall of Asgard again, feeling the increasingly strange political atmosphere here.

Since He**ki became king, the Asgardians did not like the eldest daughter of Odin in their hearts, so most of the guards who guarded the palace were either dismissed or banished to far away the periphery of the political center.

At the moment, the guards in the palace are almost replaced by dead Spirit Warrior soldiers.

apart from this, the majestic Fenrir was also lying on the great hall, staring at two dark green eyes and patrolling all around.

It appears here as both a deterrent and a warning.

Although due to Artoria's suppression, Hela could not carry out a big purge of those who oppose her, but she was able to remove them from their positions in the name of the king, and appointed some who were willing to entrust them for power. On your own dick.

In short, the dead Goddess is learning at a rapid rate and is beginning to take the lead in the political battle with Frigga.

No way!

Who made her the real king of Asgard now?

And does Asgard itself have a tradition of "Queen Mother" intervening in politics? No matter how hard Frigga tries, it can only be delayed for a while, but cannot stop Hela from doing what she wants to do forever.

When she saw Alan's silhouette walking in slowly from the outside, Hela, who was lying on the throne and showing alluring lines, immediately asked with interest: "Where have you been?"


"Go and meet your two brothers and check their situation by the way."

Alan didn't hide anything and told the truth.

Because in this matter, he doesn't bother to lie at all.

"Brother? Ah! You are referring to the two stupid sons of Odin. I can't believe they are still alive." Hela's tone was naked and undisguised with contempt.

Because she never cared about Thor and Loki from beginning to end.

Alan warns eloquently: "I suggest you better not underestimate them both. Thor, especially, even Odin thinks his Divine Force will one day surpass him. ."

Hela sneered and retorted: "hmph! That is on the premise that Thor can successfully inherit the World Tree. But now, he has no such opportunity."

"If I were you, I wouldn't jump to conclusions so easily. Forget it, you won't listen to other people's advice anyway, so let's wait and see."

Alan He didn't mean to argue with the other party, and took the initiative to end the topic.

From the reaction of the dead Goddess, he can already feel that his previous strategy has begun to work, and it will not take long for the opponent to become a prisoner under his charm.

In fact, proud people are always easier to deal with than cautious people.

After all, the closest adjective to arrogance is arrogance.

And being arrogant often means looking down on anyone but yourself.

The reason why Alan hasn't shown any strong side so far is to deliberately give Hela an illusion so that it can continue to maintain that unfathomable mystery's confidence and arrogance.

When the time comes, the relationship will be turned upside down.

But Hela didn't realize this, or no one told her at all that during her captivity, a woman with terrifying charm appeared in the Nine Realms, and this ability eventually Captured by Alan.

After a brief silence, Hela finally stood up from the chair and announced neatly: "I have just given the army an order to officially start in three days, to the nearest galaxy. Attack."

"Going out? This time?" Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The internal political situation is unstable, and there is another Thor, the god of succession, who is trying to prepare for the Return of the King. How dare he start a foreign war?

Sometimes he really couldn't understand what was going on in these Asgardians' heads.

Thor is like this, and so is Divine Sea Ra.

Compared to the two of them, Loki, who is often temperamental, is a normal person.

"That's right! I need a military victory to get those warriors who yearn for battle, military exploits, and honor on my side. Only in this way can I disintegrate and disintegrate those who are attached to Frigga. Those people. You are not Asgardian and don't understand our desire for war, conquest and glory. Just taste the blood once, and the genes hidden in everyone's body will be activated immediately." Hela Yangyang Happy to express his thoughts.

As she describes it, the Asgardians were not by nature as peaceful as the latter days of Odin's reign.

Just the opposite!

War and killing are the masters of this race, Melody.

Whether it is Odin himself, or his father and grandfather, it is only by constantly fighting around, plundering resources, knowledge, technology and energy, that the Divine Domain is now brilliant.

What Hela wants to do is to restore Asgard to its original state.

Alan knows Asgard's history very well, and immediately realizes that Hela is betting that he can conquer the hearts of those soldiers through war and victory.

After all, the original Odin was just as brutal, but the Asgardians still loved him.

And Hela hasn't really killed anyone yet, nor has she forged a bloody feud with the people of Asgard, so if she can prove that she is a qualified king, she will naturally win some people support.

After realizing this, Alan immediately smiled and commented: "You are making a big gamble. But have you considered the consequences of losing?"

"I am Death girl Divine Sea pull! I will not fail!" Hela responded decisively.

When she said this remark, she exuded a strong self-confidence all over her body, like a natural queen.

"But when you were dueling with Arturia, you seemed to say the same." Alan reminded with a pretense of kindness.

"Damn! Can you forget about that? And how many powerhouses do you think in the entire universe can reach this level?" Hela rolled the eyes angrily.

But Alan did not agree with this statement and quickly retorted: "As long as it is a war, there is bound to be a risk of defeat. Don't forget that many civilizations have developed energy weapons to this day. A super weapon that can destroy a planet in one shot. Are you sure you can withstand it? If not, why can you guarantee that you will not fail? You must know that your Death Domain is limited to Asgardians, not Including other races, there is no way to grow yourself by reviving dead corpses like a snowball."

"What about yourself? Is every war you wage guaranteed to be 100% victorious?" Hela narrowed her eyes and asked.

"At least I won't rashly attack a galaxy with extremely advanced technology without any back-up and preparation. Oh, yes, I almost forgot to inform you, not long ago, the extinction Ba has personally led the army to capture and slaughter the dwarves sheltered by Asgard."

In order to make Hela dispel the idea of starting a war, Alan took the initiative to break out a rather scary news.

"What? Thanos! How dare he!" Hela suddenly became furious.

In the eyes of the dead Goddess, Thanos is clearly looking down on himself, and feels that Asgard has no successor after Odin's death.

"no! You are wrong! Of course he dares! Because he just snatched the Power Stone from the Infinity Stones from the new star Legion of Xandar. I believe you have been fighting with Odin for so long, you should know What does the Power Stone mean?" Alan stared blankly at the reaction.

As Odin's former right-hand man, Hela's face suddenly became gloomy the moment she heard the power gem, and with the corner of her eye, she glanced at the Infinity Gloves on the table not far away, Gently nodded: "Of course I know the Infinity Stone, and I also know that the Power Stone represents the most powerful, extreme, and unstoppable force in this universe. Now that Thanos has the Infinity Stone, it's not hard to understand why he wants to attack the dwarves. . He needs a glove, an Infinity Gauntlet that can carry the Infinity Stones horror backlash."

"Yes! Thanos got the Power Stone, as well as the Infinity Gauntlet. Next, he will He will collect the remaining gems at a lightning-fast speed. When all six gems are collected, he is the worthy god of this universe. With just a snap of his fingers, he can make anyone disappear permanently and completely. So I suggest you think twice before you decide to start a war. Because the whole universe is about to break out a pre-futile war, an infinity war around the Infinity Stones."

In saying this remark At that time, Alan released his charm ability again and stepped in front of Hela.

Hela, on the other hand, did not notice that something was wrong because of the shock in her mind. Instead, she couldn't help but start to accelerate her heartbeat.

Just as she was about to take a further step, Alan suddenly canceled her charm ability, leaned forward slightly, and whispered in the ear of the dead Goddess: "What you are after is not here. No, but I can give it to you."

The voice is still alive!

He took a step back first, leaving only an expression that produced infinite reverie and turned away.

Hella, who was hot and dry, took several minutes to suppress the boiling desire in her heart, and subconsciously rubbed her swollen forehead and muttered to herself, "It's strange... that kind of feeling. It's here again. What's going on here? Am I really interested in him?"

At the same time, Alan, who had just walked out of the palace hall, happened to bump into Artoria. .

The latter pursed the corners of his mouth, his eyes filled with the flaming fire of gossip: "Have you used the charm ability on Hela again?"

"That's right! How's it going, How's she reacting lately?" Alan touched the chin and asked.

"Well...her reaction was a little strange, the most typical thing was to start taking care of her messy long hair, and learning to make up and herself. According to Ms. Frigga, she used to But such a feminine thing has never been done. How on earth did you do it?" Arturia was obviously extremely curious.

As she is also a woman, I can feel that Alan does not use the charm ability frequently and a lot, but only for a few seconds at some special moments.

But it's the charms that add up to less than a minute that actually had such a big impact on Hela.

Alan explained with a smile: "It's a psychological game. I used Hela's pride and arrogance to use the charm ability when she was least prepared to make it unconsciously make a mistake. It means that she fell in love with me. And human beings happen to be the creatures that are best at self-deception. When subjectively agree with this fact, Hela will obediently become a pawn under my control. It won't be long before you see her submissive obedience to me. After all, whether it's a man or a woman, after falling into a trap called love, their intelligence and discernment will shrink dramatically."

"Sounds a little scary. You won't use it on me in the future, right?" Artoria took two steps back vigilantly.

You don't need to ask, the ability to quietly use allure to influence a woman's mind and behavior really scares her.

"You?" Alan deliberately glanced at Duma Wang's pair of A's breasts, and immediately looked the head in disappointment. "Forget it! You are too flat and too thin for my taste. I prefer plump ones."

Hearing this, Artoria's face flushed with anger again, With one brush, he pulled out his saber and squeezed two words out of his teeth.


"Calm! This is Asgard. And I don't have the Time Stone. If it does too much damage, fix it But it will be very troublesome."

Seeing the Dumb King flying into a rage out of humiliation, Alan didn't care about joking, he quickly raised his hand and stepped back, and without the slightest hesitation tore open the space rift and escaped .

Seeing the space rift disappearing at a very fast speed, Artoria finally slashed the sword fiercely to the ground, and glanced down at the chest, the eyes that still hadn't grown at all after so many years of stuffing oneself with food. Anger and resentment radiated from it.

And also secretly swear that the next time he sees Alan, must get the account, both principal and interest back.

After all, in Artoria's eyes, joking about her body is quite a bad thing, and Alan must not make it a habit.

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