Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1199

"How? Have all the people in the city been evacuated?"

After Alan overlapped with his Avatar, he immediately asked Frigga about the situation.

Because he was really too lazy to go through Avatar's memory, and he didn't like the feeling of a large amount of information pouring into his mind all at once, he directly blocked this part.

Frigga replied without thinking: "Almost all has been transferred. Now, as Odin wishes, you can throw Surtur's crown into the Fire of Eternal, and let the gods Dusk."

"no! You got it wrong. I didn't make All Gods turn to Dusk, it was Thor and his friends who made Ragnarok come. Look, Isn't that a guy who can't wait to rush to the treasure house?"

Speaking, Alan pointed to the agile female warrior-Sif not far away.

There is no doubt that at a critical moment, these Asgardians who were secretly loyal to Thor finally stood up and set off an unprecedented rebellion.

They not only blocked the countless undead army with their bravery, but also prepared to trigger Ragnarok with their own hands under Thor's order to end the reign of the tyrant Hela.

"Sif? How could she be there!" A surprised expression appeared on Frigga's face.

"Now is not the time to worry about this. Since the palace will be the hardest hit area for All Gods turn to Dusk, so I suggest you better leave as well. Otherwise, I believe Sirte You'll be more than happy to cut your head off as revenge on Asgard," Alan reminded meaningfully.

"You're going to keep Thor safe, right?" Frigga attempted one last confirmation.

nodded by Alan without the slightest hesitation: "Of course! This is part of my deal with Odin, so you don't have to worry about his life."

"In that case, then I'll go first."

Frigga was worthy of being Odin's wife, she made a quick decision, and under the escort of the maids and guards, she quickly moved towards a small boat not far away go.

Meanwhile, the battle between Thor and Hela is drawing to a close.

In other words, Hela's game of unilaterally ravaging and abusing the younger brother is finally coming to an end.

Whether it was Thor who had awakened the Divine Force, or Martial Goddess, who had a blood feud with Hela, they were all lying on the ground exhausted, and they didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

Hela, on the other hand, still maintained the elegance and calmness of the battle, gently stroking the long sword in her hand and said, "Why, aren't you trying to overthrow my rule? It's too soon?"

"Who said no! I... I just want to rest." Thor retorted stubbornly.

"hahahaha! Dear younger brother, I'm starting to like you a little bit now. You know? You're the first person who refuses to give up after so many failures. Tell me, you Is there any way to defeat me? Or are you going to wait patiently for a thousand or two thousand years, and when I start to become old and weak like Odin, you will come back and retake the throne?" Hela couldn't help laughing teased.

She didn't realize that Thor was different from the previous Asgardian royals, and was influenced by too many thoughts and concepts on Earth.

So in Thor's eyes, protecting the general public is the first priority.

As for the cities, palaces, and wealth that Asgard has built over thousands of years, they can all be given up when necessary.

"Hehe, you'll find out soon."

Thor lifts the head, showing a smile like his half biological brother Loki.

It was at this moment that he understood why Loki always had an unfathomable mystery superiority to himself.

It turns out that relying on wisdom to defeat a strong enemy will really make people feel incomparable excitement and pleasure.

Just when Hela felt that something was not right, a violent vibration suddenly came from the ground under her feet.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

A terrifying Flame Giant like a mountain suddenly rose from the treasury below, waving the flame giant sword in his hand, and suddenly destroyed the surrounding buildings within a range of several hundred meters, and roared loudly. : "Asgard! Savor the anger I have accumulated!"

"no! What have you done?!" Hela's face changed instantly, and she turned around and asked Thor angrily. .

She couldn't believe that in order to overthrow his own rule, the younger brother did not hesitate to trigger the All Gods turn to Dusk and destroy the homeland that Asgard had built up over generations.

Especially the World Tree, which is the core of the entire Asgard, once destroyed, the entire Divine Domain will cease to exist.




Numerous complex emotions poured onto the face of the dead Goddess at this moment.

And the army of the undead under her, in the face of Surtur, who has regained all his strength, is like ants and can't play any role at all.

It is often swept away by the giant sword and immediately disappears in pieces.

In other words, in Asgard right now, no one can stop Surtur from fulfilling the prophecy about All Gods turn to Dusk.

"Since your source of power is Asgard, then I will destroy it. For Asgard Lai, it is the people that really matter, not the palaces and cities." Thor said shamelessly.

Don't ask, he has no idea where Asgard's true power comes from.

It is even less clear that once the World Tree is lost, the Divine Domain, which was enough to make the entire universe tremble, will inevitably fall into decline, or even eventually die.

"The most important thing in Asgard is the people? You are a hopeless fool! Odin is so blind, how could he choose you as his successor."

After putting this sentence down, Hela rushed to Surtur without hesitation, and exerted her strength to the extreme, instantly condensing an incomparable gigantic blade, which was inserted directly into the opponent's chest.

At this moment, she is far more like the king of Asgard than Thor, standing up to defend her kingdom.

Watching his elder sister, who was supposed to be "evil" and "brutal", rushed towards Surtur like a hero, Thor instantly realized that something was wrong, and turned around subconsciously. Martial Goddess, who was lying on the ground, asked, "Are we really okay with this?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know. Asgard is long past in my eyes. It's over." Martial Goddess shrugged innocently.

While the two of them were talking, Hela had entered a full-scale battle with Surtur.

Seeing the obscuring blade and death energy above their heads, they finally realized how powerful the eldest daughter of Odin they wanted to defeat.

Even if Surtur got Fire of Eternal and returned to his peak state, he could only barely tie him.

In just a few seconds, the Flame Giant was full of large and small blades.

If it weren't for the elemental life being insignificant, the normal life would have been dead long ago.

"fuck off! Annoying flies! Don't bother me!" Surtur roared, wielding a flame giant sword.

"You are the one who should get out! Leave my kingdom!"

Hela drove her Divine Force frantically, trying to prevent the opponent from approaching the center of the palace.

Because the World Tree is hidden underneath.

Once the giant sword is inserted, the entire Divine Domain will be blown up in an instant.

Not only will he lose almost all of his power, but the civilization that Asgard has built over the years will also be destroyed.

"hahahaha! Stupid Asgardians! You guys started it all, I'm just doing my job. No matter what, the Heavenly God realm will be destroyed today, no one This can be stopped."

After saying that, Surter slapped Hela flying, raised the giant sword at random, aimed at the core of the World Tree directly below the palace and fiercely poked it.


The terrifying energy spewed out from the depths of the earth, directly tearing the ground hundreds of kilometers in a radius.

Including the palace, the entire city was instantly pierced into the sky.

The terrifying jet of energy is nearly equal to thousands of stars going into supernova explosions.

In the face of this disaster, all resistance is futile.

The dead woman, Divine Sea Ra, closed her eyes and fell down with a face full of despair, ready to accept her own fate of failure and death.

But at the crucial moment, Alan suddenly appeared out of thin air, directly caught her in a Princess hug, and asked with a smile, "You seem to need a little bit more. Help?"

"It's you? Why do you want to help me?" Hela's originally depressed mood was instantly replaced by excitement.

"Because that's part of my deal with Odin." Alan blunt answered.

"Deal? You mean...he let you save my life!" Hela's tone was shocked and unbelievable.

Because in her impression, the ruthless father should always want to get rid of himself once and for all.

Alan gently nodded: "Yes! But for this, you have to pay some price. And this price is to leave Asgard, leave this universe forever, and follow me to the unknown world. Go on a trip. How about you, are you willing to accept the invitation code?"

When he said this remark, Alan once again released a powerful charm.

Because of the foreshadowing that has been done for a long time before, and the help at the moment, Hela's suppressed desires and emotions burst out in an instant, watching Alan affectionately. 's eyes responded: "I accept! No matter where you go, as long as you are with you is enough."

"I have prepared a position of Goddess of death for you in my own dimension, I hope you can I like it. Now, go and build your own Death Domain, and I will go to meet you in that domain later."

After saying that, Alan opened a Transmission to the Azeroth universe. Gate.

"No problem! Then I'll go first, don't make me wait too long."

After Hela opened her upper arms and gave Alan a hug She turned around and walked through the Transmission Gate.

Shortly after her forefoot left, Arturia, who was peeping in the dark, jumped out and asked very curiously, "Is there really nothing wrong with doing this? It's easy to overturn when you pedal two boats."

"Two boats? Where did you see me pedaling two boats?" Alan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Wanda, Hela, and maybe Sakura. Strictly speaking, you are already on three boats." Arturia extended the hand, referring to one by one.

"Wait!" Alan directly interrupted Duo Mao Wang's brain supplement. "I admit that I do have a super-friendly relationship with Wanda now, but why are Hela and Sakura included? For Hela, I just control and use it, that's all. It's a family relationship with Sakura."

"Sorry, these are just your wishful thinking, Hela and Sakura don't think so. According to the book, their feelings for you have already exceeded a certain limit, no matter what your attitude is, These two people will not give up easily." Arturia said solemnly.

I don't know what kind of messy books she's been reading recently, but her speech is quite logical and clear.

Noticing the fire of gossip flashing in the eyes of Duo Mao Wang, Alan immediately rolled the eyes angrily: "Thank you for caring so much about my love life. But have you heard that when a woman is a woman? Being curious about a man is the beginning of liking. So instead of worrying about others, worry about yourself more."

"hmph! Less stinky, I won't like a bastard like you. "

Artoria raised her chin slightly, showing a proud expression.

But as long as you observe carefully, you will find that in this arrogance, there is still a trace of panic and tension.

Especially, Alan still had a little aura after casting charm ability, which made her involuntarily feel her heartbeat speed up.


This awkward situation soon passed.

And Alan rushed up and extracted the Fire of Eternal from Surtur, who was killing him, then crushed his crown directly and threw it into the warehouse as a weapon or Armor material.

Also collected are the Infinity Gloves that Odin made the dwarves build for him, and the incomparable gigantic Twilight Sword.

Apart from this, the energy bursting out from the destruction of the World Tree was also absorbed and used for other purposes.

Those twigs that survived the explosion were transplanted to the Sky City and tended by the De Wangs.

Only after all this is done, Alan begins to repair Asgard's destroyed core and restore everything to its pre-destroyed state as much as possible.

As for those Asgardians, they floated in space on a spaceship, watching their destroyed homes slowly recover.

Thor, who escaped with Frigga, was even more brows tightly frowns and asked: "mother, can you tell me what's going on?"

" Calm down, child. This is what your father planned before he died. Rest assured, Asgard is not destroyed. On the contrary, it will be reborn after Ragnarok is over."

After saying that, Frigga opened the box she was carrying, revealing a World Tree twig placed inside.

There is no doubt that this is the last hope for the rebuilding of the whole of Asgard...

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