Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1201

While Alan was busy putting out fires in his backyard, Ebony Throat had already approached Earth with Obsidian.

Although there is no Thanos personally in charge, they are still full of confidence in the operation.

The reason is simple!

Over the years, they have won almost every war except the one head-on collision with Alan.

This is also why, when those powerful cosmic empires mention Thanos, they will be extra cautious.

Even if you know clearly that the other party has the crazy idea of permanently eliminating half of the life in the Exterminating Universe, he is not willing to have a head-on conflict with it.

Looking at the cyan planet not far away, Ebony Throat asked without looking back: "Have you all chosen your goals?"

"Of course! Prepare to capture the Spirit Treasure Stone with Deathblade." Proxima Dark Night gave the answer without hesitation.

"Since that's the case, then I can only choose the time gem as a target."

Speaking, Ebony Maw raised her hand and fiddled with the projection meter lightly, placing the two infinite gems. The portrait of the owner of the gem was transferred from the database.

One of them is the current Supreme Master of Kama Taj, Stephen Strange, while the other is Vision.

As Thanos' most trusted subordinate, Obsidian will naturally impossible not to know the existence of Kama Taj and Supreme Master.

Among them, General Deathblade pointed to the strange Academician and asked: "Are you sure you want to deal with this guy alone? I heard that mages are a group of difficult guys to deal with. Especially Supreme mages, whose power comes from Demon God."

"Don't worry! This Supreme Mage is just a rookie who has just taken the top position. He doesn't know how to maximize his power. At best, he can only control it to a certain extent. It's just a time gem." Ebony-throated replied confidently.

Since he learned that two Infinity Stones were lost on Earth, he has been secretly collecting information about all people or forces in human society that may threaten Thanos' plan.

Therefore, it is very clear that Stephen Strange is far from the despairing strength of the last Supreme Mage, Gu Yi.

As long as you spare no effort, you should be able to win easily.

"Excellent! Then let's hurry up and act."

After saying this, General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri took the lead in getting into a small landing ship. The ship, with more advanced stealth technology, directly bypassed the so-called outer space defense circle established by the International Security Council, and passed through the atmosphere to land on the ground.

And the ebony throat was even more rude to drive the spaceship directly, and moved towards the so-called outer space defense system and collided with it.


Those remote satellites and space stations used for early warning have issued harsh sirens.

It only took a few seconds for all the staff on duty to realize what was going on, and they began to react separately and quickly.

First of all, the first thing they do is to issue an early warning to the major powers behind the International Security Council.

Secondly, some defensive weapons were activated quickly.

Thousands of energy cannons have risen from countless bunkers in an extreme amount of time.

Among them, more than 20 light cruisers bearing the logo of the International Security Council even went around the far side of the moon to prepare to attack.

Finally, and most importantly.

The moment the warning was issued, the five most powerful heads of state on Earth held an emergency video conference to gather to watch the first space war in human history.

Of course, if the other side only has one spaceship, it can be considered a war.

"What is the origin of the enemy this time?"

The president of the United States, who had just survived a political storm and managed to keep his position, was the first to ask.

"I don't know. The other party didn't reveal his identity, and he didn't show any device that looks like a weapon." The French president, who was also caught up in the storm of public opinion, explained with a bitter expression.

It is not difficult to see from the envious, jealous and hateful eyes that he now also very much wants to use a similar method to consolidate his position and reverse his political career that has been socially dead.

It's a pity that the United States' method of manipulating public opinion is not something that other countries can learn if they want to.

And there must be huge capital and military support behind the public opinion.

Although France also got a lot of things from Alan's technology sharing, and even once again became the master of most of Africa, there is still a considerable gap compared with the size of the United States.

"The enemy has only one spaceship, and it seems to be unarmed. Maybe we should try to make a deal first..."

Before the British Prime Minister's words were finished, the one like The ring-like spaceship suddenly opened its outer armor, revealing tens of thousands of densely packed high-energy laser devices.

The next second...

The dazzling red beam illuminates the dark surrounding universe.

Then the top leaders of these powerful countries saw that the defensive circle they spent more than ten trillion to build was completely destroyed in an instant.

Even the bases built on the moon were turned into a pile of garbage in a violent explosion.

After doing all this, the ring-shaped spaceship swaggered through the atmosphere and moved towards North America and began to descend rapidly.

This scene instantly made the heart of the US president begin to beat wildly disappointing, and his face became even more ugly.

He couldn't understand at all, why these aliens, the dimension Demon God, like to run to the United States so much?

Could it be that the ideological propaganda in their own Hollywood movies can spread and influence so far?

even more how, aliens and dimensional Demon God are all fools, they would believe that there are many loopholes, and they can't even justify themselves?

As for the leaders of several other countries, they all cast sympathetic eyes on this Mr. President.

Without him!

The frequency of the invasion of the United States by foreign forces is too high, six or seven times higher than that of other countries combined.

And every now and then, it's almost always a major crisis that would destroy the entire North American Earth.

If it is not good, I am afraid that this superpower that has left a deep impression on the modern history of mankind will disappear forever in an instant, just like what the colonists did to the genocide of the Indian aborigines.

It's just that this time, it's them who will disappear.

"Contact the military immediately! Contact S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately! Contact the Avengers! Contact the Inhumans in the afterlife! Contact the mage called Mordo! We must concentrate all our efforts on the enemy before they cause too much damage to the United States. Get it out of the way before the havoc."

After a few seconds of silence, the President of the United States jerked up from his chair, angrily roared in lost self-control.

He couldn't imagine what the terrifying consequences would be if that thing came on New York or Washington.

If it is the former, it must be worse for the economy that is already in a severe recession.

But if it is the latter, it is very likely that the high-level military and political leaders will be blamed, and no one can be spared.

Whether it is the so-called doomsday bunker, or those doomsday planes that can fly in the sky constantly, in front of this alien battleship with powerful firepower, it is meaningless.

"Wait! You seem to have missed one of the most powerful ally." The British Prime Minister reminded.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Alan has temporarily closed all external contacts for some reason. We don't know where he is now, nor what he is doing. In this crisis, we only Humans can use their own strength to deal with it."

When he said this remark, the face of the President of the United States showed an expression of disappointment and regret.

If Alan can be reached, does he need to sit here and be in a hurry?

The answer is obviously no.

According to the overwhelming power displayed by the city in the sky, not to mention a trifling a sky spaceship, even a large-scale alien fleet is not a problem.

"Damn! This is really bad news."

"Yeah! It was only after losing the protection of the Sky City that we realized how vulnerable we were. "

"Anyway, let's find a way to take down this spaceship first. Everyone! This time is for the entire human race, so please don't hide your secrets and take out all the super weapons you secretly developed." Come on.”

With a rapid exchange of views, the International Security Council reached agreement with unprecedented efficiency.

Not long after, the huge super battleships took off from the secret bases of various countries and moved towards North America.

At the same time, Tony Stark, who was discussing the wedding with Pepper Potts, also received two important calls from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the White House.

Seeing the solemn expression on her boyfriend's face, Little Hot Pepper couldn't help but ask, "What happened? What happened?"

"Sorry, honey, about the wedding The discussion may be slowing down. The latest news is that there is a ring-shaped spaceship of unknown origin that has destroyed the early warning and orientation system in the periphery of Earth, and is heading towards the United States through the atmosphere." Iron Man explained helplessly.

"Oh - my Heavens! I see it."

Pepper Poze pointed to the ever-growing ring in the sky above her head.

"I hate the unexpected more and more now. Got it? Ever since Alan shut down the outside world, I've had a hunch that there's got to be a major event."

Accompanied by complaints, Tony quickly activated the magic nano-armor made with the most advanced technology, or should be called "Magic Dress".


Since he has deeply studied the magic system of the Xingyue world, he has been constantly improving his steel battle clothes.

Developed to the latest generation, it is already a magical equipment that can completely fuse with oneself. There is no need to press the start button or voice control. As long as a single thought, the battle clothes will naturally change according to his will. .

"Need my help?" Pepper Potts subconsciously touched the corsage-like ornament he was wearing on his left chest.

You don't need to ask to know, this is also a set of the latest style of steel battle clothes.

Tony hurriedly shook the head without thinking: "no! Thank you! I think I can handle it by myself. And... my helper is here too."

Speaking After kung fu, a silver light appeared on the street.

Before other people around could react to what happened, Quicksilver had already arrived at the scene, and blunt asked, "I heard the news report, and aliens have invaded Earth again?"


"en! See that big donut on top of your head? That's what we're going to deal with this time. Be careful! According to information, the spaceship is equipped with a large number of high-energy laser launchers. Although I know your speed is very fast, but it is still very dangerous to avoid the coverage attack of the speed of light weapon." Tony Stark warned with a serious look.

"Don't worry! Alan gave me this when he was leaving." Quicksilver held up two arm guards made of unknown materials.

This pair of arm guards is characterized by an extremely smooth surface, almost like a mirror.

Any light that hits the top will immediately produce a strange refraction phenomenon.

With this pair of arm guards, with the speed and reaction of Quicksilver, it is difficult for anything to cause damage to it.

Just when Tony Stark was about to say something, the bizarre Academician Stephen Strange also passed the Transmission Gate and appeared directly on the other side of the street.

Appearing with him, there are also the aliens led by Mordo and the Shockwave Girl.

It can be said that most of the superpower organizations on Earth Earth have come.

Looking at such a strange situation, the somewhat puzzled Iron Man immediately asked: "Is today a special day? Why are you all suddenly showing such strong feelings towards this spaceship in the sky? Interest? Is there still some secret I don't know?"

"Put your arrogance away. An infinity war has begun to sweep the entire universe, and we are about to face , is the striker sent by the enemy." Weird Academician explained in a slightly impatient tone.

Obviously, he learned about Infinity War earlier than the original plot.

After all, Stephen Strange knew that his relationship with Alan was not good, so he always worried that the other party would do something unfavorable to him in the future. He used the time gem several times to spy on the future. Discovered the probability of Thanos' invasion.

"Infinity War?" Tony Stark keenly grasped a key word.

The strange Academician stared at the spaceship that was falling above his head and nodded: "That's right! Our enemy Thanos has already obtained the power gem and space gem at this moment, and he will also get the reality gem next. If all six Infinity Stones are collected, then including Earth, half of the life in the entire universe will disappear permanently in the snap of your fingers."

"Damn! Why at this time!"

The expression on Tony Stark's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

At the same time, a quick recall in his mind, Alan once mentioned information about the six Infinity Stones.

About half a minute or so, one of Earth's most outstanding geniuses understood the seriousness of the problem.

After all, Alan relied on six gems to create a universe of his own!

It can be seen that the Infinity Stone, just like its name, has almost infinite power.

If the enemy got them, it would be absolutely disastrous for Earth and humans...

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