Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1203

Just when Heaven and Earth turned upside down because of Thanos' Infinity War, the sky city of the Azeroth universe still maintained an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Of course, this is all just superficial.

In fact, even ordinary residents have heard rumors about what Alan calls a "backyard fire."

Although no one believed it at first, with the arrival of Hela, who is in charge of the authority of death, anyone who is not blind can feel the tension in the air.

Especially when Hela, Wanda, and Sakura were in the same room, the undisguised hostility could simply suffocate others.

And that's it, with Alan present.

Some Guardians even believe that if Alan passes away one day, the three women will definitely start fighting without the slightest hesitation.


Alan has infinite and eternal life, so this terrifying hypothesis will not have to worry about becoming a reality for a long time.

The only question now is how to maintain a balance among these three ladies whose rank and status are all extremely distinguished.

Of course, the thoughts of these Guardians and ordinary residents of the Sky City are not worthy of special attention to Alan.

Since it was confirmed that Wanda, Sakura and Hela would not really fight, he focused on the latest collections in the treasure trove.

Looking at the Eternal Spear, Thor's Hammer, Fire of Eternal, and the Infinity Gauntlet with the fake gems removed, Hela's face showed a very surprised expression. "How did you get these treasures and Divine Items? Especially the Quake, I remember destroying it myself."

"You've heard of the Time Stone. Anything that is damaged, as long as you use it to rewind time a little, it will be like new immediately."

After that, Alan lightly wiped the surface of the hammer and immediately eliminated the Austrian Ding added the restriction on the top, held it in the palm of his hand and waved it lightly, and then put it back indifferently.

"The Time Stone? Isn't that thing in Earth's Supreme Master's hands?" Hela subconsciously frowned.

Because she has been imprisoned for too long, many concepts and cognitions in her mind are quite old, and the days of ruling Asgard are unpopular, and no one has told her about these recent events. How Heaven and Earth turning upside down have changed over the years.

Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "en! That's right! It's just that the current Supreme Master Stephen Strange is still a rookie who has only been exposed to magic for less than a year, so he can't afford independence at all. The responsibility to protect Earth from the threat of the dimension Demon God. So I'm actually the real Guardian of Earth and humanity right now, and it's okay to instruct him to do some chores."

"So, you have already Secretly integrated all the powers on Earth?" Hela showed a thoughtful look.

"No, not integration, but by exerting influence to make them act according to my expectations." Alan faint smile corrected. "Besides, do you know that I made those deals with Gu Yi and your father Odin?"

"What kind of deal?" Hela's eyes flashed with intense curiosity.

"The ancient one's request is that I try not to change those major time points. For example, the Infinity War that Thanos is launching, to ensure that the timeline of this universe will not be too violent Changes."

Alan showed a rare respect when he mentioned the "senior" who gave him guidance on the path of pursuing power.

"What about the return?" Hela continued to ask curiously.

Alan replied with a smile: "The reward is what you see now, I created a universe, or a dimension that only belongs to me. You know? When I first arrived in this world, I even trifling The power of the Time Stone is unstoppable. But now, even with the six Infinity Stones and gloves of Thanos, I am confident that I can defeat him."

"I see! Helping you become a dimensional Demon God!"

At this moment, Hela realized what the reward for Alan was, and was also shocked by the ancient one's vision and great generosity.

Earth now gains an incomparably powerful amount of defensive power by investing in a future dimensional Demon God, of which the death of the Dark Dimension Sovereign Dormammu is a prime example.

I am afraid that for a long time, there will not be another dimension of Demon God who dares to approach Earth easily, let alone have even the slightest thought about it.

"Yeah! She's my guide, so to speak. So, I'll keep my promise to keep Infinity War on its original trajectory. Despite what it seems, many places appear. It's a huge change, but I believe with Thanos' power, the end result won't make a big difference. Oh, yes, this is Odin's Eternal Spear, which I remember when you seemed to want it. "

Speaking, Alan picked up another long spear on the weapon rack and threw it to the dead woman Divine Sea who was following behind.

The latter took over the weapon that once symbolized strength, victory and Asgard's supreme power, and his emotions suddenly became extremely complicated, including resentment, anger and incomprehension.

But in the end, it all boiled down to a sigh.

"Alas - I can't believe that Odin has been strong all his life, and he can't even keep the weapons that accompany him in the north and south. Aging is really a very terrifying thing."

"No! You are wrong! People like Odin and Gu Yi have long since mastered ways to escape death. But for some reason that even I don't know very well, they both embraced death and claimed That's your destiny. But don't worry, in this universe, you will never grow old, or even go back to the youngest and most beautiful age."

tone barely fell!

Alan raised his hand and brushed lightly on the other person's cheek.

In the blink of an eye, Hela's appearance became younger and younger from her original mature appearance, and finally stayed at about twenty-five or six years old.

As a subconscious first reaction, she immediately glanced at the mirror hanging on the wall next to her, extended the hand to touch her cheek and the corner of her eyes, and immediately asked in an unbelievable tone: " How on earth did you do it? You know, even the real gods can't make the Asgardians' bodies from old to young."

"Oh, it's very simple, in just a moment. , I killed your body, and performed the third magic called the great miracle on you - the materialization of the soul. Now, both your soul and your body are forever stagnant at this stage How? Does it sound interesting?" Alan asked rhetorically, smiling.

"The third magic? The materialization of the soul?"

For these unfamiliar words, Hela suddenly showed doubts and confusion.

"Knowledge is power! If you are interested in these things, you can go to the big book management of Sky City to read the information. Whether it is science and technology, or those magic and other supernatural abilities, there are all All can be found. Well, about the collection in the treasury, let's visit here first today. If you need anything, you can come and take any weapon or armor here at any time. But my personal suggestion is that it is best to be yourself Build an exclusive weapon."

As the last word blurted out, Alan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


After the crisp sound, the two were directly transferred from the collection room to the newly built Death Domain.

Compared to the previous cold and cheerless situation, there are already many dead souls here.

After all, in the Azeroth universe, not all planets and civilizations have their own Death God.

Those souls that are not harvested by the dead are all gathered into the Death Domain.

Although these recently deceased souls looked extremely confused, they soon accepted the reality and began to build houses around the gorgeous palace of the dead Goddess.

gradually, a model of a city was built in this way.

Although it may look a little rough and messy, it is believed that it will not be long before it will become a super city that no planet can build, a city that belongs only to the dead.

"How, do you need me to build an invincible Death Army for you?"

Looking at the hundreds of millions of souls, Hela raised her chin slightly Showed an excited expression.

Because compared to the poor population of Asgard, the entire Azeroth universe is undoubtedly like an inexhaustible army warehouse.

And under the blessing of the authority of death, she can also transform those warriors who have experienced brutal killings, or powerful sorcerers, into higher-level undead, retaining the wisdom and memory of her life. , continue to work for yourself.

Alan nodded without thinking: "Yes! But pay attention to controlling the upper limit of the number. After all, the total amount of soul energy in the entire universe is limited. If you detain too much here, it will affect life and death. The great cycle."

"Don't worry! As Goddess of Death, I know this very well." Hela responded casually.

"It's good that you know. If you have any new ideas about death, you can try it out. If something goes wrong, someone will take care of the aftermath. Oh, I almost forgot to give it to you Introduce one of my best assistants - the manager." Alan extend the hand to his side.

The next second...

The manager Avatar, who looks exactly like him, immediately appeared out of thin air and greeted in a cynical tone: "Hello, Death Girl. Divine Sea pull, I am the manager Alan."

Hela was obviously a little confused, widened her eyes and asked in an uncertain tone: "This... what is going on here? Two of you!"

"No! Not two, but tens of thousands."

The manager suddenly opened his arms and instantly put himself in every corner and at every time The online Avatar all summoned out, filling the entire Death Domain directly.

Such an exaggerated scale and number caused Hela's brain to shut down on the spot, and she couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Because of the existence of the manager, she has completely exceeded the limit of her understanding.

After appreciating for a while that Hela, who is full of queen's style, doesn't know what to do, Alan explained with a playful expression: "Manager Alan, I made it with my own soul fragments. It's done. It uses some unprecedented technology and inspiration from the brain of some crazy genius. Simply put, he's the most powerful God in this universe other than me. If you run into any trouble, you can always You can call him to help."

"You used your own soul fragments to create a god that can incarnate billions of millions?!" Hela's eyes widened, as if looking at a lunatic.

Although she was often called a lunatic in the past, she was nothing compared to Alan's madness and boldness, and it was not on the same level at all.

"hahahaha! How, do you understand who I am now? Trust me, it's definitely not the first time I've done crazy things, and it won't be the last." Alan He laughed and showed his other side.

If replaced by his normal person, he may be frightened by the rays of light flickering in his eyes.

Who is Ke Hela?

A downright ruthless tyrant!

Feeling the other person's madness hidden under the calm exterior, instead of feeling scared, she put her upper arms around Alan's neck and responded with a grin, "A lunatic matches a lunatic, Doesn't that just mean we're a natural couple? I promise, no matter what crazy things you do in the future, I'll follow you to death without the slightest hesitation."

"Really? Even that A road of no return to death?" Alan leaned forward slightly.

At this moment, the two face to face, and they can even feel each other's breath and heartbeat.

"Isn't that better? Let's party until we die!"

Hella just felt extremely hot all over her body, and her whole body was twisted like a soft snake Move and stick it up.


The desire is as high as a volcanic eruption!

Now she just wants to vent in the most violent way possible.

But unfortunately, at this most critical moment, Alan raised a finger, tapped Hela's forehead lightly, pushed it away, and then whispered in his ear: "Don't rush! My dear Goddess of death! As immortals, our days are still long, and there is no need to be so impatient. And don't you think that the greatest satisfaction from indulgence and venting is obtained when anticipation is at its peak. Is it?"

After saying this, Alan and the manager quickly disappeared without a trace, leaving only Hela, who was about to burn with lust and resentment in her eyes.

There is no doubt that she will have some special dreams again tonight.

Similarly, through this play-by-play approach, Alan has managed to turn Hela into a captive under his control.

It won't be long before this dead Goddess will give up everything, even dignity and life, to please him...

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