Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1217

As the connection point between the two dimensions continues to expand, dark magic and white magic have two diametrically opposed forces, just like water colliding together, constantly eroding and consuming each other.

In the end, they even broke the barrier and kept moving closer to each other, thus embarking on a more violent collision.

As if to perish together.

If it is changed to normal, whether it is the three Demon Gods who control Weishandi, or the God of the Underworld, Hisoka En, they will try their best to avoid such catastrophic consequences.

But at the moment, under the deliberate instigation of Alan, they all believed that the other party launched the attack first, and they were only forced to defend, so they didn't mean to stop.

When the overlap between dimension and sustain exceeds 25%, which is 1/4/2022, someone finally noticed something was wrong.

After all, a lot of mixed energy and matter disappear out of thin air, but anyone who is not a fool can find a problem.

apart from this, the three connection points are also constantly narrowing the distance between the two dimensions, as if they were controlled by some kind of force.

"I think we should temporarily truce to figure out the situation, what do you think?"

The god of underworld Hisoka En took the lead to get out of the battle, squinting his eyes vigilantly at Hoggs, Agamotto and Osset took the initiative to make suggestions.

Especially in Osset, who was in an absolute leadership position in Weishandi, he was originally one of the Ancient Gods originating from Earth, also known as the Lady of Light of the Dawn, and also of Agamato. mother and creator.

Since Hisoka Eun has known each other for a long time and regards each other as enemies, he is very aware of each other's way of thinking.

"A truce? Didn't you start this war first?"

Before Osett could speak, Hoggs with a tiger head took the lead. Ask questions.

Hisoka immediately shook the head: "no! Of course not me. You should be very clear, I have been here all these years, and never have any plans or intentions to leave. Although occasionally release projection and Avatar To have some fun, but not to use violence easily, but to get what you want according to the principle of voluntary exchange. Maybe in your eyes, I am a dangerous and evil existence, but I am not a destroyer On the contrary, I am a maintainer of the existing order. After all, in this universe, where there is light, there is darkness, where there is good, there is evil, and where there is order, there is chaos. Only maintaining balance is the long-term solution.”

"I agree."

Ossett, who had always remained silent, suddenly spoke up in agreement.

As the creator of Star Realm, regarded by countless mages as the ultimate mystery of omnipotent, she is smart enough to understand the subtext of her nemesis.

even more how, in this battle, Hades did not have any allies in summon, and did not take advantage of the confrontation.

This means that at least this attack was not deliberate, but a hasty challenge.

With Hisoka En's character, if he is actively attacking, he will definitely be fully prepared, and even form a temporary alliance with Sumagrosh, Mephisto and other likes.

But so far, none of these evil and powerful guys have appeared, which is enough to prove that the god of underworld did not lie.

Of course, Ossett did not fully believe Hisoka En, he still maintained a high level of vigilance, and at the same time signaled his son Agomoto to issue an emergency summoning order to all Supreme mages in the universe to ensure that they were in full swing. When the war breaks out, you can get enough "soldier".

That's right!

In the eyes of Trinity Weishandi, the Guardian of Earth, the Supreme Master, is just a high-level cannon fodder.

Hisoka didn't pay attention to these small movements, lifts the head looking at the three huge and still expanding connection points in the sky, and asked meaningfully: "Don't you think that these sudden Does the point where the dimensions connect together is strange?"

"What do you mean?" Hoggs asked in an uncertain tone.

"It's very simple! Someone deliberately planned all this, trying to seize the power of the source of black and white magic from us at the same time. In other words, he is almost halfway there now."

When talking about this remark, Hisoka slowly raised his hands and outlined the boundary between his dimension and Weishandi.

It can be seen from the model that there is already a large gap where the two sides meet.

If it is normal, the dimension Demon God can easily perceive the change of his dimension, whether it is invaded or suffered loss.

The problem is that the two dimensions are now mixed together, massive amounts of diametrically opposed energy and matter are constantly colliding in the overlapping area, and everything is in chaos.

The strength control of the Demon Gods over their own dimensions has plummeted, and it is not at all clear what is going on in the overlapping area.

"He?" Agamoto sharply grasped the key words.

"en! As far as I know, there should be only one person with such courage, mind and strength. He is the traveler who just successfully killed Dormammu and annexed the dark dimension-- Alan. Dear old friend, am I right?"

As the last word blurted out, Hisoka lifts the head and stares at the black hole-like connection point not far away, the corners of his mouth Slightly upturned, a chilling smile appeared.

"The Book of Darkness", the Egg of Darkness, and Wanda, the girl who was chosen by him...

If he doesn't know what happened at this time, then he will Unworthy of being the source of dark magic, the most awe-inspiring Hades in the entire multiverse.

In contrast, Trinity Weishandi's response was much slower.

After all, they had given a copy of the "Book of Emperor Weishan" to each Supreme Master of the single universe, and the number was too large to remember, so it was impossible to know which one came out. problem.

At the same time, Alan, who has successfully taken away part of the power of the source of black magic and white magic, heard Hisoka En point out his name, and immediately understood that the advantage of the sneak attack was over. .

Next, it will be the collision of real hard power.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he handed over Wanda, who was twitching in pain, to Arturia's care, directly tore the space rift, and entered the intersection of the two dimensions through the connection point with a smile on his face. He touched his chest with one hand and bowed slightly: "Hello, God of the Underworld, Hisoka En, we meet again. And you, the Trinity Weishan Emperor."

"It really is you! No wonder I suddenly lost The connection to the "Dark God Book" turned out to be sealed by you. With the help of three connection points, the source of black magic and white magic is connected together, and the two forces incompatible as fire and water collide and provoke Dimensional war usurping power. Your ambition and arrogance are beyond my imagination. No wonder Dormammu and his dark dimension suddenly disappeared overnight, it turned out that you did it all."

When saying this remark, Hisoka's tone was full of unabashed admiration and admiration.

In his long and eternal life, he had seen countless mortals who impressed him, but it was the first time he had met someone as crazy as Alan.

Be aware that even those creator gods would not dare to confront the two sources of magic in the entire multiverse at the same time.

What about Alan?

Not only did it, but also dared to stand up.

"Who are you? The new dimension Demon God?" Hoggs frowned and stared at Alan.

Obviously, Wei Shandi's attention to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is far less than that of Hades.

After all, before the follow-up plot unfolds, this single universe is relatively independent, and it will be slowly integrated into the multiverse for various reasons after the end of Infinity War.

The shock the head of Alan indifferent expression replied: "Yes, and no. I'm just a traveler and I'm leaving soon. But before I leave, I want to take something as a souvenir. "

"Isn't that enough that you've got Dormammu and his dark dimension?" Hisoka interjected suddenly.

"no! Not enough! Dormammu is just an arrogant idiot with a lot of bad mortal habits left in his mind. Like recklessness, arrogance, lack of vigilance. Probably speaking of which You won't believe that I didn't actually put much effort into killing him. But you are different! You are one of the ancient gods, the creator and source of dark magic throughout the multiverse. If you could If you kill you, then I will definitely get Supreme satisfaction out of it. Most importantly, we have forged a relationship from the first meeting, haven't we? Another correction! I am not devouring the dark dimension, but I have kept it until now."

While speaking, Alan did not know where to take out the dark dimension that was compressed to the extreme, and in front of several Demon Gods, without the slightest hesitation, It engulfs and activates.

Next second...

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The energy and matter of the entire dark dimension is centered on him, expanding wildly all around, forcibly creating a home area.

With the rapid and violent outbreak of this time, he successfully grabbed the sources of black magic and white magic that were entangled and completely inseparable from Hisoka En and Wei Shandi.

Feeling the extra power in his body and the unprecedentedly high desire in his heart, Alan couldn't help but sigh with a smile: "so that's how it is! The black magic and white magic you created , in fact, it also exists throughout the entire multi-universe rule. So no matter how many dimensions of Demon God appear later, they must follow the established rules, otherwise they will not be able to exert their full power. But I hate this kind of black and white The rules of the law! Magic should be neutral, a pure tool, without any concept of good and evil."

As the last word blurted out, Alan forcibly squeezed the seized authority together, slowing down Slowly formed a grey core.

And this core is the source of Third Type magic in the entire multiverse.

When the entire core stabilized, all the mages and dimension Demon Gods in the entire multiverse felt this power and the significance behind it.

Someone is in ecstasy!

Some people are terrified!

Some people are starting to plan how to get the most benefits and benefits from it!

"Damn! Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing? The magical order of the entire multiverse will collapse and be in chaos because of your actions."

By darkness Agamato struggled to get up with the energy shock, and there was strong anger in his tone.

It is foreseeable that as long as this neutral source of magic continues to exist, there will inevitably be a large number of mages who do not like the constraints of white magic to abandon Weishandi and invest in a new camp.

Even even the Supreme Mage system, which has finally been established to cover the entire multiverse Earth, may decline because of this.

You must know that the Supreme Masters of all dynasties have each one quite assertive.

They are not the servants of Weishandi, but in order to protect Earth, they have to cooperate with them.

But if there is a new choice, there are many Supreme Masters who are dissatisfied with Weishandi, and their attitude is very likely to make a 180-degree turn.

Gu Yi's actions are the best proof.

when the time comes In the eternal battle between black and white magic, Weishandi will most likely be at a disadvantage.

But Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Crazy? Maybe! But I know what I'm doing. So I don't need to talk about those boring big truths, because I don't care. Need to answer a question, do you want to be my enemy?"

Just when Agamato wanted to answer "yes" because of his anger, Osset immediately interrupted: "Enough! time. Youngster, can you answer me a question before I answer this one?"

"Of course! I like talking to sane people." Alan smiled nodded.

"You should only target Hisoka this time, right? Dragging us into the water is just to weaken him better, and at the same time so that you can better steal the power of the source of black and white magic." Osset cool probed.


Alan answered in the affirmative without the slightest hesitation.

His goal from the very beginning was the God of the Underworld.

Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally there is no need to continue to entangle with Osset, Agamotto and Hoggs.

Otherwise, to deal with four dimensions of Demon God at the same time, two of which are Ancient Gods, even Alan will feel very, very difficult.

As for the odds, don't even mention it.

"Very good!" Osset immediately showed satisfaction upon hearing this answer. "Since you don't mean to be our enemy, then I promise that Weishandi will never interfere in the battle between you. Now, you can start a happy hunt."

tone barely fell !

The Goddess returned to his own territory with Agamotto and Hoggs, and the whole process was not a bit muddled.

The reason is simple!

Although Alan used extremely insidious means to usurp the authority of the source of white magic, he also took the authority of black magic from Hisoka En.

In other words, both sides lose the same amount.

And now, Alan has made it clear that he is going to trouble Hisoka, no matter who wins or loses in the end, the other will not be too good.

Why go off the court and participate in a dangerous three-way fight when you can sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits?

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