Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1219

“Power comes in many forms. Energy is power, matter is power, technology, magic, and rules are also power. I’m never obsessed with taking one to the extreme, but preferring comprehensive development. Only in this way will there be no obvious shortcomings. Even more how...I don't know anything about magic."

With this announcement, Alan slowly raised himself, exuding dazzling eyes. The right hand of the glare.


The silver-gray magic field, which was still in fierce confrontation, began to shrink sharply and merged with the six Infinity Stones.

The terrifying energy and rules contained within it, even the famous Underworld God felt a touch of shock from the heart.

Because there are so many things here that even he can't distinguish.

Especially the incredibly large life and holy light energy, born to be the nemesis and mortal enemy of dark magic.

Without any hesitation!

Hisoka immediately stopped the dark creature from attacking, and also began to shrink the dark magic field back, forming layers of protection around him.

In order to ensure that these protections can withstand the coming fatal blow, he also sacrificed a large number of his cherished items.

In just a few seconds, a black shine, eggshell-like protection was established from scratch.

Seeing the fearful look in the other's eyes, Alan pursed his lips and said meaningfully: "I hope your magic shield can block the tearing of space, the erosion of time, and the destruction of heart and soul. Concussion, as well as the impact of huge energy and matter. Otherwise, I suggest you leave a last word or suicide note in advance."

"Use the Infinity Stone to strengthen yourself to the greatest extent, aren't you afraid of attracting those Is the guy's interference? You must know that in the eyes of some people, all those who try to gather the Infinity Stones are potential threats and need to be dealt with quickly." Hisoka En reminded kindly.

Alan shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter! As of now, they can't restrict me from doing what I want to do. If someone doesn't open their eyes and ask for trouble, I don't mind making a big noise. One point, even messing up the entire multiverse. You should know best that it is always easier to destroy than to build and create. Also, please don't think of me as a kind and good person. In fact, just like you, I can connect Killing thousands of lives without blinking an eye, destroying one world after another."

"Oh? So we're still the same kind..." Hisoka En touched the chin with a surprised expression.

"no! The same kind is not quite the same, but the behavior is somewhat similar. The biggest difference between me and you is that I still maintain my own humanity and bottom line, but you are already a complete Demon God. .Now, feel the power I have!"

After saying that, Alan raised his right fist, moved towards the eggshell-shaped protection built by the opponent, and smashed it down.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After the deafening bang, the powerful dark magic realm was immediately torn into countless pieces.

With Hisoka En as the center, everything within a radius of dozens of light-years in the dimension turns into nothingness under a single blow.

Not only that!

In the wider affected area, time and space became extremely unstable and chaotic.

Reality is also constantly changing under the influence of gems. The matter that disappeared in one second may appear out of thin air again in the next second.

The violent vibration of the soul and the mind makes all living beings lose their divinity.

In addition to the runaway of the magic field and energy, the dimension in which the Underworld God lives seems to be about to collapse.

As for Hisoka, who was hiding under the protection, he has disappeared now, and there is only a black red continuously boiling viscous liquid.

"Huh? You actually escaped!"

Alan stared at the liquid and made a surprised sound.

Then, in just a few seconds, the viscous liquid quickly spewed out and condensed into the shape of a human being, Hisoka En himself.

However, unlike the well-dressed appearance just now, as if he was in control of everything, he looked a little embarrassed at the moment, and he was naked from top to bottom, showing his strong and fit body, and sighed with lingering fear: "It's really good. Dangerous! You almost killed me."

"Almost? It should be a long way off! As expected of the creator of dark magic, even such an attack is even possible through sacrifice. It can be avoided. But I am curious, how many things did you sacrifice just now? How much can you continue to sacrifice?" Probed of Alan faint smile.

"Why, don't you really want to kill me?" Hisoka asked calmly.

"Always try! I really want to know how far the limits of dark magic can go."

After saying this, Alan raised his voice again own right hand.

And the six infinity gems embedded in his body once again bloomed with dazzling rays of light.

This scene instantly made the God of the Underworld change abruptly, cursing without image: "Damn it! How crazy I look down on you!"

"Hahahaha! Come on! Show me the essence and mysteries of magic, as you promised." Alan burst out laughing and turned into a light.

Hisoka En then condenses into a shield at the fastest speed to block.

The two went back and forth like this, starting a fierce battle that would affect the entire multiverse.

Especially the collision of dark and neutral sources of magic makes this thing of magic extremely unstable.

Some mages started making frequent mistakes, while others accidentally died of terrifying accidents.

As for the dead woman, Divine Sea La, after harvesting a circle of souls, she led her undead army back to the Azeroth universe and waited patiently for the next summon.

She knows very well that a battle like this level is not something she can participate in at all.

Don't mention participation, even if it is accidentally affected, it may be instantly destroyed.

Even if her father Odin comes, it's just a high-level cannon fodder at best.


On the other side, the three Demon Gods far away in Weishandi are also silently watching the battle between Alan and Hisoka En.

About three or five minutes, the youngest Agamotto finally couldn't help but ask: "Mother, their actions have begun to affect the entire multiverse, and you really don't intend to come forward to stop them. Why?"

"Block? Why should I block? Or, if I have any reason to block, why do you think that youngster named Alan will listen to me?" Osset asked in one breath Three questions.

Compared to the nervousness and panic of the other two, she seemed very calm, as if she had never seen the disaster and catastrophe that the multiverse magic world was going through.


Ago Moto was at a loss for words, subconsciously frowned.

As the founder of the Supreme Mage system, he has seen many powerful and willful beings, and he also understands that not everyone has the same belief in the source of white magic that represents light, kindness and order - Emperor Weishan. good feeling.

The most important thing is that Alan never shows the slightest reverence for Weishandi or Hisoka from beginning to end, and even prepares to go to war with Weishandi and Hades at the same time.

This can no longer be explained by mere arrogance and rebelliousness.

So Agomoto didn't think that if his mother came forward to mediate, the other party would be obedient.

Seeing the confusion and entanglement on his son's face, Osset immediately smiled comforted: "Don't worry, judging from the current battle situation, although that youngster has a slight upper hand, he wants to kill Hisoka En. It's not an easy task. Likewise, Hisoka-en wanting to kill a powerful traveler who can leave this universe anytime, anywhere, in turn, is also almost impossible. So we don't have to do anything, just wait for them to consume each other It's enough."

"You mean, this battle will end in a draw?" Agamotto asked in a uncertain tone.

Ossett gently shuffled the head: "No. I mean, they may decide the winner, but they don't have the ability to kill each other. After all, they want to kill a dimensional Demon. God, it's never been easy. The death of Dormammu a while ago surprised me quite a bit. But the biggest difference between Hisoka and Dormammu is that he has too many cards Now, it's good to be consumed at this time."

"Sorry, mother, I can't just sit back and watch this magical havoc that has engulfed the multiverse continue. Now, I have to do something to calm it down. The situation."

After saying that, Agamotto rubbed his chest with one hand and bowed slightly, then turned and walked outside.

Seeing his retreating back, Hoggs immediately asked: "Is it really good to let him go out alone at this time? That youngster, who calls himself Alan, has already shown that he is very fond of us. The naked and undisguised maliciousness of the dimension Demon God. I suspect that if Agamotto acts alone, there is a high chance of a plot."

"Relax, my friend. Agamotto is my son, He's not as fragile as you think. Even more how, how long this battle will last is unknown, and it's not a bad thing for Agamato to appease all the forces using white magic."

As he said this, Osset's eyes glowed with a dim light like a star.

It was a sign of her connection to the world of pure spirit, the Star Realm.

Obviously, the ancient god, the head of the three giants of Weishandi, is already observing the entire multiverse from another perspective.

"Well, I hope you're right. If you don't mind, I'll take a look outside and fix the broken parts." Hoggs offered to offer.

Vesanti lost almost 1/4/2022 of energy and matter due to Alan's previous sneak attack.

This is not a small amount.

And as the source of white magic, they can't supplement their lost parts by constantly eroding other universes like the other evil dimension Demon God.

"Go! Remember to be vigilant. According to my estimation, this battle should have attracted the attention of many people. Among them, Seth." Osset reminded in a serious tone.

Set, the god of giant snakes, is also the brother of Hisoka, the god of the underworld.

As early as Ancient Era, he once joined forces with Hisoka En to deal with "God Eater" Atum.

Although they later escaped to different dimensions, they still maintain a very close bond.

Osett believes that this guy must be hiding in the dark now, glare like a tiger watching his prey, and may jump out at any time to launch a sneak attack.

As for whether the target of the sneak attack is Alan or Hisoka, it is unknown.

After all, for these completely demonized Ancient Gods, there is no so-called family affection at all, only a naked and undisguised desire for power.

"Understood! I'll pay attention!" Hoggs' expression immediately became extremely cautious, then turned and flew out in a cloud of smoke.


There is no doubt that for these Ancient Gods and dimension Demon Gods, things like war have always affected the whole body.

This is also why, in the confrontation between them, it is rare that they end up in person.

Usually, proxies are used to fight each other.

Otherwise, once a certain dimension Demon God ends in person, it will soon attract the attention of its eternal enemies.

When two opposing dimensions, the Demon Gods, wage an all-out war, their enemies and allies alike join forces in what will eventually evolve into a terrifying melee that will cost the multiverse a loss of life.

Because of this, when each dimension of Demon God decides to start a war with another dimension, it must reconsider the gains and losses, as well as the serious consequences of the expansion of the war.

Ultimately, anything that could trigger a large-scale war will be directly eliminated, and only small tricks such as crafty plots and machinations can be played.

But Alan is different!

He's not from this universe, and doesn't care how violently his actions cause shocks.

So when it hits the rise, there is absolutely no intention to keep the hand at all. Every attack is to run through and smash the entire dimension.

Look at the shattered scene around him to see what a staggering loss and price Hisoka has endured.

Even the faintly discernable smile on his face was disappeared, replaced by anger and hatred.

Although neither of them can do anything about the other at this stage, his losses at home are obviously greater.

After all, Alan's rear is the Azeroth universe, and what is used at the moment is only a temporary home field created by the dark dimension and neutral magic source.

No matter how much the loss is, there will still be a continuous supply of energy behind.

What about Hisoka?

This underworld god can only sacrifice the precious items he has collected over the years again and again.

If he could, he would immediately end this endless war of attrition.

Unfortunately, the current initiative is not in his hands, but in Alan's hands.

Before Alan hits his head or realizes the mystery of the essence of magic, unless a third party intervenes, it is impossible to stop.

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