Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1225

"Blood! Killing! Death! And corpses all over the place! It's always been what you wanted subconsciously, right? Admit it! The instinct of all intelligent life is full of killing and destruction. Factors. It’s just that these factors are bound by the laws, morals and social responsibilities instilled by acquired education. With a little guidance, these instincts will be released, and you are no exception.”

Hisoka En side Constantly changing offense and defense, while constantly trying to use language to interfere and psychologically suggest.

I don't know if it's because of his regression back to the state he was just born, so his mood has also changed. a feeling of.

And his attack methods are extremely aggressive, often ignoring Alan's attacks, relying on his powerful self-healing ability, he tried to exchange his life several times, but in the end he failed.

Compared to this underworld god who looks too young, Alan has already formed his own fighting style and accumulated a lot of experience before he came to this universe.

The battle method of "wild beasts" and "intuitionists" like Hisoka is not easy to deal with.

The only thing to watch out for is the amazing energies blasting out of the Ancient God.

To be honest, Alan has always been curious about the creator who created the ancient gods on Earth.

I wonder what kind of power the other party has, or what kind of unknown means they used to make so many gods like Hisoka En, Seth, and Osset all at once.

And it can be seen from the divine ability that is just born, these Ancient Gods have had powers that are not inferior to any dimension Demon God since they were born, as well as wisdom far beyond ordinary people. and knowledge.

They don't have the infancy and growth stage like most creatures. Their powerful nature seems to be innate. Even if they don't have to do anything, they can stand at the top of the entire multiverse and look down on all beings.

On the basis of this alone, one can distinguish the omni-directional and dead-end power of the Creator.

However, when dealing with Hisoka En's constant attempts to induce the dark side of his heart, Alan just sneered and retorted: "The creature's transformation from succumbing to instinct to restraining desire is itself a kind of evolution, and it is the establishment of order. And the prerequisites necessary for civilization. Looking at the hundreds of millions of civilizations in the entire universe, which one did not restrain the desires and instincts of individuals, and then gathered together to develop and grow? Your theory is only suitable for starting from The special case that has powerful power from the day of birth, and can guarantee its own survival without being attached to any group, is not generally universal. Even more how, my starting point is just an ordinary person class, not like you The ancient gods created by the creator. And I am proud of my human identity and never intend to abandon it."

"Proud of my human identity?" Divine Eyes revealed in the eyes Strong doubts and incomprehensions.

In his opinion, with the terrifying power Alan currently possesses, it should have long since been separated from the category of mortals, and even completely separated from his past self.

Otherwise, how can we understand extremely complex concepts such as rules, dimensions, and the universe.

"Why not? Haven't you discovered it? It is precisely because human beings are a short-lived race that they can create infinite splendor with their limited lives, and in terms of the philosophy of constructing the underlying logic, from the What very beginning pursues is eternity. And I am the beneficiary of these philosophical speculations, as well as the modern science and thinking derived from their essence."

While speaking, Alan's ability to put his soul and soul into fruit Expanding to the limit, he slashed a terrifying matchless wound on the opponent with his Zanpakutō.

The massive soul medium is like snowflakes, dancing in the ruins of this large arena after the destruction, gradually forming a large and magnificent scenery.

"hahahaha! But in your heart you still yearn for brutality and violence, for fighting and killing. Don't deny it! Because even if you can fool yourself, you can't fool me."

Hisoka held the wound on his chest and used a special ability to restore it to its original state in just a second or two, with a terrifying red light emitting from his pupils.

The long and fierce battle has made him fierce, and the violent and killing instincts hidden in the bones primordial are fully activated.

And what he said just now was not just for Alan, but also for describing himself.

"I have never tried to deceive anyone, let alone myself. Humans are first animals, and then a social human being. The two are both contradictory and dialectically unified. Take For me, although I also have the idea of using savage violence, I will never vent it as recklessly as you do. On the contrary! I will turn this impulse into a kind of hunting, and you are being watched by me. I like to hunt powerhouses and gods for pleasure and satisfaction, but I don't like to ravage the unresisting ordinary person."

Alan said in a nonchalant manner. The tone expounds the "philosophy" and "principles" of his life.

He understands that Hisoka En wants to try to change his mind, preferably by devouring each other to become stronger like the ancient gods.

In this way, after devouring the underworld god, the other party can avoid being regularized and lose himself, but lurking in his ideology and silently waiting for the opportunity to resurrect again.

Unfortunately, Alan had already noticed this, so he wasn't fooled.

In other words, he already got everything he wanted in this world.

The rest are either the rules that maintain the existence of the multiverse, which cannot be taken away at all, or are grasped by some more powerful existences. If you want to obtain them, you must be integrated into the entire multiverse universe. Leave.

Looking at the opponent who was always calm in front of him, Hisoka En stood silent for a moment, and suddenly asked: " insist on killing me, just out of pure hunting and Self-satisfaction? Just for our insignificant grievances?"

"Hehe, yes. It's hard to understand from your standpoint and point of view, right?" Alan wiped the stains on his face. Bloodstained, the whole person laughed happily.

Because he was very satisfied with the look in the eyes of the Underworld God at this moment, like a madman.

If the previous practice of using crafty plots and machinations to seize the source of dark magic and white magic is still within the comprehension of the dimensional Demon Gods, then the current irreconcilable situation is that Hisoka En is unable to do so anyway. understood and imagined.

After all, for these timeless Eternal Existences, irreconcilable is something they try to avoid.

Not to mention it is irreconcilable, even if there is a situation that may cause serious damage, the dimension Demon God will actively choose to retreat.

This is also why Supreme mages are able to repel the invasion of the strong demon gods time and time again.

But in terms of sheer power, it is impossible for hundreds of Supreme mages combined to defeat even the weakest dimension, the Demon God.

Because the gap between the two is the gap between "quantity" and "quality", from the very beginning is no longer on the same level.

"Why? Why would you risk your near-eternal life? Aren't you afraid of death?" Hisoka-en snarled loudly as he charged up with his swords.

"Death? Of course I'm afraid! There is no one who is not afraid of death!"

Alan replied while calming these fierce attacks one after another.

The aftermath of the collision of weapons made even this space created by dark magic extremely unstable.

But he turned a blind eye to this, each minding their own business and continued: "But compared to death, I'm more afraid of boredom, afraid of losing my dreams and goals in life, and becoming like you in order to live And the living walking corpse. Hunting is originally a game in which the hunter and the prey bet each other's lives. A hunter who dares not take his life as a bet is not worthy of being called a hunter at all."

"so that's how it is! You enjoy the intense thrill of passing death! And use it to remind yourself that you are not strong enough, there are still countless powerful existences that can threaten your life. These thrills will eventually turn into progress The power that keeps you going on the path of power until you reach the peak you have never seen before.” Hisoka En looked thoughtful to himself.

"Born in trouble, die in comfort. Look at you, look at your dead brother Seth, and Weishandi, who created white magic. After all these years, what do you have? Growth? The answer is obviously no! You have been at ease for too long, and you have no motive and desire to become stronger, so you are surpassed by me. Well, after talking for so long, it is time to let it all end. Next With one blow, I will use all the power I have to kill you completely."

When talking about this remark, Alan took out his main weapon bow and arrow, slowly pulled it open and put the huge Energy poured into that glowing arrow.

"Kill me? Are you sure you can do it?" Hisoka En asked with a grim expression.

He obviously didn't intend to sit still, but to stimulate all the power of the ancient gods, like a beast that was driven into a desperate situation, exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

"You have to try it. I have always been very confident in my arrow technique. So far, no one has been able to resist its formidable power."

After all, Alan unreservedly used all his strength and ability to bless the arrows layer by layer, and there was no intention to keep his hands at all.

Because he knows that, without mastering the rules, only a concentrated force can kill ancient gods like Hisoka En with a near-infinite recovery ability, finally satisfied to break this black magic-distorted reality. Create conditions for confined spaces.

"Then let's take a gamble! If your arrow kills me, I have nothing to say. But if it doesn't kill me, I will take your body, soul, The Unicom dimension will be swallowed up together, and then go out to invade Weishandi and take the white magic into the bag. At that time, I will become the most powerful Ancient God and dimension Demon God in the entire multiverse, and the ultimate source of all magic.” Hisoka En He unabashedly expressed his ambitions.

It is estimated that he was stimulated by Alan, and he finally had an unprecedented desire for power again, and did not want similar things to happen again.

But Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "As you wish. But the premise is that you must survive first. Be careful! My strongest and final blow is coming."

tone barely fell!

The fingers pulling the bowstring finally loosened slightly.

The next second...

The arrow, imbued with all of Alan's power and power, disappeared into the air like a stream of light.

Aware of the danger, Hisoka En, didn't even stop for 0.001 seconds, and immediately began to move at high speed along the edge of the space, trying to dodge as much as possible.

Unfortunately, the arrows shot by Alan have been blessed with certain attributes.

It all turned out to be in vain.

When the arrow reappeared, it was deeply embedded in the chest of Hisoka, the god of the underworld, and continuously retreated against him, ploughing a deep ravine on the ground.

At the same time, the cells, muscles and skeleton of the chest began to disintegrate uncontrollably, turning into balls of energy emitting golden light and quickly dissipating.

"No!!!!!!! I won't die!"

The severe pain and weakness aroused the strong sense of survival of the underworld god, and quickly put all his strength All focus on regeneration, trying to fight against the terrifying power generated by arrows.

In a short period of time, a terrifying balance and stalemate was formed.

As for Alan himself, who shot this arrow, he sat on the ground with his ass, gasping for breath as if weak.

At the moment, his body is empty, and he no longer has the slightest reserve of energy.

And due to the space barrier, it is impossible to obtain energy from the outside world, and we can only wait patiently for the final result.


Such a disturbing balance is quickly upset.

When Hisoka En's regenerative powers were unable to withstand the destructive power generated by the arrows, the body finally began to collapse, divide, and disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Aware that his own death is an inevitable cruel reality, he immediately launched the final charge like crazy, and angrily roared in despair: "I will never admit this result! Kill you! I I want to pull you to death!"

"Don't want to admit that you have lost? Your performance is really ugly!" Alan sighed slightly while sitting on the spot.

He didn't panic from the beginning to the end, just watched the underworld god get closer and closer to him, until the two sharp blades were less than two centimeters away from the fragile eyes, and finally It fell to the ground with a thud.

As for the reason, of course, Hisoka En's hands and 90% of his body below his neck have all disappeared, leaving only a small half of his head.

As he was dying, he stared at Alan with resentful eyes, gnashing teeth and said: "I am not willing to! Obviously only a little bit!"

"Sorry It's a thousand miles away. This is the most intuitive manifestation of the strength gap between you and me. I'm stronger than you! You're weaker than me! It's a simple truth, isn't it?"

After saying this, Alan dragged his exhausted body to stand up from the ground, lifts the head and looked up at the dark sky with a hole above.

This special space created by dark magic distorting reality finally disintegrated with Hisoka Eun's death...

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