Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1227

With a multitude of dimension Demon Gods and hell lords fleeing, the battle over the source of magic across the entire multiverse has finally come to an end.

Alan took down Hisoka, the god of the underworld, with an undisputed victory, temporarily becoming the controller of all magic rules.

Of course, this won't last long.

When he leaves, all these rule powers that cannot be taken away will be restored to a state of no owner again.

By then, everyone can try to understand and control the rules.

But compared to those guys who have no basis for this, Scarlet Wanda Wanda has undoubtedly seized the opportunity.

even more how, her Primal Chaos Demon method is originally derived from dark magic, and there is basically no obstacle to use.

When Alan ended the "friendly communication" with the dimension Demon God and the hell lords, he finally tore the space rift and returned to his own territory.

As he stepped on the streets of the space city with one foot, he immediately found that the Guardian and the many residents were ready for a grand celebration, standing on either side.

The beautiful elf girl rides a giant dragon and roams in the sky, throwing down a lot of fragrant petals.

The whole sky is shrouded in one after another rainbow, as if being in the fantasy world of fairy tales.

There are even a large number of professional trumpeters blowing their horns with an extremely neat sound.

You don't need to ask to know that all this is the result of someone's careful planning.

I saw the long-awaited Guardian director-Edna Bevan, took the initiative to step forward, put a translucent silver scepter in both hands, and said with joy : "Congratulations! You have once again defeated a powerful enemy and won an epic victory. The Demon God of the entire multiverse fled and shiver coldly under your prestige. To express our infinite love for you, all of us Guardians joined forces to create this root. Supreme scepter, please be sure to accept it."

"Supreme scepter?" Alan grasped it in his hand and felt it was about one meter long, and there were thousands of magic and special abilities from the inside out. "bauble" with a surprised look on his face. "Is this made of the crystal stone specializing in the dark dimension, as well as the crown and giant sword of the Flame Giant Surtur as the main materials?"

"Yes! Only in this way can it be worthy of you identity." Edna Bevan lifts the head, eyes full of fanaticism and admiration.

Because the city in the sky, Ai Lun Tiyu, has indeed gone to unprecedented glory under the leadership of Alan.

Especially killing the most powerful ancient gods like Hisoka En, who mastered the rules of magic, she didn't even dare to think about it before.

Not only the manager, but other Guardians reacted similarly.

A few even wanted to get down on their knees and kiss Alan's boots.

For the Guardians created by these players based on their own imagination, the Sky City is their home, the final destination of their birth and death.

So after those players have all disappeared, whoever can make Eleontheo more prosperous and stronger will win their unreserved trust and admiration.

Without a doubt!

Alan did just that.

And based on the material alone, this "Supreme Scepter" is worthy of the name of Divine Item.

Especially the crown, which houses the soul of the Flame Giant Surtur, which cannot be dissolved in any random way.

Otherwise the Asgardians would have done it long ago.

apart from this , the crystal stone specializing in the dark dimension is also very difficult to process, and its interior is full of unstable energy.

Once the fragile balance is broken, violent explosions, space collapse and matter annihilation will immediately occur.

At least in Alan's cognition, he didn't think the Guardians had such technology and ability.

Unexpectedly, they not only handled it well, but also completely eliminated Surtur's consciousness, leaving only the huge and destructive Flame Giant form, and integrated it into the Fire of Eternal.

Not only that!

The dark crystal also grants it the power of the dark dimension.

Plus thousands of magic constants, even a baby who picks it up can instantly become a Demon King enough to sweep the world.

The most important thing is that the Guardians inject their control over all areas of the Sky City into it without reservation.

As the "Scepter of Supreme" goes by its name, the person who holds it will become the ruler of Elephantine Supreme.

Unfortunately, for Alan, this stuff is more symbolic than practical.

So after fiddling with it for a while, Alan quickly lost interest and tucked it into the treasury for storage, while turning his attention to Hela not far away.

At this moment, the eyes of the dead Goddess are blazing with naked and undisguised desire, as if provocative and as inviting.

It's clear that Alan's mental state is getting very high with the strength she's shown in her battle with Hisoka Eun.

It's as if a man is facing two equally sexy and beautiful women, one of which is the daughter of an ordinary farmer's family, and the other is the Princess of a certain country's royal family, or has great power The sword saint, the mage.

The latter two are obviously more attractive than the former because of the additional bonus of status, social status and power.

It can even give men an extra sense of achievement and conquest.

The same is true for women.

"How does it feel to be the God of Magic?" Hela stepped forward with a queen-like step and asked with her chin raised slightly.

Alan replied with a smile: "Not bad! Now that I have mastered the rules at the source, I don't need those complicated incantation, gestures and ceremony at all, just a single thought to create a brand new magic faction out of thin air. . But unfortunately, this power derived from rules only applies to this universe, and there is no way to take it away. Why, do you want to feel it too?"

"Of course! Please be sure to put the darkness Give me some of the power of magic."

Hela undoubtedly had long been eyeing the unique power of Hisoka, the god of the underworld, and immediately suppressed the high desire and forced herself to divert her attention.

"Here, take it. But be careful when researching, I don't want to see widespread reality distortions on my turf."

After all, Alan extend the hand gently brushed Hela's cheek, earlobe and neck, sharing a small portion of the authority of the source of dark magic.

I don't know if it was the effect of dark magic, or because of this intimate action, a red flash appeared on Hela's white cheeks and neck, and even her breathing became very rapid in a short time, and her chest became very short. Great ups and downs.

If eyes can eat people, then Alan has been eaten alive by now.

But Goddess of Death is worthy of being the strongest Asgardian after Odin's death, and soon regained his sobriety with the powerful willpower, and asked meaningfully: "Do you like to create this kind of ambiguity? Ambiguous atmosphere, isn't it?"

"Hehe, maybe. At least you're enjoying yourself." Alan responded with a faint smile.

"It's a wonderful feeling, but it doesn't satisfy the high desire in my heart. But that's okay, like you said before, we all have eternal life and there's no need to rush it. "

After saying this, Hela took the initiative to take a step forward, kissed Alan's left cheek deeply, leaving a slightly provocative look, and then returned to her Death Domain alone.

Not long after she left, Arturia, Sakura and Wanda also returned to the central tower of the Sky City from the place of the giant magic ceremony.

Among them, Sakura, who never knew what it means to be polite, the first thing to do is to ask Alan for all the experience and experience in the construction of the magic field, and intend to use it as a reference to build her own from scratch. the realm of magic.

Altolia, alone with her sword, went to the training ground to sit quietly, recalling the powerful and firm belief she had when she used the Treasure Item - the Sword of Victory Pledge when she was a Heroic Spirit.

There is no doubt that this battle has stimulated them more than expected.

For a while, only Alan and Scarlet Witch were left in the room.

"You're leaving, right?"

After a long silence, Wanda was the first to break the silence.

Alan nodded lightly: "Yes! I've got everything I want in this universe, it's time to start again. Otherwise, continue to climb to a higher power level, I will Trapped here forever and can't leave again."

"Trapped forever? What do you mean?" Wanda subconsciously frowned.

"It's very simple! No matter who it is, as the power level continues to rise, the ultimate goal is to point to the multiverse. That is to say, if you want to obtain the strongest power, you must integrate the will into the multiverse. In the far universe, even the multiverse becomes its own body to accommodate all the all-inclusive rules. In fact, starting from understanding and controlling a certain part of the rules, to becoming the entire multiverse, every step you go deeper, you will interact with this universe. The tighter the bond. When a certain critical point is exceeded, there is no way to leave. This is an irreversible process, and I can already vaguely feel it, so it is time to leave.”

Alan There is no intention of concealment, and the reason is generously given.

Because mastering the rules also means integrating into the rules. The more you master, the higher the degree of integration.

This is also the reason why he didn't take the opportunity to recover the source of white magic from Emperor Weishan.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't.

Once the three sources of magic are completely unified, Alan will become the undisputed god of magic, mastering the source of the mysterious power of the multiverse, whether it is spirit, consciousness, or soul, it will be deeply rooted. Embedded in the workings of the entire universe.

"so that's how it is! So when are you going to leave? Or how long will we be together?" Wanda blunt asked the question she cared about most.

"About a week to two weeks. Because the entire Azeroth universe is too large, it is not like before, you can randomly summon a dark door, and then teleport through it. Now, I It is necessary to build a large enough rift, and also to fight against the gravity of the multiverse."

When speaking of this remark, Alan rarely showed a pained expression.

No way!

This is a side effect of the explosive growth in power.

If nothing else, it takes a considerable amount of time and effort just to break the connection, not to mention trying to avoid causing any damage as much as possible.

If possible, Alan would really like to compress the entire dimension into a palm-size sphere like he did with the Dark Dimension and the Sea of Snakes.

But doing so would mean the end of all life and civilization in the entire universe of Azeroth.

When it unfolds again, everything needs to evolve from scratch.

He wouldn't do that unless it was a last resort.

What worries Alan even more is whether such a huge universe will collide with the next world in the process of migration.

How can we avoid two universes meeting in the same dimension?

Or, the dimension of the Azeroth universe will never conflict with the actual universe?

Because this is the first time, there are too many uncertainties to confirm.

"A week or two? Then it looks like I'm going to hurry up..."

Wanda muttered to himself in a low voice, then took off the only one on his body. The red jacket, naked and wrapped around Alan's neck from behind, whispered in his ear: "Don't think about those annoying things. While your subconscious desires are stimulated by dark magic, let's do something to make each other feel Pleasant activity."

"Now? Here? You know, my room is never guarded against anyone, whether it's the Guardian, or Sakura and Artoria, who may break in at any time. Come." Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It was the first time he saw that Wanda, who was gentle and shy, was so impatient.

"It's alright! We're running out of time anyway, they'll understand."

After saying that, Wanda pushed Alan down on the sofa, Extremely brutal way to shred the top directly.

It didn't take a while for the two of them to get better.

In the next week or two, Scarlet Witch could not wait to be with Alan 24 hours a day almost every day, whether it was working, eating, sleeping, or taking a bath, enjoying the short and Wonderful time.

But just like all good times come to an end.

Wanda and Alan's short-lived couple life ended when all preparations were completed before leaving.

Looking at the huge teleportation device standing between the two universes, Artoria asked in a slightly teasing tone: "Are you really willing to leave?"

Alan laughed Shrugged shoulders: "There is nothing to be willing to follow. Wanda and I are very clear, she is impossible to leave younger brother Quicksilver to go with us, and I am also impossible to stay for her to give up exploring more worlds. Rather than for this It's better to quarrel over a fact that can't be changed, it's better to make the best memories for each other. Come on, before we leave, let's go and say goodbye to Tony Stark and see what he has to offer. A parting gift."

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