Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1254

There is no doubt that for the two high elves knight-errants, who are covered in magical equipment, the guard posts in the fortress to prevent troll sneak attacks are basically decorations.

Except for those dogs with exceptionally sensitive sense of smell and hearing, there is no need to dodge at all, just walk straight and openly.

And the dog, It's definitely impossible to be put in the place where the nobles gather.

So, as easy as blowing off dust, they found the innermost study.

Just when the male elf wanted to use a tool to pry open the locked door, the female elf suddenly raised her hand and made a don't be impatient action, and used a long wire to go into battle herself. , hooked the latch inside, left a gesture of "you are outside to protect the wind", and got in.

But after entering the study, she realized that the situation was a little different from what she expected.

Because there was no one in the study, not even the oil lamp was lit, instead a tunnel leading to the basement was flickering with dim rays of light.

Out of curiosity, the woman knight-errant cautiously walked down the stairs.

In about a few seconds, she saw a terrifying picture that she would never forget and her scalp tingled.

In the spacious basement, two trolls were fixed on two chairs respectively, and the skulls were uncovered, revealing the white brain soaked in blood inside.

One of the backs of his hands and arm is covered in numerous mysterious symbols, apparently a Witch Doctor with a voodoo spell.

As for the other one, it is an ordinary troll warrior, with very developed muscles in both hands and feet.

But right now, these two unlucky bastards are like little white mice placed on the experimental bench, unable to move no matter how hard they struggle.

The only thing I can do is watch this demon-like human being, constantly doing some messy experiments on the brain above my head.

Especially those multi-colored liquids, once poured on the brain, will immediately cause severe pain beyond words.

But their tongues and vocal cords have long been removed, so they can't make any sound at all. They can only show the pain they endure through the twisted expressions of face looks sinister.

Obviously, Alan is doing a comparison experiment again, observing the changes in the brains of ordinary trolls and troll Witch Doctor, and even figuring out what those mutants do.

Using data from several sets of observations, he found that the brains of Azeroth sorcerers were larger than those of non-sorcerers.

Among them, the thalamus is so mutated that it cannot be identified at all. There are two incomparably thick nerve sources extending out and connecting the cortex full of folds above.

Whenever the experimenter attempts to cast a spell, these two nerve sources will release extremely violent electrical signals.

That is to say, whether it is a mage, a priest, a shaman, a Witch Doctor, a Paladin, or a warlock, the reliance on spellcasting to control energy all comes from the brain.

No wonder all spellcasting professions in the game take intelligence as the most important attribute.

Alan doesn't care about the pain these two trolls are going through.

Because around their necks, Alan found necklaces made of human teeth.

That said, both trolls have killed more than one human at one point or another, as evidenced by the tooth necklace.

Unfortunately, the brains of any intelligent creatures are extremely complex, not to mention the sorcerer mutated brains.

Without the help of enough instruments and external force, with the mortal body at the moment, Alan is also helpless. He can only stimulate the brain to release more signals, and use this as a basis to slowly establish a Set of analysis systems.

After all, not being a god is the bottom line he set for himself.

From the moment of his arrival, he intends to live as a mortal, even if his body is killed by the ancient god, the Titan Guardian, or the demon that burns the Legion, he will not take it. any retaliatory action.

As a rule maker, if you break the rules you set yourself, wouldn't you be able to lose?

Alan doesn't think he's fallen that far.

And I also enjoy this game-like process of cultivating a strong "character" from scratch, little by little, to meet all kinds of challenges.

With such a mood and thought, he picked up the last bottle full of black liquid from the table and poured it into the exposed brains of the two trolls.


The two guys seemed to be crazy and started to twist their bodies frantically. Even if their brains spilled out, they didn't have any intention of stopping.

After struggling for about a minute, the troll warrior's entire body began to disintegrate at a speed visible to naked eyes, turning directly into a pool of black, bloody, and unidentified substances.

All his bones, internal organs, muscles, and skin were completely dissolved as if they had been soaked in strong acid.

In contrast, the Witch Doctor's reaction was more horrifying.

I saw that the skin and muscles on his body were also disintegrating at a speed visible to naked eyes like warriors, but for some reason, the skeleton remained intact.

Especially in the brain, the uppermost cortex was all turned into a puddle of flesh, but miraculously, the brain area was not damaged in any way.

Not only was there no damage, but it was also emitting some kind of dim light.

In the end, the troll Witch Doctor was left with only a bloody skeleton and the glowing brain thalamus in the skull, dancing and shaking, full of terror and horror beyond words. and weird.

Without a doubt!

Alan did this not because he was cruel and perverted in his heart, but wanted to find out through this experiment how big the role of the thalamus can be for the sorcerer.

The answer is obvious!

It has transcended the limits of the body and even entered the realm of the soul.

"Interesting! Is the thalamus the vessel that carries the soul? Or does it have a very close connection with the soul? If the thalamus is really the most important organ of the sorcerer, then only the undead sorcerer are left. A pair of skeletons, why can you still cast spells?" Alan touched the chin and muttered to himself.

Just when he was puzzled, he suddenly heard a thud behind him.

Looking back, it turned out to be a black figure who accidentally knocked over the opening tool placed on the table under the lose one's head out of fear.

And this shadow obviously realized what a huge mistake he had made, and immediately wanted to escape the terrifying basement along the passage.

Unfortunately, before he could run a few steps, Alan grabbed a small hammer to open the scoop and threw it out.



No surprises!

The hammer tumbled and hit the back of the opponent's head, knocking him to the ground on the spot and rolling down the stairs.

Fortunately, the size and weight of the hammer were very small, so it didn't break the skull, just bulged a big bag.

Before Sombra came back to his senses from the dizzy adverse reaction, Alan had come to the front, grabbed the collar and picked up the guy who was sneaking in from the ground, and pulled him out. Drops hoods and cloaks with magical effects.


A fine-looking female elf face with long golden hair and a bunch of pointy ears is revealed.

"High Elves?" Alan was visibly stunned.

He just thought it was the stealth sent by the troll warlord outside the city to assassinate him.

But who knows, it turned out to be the elf knight-errant.

Especially the magical leather armor on the body, the badge on the chest, and the bow and arrow on the back are all equipment that only high elves knight-errant can have.

"Fuck off! Stay away from me!"

The female elf was obviously frightened by what she saw just now, and immediately drew two sharp daggers from her boots , fiercely stabs Alan in the chest.

Her purpose is very simple, that is, to force the other party to let go of herself, and then run away as quickly as possible.

But unfortunately, Alan as a man has an overwhelming advantage in such close quarters.

In the end, before the dagger could be stabbed, the female elf's wrist was tightly grasped, and then the whole person was pulled up by both hands, like a lamb to be slaughtered.




But even so, he didn't try to call for help to his companions at the door.

Because she understands that even if the companion comes, it is impossible to be the opponent of this terrifying human being in front of her.

It is better to die alone than to die with the two of you, so that your companions can leave alive.

Alan had no doubt noticed the look of death in the other's eyes, and immediately subconsciously frowned and said, "I think we have some misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? No! I don't think so. I have seen everything you did just now." The female elf responded with a slightly trembling voice.

"But that's a troll! Aren't you Quel'Thalas elves a feud with the Amani trolls? And I just did a little experiment with two trolls who had eaten humans. , that's all." Alan explained innocently.

After saying that, he also took the initiative to let go of the other party and took two steps back to show that he was not hostile.

After all, according to the original plot, the high elves are one of the most steadfast allies of mankind in the future, and they are also teachers who guide mankind towards magical civilization.

Alan didn't want the two sides to part ways because of some misunderstandings.


Hearing this word, the female elf's originally tense nerves relaxed a little.

Although she is not a mage, she also knows that those compatriots who hold the powerful Arcane power often study some more dangerous things.

The magic Formation used to expel trolls was originally an experiment with captives.

"That's right! Experiment!" Alan nodded lightly. "According to my accidental discovery, all the sorcerers in this world will have mutations in their brains, making them incredibly different from their peers. Simply put, the sorcerers' brains will become more developed."

"so that's how it is! I thought you were holding some evil ceremony just now, offering sacrifices to the devil."

The female elf wiped the sweat from her forehead, as if she had collapsed. , sitting on the ground, gasping for breath.

It can be seen that she was really frightened, so much that she covered her mouth several times and almost spit out all the food she just ate.

Although she herself has hunted many trolls, it is definitely the first time in her life that she has seen such a terrifying way of dying.

"Sacrificing to the devil? Your imagination is really rich. If it was really a sacrifice to the devil, this basement should be filled with green fel fires, and cold Shadow energy. By the way, you haven't introduced who you are, why did you suddenly come to my site?" Alan probed with interest.

He didn't feel that the high elves in front of him were fed up, and he took huge risks to cross the troll's control zone and run to the human side to wander around.

"I am the Sun King - an emissary sent by Anastarian Sunstrider and the Council to make contact with your humans, to collect information on the activities of trolls along the way."

After a short respite, the female elf finally chose to reveal her identity.

Because she is not sure, if she continues to hide, will this dangerous man in front of him use the cruel way he just dealt with trolls on himself.

"Oh? If you don't mind, can you tell me about the war between you and the Amani trolls in the north?" Alan was also instantly interested.

Calculate the time, and the father of the elf Prince Kael'thas, the fourth monarch of the Sunstrider Dynasty - Anastarian Sunstrider has come to power, the war between trolls and elves is already at the end of the stage.

In other words, the high elves are retreating under their spiritual eyes, and it will not be long before they send envoys to formally ask Thoradin, the emperor of the Arathor Empire, for help.

"Sorry, I'm not authorized by the Sun King and the Council about this war, so can't say much. Can only tell you that the Amani trolls are crazier than ever. Compared to The trolls outside the city are insignificant because of the attack we endured."

When she said this remark, the female elf had a hint of worry in her tone.

Because she had already wasted two months in the northern forest, she had no idea how far the war was going.

The only thing I know is that the senior management of Silver Moon City has repeatedly ordered the army to retreat, and even the Formation, which has protected the high elves for more than 4,000 years, is now Ineffective under troll sorcery.

Alan caught the flickering unease in the eyes of the other party, and immediately asked meaningfully: "What is the purpose? What do you want to get when you come to the human kingdom? What are you willing to pay for it? "

"I have a handwritten letter from the Sun King here, and I hope it can be handed over to your human emperor. Can you help me introduce it?"

Speaking, the female elf from Take out an envelope with a magic seal from the close-fitting leather armor.

It has to be said that these high elves who were exiled by the Elf Race group in the dark night have applied magic to all aspects of life.

Just look at this knight-errant's gear to see how far Silver Moon City has come in the magic.

Cloaks are magical equipment that allows one to hide in the shadows and undetected;

Boots are magical equipment that allows the feet to be stepped anywhere without emitting even the slightest tinge of light. Sound;

Bows are magic items that can attach extra fire damage to them, especially effective against trolls;

Rings are magic items that give the wearer additional agility attributes ;

The two short daggers are magical equipment that increases the speed of swinging the arms.

While most of the human nobles are still using whiteboard equipment without any enchantments, the High Spirit King has been able to equip their armies with large-scale magic weapons and armors...

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