Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 126

As the bomb demon trio detonated the voice of life in one breath, after swept away the 90 designated cards that the entire team had worked hard to collect, it naturally became the fastest progress and the closest to customs clearance. people.

What they've done fully shows how terrifying a disaster it would be if someone with bad intentions appeared inside a gaming guild.

Especially, the other teams who had been following this matter immediately began to contact each other and finally decided to get together for a meeting.

On the one hand, it is to discuss sniping the Genthru trio and grab the most difficult designated cards before them.

Not surprisingly, the three-person squad led by Alan was also invited.

But he didn't choose to go to such a boring party, but found "One-Armed Man" Hisoka in the wild with the help of hunting map.

"Yo! long time no see! You seem to be getting stronger again?"

Hisoka threw a hapless bastard that had just turned into a corpse into the river and licked it Licking the blood-stained cards, there was a faint murderous aura in his eyes.

Obviously, the loss of an arm did not have any effect on this pervert, and he was still enjoying the thrill of battle.

"Get stronger?" Alan laughed and looked the head. "No! It's just that the potential of my body is slowly being developed. It's you who have been in the island of greed for so long and haven't gotten Archangel's breath yet?"

Hisoka looked innocent "No way! That card is too difficult to get started. Although I grabbed a lot of players, they all don't have this card."


Alan directly summon out the magic book and took out a card from it.

"Exactly, I still have a spare here, I'll give it to you. But in exchange, from now on, you will join my team and act together until something ends in the second half of this year. So far."

"Oh? What's the funniest thing?"

Hisoka didn't rush to pick up the card that could restore his broken arm instantly, instead he tilted it up. The corners of his mouth showed an expression of interest.

"Have you heard of chimeric ants?" Alan asked meaningfully.

Hisoka pondered for a moment, and quickly replied: "Is that the type of Level 1 designated isolate that can devour other species and express their genes in the next generation?"

"That's right!"

Alan explained very seriously: "Now, Kajinguo has secretly cultivated a special queen and injected human genetic factors into it. It is estimated that there will be a few more ants. Within a month, it will be put into a country and region where information transmission is relatively backward, and it will begin to multiply at an extremely fast rate. Moreover, some secret masterminds will also use the method of releasing tasks to guide some hunters who can read the ability. Go and feed the ants. In this way, the ants born later will naturally learn the ability to read."

"In other words... your hunting target this time is those who have learned the ability to read. Level chimera ants? hahahaha! Interesting! It's so interesting! How could I be missing out on something as interesting as this! Maybe a nice and delicious fruit can be found among the cute little ants."

Hisoka Excitedly, he started to laugh wildly.

Obviously, he doesn't care who the secret mastermind is in this matter, and for what purpose the chimeric ants are artificially cultivated. He just wants to enjoy the extreme pleasure brought by constant battles.

"If that's the case, then we're done. Use, Archangel's breath."

Alan directly activated the mind ability stored in the card without saying a word.


A female figure wearing a long white dress exuding holy rays of light appears out of thin air.

"Speak your request!"

"Heal all the wounds on that man and make his broken arm grow again."

Alan pointed to Hisoka beside him, and blunt said the target that needs to be treated.

The next second...

The female figure created by Nian immediately blew out a breath and attached some kind of Qi to the body of the treatment object.

In less than two or three seconds, Hisoka discovered that the arm that Chrollo had blown off miraculously grew back, and all the scars on her body disappeared completely.

Feeling the strength and flexibility of the new arm, he finally couldn't help but exclaim: "This is Archangel's breath? It's incredible power! It turns out that Nian can do this to such an extent. It seems that this game The creators of Gon are a group of uncompromising experts."

"It is indeed a group of experts! Especially the first person who proposed the initiative is actually Gon's father, the five most powerful in this world. One of the telepaths, Kim Freecss. I met him a while ago, and he's a pretty tough guy."

Whenever I recall the first time I met Kim on the airship , Alan will have a sense of unfathomable mystery, as if this guy can predict the future.

Especially with regard to the understanding and development of the ability of mind, this guy has taken a completely different path from President Netero.

If nothing else, in ten or twenty years, he might become the kind of person who is qualified to establish the sect.

"Oh? Gon's father? Sounds like a lot of fun. If I can, I really want to play with him."

Hisoka wants to see everyone A wave of mental disorder is obviously committed again.

"Trust me, you'll be blown away, and there won't even be a chance to fight back." Alan sneered at curl one's lip.

Sometimes he really doesn't understand, what is in this pervert's mind. He provoked President Netero before, but now he is interested in Jin again. Don't he know how to write dead words?

“he he he he, you don’t understand, sometimes being beaten up by one side can be enough to feel good enough. Also, I noticed that the other two people on your team also seem to have shedding bodies, exchanging bones, It's getting delicious." Hisoka glanced at Baldlow and Baise not far away with a harboring malicious intentions look.

"Don't make bad ideas! If you dare to attack my people, then I guarantee you will never live for a second, like this..."

With the last word As soon as he blurted out, Alan's right arm instantly swung out against the opponent's cheek at a speed that naked eyes couldn't catch.


I saw the qi released from the end of the fist, which directly emptied all obstacles in the line of more than 20 meters, whether it was trees, stones, or anything else. Everything turned into dust under this blow.

What's more terrifying is that in the process of releasing the power, these qi did not spread at all, and even a deep ravine was ploughed on the ground.

It wasn't until everything was over that Hisoka reacted, turning her head to look at the scene behind her, her eyes full of undisguised shock.

Because of the speed, strength and destructive power displayed by this fist, it has exceeded his cognitive limit.

Especially the speed!

Although Alan's neural reflexes were also very fast in the past, they were never so fast that he couldn't even react in time.

But now?

The two are already not in one dimension!

There is no doubt that this is a testament to the full potential of the battle with President Netero.

Recently, Alan could clearly feel that the ceiling that originally limited his upper limit had been completely broken, and the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and skeletons throughout the body began to enter a new round of evolution and reorganization.

The most obvious of these is the unfathomable mystery of weight beginning to increase without changes in height and size.

And this increase in weight means that muscle density and skeleton density are constantly strengthening, and explosive power is almost one third higher than before.

As for stamina, there is no need to test it due to the hunter occupation panel.

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