Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1261


Hot blood!

Blood with wild and natural energy!

Alan's whole body was soaked by the blood spurting out of the wound, and 90% of the body's skin was severely burned. The whole body was like a boiled prawn, and the body surface was completely covered with a piece of skin. crimson.

I don't know why, but his internal organs were not damaged by the high temperature on the body surface. Instead, they drew some kind of power from the blood of the God of Dragon Hawk and began to produce mutations from within.

In just a few seconds, the burned areas were already not in pain, but became itchy and numb, and began to scab over, forming a thick layer. diaphragm.

Inside the septum, new muscle, skin and blood vessels regenerate at an extremely rapid rate.

Obviously, the blood of Jayale, the god of Dragon Hawk, seems to give people some kind of special power.

As a "Magic and Martial Dual Cultivation" person, Alan can clearly feel that his strength control over Fire Element is improving, and at the same time, a lot of Fire Element energy is beginning to be clenched in his body and giant in his hands The sword gathers inside.

It's a pity that his eyes are now completely blocked by the scabbed eyelids, so he can't see what's going on outside. It is possible to flow more to nourish the mortal body that is on the verge of collapse.

But compared to Alan, this is a completely different picture in the eyes of outsiders.

I saw the huge incarnation of the God of Dragon Hawk, with a human being in the sky frantically accelerating, spinning, diving, and even releasing a high-temperature flame that was enough to melt Thorium.

But no matter how tossed it, the seriously injured human being hung on it didn't mean to fall at all.

Just the opposite! As the giant sword was inserted deeper and deeper, the amount of bleeding began to increase, so that the God of Dragon Hawk began to scream, and moved towards the distance and stumbled away, and finally fell head down on the ground. In the distant valley, the surrounding forests, soil, and rocks were all burned to the ground.

The dazzling fire was no different from a volcanic eruption.


Soladin couldn't care about maintaining the majesty and demeanor of the emperor at this time, and his face was full of tension and anxiety.

Because Alan is too important to him, almost as important as the Arathor Empire.

After all, starting from conspiring to seize control of the tribe, and now unifying the entire human race, almost all plans and ideas have been strictly checked by Alan, so there is not even the slightest accident.


In the process of building the entire Arathor Empire, everything went incredibly smoothly.

So Thoradin trusted and relied on his teacher far more than anyone else.

Especially when the northern Amani trolls have begun to hostile to humans, such a helper with vision and wisdom is increasingly needed.

You must know that in the Arathor Empire, there are warriors who can go out with knives and fight the enemy desperately, and have the brains to build a national framework from scratch, as well as talents who improve laws and systems. , but there is only one.

"Your Majesty! Calm down! Duke Alan has said more than once that he doesn't die that easily. Our priority now is to kill all these trolls! When the trolls are dealt with, we will go within the valley It's not too late to check the Duke's situation." Another young officer next to him loudly discouraged.

What a joke!

At this time, if the emperor left the battlefield and headed for the distant valley, it would immediately affect the stability of the army.

And once the morale of the army is shaken, then the plan to wipe out the invading enemy will come to nothing.

"Alas—well, I admit that you're right. Let's kill all these trolls before us!" Thoradin quickly calmed down, with a twinkle in his eyes. The shivering rays of light.

Before the people around him could react, he urged the warhorse under his crotch to charge ahead, directly knocked down a troll warrior with the shield in his hand, and then let the warhorse step over the opponent's body.

The crisp sound of the broken bones and the troll's painful wailing fully demonstrated the anger in the Emperor's heart at this moment.

After all, Thoradin is not the kind of monarch who can only sit on a chair and give orders in the ordinary sense, and he is also a warrior with powerful strength.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen trolls fell at his feet.

The human nobles and soldiers saw the Imperial Capital personally join the battle, and they immediately burst into high morale, tightening the encirclement tighter and tighter, constantly squeezing the troll's activity space.

Even Ignaius, who was taking refuge in the cellar, rushed out of the cellar and joined the ranks of beating the underdogs.

The trolls realized that they were going to die today, and they all went into a frenzy, trying to kill as many human soldiers as possible before they were killed.

Even if you can't kill it, try to leave some wounds on the other side so that the next compatriot can easily kill them.

It's a pity that this kind of resistance of the fierce and unafraid of death only caused very few casualties.

On the contrary, because of their violent relationship, their brains were unable to think calmly, and then they rushed into the shield array recklessly and were strangled by tactics like a grinding disc of flesh and blood.

It's not like Thoradin hasn't done anything after unifying mankind.

Especially with regard to the construction of the army, it has never stopped.

The Imperial Family Guard Army he founded is essentially a training institution similar to mid-level and lower-level officers, with a number of around 1,000 people all year round.

Once a large-scale war breaks out and needs to recruit nobles, then these Guard armies will be dispersed and become organizers and order messengers, ensuring that even noble private armies can quickly integrate into the huge Legion. .

The most important thing is that this kind of placement is temporary, will not touch the bottom line of the nobles, and can greatly improve the battle strength, so it has basically been recognized by the upper ruling class of the Arathor Empire.

Now, the system is exercising its formidable power far ahead of its time.

Shields, daggers, long spears, flying axes, hooked sickles, Warhammers...

The cooperation between different arms makes the troll warriors unable to use their power and can only It is difficult to maintain balance even if pushed in a narrow range, let alone break through or counterattack.

In contrast, human armies advance and retreat in an orderly manner, constantly changing front-line soldiers, allowing everyone to rest in the heat of battle.

There is no doubt that in terms of system, the Arathor Empire composed of humans has been able to shake off the Amani Empire, which is still under the tribal union system.

And over time, this gap will become more and more pronounced.

Watching the warriors of the Deadwood Tribe continue to fall into a pool of blood, the heart of the troll warlord has sunk to the bottom.

Because he knew that he was doomed and lost so thoroughly that he didn't even have a chance to escape.

The woman in front of me who appeared out of nowhere is simply outrageous, and maybe she will be killed by that incredible sword in the next second.

The Troll Overseer couldn't understand at all, how did the human beings who were originally just scattered sand suddenly unified, and suddenly there were so many powerhouses?

"It's not a good habit to be distracted in battle."

With Artoria's slightly dissatisfied reminder, a cold light appeared out of thin air, fiercely's slash To the troll warlord's chest.


The Overseer reacted very quickly, and immediately put up his weapon to block the blow. He was forced to retreat several steps in a row to barely stabilize his body and not fall.

Feeling the numbness in his wrist, he lifts the head and asks in a very complicated tone: "When did you allies with the elves?"

"Alliance with the elves?"

Altolia froze for a moment, not knowing what the other party was talking about.

At least as far as she knows, the Arathor Empire has no intention of forming an alliance with the Spirit King of the North.

Because, according to Alan, that's not in the interests of humanity.

Only when the Spirit King country can't resist the attack of the trolls and collapses and immediately lends a helping hand, can the benefits be maximized.

"Don't you have an alliance? I clearly saw the silhouettes of two high elves in the fortress." The troll warlord continued to probe.

Artoria directly shouted the head: "No! We have not formed an alliance with the elves, and we will not conclude any alliances in a short time. Well, this is the end of the chat, then I should send You're off."

As the last word blurted out, she raised the golden lighted sword above her head.

The next second...

The dazzling rays of light are released from the sword, like a golden sun.

There is no doubt that this is the power of holy light.

It can even be said that he was the first user of holy light energy in Azeroth, much earlier than the first generation of priests who dreamed of the naaru spreading the teachings of holy light.

The troll warlord also injected magical energy into his weapons, trying to counteract the huge holy light energy.

Although he knew it was striking a stone with an egg, there was no better choice.

In this way, the two weapons finally collided, causing a deafening noise.

bang! ! ! !

The terrifying energy storm centered on the two of them quickly spread and spread all around.

Everything that was fifty meters in diameter disappeared!

When the storm dissipated, the troll warlord had been completely disappeared, leaving only the battered weapon that fell to the ground, emitting a faint magical glow.

"My lord, congratulations on killing another powerful enemy. As far as I know, anyone who is eligible to become an Overseer in the Amani Empire is a powerhouse." A Knight of the Knight regiment hurried Come forward to congratulate.

"no! It's not my credit, it's Alan's. If it wasn't for him consuming so much mana and stamina from this guy, I don't think it's as easy as it is now. You stay and wipe out the remaining enemies. , I'm going to see what happened to Alan. If he accidentally dies, it will definitely be a big problem."

After saying this, Arturia ignored her subordinates. In shock, he immediately whistled to bring the mount Summon over, then turned on his horse and ran straight towards the blazing valley in the distance.

With the death of the Overseer and the disappearance of the God of Dragon Hawk, the trolls, realizing that all resistance was futile, gradually lost their sense of resistance, and launched suicide charges to the tight phalanx ahead.

Half an hour passed, when the last troll also fell, the first battle between humans and trolls finally came to an end.

Although Alan's territory was badly damaged, he was victorious.

And the number of civilians and soldiers killed is not large, which is a big advantage in general.

The next thing to do is to clean up the battlefield and transport the corpses outside to dig pits and bury them to prevent a large-scale outbreak of plague.

Apart from this, the towns that have been almost destroyed by the flames also need to be rebuilt, and those who have taken refuge will also be resettled.

In short, the real challenger has just begun.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Alan.

He was now covered in a large amount of blood from the Dragon Hawk god all over his body, forming a huge egg.

As for the incarnation of this animal god, it has long since fallen to death due to excessive blood loss and a violent impact from the sky.

The huge corpse lay beside the egg.

The blood from the wound continued to concentrate under Alan's feet, forming a huge pool of blood.

And above and around this pool of blood, there is a blazing flame.

A large number of Fire Elements swarmed from the alien plane, greedily enjoying the enormous energy contained in the blood of the wild Demi-God.

Because the Fire Element was so concentrated, even the lava flowing deep in the valley began to become restless, tearing a small hole directly on the ground and erupting continuously.

"This is the power of the Demi-God in the wilderness of Azeroth? It's really terrifying!"

Artoria stood on the high slope and looked down from above The scene of the mountain within the valley, could not help but sigh.

You must know that this is not the real body of the God of Dragon Hawk, but an incarnation that came out of the living sacrifice summon.

But even so, it still has the power to easily destroy a city.

If Alan hadn't succeeded in killing him, the human army would have suffered heavy losses.

This also just proves how miserable the end will be if there is no magic in the magic world.

Without any hesitation!

Artoria left the warhorse in place, climbed down from the height with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and went straight to the vicinity of the huge egg on the ground, raised her hand and tapped the shell lightly, Ask in a half-joking tone: "Hey! Are you dead? Squeak if you're not dead!"


ka-cha ——ka-cha ——ka-cha ——

With a crisp sound, the shell on the surface of the egg soon appeared densely packed like a spider web , and finally burst open with a bang.

A naked man came out from the inside, holding a giant sword that was burning like a flame.

It is clear that the naked man is Alan himself.

Under the effect of half-body blood, not only all the injuries on his body were disappeared, but his skin looked abnormally healthy and rosy.

Lightly waving the giant sword in his hand will immediately bring forth a crimson fire.

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