Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1264

primordial, backward, riddled with poverty and famine...

Despite being a fairly large city, the nutrition and health of its inhabitants are quite poor.

The only sure thing is the fairly clean main street, the sewer system, and the soldiers in full-body plate armor.

Be aware that armor of this quality only appeared in the Earth Renaissance.

What's interesting is that it's been installed on a large scale in this city that looks like it's stuck in the Middle Ages no matter what.

Through powerful telepathy ability, Alan as easy as blowing off dust extracts enough information from the brain thinking and memory of pedestrians on both sides of the street, even in less than two or three seconds I learned the language of this world.

The Holy City - Rabona.

This is the name of the city under his feet, a typical city that has risen and prospered because of religious ties.

It's a pity, however, that Alan didn't feel even the slightest bit of a divine aura from the magnificent Great Saint Hall.

There is no doubt that, like the religions on Earth, the gods here were created by man.

Or it is used to unify thoughts, or to seize power and wealth, or to unite people's hearts to deal with the invasion of foreign enemies.

In short, nothing related to magic or the supernatural has been found so far.

Most of the pedestrians' minds are either pretending to make a little more money, or they are full of various desires, and there are even guys who are obsessed with some beautiful women in the street.

So in order to avoid seeing too many filthy things, Alan took the initiative to stop exploring the thoughts and memories of the people around him, and wandered aimlessly in the market, while silently thinking about the holy city in his heart. - The name Rabona.

He felt like he should have heard it, but he didn't know why he couldn't remember it.

After all, hundreds of years have passed since the memory of the previous life, and it is inevitable that some less important parts will become blurred.

But just as Alan was about to turn around and leave the city to look for clues in the wider space outside, he suddenly heard a man dressed as a businessman standing in front of several cargo-filled carriages. He patted his chest and said in a lingering tone: "God bless us! We finally arrived at the Holy City safely. We did not encounter bandits killing without blinking an eye, nor terrifying demons that cannibalize people along the way."

"Yeah! I'm so lucky! These are the most in-demand items, and they will definitely sell for a good price." Another youngster who was in charge of driving the car next to him also agreed with a look of happiness.

"When the goods are sold, I must go to the church to do a prayer to thank God for the gift."

Speaking, the merchant took out a statue made of silver from his clothes , put his face reverently on his forehead.

It can be seen that he is not pretending, but is really grateful to this fictional god.

But what really interested Alan was the word "demon".

Combining with the name of the city of Rabona, the holy capital, he finally realized that the place under his feet was where the story of "The Great Sword" took place?

"Interesting! I hope I'm not too late, otherwise I won't be able to see "Smiling Dinesha", which would be a pity."

With the end A word blurted out, Alan's feet suddenly exerted force, without warning, like a cannonball shot into the sky, startling the ordinary persons around him.

Especially the guards, who immediately ran over from a distance and looked at the deep pit formed by the huge impact on the ground, with expressions of shock and disbelief on their faces.

"Just... what happened just now?" a guy dressed like an officer asked in a trembling voice.


The nearest vendor subconsciously swallowed, cautiously replied: "I seem to see a person, a youngster with short silver hair, directly from Here jumped up and flew into the air."

"Are you sure it's a human? Isn't it some other monster?" A lot of sweat appeared on the officer's forehead.

"Sorry! It all happened so fast, and I didn't see it very well." The hawker stared at the sunken pit on the road, shaking uncontrollably.

As an ordinary person, he knows very well that just by the shocking leap just now, that mysterious youngster definitely has enough strength to destroy the entire street with no difficulty.

This is not an enemy that can be killed by numbers at all, but a more terrifying monster than a man-eating demon.

"Damn! How could such a monster appear in the Holy City? No way! I'll report this matter immediately."

After whispering the curse, the officer left two The soldiers stayed at the scene of the incident and walked quickly towards the cathedral in the center of the city.


Compared to the holy capital Rabona, which suddenly fell into a tense atmosphere, Alan, who was standing at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, seemed very relaxed. Perception ability swept the map below, and immediately found the beautiful woman with long golden hair and a faintly discernable smile on her face.

"Ah! I found you."

The next second...

Alan's body turned into a first-class of light, and it was impossible to use naked eyes. The captured speed dives down.

As the No. 1 organization, Denisa had just locked a few demons hidden in the town through her breath, and planned to kill these cannibalistic monsters to complete the commission.

But who would have thought that before she could do it, she suddenly felt a terror that was indescribable in words.

This is the first time she has felt Death Aura since her debut as Dajian. Her whole body is like a blown-up cat, instantly entering a state of full breath.

In just 0.1 seconds, Denisa's eyes changed from the iconic silver to golden, and the pupils also showed wild beast-like vertical pupils.

Without a doubt!

This is the first time she has entered a state of spare no effort.

Before this, no matter whether it was crusade against a large number of demons, or even the more powerful awakened, almost none of them had actively released their breath.

But now, in order to confront the unknown crisis that suddenly appeared above his head, he finally showed all his cards.

But just as Denisa was about to swing her sword, a stream of light suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the main road of the town ahead, making a deafening sound and vibration.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

In an instant, the terrifying shock wave directly destroyed everything within tens of meters.

Especially a few demons that have been identified, were torn to pieces on the spot without even holding on for a second.

Those ordinary persons were blown up and down by the aftermath, and some even scratched their heads and faces by the splashing stones.

As the dust in the sky gradually dissipated, Denisa finally saw the silhouette standing up slowly in the deep pit.

"Yo! Nice to meet you for the first time, smiling Denisa." Alan shook the dust on his body and greeted with a smile.

There is no doubt that if the world of Dajian is really only as shown in the original work, then this world is just a playground for him and does not pose any threat.

Even the so-called "spawn of the dragon", which was vaguely mentioned once, was nothing but a special biological weapon.

A large number of things like this can be made in the laboratory of Sky City in less than a few minutes, easily obliterating everything on this planet.

But Alan doesn't do that.

Compared to the brutal method that relies on brute force, he obviously prefers to wake up these controlled and brainwashed swords from the inside, and then kill them to find out all the secret mastermind in the organization. , kill them all in the most brutal way.

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" Denisa did not let her guard down, but subconsciously clenched the sword in her hand.

Although Alan never showed the slightest bit of hostility from beginning to end, she was still covered in hair, as if she was being targeted by terrifying predators in the wild when she was young.

After all, normally, if you drop it directly from this height, even a powerful awakened is impossible and safe.

But the young man in front of him didn't even have the slightest damage to his clothes, and his physical strength had reached an impervious to sword and spear level.

Denissa is not very sure, whether she can cut off the limbs and body of the monster in front of her as usual with the great sword in her hand that is enough to kill demons and awakeneds.


She, who has always been called a monster by others, also felt that Alan in front of her was worthy of the title of monster.

The most important thing is that she doesn't think the other person is human at all.

Alan also noticed this and responded with interest: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I know all the secrets about the organization and can change your destiny."


"hmph! Stop talking nonsense there! Die! Monster!"

After accumulating enough "Force", Denisa rushed up.

Her speed was obviously faster than the sound, but for some unknown reason, there was no noise of breaking through the sound barrier. She instantly appeared behind Alan and raised the giant sword in her hand, which was made of unknown material. , fiercely slashed to the most vulnerable neck of the human body.

In normal times, Denisa would definitely choose to split her head and body from the middle to divide the enemy into two, ensuring that it can kill with one hit.

But now, she has no confidence in cutting the hard skull at all, but instead stares at the most vulnerable neck.

must chop in!

Denissa is biting hard, and there is no longer the slightest calmness in normally. When the whole person is in the state of full breath, both the expression and the muscles become extremely hideous.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, the great sword, which had never suffered any damage, actually snapped into two pieces the moment it slashed Alan's seemingly slender and fragile neck.

The first half of it tumbled and separated, and finally slammed into the ground.




As an experienced great sword, Denisa couldn't believe that someone in this world could withstand his full strength attack without being hurt.

What's even more outrageous is that even a great sword with a twisted edge and a gap that has been chopped against a stone for days and nights breaks in an instant.

In contrast, Alan just touched the white mark that appeared on his neck and asked with a sneer, "What are you doing? Are you tickling me? I sincerely advise you not to have any more.

Do any useless work, otherwise only yourself will be hurt. Also, don't think of me as awakened, I don't have the bad habit of eating people."


This is troublesome!

Dinissa lowered her head and glanced at the bleeding fingers that were trembling violently due to the reaction force, and her heart suddenly sank to a low point.

After confirming that all the demons in this village had been smashed to death by the opponent's impact from the sky, she immediately activated her amazing speed without saying a word, and disappeared in the forest outside the town in three or two times. There, only the local residents who were unknown and so confused were left.

Just as Denisa escaped on the front foot, a Guardian on the back foot appeared out of thin air, one-knee kneels fell in front of Alan, and reported in a low voice: "Sir, we have found this The source of the mysterious energy in the world. Do you need to take action to collect samples?"

"Samples?" Alan touched the chin with a looked thoughtful expression.

"Yes! On this planet, there are several special creatures that exude a strong atmosphere. Although their strength can only be said to barely reach the level of high-level miscellaneous soldiers, their genes The genetic code it carries is quite interesting and very valuable for research." Guardian answered in the affirmative without hesitation.

In his opinion, this barren planet has nothing of value other than these interesting genetic samples.

No way, who made Sky City get so much in the last world that a relatively low-level world like Dajian couldn't be of much interest at all.

"Don't worry, the game needs to be played little by little, wouldn't it be too boring to push all the bosses too quickly?"

After thinking for a while, Alan immediately refused. Guardian's proposal.

He's not sure what kind of damage it will do to the plot if he captures all the guys named Abyss or just kills them.

It would be a lot of fun if Denisa couldn't meet Claire.

"What about the other continent besides the land under my feet?" Guardian obviously didn't give up, and continued to ask perseveringly.

"The other continent? you like. But remember to keep the action small, I don't want any impact here. Okay, this is the end of the chat. I'll go after the smiling one. Dinessa, please stop by and inform Artoria, let her not make too much noise, and don't destroy that organization in a fit of rage."

After exhorting, Alan was on the spot. It turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

He had locked on Denisa's breath just now, so no matter how far the so-called strongest warrior in history ran, it was impossible to escape the tracking enough to cover the entire planet.

Next, this "Goddess" may have a painful and troubled life.

Alan, who is idle and has nothing to do, will let the other party know what it is called a brown candy that is impossible to get off once it is glued.

To deal with a cold-hearted and determined woman like Denisa, stalking is often the most effective way.

(PS gastroenteritis is committed, the latest update is unstable, sorry)

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