Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1267

The Far East.

This is where the organization manufactures and trains warriors of the Great Sword.

It is also a place where biochemical experiments are carried out secretly to create demons and awakeneds.

It can even be said that more than 80% of the pain, misfortune and evil in this land are directly or indirectly related to this place.

However, today, all the black clothed agents who were supposed to be scattered all over the place to arrange tasks, gather intelligence, and raise funds for the great swordswoman warrior, all received an emergency call and returned to the headquarters to participate in a meeting. The largest conference since the organization was established.

As for the content, it must be related to the sudden appearance of Alan and Artoria.

Although they appeared for a very short time, the terrifying power they displayed from a limited number of shots made these secret masterminds, who originally had absolute control over the situation, feel the fear from their hearts.

Some guys even began to suspect that the two were new secret weapons sent by hostile countries in the continent to destroy the biochemical experiments carried out by the organization here.

After all, even the awakened of semifinished products has been able to play the role of a stable front at critical moments with its extremely strong self-recovery ability and destructive power.

Although it is highly uncontrollable, it might even be unlucky with its own people.

But this is currently the only weapon that can fight the Spawn of Dragons.

even more how, for more than 100 years, the top management of the organization has been corrupted and degenerate from the inside, and even enjoys being in this island where productivity, technology and social and cultural development are extremely backward. The feeling of king domination.

They absolutely do not want to see any foreign forces intervening, or even their own enemies.

At the moment, the black clothed agent in charge of Denisa is pointing at a sketch of Alan and said: "This is the first male suspect we found. Visually, he is about 20 years old, and his height is about one. Over 8 meters tall, slightly emaciated, with short silver hair, violet pupils, and wearing strange costumes that are completely different from most people in this land. He first appeared in Santa Rabona with an incredible leap A huge deep pit was left near the city gate. According to the description of the witnesses and organization No.1 Denisa, he should have jumped directly from the holy city to a village thousands of kilometers away.”

"What? Thousands of kilometers in one jump? How is that possible!" another black clothed agent interrupted loudly.

"Believe it or not, this is the truth. Depending on the time, it may take less than five minutes from the time he jumps to the town where Denisa is on a mission. , all witnesses claimed to have seen a ray of light. Those demons hidden in the ordinary person were not even able to transform, they were torn apart by the destructive power generated by the impact, and even the slightly complete corpse could not be preserved. Most importantly, I don't know if it was intentional or coincidental, the impact only killed the demon, not the ordinary person. Do you know what it means if it's not a coincidence?"

Dini Sha's agent lifts the head glanced at his colleagues around him, his tone full of seriousness and solemnity.

Having strong destructive power is not terrifying, but terrifying is the perfect control of distance and scope while destroying.

For a moment, the dimly lit room fell into a dead silence.

After about a few minutes, the leading talent took a deep breath and said: "Okay. Let's stop here about male suspects, and then discuss female suspects."

"According to the information collected from several western villages and towns, the female suspect should appear at the same time as the male suspect. The height is between 1.5 and 1.6 meters, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and quite luxurious clothes. Armor, and holds a great sword that is said to exude golden holy light. She calls herself Arturia Pandragon, and she also uses a unique gold coin when buying food and lodging with civilians along the way.”

Speaking, another black clothed agent took out several gold coins with special patterns from his pocket.

You don't need to ask to know that these are all things that are transformed from precious metals such as gold and silver through the magic item of Sky City.

The quality and craftsmanship can threw away this world, especially the hundreds of streets in this land at the foot.

A group of high-level members in the organization were obviously stunned by the exquisite patterns on the gold coin and the size and weight of the same size, and they all came together to take a closer look.

You must know that this island controlled by the organization, although there are also metal currencies such as gold, silver and copper, the casting process is even, and it is even impossible to find two identical in size.

The real value of some gold coins is even less than 50%, and they are often very worn. After a long time, the pattern will become more and more blurred, and eventually disappear completely.

How many of these are in front of you?

Just the delicate pattern like hair is enough to prove the strong technical level of the forces behind it.

When Arturia took out such gold coins to buy food from the villagers, the other party was so frightened that she knelt down and didn't dare to pick it up.

"Damn! How have I never seen a gold coin like this?" a black clothed agent couldn't help but whisper cursed.

"I haven't seen it either! It seems that the organization is ready to face unprecedented challenges this time. What is the outcome of the battle between the female suspect and Lifu Road of the West?" Another agent browses tightly frowns asked.

The agent in charge of the report replied without thinking: "It should be the Livlu fiasco! At the scene, we found a lot of wreckage, as well as the awakened wreckage torn to pieces by some powerful force. However, according to According to the "Eye" report, Livlu should not have died, but escaped. Or, the female suspect deliberately let her go for unknown reasons."

"Livlu Where are you now? Can you take the opportunity to capture her and get more information from her?" Denisa's agent suddenly interjected.

The former shook the head with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid not. Livlu was obviously overly frightened, and now he has completely hidden his breath, it is estimated that he will not dare to show his face for a long time. When I think of her, I am more worried about the reaction of Isri in the north and Lucy Aila in the south. You know that the three of them have been fighting for territory, and the sudden power vacuum in the west is very likely to cause the war to resume."

"Hey—it's really troublesome. First, there are two outsiders who don't know the details but their strength is terrifying, followed by the battle between the three abyssmen. Can't we just get in touch with the two suspects directly , at least to confirm whether they are a gang," suggested an agent who remained silent.

"Direct contact? With the terrifying strength they have shown, do you think there will be serious consequences for the organization to contact them rashly without having the same battle strength? We can't take risks! "

"Isn't even the No.1 Denessa called monster?"

"Denessa had a brief fight with the male suspects. She The big sword in his hand can't hurt the opponent at all."

"What? This is impossible! The metal used in the big sword was specially developed to deal with the descendants of the dragon!"

" Maybe... we should try to get in touch with the continent and see if they have any clues."

"Contact? No kidding! If those senior officials knew we lost control of the situation, for sure Will find an excuse to send someone to take over everything. When the time comes, the organization and credit we have built so hard will be taken away by others."

"Makes sense!"

" Anyway, just watch it for a while. I recommend not giving the top warriors too many tasks lately, so they can be called at any time."


"Just do it Let's go!"

After a brief debate, the executives finally came to an agreement.

Instead of asking for help from the country behind them, they want to solve all the problems on their own and maintain control of the island.


At the same time, after a long journey for several days, Denisa has arrived at the mission location - Theo City.

Without Alan to follow, she seems to have regained her normal indifference, arrogance and confidence.

At the moment when they stood at the door, many vendors and pedestrians on the street showed panic or fear on their faces.

No nonsense!

No need for any nonsense either!

Standing in place for about a second, the strongest warrior in history locked the demon hidden among the humans through his powerful perception ability.

The next second...

She disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared behind a middle-aged greasy uncle with a half-bald head at lightning speed.

Before the surrounding people could react to what happened, dazzling blood spurted out from the chest and abdomen, the whole person split in half from the middle, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Get rid of one first!"

Dinisa turned her head slightly and stared at the fallen corpse, without the slightest emotion in her tone.

At this moment, she is like Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice on Snow Mountain, making people involuntarily want to shiver and feel chills down their spines.

Some women who had never seen a bloody killing immediately began to shout out one's head out of fear.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!"


"Bastard! What the hell are you doing?"

The crowd in panic and confusion began to retreat uncontrollably.

A youngster who appeared to be in his early twenties also tried to stand up and shout loudly, wanting to attract more people to stand up against the "Silver-Eyed Demoness" in front of him.

Unfortunately, before anyone could respond, silver's great sword passed through his chest, splitting the guy's upper body in two.

"The second one!"

Denessa whispered in a voice that only she could hear.

"Not good! The sword is killing humans!"

A demon disguised as a human shouted as he ran, trying to create more chaos for himself escaped successfully.

If it is replaced by other warriors, his strategy may be able to play a certain role.

But in front of Denisa, who has a super perception, she was caught up and beheaded ruthless without even living a second.

At the last moment before he died, he could even see the faint smile on the other party's delicate doll-like face.

"The third one!"

In just a few seconds, this woman fully showed everyone her terrifying strength as No.1.

When the fourth demon was also beheaded, the rest were finally no longer hidden, and they released their power to become cannibalistic monsters.

Seeing this scene, Denisa sarcastically said in a slightly mocking tone: "It's too slow! You have to release all Monster Qi to prepare for the battle as soon as you confirm my appearance. But well "..."

While speaking, the two demons rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, waving their claws as sharp as blades, trying to pierce the heart of the terrifying enemy in front of them.

But after just one tenth of a second, the two fell to the ground almost simultaneously and turned into corpses.

No one could even see exactly how the two demons were killed.

"No matter how much you plan to struggle, it's meaningless."

After saying that, Denisa flicked off the blood stained on her sword, turned around and glanced at it. Those who lose one's head out of fear.

The latter was obviously frightened by the sudden fighting and killing. No matter who was caught by those silver eyes, they would immediately retreat back and forth in fright, so much so that some men who were big or three didn't pay attention. Kicked things like baskets, stones, etc., and fell on the ground, making a fool of himself.

There is no doubt that the Great Sword is not popular with the ordinary person in this land, and its special status as half-human and half-monster is naturally one of them.

And this kind of indifference, which is completely irrelevant to the feelings of the common people, also has a considerable negative effect.

Just when Denisa locked the last demon hiding behind the little girl, she suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her: "Yo! I haven't seen you for a few days, wouldn't you Did I forget?"

Hearing this sentence, Denisa didn't even bother to deal with the last demon, she quickly turned around and stared at Alan who disappeared and appeared out of thin air. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "You've been following me in the dark these days?"

"no! I've been dealing with some other things recently, so I've been delayed for a few days. I only came here from far away. Besides, I think you should finish your work first.”

Alan also noticed the silhouette of the young Claire, and an expression of interest appeared on his face immediately. .

He came all the way to see the encounter of the "Twin Goddess" with his own eyes.

"hmph! Use the little child as a shield? I'm really being underestimated."

Dinisa lightly snorted, turned into an afterimage and rushed out again.

The last demon didn't even know what happened, and followed in the footsteps of his other companions.

Blood splashed like a fountain on the young Claire's body and hair.

Changed to a normal teenage little girl, who should have been screaming and fainted by now.

But little Claire's face didn't show the slightest reaction, and she just stood motionless in the same place.

About two minutes later, she turned around and raised her head, looking at the "Goddess" who saved herself from hell.

At the moment when the eyes of the two collided, the gear of fate began to turn...

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