Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1293

The Land of the East.

Organization headquarters.

Two guys, all covered in cloaks and hoods, are standing in an all black, no daylight underground laboratory, going through the most recent data and records.

After more than ten minutes, one of the men with a gloomy and old voice asked, "Daye, how far do you think we are from the goal of our dreams?"

"Sorry, Lemoto, I can't give you an accurate answer. But this thing called life energy can really effectively curb the strong side effects of transplanting the blood of the dragonborn. The critical point that can generally be tolerated is about 60 to 70% of the demon power released, but after mastering the life energy, most warriors can increase the limit to 90%. Even some individuals with extraordinary natural talent, even if It is a self-awareness that is 100% awake and still able to maintain a lucid self-awareness, and does not produce a desire for flesh and viscera."

The person called Daye slowly lifts the head, revealing a picture that looks like a car accident scene the same face.

The right side is still normal, but not only most of the muscles on the left half have atrophied and festered.

And there are no eyelids around the eyes, most of the entire eyeball is exposed to the air, and the optic nerve connecting the brain can be vaguely seen behind.

apart from this, there was also a large-scale tear in the lips, directly exposing the red gums and white teeth.

On this look, I don't even need makeup to play a zombie or a ghost.

Just standing there can scare most normal people to death.

There is no doubt that he is the head of the organization who is responsible for technical aspects. He personally created a series of monsters including three abyss, as well as Denisa and the Dark Twins.

In order to test the formidable power of the blood and blood of the descendant of the dragon, he was so crazy that he experimented with himself and felt the inhuman pain.

The current respected appearance is also the repercussions produced during that time.

As for the old man called Remoto, he is the real controller of the organization, and he is also the devil who started the hellish state of the island.

Compared to Daye's enthusiasm for research, he remained calm from beginning to end and asked meaningfully: "What about the progress of life energy?"

Daye Jess replied without thinking: "So far, I can basically confirm that life energy is the product of the combination of physical strength and spirit strength of the creature itself. Anyone can sense and control it through exercise, but generally speaking, physical fitness The taller and the stronger the will is, the more amazing the life energy will be. Especially warriors who have been transformed by the descendants of the dragon and survived are naturally suitable for learning this very powerful power. In addition, I also found a An interesting phenomenon. That is, some people who pay too much attention to cultivation life energy will show a downward trend in their own Monster Qi weight, but the total amount of life energy will show an upward trend. However, if they pay too much attention to Monster Qi's energy Exercising and ignoring the vital energy will present completely different results."

"You mean...the vital energy and Monster Qi can be transformed into each other to some extent?"

Remoto immediately understood what the technical chief Chief-In-Charge wanted to convey, and his eyes flashed with strange rays of light.

"That's right!" Daye nodded without thinking. "After all, Monster Qi is essentially an energy created by the combination of body and spirit. The only difference between the two is that Monster Qi strengthens only the cells themselves, while life energy can attach to various parts of the body and weapons. Either to strengthen the attack, or to defend. If I'm not wrong, the man must have hidden something and didn't teach us all the skills."

"What? It's not yet. All!" A look of surprise appeared on Remoto's face.

"Yes! According to my observation, life energy produces transformation according to the personality, experience and strong will of the individual. That is, it is affected by emotions, especially intense emotions. And this Such changes often endow life energy with some special properties. About this, the man named Alan must know. And this, should be the real secret of life energy."

In speaking of this remark At that time, Daye became extremely excited.

As an insane researcher, he now desires more than anyone to get hold of these secrets and finally create the perfect and strongest weapon.

Remoto touched the chin for a moment, and then quickly asked: "If I let you make warriors at all costs now, and then let them learn life energy, and finally all awaken 100%. Do you think success What will the rate be?"

"No more than 20 percent. You should be most aware of the effects the dragonspawn flesh and blood may have on people. Although life energy can help warriors resist that strong Instinct and impulse, but in the end it depends on personal will. If you want to increase the strength of the organization by this method, it is better to dismiss the idea as soon as possible.” Daye Ruthless shattered the delusion of his own leader.

He understands that Remoto wants to accomplish the ultimate goal of the organization, that is, to mass-produce controllable awakened, or even abyss-level battle strength, to win this protracted war for the motherland.

But from a technical point of view, it is clearly far from being done.

"Okay, then continue with your experiment. I'll see if I can figure out a way to get more of the life energy secrets out of the man's mouth. Alas - if you can stay with the continent at this time. The communication is smooth. I don't know what's going on there."

When he mentioned his hometown, Remoto immediately showed a worried look.

After all, this time is not a few months to a year, but a full decade.

Although he also tried to send a few small boats to cross the sea, in the end they all went but never returned.

This long-term isolation has led to a cloud of gloom over the entire organization.

"Don't worry, the situation will always get better. Compared with the interruption of communication, I am more worried about the three abysses in the north. According to the information, they seem to have also learned the use of life energy. It may go south to launch a general attack on us here." Daye reminded meaningfully.

"I know! Especially Isri! Even the blind can feel his ambition."

With that, Remoto put on his hood again, turned and disappeared in the End of hallway with all black, no daylight.

Daye, who stayed where he was, turned his attention to the corpses immersed in an unknown solution not far away, one of which was Denisa whose hands and head had been chopped off.

There is no doubt that the organization secretly collected the corpse of the best No.1 in history in preparation for the upcoming war.

In the event of an emergency, they can immediately use these corpses to create several awakeneds that are comparable to the abyss or even the super abyss.


At the same time, in the laboratory of Sky City, Denisa, who has been exercising Soul Power for more than a hundred years, finally reached the level of obtaining a new body. Pass line.

Right now, she is standing in front of a huge container, staring at the sleeping female body inside and asking without looking back, "Can I get in now?"

"no! Wait a minute! I haven't finished debugging. Before I start debugging, I take the liberty to ask. Do you want to keep the original black hair and black eyes, or the blonde and silver eyes after the transformation ?" Alan asked with interest.

"Can it be adjusted?" Denisa was obviously a little surprised.

Especially the appearance of black hair and black eyes before becoming Dajian, she has always been unable to forget and let go.

But after hesitating, she still refused with a wry smile: "Forget it, it's better to keep blond hair and silver eyes. Otherwise, I'm afraid Claire won't recognize me when we meet. "

"Trust me, no matter what you become, Claire will recognize you immediately. Just like you can recognize her no matter what she becomes. But I Respect your choice."

Speaking, Alan gestured to the Guardian who was debugging.

The latter understood and immediately modified a series of parameters on the instrument.

In the blink of an eye, the hair color of the flesh in the container turned into a dazzling golden, and the pupils also showed a beautiful silver.

When the final confirmation button was pressed, all the blue liquid in the container was evacuated in just a few seconds, and a large number of tubes and needles also fell off.

Seeing this scene, Denisa immediately realized that the final debugging was over, and the whole person was in a naked body in a state of soul.

The next second...

The pupils of the body, which had been dilated indifferently, suddenly began to focus.

Then jumped up from the ground, lying on the ground and vomiting the solution remaining in the stomach, lungs and mouth and nose.

After she spit it all out, Denisa slowly raised her right hand and tapped lightly on the wall of the container.



This super-strengthened glass, which is enough to withstand the large-caliber Vulcan cannon, was smashed with no difficulty.

There is no doubt that this new body is anything but ordinary.

“How are you feeling now?” Alan asked with a smile.

"Fantastic! I feel like I can strangle this bastard Pricia with my bare hands right now," Denissa responded with a murderous-looking look.

She will never forget how this damn despicable villain used her sympathy to take advantage of the sneak attack, which eventually led to the tragedy.

As a person who has revenge, Denisa can't wait to return to the island and announce her return to everyone.

And she still has an account, and she has to figure it out with the top of the organization.

But Alan smiled and shook the head: "Hehe, don't worry, I think you should take a shower now, then change into a suit, and then go to the treasure house to select weapons and armor, and put Wrap yourself from head to toe. I don't want you to be identified too soon, the game would be pretty boring."

"The game?"

Dinesha He took the spray head handed by the Guardian and started rinsing the body.

Besides Alan, there is no creature that can be called a "man" in the entire laboratory, so she is quite relaxed, and she doesn't mean to be shy and want to block.

After rinsing, use the bracelet function to put on a set of tight clothes made of nanomaterials.

To be honest, although Denisa has lived in the Sky City for more than 100 years, she is still shocked by the dazzling technology and magic here.

"en! Otherwise, what do you think I've been doing all these years? If it's just to pull the organization up by the roots, or destroy the country behind the organization, do you think I can use my power? Is it so troublesome?"

Alan said as he opened the Transmission Gate and walked into a treasure trove of armor and weapons.

Dinisa followed closely from behind, lifts the head and looked at the surrounding treasure, which is enough to make the entire world go crazy, and sighed slightly: "That's right. Well. You should be trying to wake up all the great swords, and the people on the island. And then get involved in this revenge yourself, right?"

"That's right! I think anyone One should not expect to be saved, but one should save oneself first.

even more how man is a forgetful creature.

Only great victories through hard work and sacrifice can lead to To be remembered, only what is gained through struggle will be cherished.

Imagine if I just used outrageous violence to destroy the organization and the country behind it.

Then several Decades and even hundreds of years later, will the ordinary person still remember what happened back then?

The answer is obviously no.

But if they get involved themselves and see their peers constantly Even after hundreds or even thousands of years, it will not be easily forgotten.

Even this revenge itself will become a part of history.”

Alan didn't hide anything and gave his reasons generously.

"Listening to what you said, I think it's very similar to this organization cultivating a great sword, and then letting us help fight demons. The reason why those ordinary people show fear and disgust is because they don't have get involved, always in a state of being rescued, and have no desire to save yourself at all."

While speaking, Denisa picked up a typical game-style sexy piece from the shelf next to her. armor.

You don't need to ask to know that the person who designed and built it was definitely an out-and-out old-fashioned critic.

Not only can it bring out the proud upper circumference of wearing women, but also hollow out the thighs, shoulders and lower abdomen.

That kind of faintly discernible temptation is simply more exciting than being naked.

What's interesting is that this set should only be used as a cosplay look, but it has a heavy armor-level defensive power and a lot of enchanting effects.

The helmet has abandoned the standard fully enclosed style, and only retains a butterfly-shaped eye patch...

Alan can't imagine that Denisa is walking on the street wearing such an armor. What kind of commotion it will cause.

But Denessa was obviously quite interested in this "chic" armor, and it didn't take long to put it on.

There is no doubt that the reason why she chose this one is that it is similar to the design concept of tight clothes, shoulder pads, arm pads, and iron boots like the big sword, which ensures agility in battle. and speed will not be affected by the weight of the armor.

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