Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1345




As the expeditionary force officially set foot on this continent, almost all the villages and towns within a 100-kilometer radius with Fortress City as the center were devastated.

Soldiers who were full of hatred and hatred for this country rushed into the house of the ordinary person in an extremely rude way, gathered everyone, regardless of gender, age, or child, and robbed all valuable items and items in an organized manner. the most important food.

Before leaving, I did not forget to set a fire to burn up the thriving crops and houses in the fields.

If you encounter a little resistance on the way, you will immediately ruthless kill the whole family of those who dare to resist.

With the brutal and brutal repression, thousands of ordinary persons were forced to transport their own belongings and food, and brought their families to this ruined port city.

When they saw the tragic situation of the huge port fortress being ravaged by artillery, their last bit of resistance also disappeared.

Because in a large number of mutilated corpses, they saw the transformation warrior used to resist the enemy's secret weapon - the descendant of the dragon.

Even these transformation warriors with powerful powers have been slaughtered. Wouldn't an ordinary person with little power like himself be given in vain.

even more how, when being plundered and driven away, some translators have explained to these people the origin of the expeditionary force, as well as the organization and the country behind the organization, at the behest of Alan. What a crazy experiment.

So most ordinary persons who lost everything overnight, understand that the current situation is actually a naked act of revenge.

In the event of a large-scale resistance, the fully armed soldiers will be more than happy to raise their butcher knives and start an indiscriminate slaughter.

In order not to give the enemy any excuse to kill themselves, the overwhelming majority prisoners were extremely obedient. Even if they were beaten and insulted, they silently submitted to humiliation, for fear of accidentally angering the other party and causing damage to themselves and their families. Lose your life.

Looking at the fear occasionally revealed in the eyes of these ordinary persons, Alan's face showed a hint of playfulness that was not easily detectable, and asked without looking back: "Is this all there is?"


“en! Yes! Due to the border, the population is relatively small. Within a radius of 100 kilometers, we only caught these. In addition, according to your request, those who used to be the village chiefs and so on Families with duties, as well as people who are literate and master knowledge and history, are all cleaned up immediately." A shaggy middle-aged man pursed his lips and smiled cruelly.

As a member of Knight's regiment, his young daughter and wife died ten years ago in the battle of the awakened invasion of the city led by "Silver-Eyed Lion King" Ricardo.

Therefore, this guy is full of strong hatred for the organization that created demons and awakeneds, and all he thinks about is how to destroy the country behind the organization, even if he turns into a demon for this.

In fact, including most members of the Knight regiment, as well as those recruited sailors and soldiers, 99% of their family members or friends died tragically at the hands of demons and awakeneds.

As victims, they never thought of going back alive this time, they just hoped to cause as much killing and destruction as possible before dying.

Without a doubt!

This is a bunch of Avengers!

In their eyes, there is no so-called innocence at all. The entire country, from the ruling class to the civilians, are all enemies.

Alan's satisfied nodded: "Good job! Remember to throw the spills of war to those merchants, and leave grain, poultry, livestock and all kinds of meat, eggs, and vegetables."

"Please rest assured, I have already arranged everything. According to those merchants, when they came, they stumbled upon a small island with a small area, less than two days' voyage from the continent, just enough to be used for As a transit station for storing supplies. Later, we can transport some of the food, poultry and livestock that cannot be loaded there, and use it as a forward base." The middle-aged man said, and winked at his soldiers.


Hundreds of soldiers waved their weapons and gathered the prisoners scattered all around the ruins to the square cleared out in the center.

All of a sudden, all kinds of pleadings and screams out of fear were heard incessantly.

These civilians were obviously terrified and thought they were going to kill them all.


When the crowd was densely packed together, the soldiers did not take any further action, but just stared at these enemies with cold and hateful eyes.

Now with a single order, they will immediately swarm up, covering the square with blood and corpses.

Unfortunately, the hated soldiers did not wait for the expected killing order in the end.

"My lord, I think these captives can be good slaves. You know, we are very short of healthy and strong labor right now. We businessmen have just discussed, and we are willing to give each person ten Silver Coins. The price is to buy men and women between the ages of twelve and forty from the expeditionary force."

A fat-headed businessman took the opportunity to come up and make a suggestion about the slave trade.

As he said, under the control of the organization for a hundred years, the withered population on the island simply cannot satisfy the half-footed western land that has stepped into the first industrial revolution.

As the saying goes, if there is demand, there will be a market, and if there is a market, there will be huge benefits.

In addition, most businessmen have no moral bottom line at all. As long as it is profitable, let alone the people of the enemy country as slaves to buy and sell, even their own biological parents and children can clearly mark the price.

Noticing the hot rays of light in the eyes of the military businessmen behind him, Alan sneered and called the head: "Do you want slave control? You are really brave! You know that with this continent If the slave system is implemented, what kind of terrifying situation will the entire country face in the future? Believe me! It won't be long before you or your descendants will be killed to the last one in the successive slave riots. Slave The system is too backward, you should consider another way to make up for the shortage of labor force. Besides, I have other uses for these people.”

After saying this, Alan ignored it. With stunned expressions, the businessmen walked straight to the high platform, coughed lightly, and then added a magic to themselves to increase the volume of their speech.

The next second...

His voice echoed over the entire square.

The captives, who were terrified at first, also realized that this was the leader of the enemy was about to make a speech, so they kept their mouths shut and kept quiet.

"Guys, I think you've heard on the way here who we are and what we're here for. That's right! It's all up to the rulers of the upper echelons of your country. It's them Inhuman behavior led to today's revenge war..." Alan began to explain to the captives in the audience in the language unique to this continent.

You don't need to ask to know that he did this in order to divert the conflict, to change the hatred of these civilians from the expeditionary army to the ruling class of his own country, so as to reduce the burden of robbing other villages in the future.

"But we don't know anything! We are just a bunch of innocent peasants! If you want to take revenge, you should also take revenge on the aristocratic lords who live in big cities!" A woman who looked to be in her thirties Take the courage to shout out loud.

Alan glanced at the other party and immediately smiled and asked back: "Innocent? Then I ask, are the countries on the island that were destroyed by your country innocent? Those who were treated as consumables were made to eat people. Are the monster's children innocent? Are the civilians who were killed and eaten innocent? So don't tell me innocent, there is no who is innocent in this world. The tax you pay for farming is the greatest support for this country."

"Those damn bastards!" the curse of the woman's gnashing teeth.

Not only her, but other captives around her began to curse the rulers who lived in the city and manor with all kinds of obscene words.

After all, class contradiction is always the biggest contradiction in society.

These people at the bottom who have been exploited and oppressed for a long time are full of dissatisfaction and resentment against the upper ruling class.

In addition, Alan deliberately used words to amplify and intensify the original contradiction, and naturally he got the result he wanted.

After scolding for a while, the woman who took the lead just now stood up again and continued to ask in a slightly trembling voice: "What are you going to do with us? Kill us? Or as slaves?"

"Rest assured, I will not kill you, nor will I demote you to slaves. After all, compared to your country, we still have the bottom line as human beings. Later, I will make soldiers I will leave you with enough food for ten days, as well as some weapons and armor. As for what you do with these ten days of rations and weapons, that is not my concern." Alan deliberately pretended to be "I am good man" look.

"What? Ten days of rations? We can't live with this food!"

"Yeah! You burned down our house and farmland, even if there were seeds. Akita will not have enough food to feed everyone until next year.”

“Please, please do me a favour, and give us a little more food.”

Facing the possibility of starvation to death, all the civilians present fell into a state of hysteria.

Some of them knelt on the ground, some tried to squeeze in front, and some tried to sell their daughters or sons in exchange for some rations to live on.

For these people's pleadings, the hard-hearted Alan was not moved at all, just shouted loudly with no expression on his face: "Quiet! Who gave you the courage to ask me unsatisfied? I didn't. Killing all of you is already very kind. Don't forget, in addition to ten days' rations, I also gave you weapons and equipment. Since you don't have enough food to eat, why don't you grab it? Don't you forget? Is there a large amount of food stored in the manor and city where the nobles live? Even if you can't beat the well-defended manor and city, can't you even beat the similarly defenseless village?"


Everyone was stunned.


With weapons and equipment, you can grab it without food!

Especially the honest and timid peasants, as if suddenly opened the door to the New World.

In just a few minutes, the eyes that were full of fear and fear became dangerous.

Even with each other, they began to have a strong sense of mutual defense.

Be quiet!

terrifying quiet!

The bizarre atmosphere was passed at an extremely fast speed, and finally all the tens of thousands of captives completed their ideological transformation.

Alan immediately showed a satisfied smile after realizing this, and turned around to instructed: "Go, give each of them ten days' rations, as well as a sword and a piece of armor."


"As you wish."

The middle-aged Knight with a full beard patted his chest hard, and immediately brought hundreds of soldiers and began to distribute food one by one in order with weapons.

Normally speaking, these ordinary people who get rations and weapons should run away immediately.

But they did the opposite, quickly gathering in the wilderness beyond the ruins, bound together by family, bloodline, and territory.

As the day darkened, an expected attack and killing began.

The party with the larger number of people begins to kill the party with the smaller number of people.

Snatch food and weapons from them, and force adult men into their ranks to act as cannon fodder.

gradually, the little gangs grow and develop like a snowball.

After waiting for two days, there have been several teams with more than 1,000 people.

After confirming that each other was not a good target for robbery, the leaders of these teams quickly attacked villages and towns a hundred kilometers away.

Because of the existing experience, every time these rioters captured a place, they would ruthless kill all the old people and children, leaving only the young women as tools to vent their animal desires.

As for adult males, they are all incorporated into the army and thrown to the front line in the next battle.

After a few robberies and beastly lust, they naturally became part of the group.

Admiring the riot provoked by Alan himself, Galadia took a deep breath and sighed slightly: "It's really terrifying. Just a few words can make a country from Internal chaos, it seems that it won't take long for the promise of this piece of continental blood to flow into a river to be fulfilled."

"terrifying?" Alan shook the head in disbelief. "No, it's not that I'm terrifying, it's that I have a little bit more knowledge. Do you know what learning is for?"

"For what?" asked in a tone.

Alan replied with a smile: "It's for a better, deeper, and more objective understanding of this world and what's going on. Only when you really understand this world, you won't be fooled by the messy information. , words and thoughts. Similarly, when you really understand this world, you will find that most of the people around you are very stupid and ignorant, and they are easy to be influenced and persuaded. And I just took advantage of this..."

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