Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1352

Nothing is more deterrent than a batch of bloody heads.

If it doesn't work, it only means that the number of these heads is not enough, or the identity of the owner of the head is not important enough.

When Alan filled the plaza with the heads of thousands of Dragonspawn and the huge dragon head of Calicados, the country that was still eating away at its expanding power, immediately Ordered to stop all military operations and withdraw troops to the original line of actual control.

As for the reason, of course, it was the threatening letter sent along with countless heads.

And within an hour of this letter being delivered, the unfathomable mystery of the Spawn of Dragons deployed in armies everywhere is dead.

Judging from the tragic conditions at the scene, they were all killed by sharp swords without exception.

In other words, the secret weapon that the entire country relies on for hegemony, the descendant of the dragon, has completely disappeared from the world.

After intense discussions in the Supreme Council, the high-level officials finally came to a judgment, that is, those who do this have 100% the ability to destroy themselves with no difficulty, and fighting against them is bringing about one's own destruction.

Obviously, compared to the monarchy with strict social hierarchy behind the organization, their mortal enemies are more sober-minded and able to distinguish the form, and decisively chose not to participate in this extremely dangerous game, Instead, wait patiently for the results, and take the continuation of your own civilization as the first priority.

In contrast, the country behind the organization is far less flexible in terms of policy and direction.

Especially when he learned that the expeditionary army was defeated, or even wiped out, the middle-aged emperor was completely mad.

Ignoring the objections of his ministers, he directly ordered the army to start buying slaves, recruiting civilians, and frantically producing and transforming warriors with the technology in his hands.

In just one or two months, the once prosperous capital has been turned into a chilling ghost.

Among them, those failed works that could not bear to awaken should be disposed of according to the normal process.

But now it's better, as long as you are willing to continue to be loyal to the army, not only do you not have to worry about being killed, but you can also get the privilege and benefits of killing a living person every week and eating its internal organs.

In the beginning, it was only felons held in prison who were fed to awakened as food.

But it didn't take long, as the number of awakened people skyrocketed, that range overshadowed the average criminal.

Afterwards, criminals are not enough, so these guys are allowed to attack houses by taking advantage of the night.

As long as they are not caught on the spot, those guards who maintain order will turn one eye and close one eye, pretending that they are not seeing anything.

As the number of victims increased, ordinary residents finally realized that something was wrong and began to flee with their families.

As a result, all the fleeing civilians were immediately massacred by thousands of awakeneds as soon as they left the city.

The brutal and bloody scene is enough to break the mind of any mentally healthy person.

Of course, this was all Alan expected.

After all, when the whole country is falling apart and all the high-level leaders are facing extinction, only those warriors who transform can give this middle-aged emperor a little sense of security.

But the other party didn't know that the last source of energy on the planet had completely disappeared with the death of Calicados.

Whether it is awakened or warrior, unless you learn the skills to control life energy, you will become no different from an ordinary person in a short time.

At the same time, the expeditionary force on the other side finally gave up its previous guerrilla tactics and began to collect and clean up those separatist forces along the coastline.

After about 3-4 months, direct or indirect rule was established on about 70% of the land.

Although some ambitious guys want to be kings, in the end, in the face of the powerful battle strength of the expedition army, it is basically no different from paper.

Most importantly, with the convenience provided by Alan, Lackey quickly emerged in the army, and defeated the opponent's crazy counterattack several times at critical moments.

When the army moved from all directions towards the capital, he was already the supreme commander of an independent Legion.

As the saying goes, war makes people mature.

Rake at the moment is riding a tall horse, wearing sturdy silver-gray armor, holding the sword of desire that can bring great power to himself, his eyes look deep and scary, It's just like two people with the childish appearance before.

"General, we are carrying too many prisoners and spills of war to continue our advance. And our muskets and cannons need to be replenished with projectiles and gunpowder. Otherwise, we will meet again next time. I am afraid that the large-scale enemy will be fighting with cold weapons." A man wearing the logo of the Knight regiment reminded in a low voice.

"Where is the nearest port to us?" Lackey asked without looking back.

"It's Sark Harbor! It's about 80 kilometers away from us. If nothing else, the newly formed sixth Legion has captured there a month and a half ago." The man gave without thinking Answer.

"Very good! Then let's go to Sark Harbor to resupply. I hope the other Legions haven't been there, and there are enough projectiles and gunpowder in the warehouse. Of course, if there is a good wine from home, it will be even better. Alright." Lackey subconsciously licked his lips, a look of intense longing in his eyes.

Because of the infinitely amplified desire, he has already become a guy who is keen to conquer and enjoy in the continuous war.

The number of aristocratic women who have tasted it exceeds three figures, and the average is about two per day. It is not just in name only, but also in reality "human-shaped pile driver".

Of course, after the piling, he did not violate the order given by Alan, but directly dealt with all these literate ruling class women, or dealt with the previous rewards to his subordinates to vent their desires.

Be aware that as the war situation changed from pure destruction to actual occupation, the expeditionary force originally formed on the island has been broken up and incorporated into the local residents on the continent.

The number of Legions has also expanded from the initial few to twenty now.

Due to the rapid expansion, the quality of the troops is uneven.

Some guys from slaves don't even have names, let alone literacy.

In order to make these "recruits" obey orders and master certain tactics, Lackey decisively adopted a combination of grace and power.

On the one hand, he strictly enforces discipline and treats violators ruthless;

On the other hand, he will also give soldiers an opportunity to relax and vent the backlog of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

For example, whenever a city or manor was captured, Lackey would allow soldiers to loot the classes that had to be cleaned up, including nobles and scholars, and allow them to rape and abuse female members of these families.

Over time, the soldiers gradually accepted the young general to lead and command their own battles.

The man from the Knight regiment subconsciously glanced at the local soldiers who joined later, and replied in a slightly helpless tone: "Sark Harbor must have been visited several times during this time period. No way, Who made us expand a little faster recently. I can't believe that in just a few months, the number of Legions we have expanded to two dozen, and the consumption rate of weapons and ammunition is quite amazing. As for the hometown wine, I don't think there will be too many in the current state of transport ships. If it's not possible, you can make do with local wine."

"hahahaha! In the blink of an eye, we will completely destroy and conquer this vast land." Lackey laughed and sighed.

The nodded man said: "Yeah! It's all thanks to the fief lord and the warriors. Without them, the warriors and awakeneds wouldn't be so easy to deal with."


"You should change your name to Your Majesty. Don't forget, we were already a country before we set off." Lackey shrugged with a relaxed expression.

"Sorry, the fief lord is a habit, and I can't change it for a while. But just thinking about it is incredible! We actually conquered such a huge country behind the organization with a small island. In the future, our heirs and descendants will leave that island and become the masters of half a continent..."

When he said this remark, the man's eyes flashed with anticipation and yearning for a new life.

Vast land means more wealth and resources.

Anyone who lives on an island is desperate to live on a stable continent.

Unfortunately, very few island civilizations can really do this.

Because of this, with the progress of the war, those who originally participated in the expedition with a mortal determination now have a strong sense of unreality.

Laki, who knows how terrifying Alan is, responded meaningfully: "This is the best of times for us, but the worst of times for our enemies. Mr. Alan said that our goal is to change history, to make history. Perhaps after the complete capture of the capital of this country, a whole new era will come."

"A new era? It's exciting."

After saying that, the man from the Knight regiment rode on his horse and began to convey orders to the soldiers, asking them to turn around and head to the port for supplies.


On the other side, far away in the sky city of the Azeroth universe, Claire, who finally recovered after a long period of conditioning, stood on the high platform, looking down at this place. A magical city full of wonder and fantasy.

It took several minutes before she exclaimed with a wry smile: "Sometimes, I really can't tell whether the sight I see with my eyes is real or some kind of hallucination."

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Denisa put her arms around Krea's shoulders from behind, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned in a gentle smile.

Claire nodded softly: "That's right! The perfect place here is like heaven. No! Maybe the paradise people imagined can't be so perfect."

" Since you like it here so much, why don't you stay with me?" Denisa took the trouble to invite again.

It is easy to see from the love and reluctance in her eyes that she longs for Claire to stay more than anyone else.

Unfortunately, Claire firmly refused again: "I'm sorry, you know I can't. Although this place is perfect, it belongs to the gods. And my friends and I are just a group of mortals. I never wanted to be a god, I just wanted to live an ordinary life."

"Yeah, that's a shame. Rest assured, I'm not forcing you to do anything. Quite the contrary. , I will bless you and wish you happiness in the second half of your life. Goodbye, my little cutie."

After that, Denisa hugged Claire in her arms, deeply Kiss the girl who saved herself from the abyss.

I don't know how long it took.

Maybe a minute, maybe half an hour...

Claire's face flushed slightly as they parted.

At this moment, she is wearing a white tube top dress, looking like a bride who is about to get married.

Looking at the big girl in front of her who didn't know whether she should be considered a "daughter" or a "spiritual lover", Denisa resisted and used magic item to open a Transmission Gate: "Go and hug. Your new life and destiny."

"Thank you! I will never forget you, Denisa."

After saying this, Claire turned and got in Transmission Gate disappeared without a trace.

As soon as she left her forefoot, Denisa's back foot was out of breath and asked the shadow not far away, "Have you seen enough?"

"That's it? I thought There will be some more moving and explosive images."

Alan came out of the shadows with a strong disappointment in his voice.

Knowing that Denisa and Claire are official couples, he thought something interesting would happen.

The results were really disappointing.

Dinesha no doubt sensed what Alan was thinking, and immediately rolled the eyes: "Are you so busy now?"

"Almost so. As the plan goes to the end One step, my so-called king is useless. The next thing, just leave the officials, generals and businessmen responsible. When the country behind the organization is completely erased, I will announce that Lackey will be himself successor." Alan replied boredly.

To tell the truth, he is indeed quite idle.

Because he has lost interest in this world.

If I hadn't wanted to leave a mess, I'd already be on my way to the next world.

"Oh? So, we're finally leaving?" Denisa's eyes gleamed slightly.

"Yes! We will leave this world as soon as the war is over. If you have anything else you want to do or see, hurry up. If nothing else, a In a month or two, we will say goodbye to this place forever."

As the last word blurted out, Alan's whole body also turned into countless tiny particles and dissipated in the air.

The last time he left the Marvel universe, he realized that the size of the Azeroth universe had changed.

You have to make some preparations in advance, otherwise it will take quite a long time just to get rid of the gravitational force between each other.

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