Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 1361

As the Zaft army entered the colony satellite, the last MS was severely damaged and had to retreat for maintenance. The short and fierce battle finally came to an end.

Although Zaft, who was on the offensive side, lost several Genes, as well as a red-clothed elite and several rank-and-file soldiers.

But they succeeded in grabbing the four new MS units and all their information developed by Orb Shuguang Society for the Earth Coalition, and almost wiped out the enemy who came to carry out the secret mission, no matter how you look at it. It's a big profit.

On the contrary, the Earth coalition not only lost the most important new type of body, but also the high-level officers who arrived with the battleship were almost wiped out, and only two or three kittens survived.

But fortunately, after a difficult and dangerous battle, Mariu Ramias managed to save the Strike Gundam, while Natal Bakiruru left the paralyzed New battleship - Archangel restarted.

In addition, Mu La Frada, the ace driver among the natural people, still maintains a certain combat capability.

This also means that the whole plan has not completely failed.

If they can escape back to Earth alive and hand over the battleship, mechs and data to the top, it will bring the war to a turning point and become the heroes of the Earth coalition.

As for Alan and his machine, it was a total surprise.

The battle ended in about ten minutes.

In the hangar of the Archangel.

The two Gundams with different styles finally parked at the designated position and slowly opened the door of the cockpit.

When the pilot came out from the inside, everyone present was stunned except for Mariu, who knew the inside story.

Because the driver of the assault was a 16-year-old boy, there was not even the slightest trace of time left on his immature face, and he didn't look like a soldier no matter what.

In contrast, the pilot of the other machine, Alan, is slightly better, at least he looks like an adult.

But the overalls on him and the badge with the photo show his identity as a high-level R&D staff of Shuguang Society.

An engineer engaged in research and development and a child who smell of mother's milk not yet dried joined forces to kill several Zeons, and also forced the Zaft Army to temporarily retreat?

This sounds like a joke!

Look at several large-scale battles, the exaggerated battle damage ratio between the Earth Coalition and the Zaft Army, and you will know what it takes to kill a Zeon.

So much for professional soldiers, not to mention laymen.

Mu, who had just stepped down from MA—Mebius Zero, even blunted his whistle and praised: "It's really startled! ·What does the driver who Ru Cruze had to swallow the bitter fruit look like, didn't expect to be two youngsters."

"Don't say that you seem to be very old. According to As far as I know, you, the Eagle of Endymion, seem to be less than thirty years old." Alan descended from Gundam to the ground on the elevator.

Mu heard this sentence, and immediately laughed happily: "hahahaha! That's what I said. I'm far from the age of uncle. If you guessed correctly, you and the Boys, they should all be adjusters, right?"

tone barely fell!

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Especially the Earth alliance army soldier of Archangel who just avoided a catastrophe, some were so nervous that they even pulled out their guns.

After all, the root cause of this war is the result of the intensification of contradictions between natural persons and regulators.

In most Earth alliance army soldiers and high-level in mind, the adjuster is equivalent to the enemy.

The students who followed on board the ship quickly stood in front of Kira, trying to protect the adjuster classmate and friend.

Alan undoubtedly noticed the nervous reaction of the people around him, and asked with a chuckle, "What, is there any problem?"

"No, it's nothing, just wanted to confirm. On the way here, those novice drivers used the simulation cabin for training, and it took a lot of effort just to do some simple movements. I think, except for the adjusters, there is no natural person who can drive these new models that are still in the experiment. MS is right. In addition, the machine you are driving does not seem to appear on the list." Mu shrugged explained.

"Put down your guns! Are you going to point your guns at Mr. Alan, one of the core developers who participated in the design and construction of the Archangel and the new MS?" Maliu also stood up and shouted. scolded.

Others may not know Alan's identity, but she is quite clear.

It can be said that there is no one present who can understand the performance, parameters and combat ability of these new weapons better than Alan.

If you are unhappy at this time, you will only suffer.

To know that the units on the Archangel that can be put into combat at present, apart from the battleship itself, there are only the strikes driven by Kira, the Mebius Zero driven by Mu, and the ones driven by Alan. Unknown body.

Maleu doesn't think there is a second person who can replace Alan in controlling the complex and extremely sensitive mechanical neural network.

"What? One of the core developers!" Natal Bakilulu stared wide-eyed in surprise.

In her impression, the core R&D personnel should be a group of professionals with high IQ, and most of them are over forty years old, no matter how young they are, they will not be less than thirty-five years old.

But Alan looked too young, between twenty and twenty-three at best.

Mario seriously nodded: "That's right! He is the genius who proposed a substantial improvement and enhancement plan, and at the same time broke through several key technologies. To a certain extent, he is a member of our Earth coalition. Where's the benefactor."

"so that's how it is! It's our disrespect! The Archangel welcomes you, Mr. Alan." Natal Bakilulu hurriedly stood at attention and gave a military salute to show apology.

"Never mind, I'm not that stingy yet." Alan laughed nonchalantly.

He's not Kira's little child who doesn't have any social experience, let alone see through the darkness of human nature, so he won't be unhappy because of this trivial matter.

In fact, whether it is the Earth coalition or the Zaft army, there is not much difference in Alan's eyes.

To put it bluntly, it is still a conflict of interest.

The parents of those first-generation adjusters, in order to make their children win at the starting line, use genetic modification to make their children smarter and stronger from the very beginning, so as to make their children smarter and stronger from birth. In terms of rolling over children who have not undergone genetic modification.

And the parents who are eligible for this kind of transformation need not ask and know that they must be a very wealthy minority with vested interests.

In contrast, most ordinary persons who do not have the money to do genetic modification, their children and descendants can only silently endure the advantages of all-round crushing by the adjusters, and gradually cannot compete with them.

I can only watch the other side take away the best job, earn more than I do not know, and enjoy the wonderful feeling of being surrounded by beautiful opposite sex...

If it develops like this to the end, it will definitely form an upper-level monopoly composed entirely of regulators.

ordinary person has no value at all except for being a tool person to be squeezed.

So there is a wave of rejection and suppression of adjusters on Earth, and Alan doesn't find it strange at all.

With the level of technology and education as high as the world, it would be strange if the public did not respond.

Therefore, in this war, whether it is the Zaft Army representing the interests of the adjusters or the Earth coalition representing the traditional capital interest groups, both parties have responsibilities, and neither is innocent. .

In fact, when a huge interest group like a country fights against a country, it is often difficult to define right and wrong and good or bad if it does not involve its own interests and establish a position with it.

It's just that the North Atlantic Federation on the side of the Earth Army has more dirty, dirty and shameful methods.

"Can I ask about your next plan?"

After a brief silence, Mariu finally couldn't help asking the question she cared about most.

After all, compared to Kira, who has no background or background, Alan is not something that a little officer like her can handle casually.

His sensitive status as a high-level researcher of the Shuguang Society involves countless tangled and complicated interests.

"Plan? Hmmm - I don't have any special plans for now. If necessary, I can fly that machine to resist the attack of the Zaft army."

Alan undoubtedly Seeing through the other party's thoughts, he gave a direct answer in the affirmative.

"Are you willing to help us fight the Zaft Army?" Natal Bakilulu was obviously surprised.

She also thought that the other party would use her status as a researcher of the Dawning Society and a resident of a neutral country to refuse to participate in the war between the Earth Coalition Army and the Zaft Army.

Alan responded meaningfully: "I'm a very realistic person. As long as the price is right, I will be more than happy to provide employers with my wisdom and strength. But only if you can afford to hire me. The salary will be enough.”

“No problem! I swear on my own honor that the Earth Coalition will definitely be willing to give you an offer as long as you can help us fend off Zaft’s pursuit and get to safety. A generous reward." Natal Bakilulu firmly assured.

The young female officer knew very well the value of the Archangel and the Assault Gundam, as well as their irreplaceable significance to the future of wars, which cannot be measured by trifling money.

In this way, the two sides reached a verbal agreement.

Alan temporarily joins the Archangel's battle sequence as a mercenary.

After getting the most difficult person, everyone turned their attention to Kira, who had been left out for a long time.

Maleu was obviously hesitant to drag this student into the war.

After all, the situation at this time is far better than the dilemma that only one MS can barely fight in the entire battleship of the original plot.

Especially Alan's incredible movement and agility in handling that machine gave her great confidence.

After thinking about it again and again, Mariu, who was temporarily elected as the captain, finally couldn't help but probe: "Kira, can you temporarily stay on standby as the pilot of the strike? I know, You don't like fighting. But for the lives of everyone on this ship, please wish us a helping hand at this critical moment."

"I...I think I need to think about it." Kira revealed again in his eyes strong resistance.

"No problem! You and your friends can go to the cabin at the back to have a rest and have something to eat." Mariu agreed very reasonable.

In this way, a group of boys and girls were arranged to the common soldiers restroom not far away.

After they left completely, Mu immediately sighed softly: "Involving a group of children, the war is really a cruel thing."

"Who said it wasn't? As soldiers, the only thing we can do is to defeat the enemy as soon as possible, and let this war come to an end."

After saying this, Natal Bakilulu turned and left the hangar , commanding the few Earth army soldiers on the Archangel to start carrying all the materials that may be used.

Because the previous fierce exchange of fire has made the road potholes, and some places even have terrifying ground fractures, it is very difficult to transport.

But under her coordination, everything is going on in an intense and orderly manner.

In order to survive, everyone exerts all their strengths.

Seeing this scene, Denisa, who had endured for a long time, immediately lowered her voice and asked, "Are we going to take this battleship to Earth next?"

"Well, yes Trust me, it's going to be very exciting and fun along the way." Alan blunt's nodded.

He's already looking forward to taking on Aslan's red-clothed MS driver who is cream of the crop in the Zaft army.

"Can I try driving the Striker? The boy you're following doesn't seem to like this kind of work."

As she spoke, Denisa turned around Looking at the huge silhouette in the distance, his eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

As a warrior, she is very interested in this kind of large-scale war weapon that she has never encountered before, and she wanted to try it a long time ago.

"Yes! When you need to strike next time, you can talk to that child alone." Alan smiled and gave his advice.

In his opinion, instead of letting the protagonist Kira follow the path of becoming the "strongest adjuster" in the original plot, constantly creating tragedies and enduring unbearable pain and torture for ordinary people, it is better to let him keep The status quo is better to be an ordinary person all your life.

Of course, it all depends on Kira's own choice.

Getting an affirmative answer, Denisa immediately raised her lips into a signature smile: "Fantastic! This is exactly what I want. Knowing that these months of idleness, Makes me feel like my body's going to rust."

"Don't get too excited. Fighting with these big robots is a completely different experience than fighting with your body. Although your battle Innate talent is very high, but it takes a little time to get used to it." Alan reminded kindly.

Secretly, he was ready to appreciate the ugliness of Denisa battered and exhausted by the Zaft Army ace pilot in the first battle.

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