Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 189

With Shaiapouf's death, only two of the three direct guards remain.

Especially the red dragon, Vernarasas, spent more than a minute when he first fired a cocoon of the order of magnitude of one million air, which showed how powerful his strength was.

It takes only about five to ten seconds to burn most division-long cocoons.

The moment she swallowed the cocoon, an expression of incomparable enjoyment and satisfaction appeared on her face, and at the same time, she urged impatiently: "Quick! Go and get rid of the other two! They It's really delicious!"

"Don't worry, let me try this butterfly man's ability first."

Speaking, Alan instantly activated the ability of scale powder, and his back immediately A pair of beautiful violet butterfly wings appeared out of thin air.

Then with a slight shake, a large amount of scale powder that was almost indistinguishable by naked eyes was scattered in the surrounding air, covering all within a radius of several hundred meters.

By observing the color of qi, it is almost effortless to tell what kind of emotional and mental state a person is in at the moment, and even predict the person through these emotions What action will be taken next.

I have to say that this ability is almost the same as the ability he developed to change the form of matter. It is that the opponent can't think of a good way to defend.

What's more terrifying is that these scale powders also have strong hypnotic and suggestive effects.

Just now Puff used this hypnotic suggestion ability to make Alan ignore some of the little Puff he split, and then reorganized in the blind spot, and finally almost pierced the extremely sharp dagger into the temple.

You must know that that critical hit is a full 1,000 health points!

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would die on the spot.

In contrast, the ability to split itself is relatively tasteless.

Because the division is too small, it means that both physical fitness and mentality will be greatly weakened, and it can only come in handy when conducting reconnaissance, intelligence gathering and secret infiltration.

It can be used in conjunction with "God's alibi" to bring it into full play in the true sense.

But out of personal habit, Alan feels a little awkward about manipulating more than one self at the same time, and is also a little bit resistant psychologically.

Just as he was about to go to the next battlefield, Kurt suddenly jumped over from a distance and shouted nervously: "Big brother can't hold it anymore! He asked me to call. Go and help!"

"No problem! I'm just getting ready to go there too."

Alan jumped and flew over from the Central Zone full of lava.

As soon as he landed, he saw that Baldlow, Ilmi, and Knov were losing ground under Yupi's frantic attack.

Especially as the main martial artist, the blood energy all over the body has been burned almost, and it is completely supported by will.

Knov was lying on the ground with both of his legs broken, and his mouth kept spurting blood.

Only the cautious Il fan still maintains part of the battle strength, constantly using the needle to contain the opponent.

But judging by how little he has left, this is already an arrow at the end of its flight.

"You guys look a little miserable!"

Alan slammed Yupi back with a punch, and immediately distributed a bottle of healing potion to everyone to prevent anyone from Sudden death from internal trauma.

Experienced Ilmi and Baldlow didn't talk nonsense, they immediately pulled out the stopper and poured it into their mouths.

Instead, Knov coughed blood and asked, "What is this?"

"A potion that can quickly heal injuries. Drink it, it's good for you, not bad. . "Baudrow took the initiative to explain.

After drinking the potion, his pale face due to massive blood loss finally recovered a little rosy, but his mental state still looked very tired.

"If you don't want it, you can give it to me! I'm willing to pay a high price of three billion ringgits per bottle."

Ilmi is indeed an "old businessman", even if Don't forget to earn a little on the battlefield.

But Knov wasn't a fool either. He immediately realized the preciousness of the potion in his hand from the attitude of the patriarch of the Zoldyck family, and drank it all in one breath.

When those red fluids enter the stomach along the esophagus, and then are quickly absorbed and flowed throughout the body with the blood, the wounds that are horrible to see begin to recover and heal in just a few seconds.

This scene frightened him to straighten his two broken legs.

In the blink of an eye, even the bones were reattached.

"It's all... all good! Is this also something you made with your mind?" Knov's eyes flickered with incredible rays of light.

After all, he was ready to die here just now.

"That's it! You guys can rest for a while now and leave the rest to me."

Alan ignored Knov's question and focused all his attention on The red silhouette in the distance is still changing its shape by accumulating anger.

"It hurts! You bastard!"

I saw Yupi struggling to get up from the ground, and in about three or two seconds, by changing the skeleton and muscles of the body, All the injuries caused by that punch were completely wiped out.

Obviously, he can use the power of mind to control the cells, muscles, skeletons, and even genes of the whole body, which is more difficult than the butterfly man Pufu, and belongs to the typical type of ruthless flesh and high output. Role.

Tricks like freezing the lungs directly are of no use against a guy like that.

Because he frostbittened one lung, he could have made another one.

Not to mention a relatively simple organ such as the lung, even a complex organ such as the eye can be made out of dozens of them.

After thinking about this, Alan blunt gave up all thoughts of do it quickly, clenched his fists and responded with a smile: "It hurts? It hurts! Next, you still Will taste more pain until death."

"Ha! Is it your turn to appear at last? I thought you would wait until all these little characters were dead before you appeared. ." Yupi grinned, revealing a hideous smile that was eager to have a try.

"Sorry, it took a little time to solve Puff. But now, his abilities are mine..."

With the last word, Alan blurted out Open the pair of gorgeous butterfly wings again, and spread a lot of scale powder in the air.

"This... this is Puff's ability! He was really killed by you?" Yupi's pupils suddenly dilated, and his face was full of horror.

Not only him, but the other three reacted similarly.

After all, the three direct guards are so powerful that it is very difficult for members of the crusade to even hurt them, let alone knock them down or kill them.

But now, suddenly hearing the news of the death of a guard will inevitably produce an unreal feeling.

"That's right! He's dead, and you'll be the second. Come on, let's put all our hearts into putting an end to your short, miserable lives."

After releasing the scale powder, Alan instantly wrapped his body in hard, intending to have a head-on collision.

"No! You will not succeed! Because I will destroy you here! There is no chance for you to get close to the king!"

Yupi roared and launched a centaur. charge.

Under the intensification of his anger, his qi suddenly increased a lot, and it continued to increase over time.

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