Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 23

On the lakeside in the center of the island, the calm water refracts the beautiful scenery in the sunlight, two or three birds are standing on the branches of the shore, chirp chirp twitter twitter, and even through the clear water can see to the multi-colored school of fish below.

If it weren't for a guy dressed as a clown standing under a tree, I'm afraid anyone would think this is the most ideal place for vacation and leisure.

Unfortunately, the strong murderous aura that erupted from his body instantly frightened all the animals around him and ran away.

"Hehe, you're finally here."

Hisoka stroked her hair with her fingers, her eyes flashing with undisguised excitement and excitement.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Alan clucked his ten fingers as he moved his limbs.

Apparently, finding Hisoka on this small island full of primordial ecology was not difficult for him at all.

Whether it's tracking humanoids or Lubos's nose that is more sensitive than a dog, they can lock on to each other with no difficulty.

even more how, Hisoka didn't hide his breath at all.

Not only did he not hide, but he continued to release murderous aura, as if he was afraid that others would not find him.

At this moment, Alan no longer held the playful mentality he had before, but became completely serious, and the originally calm air suddenly spewed out like a flood that opened the gate.

"It's okay! I said, you're worth the wait. Also, it's okay to have your pets together. If I remember correctly, you should be two in one, right?"

"It's okay! p>

Saying that, Hisoka turned his attention to Lubers, who had entered a state of alert.

Obviously, he already wanted to understand how the trap he set last time was seen through.

"If it's necessary, I will. Can we start now?" Alan asked rhetorically with a smile.

He wasn't nervous about Lubbers being noticed by his opponent.

Exactly, what if you know?

Could Hisoka give up on himself to attack Rubers directly?

If that's the case, then he'll soon realize how stupid it is to attack the Beastmaster hunter's pet.

Let's not mention that pets can be resurrected through skills when they die. Just using the skills "Coercion" and "Wild Fury" together is enough for him to drink a pot.

Combined with Lubos's unique ability -- nether shadow pack of wolves, the battle can be over in five seconds.

"Of course! Game on!"

As the last word blurted out, Hisoka immediately took the lead.

This time, he didn't rush up rashly. Instead, he moved quickly and threw endless cards at the same time. He didn't know what tactics he was planning in his mind.

For these harassing and sight-disturbing attacks, Alan also did not show his ability, but borrowed shadow energy from Rubers to turn all the cards into a pile like Something like dead leaves.

But where Hisoka couldn't see it, his other hand was quietly injecting his change-type thoughts into the air, and then using "hidden" to hide his qi, and finally This air is then sent around Hisoka's body using the power of the operating system, allowing it to inadvertently enter the body through breathing, attaching to the fragile and sensitive lungs, trachea and throat.

Meanwhile, Hisoka is doing something similar on the other side.

Because he already knew that Rubes would observe his own thoughts through "condensation" and pass the news to Alan in some unknown way, he decisively shifted the focus of deception from people to the Shadow Wolf King.

A frivolous illusion!

A substance that looks like skin is created by thinking, and can imitate all light and thin things according to the user's imagination, such as tattoos on the skin, and for example, tampering with the words written on the paper. Words and pictures,

The most important thing is that this ability cannot be seen through by "condensation", because it is embodied, not pure qi.

Using the shielding of the line of sight brought by the card attack, as well as the angle shielding, Hisoka succeeded in creating a dummy that was completely indistinguishable from himself in a place that neither Lubbers nor Alan noticed.

Different from ordinary dummies, the body of this dummy is covered with skin made of a "light and thin illusion", and the inside is filled with rubbery "flexible love", while the feet are covered with sticky skin. "Retractable Love" is connected to the main body to operate.

In this way, a fake doll is completed.

But because the "elastic love" disappears immediately once it leaves the body, Hisoka knows that she has only one chance and must use the hidden aura at the risk of being maimed by one, thereby creating a once Perfect sneak attack.

But he didn't realize that, just when he was concentrating on deceiving his opponent, his lungs had already inhaled a lot of air wrapped in the ability to change the mind.

And these air, as long as the master's order, will immediately become -192 ℃ liquid.

In just a split second, the fragile breathing system can be destroyed, causing people to die from lack of oxygen in extremely painful conditions.

"If I'm not mistaken, that black purple bullet in your hand can't get too far away from your body, right? That's why you just use it as a defense, not Offensive tactics." Hisoka spoke suddenly and confidently pointed out the shortcomings of Alan's ability to read.

Of course, this is just his speculation.

And the real purpose of this is to draw the opponent's attention to prepare for the next step in the deception plan.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

A peculiarly shaped bone bow that gives an extremely eerie evil aura appears out of thin air in Alan's hands.

The next second...

He directly shaped the shadow bullet in his hand into the shape of an arrow, and directly bent bow and place arrow and shot it out.


I saw the black purple energy arrow hit the tree trunk just one step away from Hisoka at a very fast speed.


chi chi chi chi ——

A huge hole was punched directly in the middle of the tree trunk as thick as two people encircled!

But that's not the scariest thing yet!

The most terrifying thing is that around this hole, shadow energy is eroding the entire tree at an extremely fast speed.

After a while, the tree quickly withered and died, and then revived in an extremely twisted and morbid state, showing a shocking sight beyond words.

Feeling the unusual breath, Hisoka became excited, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a graceful arc: "Hey! Hey! Hey! This is not an ordinary change or It's what the release system can do. What did you add to your own thoughts?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Alan replied meaningfully.

There is no doubt that just now he has completed all the layouts and has firmly held the key to victory in his hands.

The next step is to enjoy Hisoka's performance, and then directly detonate the remote-controlled "bomb" lurking in the body when the opponent thinks he has won.

I have to say that sometimes Alan is really bad, ready to give hope first, and then kill it with his own hands, and appreciate the reaction of the other party when he falls behind and falls into the abyss of despair.

PS: I would like to collect and recommend the new book, thank you very much.

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