Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 324

"Today is really a good day. Except for Kurojue and Madara Uchiha, who is already dead, everyone who stirred up the situation in the dark has already arrived. Let's talk frankly and let me tell you by the way. The truth about your so-called Eye of the Moon plan. After all, to a certain extent, you are all victims of this plan. Especially Mr. Uchiha Obito, who has been helping to kill Rin over the years. Fierce to do things."

Alan threw out a big news while playing with the Taoist jade condensed by the fusion of yin and yang with all attributes of chakra.

Although Akatsuki organized these guys, each one had blood on their hands, which could be regarded as death cannot wipe out the crimes.

But he didn't intend to kill them all in a way that was too simple and rude.

The reason is simple!

Killing these people doesn't solve any problems, it makes Black Jue alert.

More importantly, if you want to release Kaguya from the seal, you must have a suitable sacrifice. Besides Uchiha Madara, is there a better candidate for this sacrifice? ?

So not only can these people in front of you not be killed, but it's better to do the opposite.

"What?! What did you just say!"

After hearing Lin's name, Obito instantly stood up from the ground, shaking violently uncontrollably.

For him, Yuan Ye Lin is the whole meaning of life, and it is also the last pure land in his heart.

He can kill his teacher and his teacher without any scruples, and can personally push the Uchiha clan into the abyss and destroy the village where he was born and raised, but he absolutely cannot tolerate the murder of Lin's murderer. any punishment.

I have to say that although this guy's brain is full of pits, and he is a downright anti-social and inhuman character, as long as Lin is mentioned, he will immediately change into a different look.

"Oh? Am I not clear enough?

It's okay! Since you don't understand, I'll go into more detail.

Did you know that Kirin took Rin, sealed the three tails in her body, and let her die in the hands of Kakashi, but it was actually arranged by Madara Uchiha and Kurojue?

What they do is to let you witness the death of your loved one with your own eyes, and then turn on the kaleidoscope, so as to be disappointed with this world and agree with the moon eye plan.

It's ridiculous that you actually use the same method to deal with the long-term. The door, deliberately let Danzo and Hanzo kill Yahiko, so that a strong hatred in the heart, and finally embarked on a Road of No Return.

This ninja world is because like you believe oneself There are too many infallible idiots, which is why this twisted and deformed look is now.

What's more interesting is that you idiots who have neither professional knowledge nor any higher education , actually want to change the entire world through strength of oneself?

Do you know what politics is?

Do you know what objective economic laws are?

Do you know what social structure and class conflict are?

No! You don't know anything, you are just a group of brats who use their powerful strength to vent their dissatisfaction and resentment."

Alan didn't mean to be merciful, and scorned Obito and Nagato, the two neurotic guys, Fiercely, in a very bad tone.

Thanks to Nagato and Obito are just cannon fodder used by Hei Jue to realize his plan, otherwise if they really succeed, 80% of them are also characters like tyrants and Evil God who can only use killing and fear to force people to obey their will.

"Lin...Lin was killed by Madara and Jue?! No! No! Who are you? Why do you know so much?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what you choose next. Oh, I almost forgot, there's a piece of garbage here that doesn't have value to live."

says Then, Alan threw out a Taoist jade and hit the defenseless Feiduan directly.


The guy who claimed to have an Immortal Body instantly turned into nothingness, without even a single scream.

For those who do not have Strength of Six Paths, the Taoist jade is a taboo that cannot be touched.

As long as you touch it, your body will shatter and disintegrate in an instant, even those who are reincarnated from the earth are no exception.

There is no doubt that cults are one of the things that Alan hates the most, so Feiduan, who is a fanatic of cults, naturally became the first object to be excluded, and he is also one of the first to be excluded. the chicken.

"You actually killed Feiduan?"

Jiaodu widened his eyes subconsciously, watching the black ball slowly fly back, his eyes filled with fear.

He couldn't believe that a body like Feiduan's near-infinite recovery ability couldn't stop a blow from this seemingly completely unremarkable thing.

"This is the power of Senra's myriad forms that fuse together the seven chakra attribute changes and yin and yang escape! Before gaining the same power, your abilities, ninjutsu and blood follow it It's meaningless in front of you. Now, it's time to give me a clear answer. Do you want to talk to me, or do you want me to kill all of you here, and then force the summon out with reincarnation? "

Alan blunt gave everyone in Akatsuki an ultimatum.

Especially Nagato, who holds Six Paths Payne, has been locked since the very beginning.

Right now, even if he wanted to retreat, it was impossible to escape the pursuit.

"Follow me! I'm also about to ask you about the so-called Moon Eye Project, and the unspeakable secret between Madara Uchiha and Kuroko."


After a brief thought, Nagato finally released a clear signal through the puppet.

Under the leadership of Payne Six Paths, all members of Akatsuki's organization, including Obito, came to the cave where he was hiding not far away.

Looking at the withered silhouette sitting in a wheelchair, many members of the Akatsuki organization showed extremely surprised expressions.

The outspoken Deidara was even more straightforward as cry out in surprise: "Are you our leader? A patient who is about to die?"

"Ah! I am Akatsuki. Nagato, the second-generation leader of the organization. Although I originally planned to keep this secret, it seems that it is no longer necessary." Nagato's tone revealed a strong sense of frustration.

Itachi cautiously observed the movements of the three most important figures, including Nagato, Obito, and Alan.

He could feel that a big secret was about to be revealed.

And this secret is related to the future of the entire world.

At the same time, he will once again be faced with a dilemma, whether to continue to be a spy trying to deliver news to Konoha, or cut that thread completely and re-select his own faction.

After all, Sasuke is now forever impossible to return to Konoha.

Ignoring Xiaonan's vigilance and hostility towards him, Alan went directly to Nagato who was in a wheelchair and said, "Where do we start talking?"

"Let's start with Kurojue and Uchiha Madara! From the information you just revealed, they should be the secret mastermind of the whole incident, right?" Nagato probed with a self-deprecating expression.

"no! Madara Uchiha is just a used idiot, secret mastermind has only been black from beginning to end. And his identity is even more amazing than you all person imagined... …”

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