Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 608

Happy Street, a street located at the outermost part of the dock area, with a length of no more than 70 meters and a width of 20 meters.

On both sides of it, there are dozens of large and small pubs and inns that are open 24 hours a day, providing special services for those sailors who have been drifting at sea for a long time and are in urgent need of warmth and comfort. .

Of course, hungry men are also welcome to vent their inner desires.

Because Utopia is a dream country without hunger and cold, and whether agriculture, handicrafts, or commerce and trade are extremely prosperous, the business of this street is extremely hot.

After all, there is an old saying that is good, full of warmth and thinking **.

And in order to satisfy the curiosity of the guests, there are beauties of almost all races, even Giant Race, which used to fall out with Charlotte Lingling, is now beginning to appear in the land of utopia , and in such an indescribable way.

However, not many people know that the Happy Streets that are actually built around the world are actually the Queen of the Dark World, the stronghold used by Stucci to collect intelligence.

It is precisely because of the huge intelligence network she established that CP0 can continuously send all kinds of secret intelligence to the five old stars.

Usually, with her high age and lifespan, as well as her exquisite style of doing things, almost no one would reject this young and attractive woman who looks only in her twenties.

Unfortunately, this time she met her nemesis.


As night falls, Dawn City is once again shrouded in dazzling lights.

As the first place in the world to have a large-scale hydroelectric power station, it has already achieved that every household has electric lights, shops and various business places, not to mention more.

If you look down from the sky, Dawn City is definitely a hundred times brighter than other places.

And Happy Street is illuminated by all kinds of colorful lights like daytime.

The operators of some of these stores are also self-taught, and have learned to use some ambiguous dark red or pink light to create an atmosphere that is infinitely reverie.

While the guests were enjoying the fun of fish and water, a scantily clad woman quietly left Happy Street and ran towards the pier at a very fast speed.

Her movements are so agile and light, and she specializes in finding those dark corners that are not illuminated by the lights. She doesn't look like a woman who sells her body to make money.

In fact, being in the special service industry is only her superficial identity, and her real identity is a strictly trained CP0 spy.

In Shuguangcheng, there are five people like her, who are responsible for sending the information found in normally to the wharf, and then report it to Stuthy by the liaison station at the wharf.

Because the liaison station between Happy Street and the pier is not far away, the woman arrived at the designated place only a few minutes later.

When she was about to open the door as usual and pass the information in her hand to the other party, she suddenly saw a pale face and two serious bulges, but there was no expression. s eyes.

Dead corpse!

As a trained CP0 spy, the woman instantly realizes that her contact has been killed.

As a subconscious first reaction, she immediately pulled out the short blade hidden in her plump breasts, and her whole body entered a state of battle in 0.1 seconds.

But unfortunately, this super-fast response didn't earn her a chance to survive.

Just one second later...

"Finger Gun!"

pu! Penetrating the woman's forehead, brains spurted out from the pores of the thickness of her fingers on the spot, and then fell to the ground on her back.

Until the last moment before her death, she could not see who killed her.

"hmph! The sixth one! The mouse that Stuqian planted in the city is finally cleaned up."

Accompanied by a familiar voice, wearing a sexy tight skirt Kalifa slowly walked out of the darkness, took off the black lace gloves on her hands, and threw them gently on the corpse.

In fact, this is not the first time she has cleaned up spies with harboring malicious intentions in the city.

It's just that they were very secretive the first few times, so the other party didn't notice it at all.

But this time, she decided to do it semi-publicly, giving all potential enemies a warning by the way.

"The task of Perfection is completed, we should go back. Let's go..."

Otonashi came out of the darkness with a woman's corpse in his hand.

Not only him, but Bruenor and the lion snuggle are also involved in the action.

After all, they, who were born in CP9, are best at doing this kind of thing.

"Don't worry! Investigate which ships brought them here, and then find out who the owners are behind these merchant ships. If you find something wrong, you should know what to do." Card Lyfa adjusted her glasses and said meaningfully.

"OK! Let's split up then."

Bruno is undoubtedly a hard worker.

Tonight is destined to be a night full of blood, killing and death.


At the same time, the revolutionary army of the Kingdom of Alabasta, far in the first half of the Great Route, is also sitting on the same thing.

I saw Lightning Imazuna, with a dozen companions and X1-type fully automatic combat puppets, directly broke into a stronghold of the Baroque Works, and carried out a battle with the pirates and Bounty Hunters gathered here. ruthless carnage.

When the last unlucky guy died, he took a deep breath and said, "Quick! Clean up this place for me! Remember, never leave a trace."


A brawny man, shirtless, immediately nodded, and began to greet others to carry dead bodies and scrub blood.

After everything was done, Imazuna took out the phone bug to get in touch with the leader of the revolutionary army.

"Hey! How's the plan going?" The dragon's voice was clearly transmitted through the phone bug.

"Very smooth! According to the method provided by Alan, we have successfully attracted about half of the rebels. But the problem is that the leader of the rebels named Kosha still seems to have certain feelings for the royal family. It is an illusion, hoping to resolve conflicts through negotiation, rather than a complete revolution." Imazuna reported the report in a calm tone.

"Hehe, he'll change his mind, won't he?" Long asked rhetorically with a smile.

Imazuna replied without thinking: "en! That's right! He'll change his mind. I've almost wiped out all of the Baroque's inland outposts, and now Crocodile has none. There is only one way to go to the dark. But now I have a big trouble, that is, the number of the rebel army is too large, and the inland Alabasta has not rained for too long, and the agricultural production is completely abandoned. There is simply not enough food to feed them. If this goes on, there will be a massive famine."

"Don't worry about the food, I just contacted Robin and she has agreed to activate an emergency As a backup plan, continuously grains will be delivered soon."

"Oh? How to deliver it? Such a large amount, if it is a ship, I am afraid it will attract the attention of many people. "

"Certainly not a boat! Anyway, be prepared, you must let those insurgents understand that only a complete revolution can free Alabasta from poverty, hunger and misery..."

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