Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 823

Although for the human country of this world, more than 4,000 people are nothing at all, and the scale is not even comparable to a garrison guarding the border.

But what if these people are all professionals above Level 5, and more than half of them have already learned life energy?

Then they are a powerful force capable of subverting the entire world!

If Alan has the ambition to be king and hegemony, then bringing these 4,000 people to start a group is enough to push the continent from one end to the other.

No country, force or individual can stop this group of guys who have evolved into the "fourth natural disaster".

But now, he just scatters the elites of these hunter associations like beans in a squad unit, throws them into a map called "Demi-human tribe wasteland", and then wears them on everyone by wearing them. positioning, commanding and scheduling.

In just two or three days, more than 300 demi-human tribes under the control of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were wiped out, and even the towers and fortresses built by the undead could not escape. Over a catastrophe.

And because the speed is too fast, after each battle, it will hit the power first to kill those high-level undead who have the ability to transmit magic, or have the ability to send alarms and communication, so they keep moving forward After three-four hundred kilometers, the enemy did not notice any abnormality.

Under the direct instruction of Alan, wherever they swept, except for a ruin, nothing will be left.

At this moment, Captain Hekkeran from the empire's "Four Adviser" Squad is sitting on a wall with a distinctive military fortress, looking at the archmage, the dead man below, who has been completely killed, and There were more than 400 low-level undead, sighing with a chuckle: "It's really easy to win this victory!"

"Yeah! If an enemy stronghold of this size can meet another one , I can level up." Half-elf Imina put away her bow and arrow and stroked the soft, firm pale-yellow fur of a big cat beside her.

You don't need to ask to know, this is the animal companion she bought at the capital of the empire after she became a hunter, a wild beast with a special ability from the far east.

"hahahaha! That's very good! You know that when dealing with the archmage of the dead, if it weren't for your Viper Sting that drained his mana, you'd have to kill him. It took a lot of work." Hekkeran couldn't help laughing happily.

As the leader of the team, he is quite satisfied with the current situation.

Although strictly speaking, the "Four Advisors" are not the cream of the crop group in the Imperial Hunter Association, but they are always ranked in the top 20 or so.

The most important thing is that the template he got himself was a thief, a profession that most ordinary members could not choose at all.

It is said that only the lucky ones chosen by the Sir President will have the chance to obtain hidden occupations such as Paladin, thief, and warlock.

It is also by virtue of the thieves' unique stealth and assassination abilities that they quietly approach the opponent's camp to investigate everything clearly, and then formulate a detailed attack plan to ensure that the archmage of the deceased cannot accomplish any high level. The magic of the rank, the Squad finally achieved such an amazing result.

"Viper Sting is indeed a terrifying skill. If you encounter you in the wild, someone with a slower moving speed like me may end up being drained of magic power and eventually full of Let's die with the arrow."

Rober Dyke, another member of the Squad in heavy armor, also came to the edge of the fence at some point, looking towards the corpse of the deceased archmage full of eyes pity.

As a short-legged Paladin, he would rather face hundreds of undead than a teammate who can attack far away and move extremely fast.

"hmph! Of course! Don't forget, the name of the organization we joined is called the Hunter Association." Imina raised her chin proudly.

Because in the real world, the maximum attack distance of hunters is not only 41 yards, and there is no limit of so-called close-range shooting, the actual battle strength is much stronger than the performance in the game.

In addition, there are pets and various traps, and normal people have no way to ignore these attacks and chase hunters directly like in the game.

If you have good luck and tame a wild beast with special ability as your animal companion, you will take off in place in an instant.

"Hey! Alshee! Do you know what valuable spills of war are there?" Hekkeran shouted at the last companion who was rummaging through the bones.

"There is only one ring that stores two third rank magics! Damn it! I hate undead! These guys have nothing of value except bones and broken corpses." The youngest noble girl Al Shea Eve Lil Field complained unhappily.

Compared to the other three teammates, she is the most obsessed with money, wishing to scrape the ground and bring back all the things that could be sold for money.

No way!

Who gave her stupid and irresponsible parents.

Since the Blood Emperor stripped the Blood Emperor of his noble titles and territories for political wrongdoing, these two adult parents have not only failed to reflect on the mistakes they have made, but have also borrowed everywhere to try to maintain the so-called "nobles". Decent", every once in a while to buy some luxury goods that are not needed at all, and owe "a huge sum" of up to 300 gold coins.

In order that the two young younger sisters would not be implicated, Arshea could only be forced to become a worker, a shady profession.

Before Alan appeared, she used almost all the money she desperately earned to pay off her debts, so that she never changed her weapons and equipment.

But now, as the elite of the division of the Imperial Hunter Association, the income of the "Four Mage" squad began to skyrocket.

Often, fifty to one hundred gold coins can be earned in one mission, even if it is divided among four people, it is quite rich, and all the debts have been paid off.

But as there is a saying, if a person has experienced poverty and debt, he may have an extraordinary obsession with money for the rest of his life.

It is a fact that people who have experienced hunger will cherish food very much.

So whenever the battle is over, Arshea is always the first to rush to find the valuable spills of war, making sure that none of them are missed.

"A ring that stores two third rank magic? This thing should be quite valuable, right?" Imina asked with interest.

"If it was changed to before, this ring would be worth at least 600 to 800 gold coins. But now, it's worth about 250 to 300 gold coins. Because since the association opened After the exchange of magic weapons, equipment, props, and potions, the prices of all magic items are dropping." Hekkeran spread his hands helplessly.

Perhaps it is the innate sense of smell of the son of a businessman, who always pays attention to the price changes in the market.

Especially magic items that involve self-interest will show a trend of plummeting every once in a while.

"Well! Two or three hundred gold coins are not bad. Anyway, our main goal this time is not to make money, but to destroy the monsters that threaten mankind with the call of the corresponding association." Roberdeck revealed A simple and honest smile.

"That's right! This time our goal is more precious points, and a lot of EXP needed to level up." Imina also echoed nodded.

"Alas - if only we could meet the guys on the bounty list. Even if we kill the weakest one, we can instantly get 50,000 gold coins as a reward." Al Xie couldn't help but express the most real thoughts in his heart.

Fifty thousand gold coins!

Even for many nobles with rich heritage, this is an unimaginable sum of money.

With the money, she could take her two younger sisters away from the parents who would only cheat on their daughters, and then move to Ye Lantier, where the Hunter Guild headquarters is located.

Because now everyone knows that it is the safest place in the entire human world.

"Don't be stupid! With our strength, maybe it's okay to help us to contain it, but killing those terrifying monsters head-on is basically something impossible. Even more how, I don't want to. I saw anyone in the team die." Hekkeran stood up, walked over to the girl and gently patted each other's shoulders.

Just as Alshey opened his mouth to say something, a Transmission Gate suddenly opened.

Followed by a woman in a gorgeous purple red dress, yawning came over from the other side.

She is none other than Shalltear Bradfren, the true ancestor of vampire, one of the 100-level Guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Because he had read the information before, Rober Deck was the first to react and immediately reminded: "Be careful! She is a Ranked 3rd dangerous person on the bounty list!"

"What? Quick! Set the alarm!" Hekkeran immediately shouted at the half-elf girlfriend behind him.

Imina didn't dare to neglect at all, and immediately activated the special magic device that every square would carry.


The dazzling blue beam of light rises from the sky and can be seen clearly even if it is more than ten kilometers away.

"Aiya! I thought I couldn't get in touch with these strongholds all of a sudden. It turns out that some mice are doing tricks. You guys are so bold! You dare to sabotage Ainz-sama's plan."


While speaking, Shalltear stuck out her tongue and kept licking her lips, her gaze was like a wild beast seeing delicious food.

"Alshee! How threatening is this guy?" Roberdeck asked without looking back.

"Too...too strong! We absolutely cannot win!" The eldest lady gave the answer in a voice full of fear and trembling.

Having "see through the magic eye", she can immediately distinguish the highest level of magic that a person can use.

Because of this, she was the one of the four present who could truly feel how terrifying Shalltear was.

"en? Your abilities seem interesting, Little Sister."

In less than a second!

Shalltear instantly moved behind Arshee, and stretched out her tongue to lick the white tender skin on the girl's neck near the aorta.

Bisexual, sadistic, masochistic, necrophilic...

This NPC who was set by the creator Perorocino as a downright perverted NPC is just a The action made the eldest lady feel all the hairs on her body stand up on the spot, and without the slightest hesitation, she activated the Mage's ultimate life-saving skill.

"ice shield!"

The bone-piercing cold air instantly formed a large piece of crystal clear and near-transparent ice, completely isolating the two of them.

Bang! boom! boom!

Shalltear tapped the hard layer of ice in front of her, and immediately praised with a smile: "Not bad protection magic! Even I can't easily destroy it. But magic like this , how long will it last?"

The voice is still alive!

A cold light flashed across her neck in an instant.



Dazzling blood spurted out of the wound immediately, and it was not difficult to see from the strange color of the blood that the blade was on the edge of the blade. Absolutely smeared with deadly poison.

Hekkeran as Captain finally makes his move.

But just when he thought that his blow had caused huge damage to the opponent, Shalltear suddenly turned around and grabbed it, revealing a terrifying maniacal laugh: "Hahahaha! It's funny! It's so funny! Is this the job that man gave you? To break my defenses!"

"Imina! Help me!"

Hekkeran Undoubtedly, he felt the terrifying of the monster in front of him, and immediately shouted for help without thinking.

Because he found that the small white hand that the other party was holding on to him had an unimaginable enormous power and could not break free at all.

"Aim and shoot!"


The half-elf hunter quickly drew his bowstring and fired a deadly arrow.

But unfortunately, after realizing that the "Four Adviser" Squad had the ability to hurt her, Shalltear had put on red's armor and directly swung the long spear to knock down the arrow, opening it full of The fang-toothed mouth fiercely bites away.

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!"

Accompanied by a tragic and painful cry, the HP of the occupation panel on Hekkeran's body was instantly reduced to zero, causing severe pain. It kept stimulating his brain.

"He he he he! It's really delicious blood! More! More!"

The blood filled with rich life energy directly plunged Shalltear into a bloodbath. In the state of "Blood Madness", even the appearance of the beautiful girl could not be maintained, revealing the true and ugly monster attitude inside.


Seeing that his Captain was at stake, Roberdyke couldn't care too much, he immediately threw his only control skill, and rushed to grab the man back, hurry up Use the Holy Light Technique to brush a blood and hang your life.

But the price was being entangled by Shalltear Summon's family, and one leg became bloody in just a few seconds.

Obviously, at the level of the four advisors, they simply do not have the strength to compete with the level 100 NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Without outside intervention, they would be wiped out in a few minutes at most.

But unfortunately, just as Shalltear was about to make up for each other, reinforcements finally arrived.

In the blink of an eye, more than fifty hunters used the teleportation magic scroll to appear out of thin air, without even a single word of nonsense directly turning on the righteous gang fight mode.

All of a sudden, all kinds of skills and magic were smashed down like no money, mixed with some special abilities developed by life energy...

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