Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 825

"You... how did you guys find this place?"

Looking at the Cang Rose Squad who suddenly broke into the door, the leader of Eight Fingers suddenly showed a lost one's head out of fear expression, Subconsciously, he wanted to open another secret passage for escape.

But before he could put it into action, a dazzling golden light fell from the sky, directly penetrating this secret stronghold deep underground.


Accompanied by Artoria's angry roar, the holy sword once again burst into a terrifying power that made everyone awed.

In just a few seconds, a passage leading straight up and down to the surface was formed out of thin air, and the dazzling sunlight directly illuminated the originally dim environment.

A hundred meters of soil was completely evaporated, and not even a small piece of gravel fell from the top of the head.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Is this the legendary power of King Arthur? isn't this too ridiculous!"

Geglan lifts the head and stares at the one standing above A small silhouette with shock and disbelief on her face.

This secret base is hundreds of meters above the ground!

"Exaggerated? He has shown mercy just now! Otherwise, all these eight-fingered scumbags would have died long ago, and there will be no scum left!" Evileye's tone was filled with strong fear.

As a vampire, no one knows more than she how terrifying the holy light energy contained in the blow just now.

If it is irradiated on oneself, it will be purified in minutes, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the action of divine energy.

"As expected of Lana Princess's respected brother! It seems that the kingdom will soon be prosperous under his rule." Lahagis said with great relief.

Although parents and elders have also been deprived of a lot of rights, she doesn't care too much, as long as the country can move towards a better direction.

After all, the purge of the nobles by the blood emperor next door is a ready-made example.

Just as the few people were talking, Arturia jumped down from the ground, like a cannonball banging on the ground and smashing a small hole.

I saw that she glanced sharply at the high-ranking officials present, and immediately said in a tone without any emotion: "As a king! I hereby condemn you scumbags with heinous crimes, Death!"

"Wait!" Thelma undoubtedly smelled the rich Death Aura, and hurriedly stood up with her hands raised. "Your Majesty, Your Majesty King! I'm willing to hand over all the money I've earned and tell you where these people's private vaults are, if only you could leave a way out and forgive my death penalty."

"Money?" The corner of Duma Wang's mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a sarcastic expression. "Do you think that the people who died because of you, refining and selling drugs over the years, and the countless broken families behind them, can be measured by money? No! I will never forgive any of you! There is someone who has You told me that there is only one thing in this world that is absolutely fair, and that is death."

"That's right! Only death is the fairest thing in this world! But Your Majesty, death has There are many ways, but for the most wicked people, I think they should be allowed to taste enough pain before dying to be worthy of those victims." Evileye took the initiative to step forward and put one hand on his chest and suggested.

"What, do you want to execute the execution in my place?" Artoria looked up and down this blonde loli who looked smaller than herself.

Evileye nodded without thinking: "That's right! I promised Sir President that I would make it as painful as possible for these scumbags to die."

【Alan? ]

Alturia realized something in an instant, and immediately put away the holy sword and responded: "Okay! I'll leave it to you here. But remember to send the body to the square later, I will They hang up for public display to deter other perpetrators."

"Don't worry! I promise to give you a few complete corpses that are very visually impactful."

Said, Evileye suddenly raised his hand and made a grasping motion without being called up.

The next second...

pu! pu! pu!

Blood vessels burst at the same time from the eight-fingered high-rise at the scene, and the dazzling scarlet blood formed a line It quickly flowed into the air and finally converged into a huge sphere, which looked both eerie and eerie.

Because the extraction speed was not fast, they did not die immediately, but could clearly feel their body temperature getting lower and colder.

And as the blood loss increases, the body also begins to become weak, but it is impossible to move, and the spirit is also very clear.




There is nothing crueler than watching yourself little by little die.

Every eight-finger executive's eyes revealed a pleading.

But it is a pity that Evileye completely remained unmoved for this group of bastards whose hands were stained with the blood of innocent people, and just spit out a few words from his mouth: "Tenth-Order Magic—Blood. A feast!"

"Tenth order?!"

Blue Hagi's voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Ah! I've just mastered this magic, and I'm not very skilled in using it, otherwise I can maintain this state for a few hours, and let these bastards who do evil things feel the death at their hands. Everything the innocent have ever experienced." Evileye responded with a grim look.

Just when Gregory whistled and was about to say something, a silhouette suddenly rushed out from the dark corner.

"Space Slash!"


The dazzling cold light swept through the air in an instant, directly hitting the armor of the heroine of the female middle school, making a crisp sound.

"Space Slash?!"

Gegland subconsciously glanced at the scratches on the armor, pursed his lips and a contemptuous smile taunted: "It's just a sword. There is only a special steel wire tied to the front end, and you have the guts to call this move Space Slash?"

"What? How did you see it clearly?"

The attacker Slowly walked out of the shadows, revealing a silhouette whose whole body was wrapped in black armor.

Space Slash in Six Arms - Peshlian.

Not only himself, but also followed by Thousand Kills—Mamwest, Bloody Scimitar—Edstrom, Phantom Demon—Succulent.

Destroy the dead King of the Undead - Dewanoke, and all the members of the Six Arms are here.

"It's really a group of frogs in well! Today, I'll show you the strength of the official hunters of the association. Don't talk nonsense! Let's go together! I don't have time to waste time with you here!"

Speaking, Gregory took a step forward, injecting amazing life energy into the huge Warhammer.

Before the six-armed man could react, she raised high Warhammer and slammed it down to the ground.

"Secret technique! Shake the earth!"

bang! ! ! !

When the hammer collided violently with the ground, people in a radius of 100 meters felt the violent vibration, and they all fell unsteadily to the ground.

At the moment when the opponent completely lost his balance, Gagerland charged ahead like a cannonball, and directly slashed the space with a hammer - Peshlian hammered into a small flat.

The entire helmet was directly recessed, and blood, brains and eyeballs flowed out along the gap.


Edstrom was so frightened that she hurriedly backed away, trying to escape from where she was hiding just now.

But before he could run a few steps, he was caught up with a hammer and smashed his spine, and then another hammer shattered his chest, and he died on the spot.

In front of the heroine of the female middle school, the six arms that Baguiang was proud of were unable to hold down for ten seconds, and they all fell to the ground and turned into tragic corpses.

"Bah! That's it? It's better to have fun with that guy Peter Mock."

Gegland spat at the corpse on the ground, fiercely, and then Carrying the hammer back to the place.

"Captain! We've searched the entire base and haven't found any a fish that escaped the net."

"There's a lot hidden in the bottom vault that hasn't been moved yet. Funds!"

Tia and Tina appeared out of thin air and quickly reported their findings.

"Huh—so we have successfully annihilated the Eight Fingers, and finally Perfection has completed the task entrusted by Lana Princess." Lahagis sighed in relief instantly.

Gegland nodded: "Yeah! Without the largest criminal network in the history of the kingdom, greedy and stupid nobles were suppressed, plus a wise new king, I believe this country will definitely be It will get better and better. Even more how, King Arthur trusts Lana Princess so much that he even entrusts the position of Prime Minister. With her wisdom, the life of the common people should soon improve."

"Let's go! Let's say goodbye, and then hurry back to the 1st Stage campaign organized by Sir President. We should be able to drink some soup left over now!"

Said, La Hagi blew the special whistle hanging around her neck.

With a piercing sound, a huge frost dragon descended from the sky and landed from the huge "skylight" shot by Artoria.

"Evileye! Stop playing! Hurry up and kill these disgusting Stinking Insects, we're going." Grid patted his companion's shoulder and urged.

"Got it!"

Old Loli nodded, immediately raised her hand to speed up the blood draw, and ended the life of the eight-finger high-level in about three or five seconds, and then That huge blood cell all sucked into the body.


She felt an indescribable thrill and pleasure.

At the same time, both physical fitness and vampire level have been strengthened to some extent.

Apparently, that's why she's craving those Blood Magics.

As a vampire, Evileye couldn't get rid of his thirst for blood.

But if you suck it with your mouth, even if it is obtained by legal means, once it is discovered, it is easy to be misunderstood, and it will even be hunted down as a monster.

With magic, these unpleasant situations can be completely avoided.

As the Cang Rose Squad rode away on the frost dragon, the soldiers of the kingdom quickly took over the place, and began to count the stolen money in an orderly manner, sending cold shivers down one's spine corpse It was transported back to the city and hung up for public display.

When the news was officially announced to the public, the people of the entire capital were boiling.

Whether it is Cangwei, who has a high reputation among the people, or King Arthur played by Arturia, they have immediately become heroes that everyone praises.

For these bastards who have never done anything, the people at the bottom can be said to hate them deeply and dare not speak out.

Otherwise, not only will you be retaliated against, but your family and friends will also be implicated.

But now, the mountain that is pressing on everyone's heads has finally been pulled up by the roots, and all the crusaders who got involved have received their due punishment.

In the reign of the incompetent and incompetent old king, it is simply unimaginable.

In addition to gaining huge popularity, Artoria also showed those nobles her close relationship with Cang Rose and the Hunter Association through this action.

It was less than three days after this incident was over, and the Marquis Brumrah, who announced that he wanted to establish an independent state, eagerly ran from the territory to the capital, knelt in front of the palace and begged the new king's forgiveness, and willing to accept all forms of punishment.

As for the reason, of course, it was the pressure of the imperial army.

In order to obtain the first purchase right to use the newly developed cannons, airships, steam trains and other new gadgets developed by the association, he made one of the four Knights as the commander and dispatched a whole army of 30,000 directly.

You must know that this is 30,000 professional soldiers!

The empire only dispatched 60,000 people when it was fighting the entire kingdom.

Have never seen this scene before, who has never had any military talent, for fear that the other party will directly attack him and bring the whole family together, and then steal the family's talents for generations. Rich property.

Under the guidance of Lana Princess, Arturia endured disgust and nausea, and performed a political show with the sinister and cunning old fox in front of her, expressing her disapproval to the entire aristocratic group. Will kill to the last one attitude.

As a result, just after the play was over, the violent domestic situation immediately calmed down.

Some nobles even began to voluntarily surrender their rights in exchange for retaining more property.

As the political situation stabilized, the "siblings" on the surface joined forces to promote reforms and further centralize power.

For example, distributing land to tenant farmers, abolishing the numerous barriers and taxes in various places, and for example, using the bureaucratic system of selecting talents with the examination system to replace the original aristocratic rule of the country...

Look at A kingdom that was falling into the abyss is getting better little by little at a speed visible to naked eyes, as if reborn, and Artoria is full of a sense of accomplishment.

Many times, just looking at the happy laughter and cheerful voices of grown-up children on the street gives her some kind of indescribable satisfaction.

The most important thing is that she has not had the nightmare of the collapse of the ancient British kingdom for a long time, even if she occasionally dreams of the past round table Knight, she can face it calmly.

"I...Finally got redemption..."

Standing on the balcony of the palace overlooking the restored prosperity, Arturia finally said this herself. The words she'd always wanted to say, but couldn't say.

"Your Majesty! I asked the kitchen to prepare some snacks for you, do you want to eat?" golden haired girl Chiare came in from outside with a plate.

"Of course! You know, I will never refuse good food."

The king of dumb hair turned around with a faint smile, picked up a piece of pastry from the plate and put it in In the mouth, the aftertaste of the sweet aroma of milk, flour, cane sugar and eggs mixed together.

Qia Lei looked at the hero in mind with admiration and admiration, a faint blush appeared on her face.

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